Significance of Some Microelements 

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Significance of Some Microelements

Fluorine. Daily requirement is 2.5-3 mg. It regulates Ca-P exchange. It participates in formation of dentin, dental enamel and bones. Due to lack of fluorine caries occurs, at its excess (5 % of Ukraine territory) — fluorosis, i. e. damage of teeth, bones, disorders of intellectual development in children.

Iodine. Daily requirement is 0.1-0.2 mg (100-200 µg). It participates in synthesis of the thyroid gland hormone — thyroxin, regulates function of this gland. Because of lack of iodine hypothyroidism (endemic goiter or myxedema) occurs, at its excess — hyperthyroidism (Basedow’s disease).

Iron. Its requirement is 15 mg a day, for women — 30 mg a day. It takes part in synthesis of hemoglobin (60% of all iron in organism), is a part of some oxidizing enzymes — peroxidase, cytochrome. It is an indispensable part of a cell cytoplasm and nucleus.

Conditions of absorption: hydrochloric acid, vitamin C.

Recommendations for Practical Classes on the Theme

Key Questions:

1.Vitamins and minerals. Their classifications.

2.Biological role and conditions of absorption of vitamins and minerals.

3.Physiological, natural and social factors determining the needs and supply of organism with vitamins and minerals.

4.Concept of hypovitaminoses, subhypovitaminoses, avitaminoses and normal supply of organism with vitamins. Reasons of occurrence, clinical, physiological and biochemical manifestations.

5.Concept of minerals, their classification. Concept of macroelements, their functions. Functions of Ca, P, Na, conditions of their absorption. Microelements (Fe, F, J, Zn, etc.). Microelementoses, their classification, reasons of occurrence, clinical, physiological and biochemical manifestations.

6.The basic foods-suppliers of vitamins and minerals. Conditions of storage and culinary processing of foodstuffs ensuring the maximal preservation of vitamins and minerals.

7.Methods of determination of vitamin C in foods and in biological liquids of a human organism.

8.Method of estimation of mineral salt intake in оrganism with a daily diet.

Learning Objectives and Their Concrete Definition

Evaluation of adequacy of individual nutrition as for vitamins and minerals according to the tables made at home beforehand, taking into account sex, age, kind of activity, body weight, diet.



Table 22

Physiological Daily Need for Vitamins and Minerals in Adults

Vitamins Minerals


Age C mg A µg E mg D µg B1 mg B2 mg B6 mg B12 mg Ca mg P mg Mg mg Fe mg Zn mg I mg
18-50 70 1000 10 2.5 1.4 1.3 2 3 800 1200 400 10 15 0.1


18-50 80 1200 400 18 15 1.5 2 2.5 800 1200 400 18 15 0.1


Table 23

Estimation of Vitamin and Mineral Value of Food


Food Weight (g) С mg   A (carotin) mg   E mg   B 1 mg   B2 mg   Ca mg P mg Fe mg I µg
Meat 100 0 0 0 0.08 0.14 9 178 2 -
Liver 100 33 3.8 - 0.3 2.2 5 339 9 -
Chicken 100 -- 0.04 - 0.07 0.15 10 210 1.5 -
Fowl 100 - 0.07 - 0.07 0.15 16 228 3.0 -
Sausage boiled 100 - - - 0.25 0.18 7 146 1.7 -
Sausage smoked 100 - - - 0.19 0.2 10 226 2.7 -
Eggs 100 - 0.35 - 0.07 0.44 55 185 2.7 -
Fish 100 - - - 0.1 0.1 - 310 - 100
Milk 100 1.0 0.02 - 0.03 0.13 121 91 0.1 -
Kefir (yoghurt) 100 0.8 0.02 - 0.03 0.01 121 94 0.1 -
Cheese 100 2.4 0.21 - 0.03 0.38 760 424 - -
Butter 100 - 0.5 - - - 22 19 0.2 -
Oil 100 - - 35 - - 45 - - -
Bread white 100 - - 3.2 0.2 0.1 23 131 3.2 -
Bread black 100 - - 2.2 0.2 0.1 21 174 3.6 -
Rice 100 - - 0.4 0.08 0.04 24 97 1.0 -
Buckwheat 100 - 0.01 6.6 0.4 0.2 55 298 6.6 -
Oatmeal 100 - - 3.4 0.5 0.1 64 349 3.9 -
Cabbage 100 50 0.02 - 0.06 0.05 48 31 1.0  
Potato 100 20 - - 0.12 0.05 10 58 0.9  
Carrot 100 5 9.0 - 0.06 0.07 51 55 1.2  
Onion 100 10 -   0.05 0.02 31 58 0.8  
Leek 100 30 2.0   0.02 0.1 121 26 1.0  
Beetroot 100 10 0.01   0.02 0.04 37 43 1.4  
Tomatoes 100 20 0.03   0.1 0.1 14 26 1.4  
Paprika 100 250 2.0   0.1 0.08 8 16 -  
Orange 100 60 0.05   0.04 0.03 34 23 0.3  
Lemon 100 40 0.01   0.01 0.04 40 22 0.6  
Apple 100 13 0.03   0.1 0.03 16 11 2.2  



At the end of the lesson in the protocol notebook the students make up the following table:

Estimation of Adequacy of an Individual Nutrition as for Vitamin and Minerals Content

Nutrient Actual intake with a diet per day Norm of daily intake Difference
Vitamins: C A В1      
Mineral substances: Са Р Fe F      

Self Tests

1. Name the basic groups of minerals.

* A. microelements

B. water-soluble minerals

C. liposoluble minerals

* D. macroelements

E. phosphatides

2. A daily need for vitamin C makes up:

* A. 75 mg

* B. 100 mg

C. 50 mg

D. 60 mg

E. 10 mg

3. As a result of a thorough medical examination of cadets of a military school the disorders of colour perception, conjunctivitis, dryness of the skin, skin pigmentation and nail fragility were revealed in some of them. To control the similar clinical manifestations, it is, primarily, necessary to increase in their diet the content of:

A. carrot

B. meat

C. groats

* D. bran bread

E. fish

Problem Solving

1. A group of students living in a hostel addressed the doctor with the complaints of general weakness, early fatigue, gingival hemorrhage. On interrogation it was established that the students had meals irregularly, frequently took canned food, food concentrates for meals. The examination has shown the presence of gingival edema and hemorrhage. What is your preliminary diagnosis and its substantiation? What objective adequate methods of research and examination can you offer? What methods can be used to carry out a mass inspection of all students living in the hostel? Give your recommendations for prevention of such diseases.

2. What hypovitaminoses should be expected first of all in patients being fed parenterally for a long time?

3. What foodstuff is the basic source of Ca, its daily norm? What is the ratio of Са: Р: Mg?


Standard Answers:

1. Hypovitaminosis C. For specification of the diagnosis it is necessary to inspect skin integuments for revealing petechial hemorrhage. It is necessary to determine content of vitamin C in blood and urine. The inspection of all students living in the hostel should be carried out with the use of express-methods of research, tongue test and definition of capillary resistance. It is possible to recommend the enrichment of diet with vitamin C, taking fresh vegetables and fruit, correct culinary processing of products.

2. Vitamins D, K, group В1, A, Е.

3. Milk, cabbage, spinach. A daily norm is 0.8 g. The ratio of Са:Р = 1:2 (1.5), Mg:Са = 0.5:1.



Theme No 7.

Food Poisonings. Reasons, Symptomatology, Prevention


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