Types of diet have been developed. 

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Types of diet have been developed.

They are subdivided into diets with a choice of dishes — realization of custom-made system (diet 1, 2, 5, 9, 10, 15,). These diets can be used for a long time, completely providing the needs of organism.

The second type of diet assumes its strict following without any choice of dishes (0, 0a, 1a, 1b. 1c, 4, 5a, 5b, 8). They refer to unbalanced types of nutrition and can be administered only for a short period of time. Transition (more often gradual) from strict diets to varied is provided. An excessively long following the same diet is supposed only in unusual cases.

Diet 0 (liquid) — it is administered after operations on the stomach and intestines (after fasting days; in case of unconsciousness). Its purpose is to provide organism with a minimal quantity of nutrients, maximal unloading of gastric tract. It has low caloric content (1,000 Kcal), the amount of salt (5g), proteins (15g), carbohydrates (200g) is limited. It consists of easily digestible liquid dishes. It is applied every 2.5-3 hours 6 times a day. A bit less strict variants of this diet are diet 0 a and diet 0 b.

Diet 1 is administered at a gastric ulcer in a stage of exacerbation (the first 8-12 days), acute gastritis, exacerbation of chronic gastritis and enteritis, after operations and at gastroenteric hemorrhages (after diet 0). Its purpose is maximal safety to promote the repairing the stomach mucous membrane, to decrease its reflex excitability.

Diet 2 is prescribed at chronic gastritis with disturbance of secretory activity without any exacerbation, chronic colitis, disturbance of masticatory apparatus function. The purpose of this diet is stimulation of secretion and normalization of disturbed function of the stomach and intestines, reduction of enzyme processes in intestines.

Diet 3 is administered at alimentary chronic constipations without the expressed symptoms of intestine irritation. Its purpose is stimulation of disturbed function of intestines by inclusion in a diet of components producing mechanical, thermal and chemical irritation.

Diet 4 is applied at chronic colitis and enterocolitis in a stage of exacerbation, acute gastroenterocolitis and operations on intestines (after fasting days), dysentery, typhoid, tuberculosis of intestines (within the first 5-7 days). The purpose of this diet is maximal mechanical, thermal and chemical safety of intestines, creation of conditions for elimination of inflammatory process, restoration of dysfunction, reduction of fermentative and putrefactive processes in intestines.

Diet 5 is used at acute hepatitis (Botkin’s disease) in a stage of recovery, chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis with dysfunction of the liver and biliary tracts without any accompanying inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines, moderate atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis. The purpose of the diet is normalization of the liver and biliary tract function, regulation of cholesterol and fatty exchange, accumulation of glycogen in the liver, stimulation of disturbed function of intestines.

Diet 5a is applied at chronic pancreatitis in a stage of aggravation. The purpose is to prevent the disturbance of the secretory function of the pancreas, to provide synthesis of protein necessary for construction of pancreatic enzymes, chemical safety of the alimentary tract, prevention of fatty infiltration and dystrophy of the pancreas and liver, decrease of reflex excitability of the gallbladder.

Diet 6 is administered at a gout and lithic diathesis. Its purpose is to contribute to reduction of endogenic formation of uric acid, its removing from the organism and normalization of pyrin exchange.

Diet 7 is used at acute nephrolithiasis in the initial stage and at chronic form of this disease during its aggravation. The purpose of the diet is maximal safety of kidney function, decrease of albumin exchange, increase of diuresis, elimination of hypostasis, sharp limitation of proteins (25-35g) and moderate decrease of fats (up to 60g) and carbohydrates (350g). The diet should be enriched with vitamins. Liquid (up to 400-450 ml), salt in foods (1-2 g) should be sharply limited.

Diet 8 is administered at adiposity but absence of disturbance of digestive organs. The purpose of the diet is prevention and elimination of fatty cell accumulation.

Diet 9 is applied at diabetes, in a mild form diet 9a is used without insulin therapy. The main principle is restriction of caloric content (2300-1700 Kcal) due to carbohydrates (300-200g), basically, unprotected, and partial restriction of fats (70-50g), the normal content of proteins (100-120g). Taking meals is 5-8 times a day with exact distribution of carbohydrates. Products with high content of carbohydrates are excluded.

Diet 9 b is administered at diabetes of severe and moderate forms with application of insulin therapy. The caloric content and chemical structure of the diet is normal, similar to diet 15. Only unprotected carbohydrates are limited (sugar — 30 g per day).

Diet 10 combines a number of diets used at disease of cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, hypertonic illnesses of different forms, insufficiency of coronary blood circulation. The general requirements are restriction of caloric content due to fats and carbohydrates, limitation of liquid and salt, exclusion of products rich in cholesterol, fat products containing a lot of saturated fatty acids.

Diet 10 a is one of the variants of diet 10 used at cardiovascular diseases with sharply expressed insufficiency. Its purpose is to relieve cardiac activity, safety of digestive organs and kidney function, increase of diuresis and unloading of exchange. Sharp restriction of salt (1-2 g) and free liquid (600 ml), vegetative cellulose, the products promoting meteorism and rich in cholesterol, irritating liver and kidneys.

Diet 11 is used at tuberculosis of lungs and bones during recovery after infectious diseases, traumas, operations, at anemia. The purpose of the diet is to increase general nutrition and reactivity of organism, resistibility to chronic infections. The increased caloric content (3500-3900 Kcal), increase of protein content, primarily protein of animal origin.

Diet 12 is applied at diseases of the central nervous system with hypererethism; it is transitive from diet 10 to a balanced diet. Its purpose is decrease of excitability of the central nervous system.

Diet 13 is administered at acute infectious diseases, after operation in the lung cavity (except for operations on the alimentary tract). The purpose of this diet is intensification of toxin removing, increase of protective forces of organism, safety of digestive organs under the conditions of confinement to bed.

Diet 14 is applied at phosphaturia. Its purpose is to reduce phosphaturia and to interfere with the loss of phosphorous-calcium salts in the urinary tracts with formation of stones. The diet implies moderate decrease of salt content (10-12g), restriction of calcium (0.4g), increase of amount of free liquid (up to 200 ml).

Diet 15 is recommended for recovering patients and for people with various diseases at absence of indications to administering medical diets. The purpose of this diet is providing high-grade balanced nutrition in a hospital. It is a physiologically high-quality and balanced diet which is intended for persons not carrying out physical work.


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