Organization of Dietetic Therapy in a Hospital 

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Organization of Dietetic Therapy in a Hospital

Medical diets are administered by the attending physician (and included in case history). Every day the head nurse of hospital department on the basis of case histories makes up the list where the total amount of patients and amount of patients for each diet are specified. This list is passed to the nutrition unit. Dietetic nurse of nutrition unit on the basis of lists from each department writes a summary list on which basis under supervision of doctor-dietician makes up a menu according to each diet. The menu-allocation is composed only for 1 day (the next one). On Friday the menu is made up for 3 days: Saturday, Sunday and Monday). Test of the prepared food is carried out by the certifying commission consisting of the doctor on duty of the reception ward (in small hospitals — the doctor on duty of the hospital), the doctor-dietician and chef. Sanitary inspection over hospital nutrition unit does not differ basically from sanitary inspection of other public catering establishments, but it is more careful.


Hygiene of Work

Theme No 17.

Subject and Tasks of Hygiene of Work. Physiology of Work. The Occupational Harmful Factors and Occupational Diseases. Prevention of Occupational Pathology. The Occupational Dust Pathology and its Prevention

Hygiene of work is a section of hygiene studying the effect of a work process and harmful occupational factors on organism of a working person and developing preventive measures to decrease and prevent occupational diseases.

The basic sections of hygiene of work are:

· Physiology of workstudying influence on organism of various kinds of work, estimation of its difficulty and intensity, prevention of exhaustion.

· Hygiene of work with adverse physical occupational factors studying the effect on organism of noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields, laser irradiation, etc.

· Radiation hygiene studying the effect of radiation on organism, development of radiation protection.

· Hygiene of work with industrial poisons - industrial toxicology – studying the parameters of toxicity of industrial poisonings, causes and clinical manifestations of occupational poisonings, their prevention.

· Hygiene of work in agriculture and at contact with agrochemicals - agricultural toxicology - studying the parameters of toxicity of agrochemicals, causes and clinical manifestations of occupational poisonings, their prevention.

· Hygiene of work in conditions of dust pollution of air – studying the effect of different kinds of dust on person, prevention of occupational dust pathology (pneumoconiosis).

There is also the division of hygiene of work according to industries (chemical, mining, metallurgical, building, etc.) and branches of agriculture.

Physiology of Work

Physiology of work is a boundary section of hygiene and physiology studying the effect of work process on a human organism and developing measures to increase work capacity and prevent the development of early fatigue.

Classification of Types of Work

Work is subdivided into mainly intellectual and physical one, however the scientific and technical progress eliminates clear borders between these types of work.


The basic types of workare the following:

v Physical workwhichdemands great physical activity and energy consumption (work of a loader, etc.)

v Mechanized work requires significant muscular activity, but energy consumption is less (work of a turner, combine operator, etc.)

v Automated work requires less energy consumption, but is characterized by monotony (a serviceman, weaver etc.)

v Work on a production line is characterized by monotony, the imposed rhythm of work

v Intellectual types of work are encountered:

Ø in the sphere of material production - engineers, operators;

Ø out of material production - doctors, teachers, artists, etc.


By value of energy consumption work is divided into the following groups:

· work with significant muscular activity (energy consumption is 4,000-6,000 kcal);

· work on the production line, mechanized work (3,000-4,000 kcal);

· the automated work, intellectual types of work (2,000-2,400 kcal).


Physical work is subdivided into:

· static work, when only one group of muscles is loaded, that causes early fatigue as blood supply is worsened;

· dynamic work, when different muscles work, this type of work is more favorable.


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