Hygiene of Living Quarters in Hot Climate 

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Hygiene of Living Quarters in Hot Climate

The basic purpose is protection of rooms from overheating. The optimal parameters of microclimate in premises under the conditions of hot climate (at air temperature outside the premise 30ºC and over) should be the following: temperature is 24-25ºC, humidity - 45-55 %, speed of air movement – 0.1-0.2 m/sec. At environmental temperature over 35ºC it is impossible to achieve such parameters only by aeration (airing), that is why the application of air conditioning of premises is necessary. The complex building and sun-protection measures are necessary, i.e. apartment houses should be built near green plantations and reservoirs, orientation of windows - to the north, building materials should be heatproof made of wood, brick, foam concrete, pise materials. Building with an attic having good isolation and aeration is necessary. It is expedient to increase the size of rooms and their height. Colouring of external walls is recommended to be light for reflection of solar radiation; special sheds, Venetian blind above windows are also recommended.

Recommendations for Practical Classes on the Theme

Key Questions:

1.Concept of “tropical illnesses”.

2.Concept of climate. The climate-forming factors.

3.The basic parameters of climate.

4.The basic classifications of climate.

5.The climate characteristic of tropical zone.

6.Influence of tropic climate on working conditions and life of population, its health.

7.Influence of hot climate on thermoregulation of human organism. Types of thermoregulation disturbances in person under such conditions, their pathogenesis, manifestations and prevention.

8.Influence of hot climate on water-salt metabolism of human organism. Pathogenesis, manifestations and prevention of disturbances.

9.Alimentary disease and food poisonings characteristic of hot climate, their reasons, manifestations and prevention.

10.Features of nutrition hygiene in hot climate.

11.Features of occupational hygiene, personal hygiene, hygiene of inhabited buildings in conditions of hot climate.

Self Test

1. Identify mechanisms which prevent overheating of human organism under the following conditions of environment: air temperature - 45º С, relative humidity - 40 %.

*A. convection and perspiration

B. heat radiation and perspiration

C. heat conduction and convection

D. heat radiation and convection

E. heat radiation and conduction



2. Identify the symptoms which are observed at sunstroke.

A. dryness of integuments

B. stomachaches

*C. general weakness, dizziness

*D. vomiting

*E. epileptiod attacks

Problem Solving

1. In conditions of hot climate the population spends the greater part of the day in the street, among the green plantations, therefore the construction of their houses is to a great extent aimed at a wide use of open space in front of the houses. What is constructed with this purpose?

2. Explain the difference: city Bordeaux (France) and Vladivostok (Russia) are on the same latitude, both are located on the sea coast, the average January temperature in Bordeaux is + 5ºC, and in Vladivostok - -13.5 º C, i.e. 18.5º lower. Why is it so?

3. When does an expressed adaptation of human organism occur under the conditions of hot climate at action of high temperature? at moderately hard work?

Standard Answers:

1. Half-opened space is widely used, namely internal gardens, verandas, balconies; besides fountains and swimming-pools are built.

2. The difference is explained by the fact that in Bordeaux in winter the south-east winds prevail, which bring warm air from the Atlantic Ocean and in Vladivostok the north-east winds prevail at this time of the year, which bring cold air from Siberia.

3. The adaptation is formed during the 1 month. For stable adaptation more time is necessary.



Final CONTROL on General Hygiene and MEDICAL ECOLOGY

Key Questions:

1.Subject and basic sections of hygiene. History of hygiene development.

2.Basic laws of hygiene and their significance for maintaining health of population and protection of the environment.

3.Basic methods of hygienic researches, examples.

4.Interrelation and difference of hygiene and ecology and other medical sciences.

5.Concept of environment and biosphere, their components.

6.Classification of the environmental factors in hygiene and ecology.

7.The basic criteria of quality (level of pollution) of the environment.

8.Concept of hygienic specification of harmful factors in the environment, its variants, examples.

9.Basic principles of hygienic regulation of harmful factors in the environment.

10.Features of hygienic regulation of pollutants in the air and water, limiting attributes of harmful action.

11.Features hygienic regulation of pollutants in food products and soil, limiting attributes of harmful action.

12.Principles of hygienic regulation of bacterial pollution in objects of the environment, examples of such specifications.

13.Principles of hygienic estimation of the environmental objects at combined pollution in view of type of combined action.

14.Structure of sanitary-epidemiologic services of Ukraine, of sanitary-epidemiologic station. Types of state sanitary supervision and forms of its realization.

15.Subject and tasks of ecology, interrelation and difference of ecology and hygiene.

16.Classification of ecological factors, types of their influence on organisms.

17.Laws of action of ecological factors on organism (law of ecological optimum, zones of pessimum). Concepts of ecological valency and spectrum of species.

18.Concept of trophic chain in ecology, importance of its investigation for hygiene.

19.Ecosystems and biocenosis, their basic characteristics and features.

20.Concept of "health of population", major factors influencing health of population. Significance of hygiene in improvement of health of population.

21.Basic parameters of health of population, their use for investigation of effect of the environmental quality.

22.Concept of environmental diseases, their main groups.

23.Direct and indirect negative effect of the environmental pollution on health of population and conditions of its life, examples.

24.Methods of study of influence of environmental quality on health of population. Rules of choice of supervision zones.

25.Basic sources and factors of environmental pollution, protection of biosphere from anthropogenous pollution. Hygienic measures in this area.

26.State sanitary supervision in the field of hygiene of nutrition, its kinds and examples of realization.            

27.Sanitary examination of foodstuff. Cases when it is necessary. Methods of sanitary examination of foodstuffs and examples of its realization.

28.Rules of food sampling for laboratory research. Classification of foodstuff quality, examples.

29.Hygienic characteristics of milk and dairy products. Methods of sanitary examination of milk: main parameters, devices and standards.        

30.Basic sections of nutrition hygiene. The purpose and tasks of rational, preventive, clinical-prophylactic and clinical (dietary) nutrition.       

31.Standards of population nutrition, parameters which are taken into account at their drawing up. Modern nutrition problems of population in Ukraine.  

32.Classification of alimentary and alimentary-conditioned diseases, their diagnostics and treatment.

33.Classification of primary alimentary diseases: examples, treatment and prevention.  

34.Basic principles of rational nutrition (balanced diet) of a healthy man.

35.Methods of control of observing the principles of a balanced diet by a person.

36.Functions of proteins in nutrition. Signs of high-grade proteins and examples of proteins different in value.       

37.Irreplaceable amino acids for the adult and for children: representatives, importance in nutrition, products–suppliers.            

38.Concept of protein norm and protein minimum, estimation of protein minimum. Protein problem and ways of its solving.

39.Importance of fats in nutrition. Classification and hygienic characteristics of fatty acids.       

40.Polyunsaturated fatty acids of оmega-3 and оmega-6 families: representatives, products-suppliers, role in a human organism.

41.Phospholipids: representatives, products-suppliers, role in оrganism.

42.Cholesterol: products-suppliers, significance for human оrganism.

43.Alimentary antisclerotic factors: representatives, products-suppliers, application in preventive and clinical nutrition.     

44.Importance of carbohydrates in nutrition. Chemical and hygienic classification of carbohydrates. Significance of unprotected (rafined) carbohydrates. 

45.Importance of superprotected carbohydrates and pectin substances in nutrition; their application in clinical nutrition.

46.Importance of vitamins in nutrition. Classification of vitamins. Significance of vitamin C, daily need, products–suppliers. Measures on preserving vitamin C in cooked food.     

47.Role of vitamin D, ways of its getting into оrganism, manifestations of D-avitaminosis, its prevention. Manifestations and reasons of D-hypervitaminosis.

48.Role of vitamin A, products-suppliers. Manifestations of A-avitaminosis and A-hypervitaminosis.

49.Exogenic and endogenic factors increasing the need of оrganism for vitamins and their estimation in nutrition.       

50.Artificial vitaminization of cooked food and rules of its realization. The control of vitamin value of a diet.    

51.Importance of mineral substances in nutrition. Classification of the basic groups of mineral substances and its criteria.           

52.Importance of Са and P in оrganism, daily need, products-suppliers, condition of their absorption.

53.Significance of microelements in nutrition, for example fluorine, iodine, iron. The reasons and manifestations of diseases caused by changes of their content in nutrition.         

54.Microelementoses: the reasons, classification, manifestations and prevention.

55.The main principles of preventive nutrition of working people. Usage of different nutrients in it.

56.Main principles of medical nutrition (dietetic therapy). Kinds of diet at different diseases.

57.Dietetic therapy at overweight and adiposity.

58.Dietetic therapy at atherosclerosis and cardiac diseases.

59.Concept of food poisoning, basic reasons of its occurrence and classification.           

60.Food poisoning of a microbe etiology: versions, causative agents, pathogenesis, reason of occurrence and prevention.          

61.Toxicoinfections: causative agents, products-sources, conditions of occurrence, clinical forms, prevention.   

62.Bacterial toxicosis, its versions. Staphylococcal toxicosis: products-sources, condition of occurrence, symptoms and prevention.

63.Botulism. Features of causative agent, products-sources, pathogenesis, symptoms, treatment and prevention.   

64.Food poisonings with poisonous mushrooms: representatives, toxins, symptoms and prevention.

65.Food poisonings with poisonous plants: representatives, toxins, symptoms and prevention.

66.Food poisonings with products sometimes or partially poisonous: representatives, toxins, symptoms and prevention.       

67.Food poisonings with zinc and copper: reasons, pathogenesis, symptoms and prevention. 

68.Food poisonings with lead, mercury: reasons, pathogenesis, symptoms and prevention.

69.Food poisonings with pesticides: reasons, pathogenesis, prevention.   

70.Food poisonings with nitrates: reasons, pathogenesis, symptoms, prevention.

71.Micotoxicoses: versions, reason of occurrence, prevention. Ergotism: reasons of occurrence, toxins, clinical forms, prevention.

72.Fusariose and alimentary-toxic aleukia: reasons of occurrence, symptoms, prevention.

73.Aflatoxicoses: reasons of occurrence, symptoms, prevention. A problem of aflatoxicoses in the southern countries.            

74.Food poisonings of insufficiently investigated etiology: versions, clinical manifestations.    

75.Tactics of the doctor at suspicion of food poisoning in patient.    

76.Rules of documents registration in case of food poisoning: names, contents and purpose of the basic documents.  

Municipal Hygiene

Key Questions:

1. Concept of municipal hygiene, its main divisions and tasks.

2.Concept of climate and microclimate. Climate-forming factors. Factors of microclimate.

3.Influence of microclimate factors on the human thermoregulation system.

4.Influence of climatic factors on a human organism. Problems of acclimatization.

5.Methods of measurement of microclimate factors. Devices, specifications for various premises and their substantiation.

6.Types of thermoregulation disturbances of man in conditions of hot climate, their mechanisms and prevention.

7.Methods of complex estimation of microclimate and their application. Norms of parameters and ways of their estimation.

8.The basic weather-forming factors and their influence on man. Medical estimation and classifications of weather.

9.Heliometeotropic reactions of man, their manifestations. Diseases accompanied by such reactions. Prevention of such reactions.

10.Structure of atmospheric air; effect of its components on the man.

11.Pathogenesis, symptoms and prevention of mountain (high-altitude) and decompression (Caisson) illnesses.

12.Content of CO2 in atmosphere, its dynamics and reasons. Effect of various CO2 concentrations on the man. MPC of CO2 in the air of premises and its substantiation.

13.Basic sources and factors of atmosphere pollution, ways of its autopurification.

14.Factors affecting the level of pollution in certain region. Types of air-cleaning structures.

15.Direct and indirect negative effect of atmospheric pollution on health of people and conditions of their life, its versions and examples.

16.Protection of atmosphere from anthropogenic pollution: the basic directions and examples. Standartization of harmful substances in atmospheric air.

17.Significance of solar radiation. The reasons, manifestations and prevention of solar starvation.

· Biological effect of ultraviolet irradiation, its mechanism. Concept of a biodose of ultraviolet irradiation, method of its estimationtion.

· Structure of solar light on the Earth surface. Effect of components of solar light on a human organism.

· The hygienic requirements to natural illumination in inhabited, educational and hospital premises, its indicators, methods of estimation and specifications.

· The hygienic requirements to artificial illumination, types and systems of such illumination, methods of estimation and specifications in various premises (rooms).

· The hygienic characteristics of sources of water supply. Zones of sanitary protection of water sources and their purpose.

· The main types of water consumption, hygienic requirements to quality of water, structure of water pipe.

· The hygienic requirements to quality of drinking water. Organoleptic parameters of drinking water, their significance, methods of definition and norms.

· The hygienic requirements to chemical structure of water, diseases caused by its change, their reasons, manifestations and prevention.

· Epidemic significance of water, signs of water epidemics, parameters of epidemic safety of water.

· Methods of improvement of water quality. Methods of water purification, control of its efficiency.

· Methods of water disinfection, its hygienic estimation and control of its efficiency.

· Chemical methods of water disinfection, their hygienic estimation and control of their efficiency.

· Chlorination of water, its types, scheme, parameters of efficiency. Drawbacks of this method of water disinfection.

· The basic sources and factors of reservoir pollution, ways of reservoirs autopurification.

· Protection of reservoirs from anthropogenic pollution. Hygienic standartization of pollutants in water.

· Hygienic significance of soil, its basic parameters. The basic pollutants and ways of soil autopurification.

· Endemical significance of soil: endemic diseases, their reasons, manifestations, prevention.

· The signs of harm at standartization of harmful substances in the soil. Protection of soil from anthropogenic pollution.

· Urbanization and its hygienic estimation. The modern town-planning factors and their significance for development of cities.

· Hygienic estimation of systems of city and residential quarters building. Functional zones in cities.

· The hygienic requirements to premises (microclimate, ventilation, illumination).

· Methods of cleaning of populated places from solid wastes. Methods of destruction of solid household and industrial wastes.

· Methods of sewage clearing. Natural and artificial methods of sewage clearing.


Hygiene of Work and Hospital Hygiene

Key Questions

Key Questions:

Hygiene of Work

1)Concept of capacity for work, its dynamics during and after work, reasons of changes. 2)Methods of studying man’s capacity for work.

3) Changes in organism during work. Exhaustion, reasons of its development (theories of exhaustion). Overfatigue. Prevention of exhaustion in manufacture.

4) Occupational harmful factors and occupational diseases. Classification. Physical examinations of working people: types, purposes and arrangement.

5) Registration and investigation of acute and chronic occupational diseases and intoxications. Prevention of such diseases.

6) Noise, its classifications, action on organism. Noise illness, its diagnostics and prevention. Maximum permissible level of noise and it substantiation for various premises.

7) Electromagnetic fields, their basic types and sources, effect on organism. Microwave syndrome: manifestations and prevention.

8) Vibration, effect on organism. Symptomatology and prevention of vibration illness.

9) Industrial poisons, their classification by level of toxicity, specific effect and ability to cumulation. Factors influencing toxic effect of industrial poisons.

10) Basic parameters of acute, subacute and chronic toxicity of industrial poisons and methods of their study in experiment.

11) Specific and remote effects of industrial poisons and methods of their study.

12) Ways of entry and removal of industrial poisons. Ways of detoxication of poisons in organism. Detoxication system of organism and its parameters.

13) Combined effect of industrial poisons, its types, methods of study and significance for sanitary estimation of industrial environment.

14) Types of harmful effect of industrial poisons on working people, prevention of occupational poisonings.

15) Causes and manifestations of poisonings with industrial poisons of irritating action (CO, ammonia, chlorine, nitric oxides).

16) Causes and symptoms of occupational poisonings with heavy metals (lead and mercury); clinical and hygienic confirmation of diagnosis.

17) Industrial dust, classification, action on organism, maximum permissible concentration of dust of different structure. Diagnostics and prevention of pneumoconioses.

18) Features of work in agriculture and their effect on organism of working people. Basic occupational diseases, their causes and prevention.

19) Pesticides, their purpose and classifications by toxicity, function and chemical structure. Ecological estimation of pesticides by stability and toxicity.

20) Toxicological characteristics of basic groups of pesticides (phosphorus-organic, chlorine-organic, carbamates, mercury-organic). Indicator enzymes.

21) Hygiene of work at storage, transportation and application of pesticides. Preventive measures against poisonings of working people and population with pesticides.

22) Toxicological characteristics of mineral fertilizers (nitric and phosphoric). Hygiene of work at their application.

Radiation Hygiene

23) Concept of radioactivity, hygienic characteristics of types of radiation, screening materials. Natural and artificial sources of radiation.

24) Mechanisms of radiation effect on organism, types of biological effect of radiation.

25) Radiosensitivity of organs and tissues (Bergonie’s law). Groups of critical organs. Limiting doses of external and internal radiation.

26) Hygiene of work with closed sources of radiation. Ways of protection of medical personnel from radiation damage.

27) Hygiene of work with open sources of radiation. Hygienic requirements to radiologic laboratories.

28) Natural radiation background, its structure, levels, sources and dynamics. Influence of anthropogenic sources on its increase.

29) Effect of Chernobyl accident on health of population living in polluted territories, early and remote effects. Features of population nutrition in radioactive-polluted territories.

Hospital Hygiene

30) Concept of medical-protective regimen in hospital and its basic components. The hygienic requirements to location of hospitals of different type.

31) Hygienic requirements to a hospital site. Functional zones of hospital site. Historical types of hospital construction.

32) Hygienic estimation of different systems of hospital construction. The basic directions of prevention of intrahospital infections.

33) Hygienic requirements to internal layout of hospital. A typical ward section and its layout.

34) Hygienic requirements to hospital ward (layout, microclimate, ventilation, illumination).

35) Hygienic requirements to a reception ward of hospital. Its functions and structure.

36) Hygienic requirements to infectious department. Features of ward layout and their reasons.

37) Hygienic requirements to a surgery unit and operating room (layout, microclimate, illumination, ventilation).

38) Concept of intrahospital infections, reasons of their growth, structure, basic sources and ways of transmission. Prevention of such infections.

39) Hygiene of work of surgeons and anaesthesiologists. Basic occupational harmful factors and prevention of occupational diseases.


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