Time Warner marketing stunt creates terror 

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Time Warner marketing stunt creates terror

A Time Warner Inc. marketing campaign (1)_______________________ in Boston on Thursday when security officials decided the city was under attack from terrorists. The company that owns CNN, Time magazine and Cartoon Network inadvertently created a (2)_______________________ of panic in Boston and brought the city to a standstill. The company’s marketing department placed 40 small, black blinking electronic (3)_______________________ in ten different US cities to promote a new cartoon show “Aqua Teen Hunger Force”. Each was the (4)_______________________ of a cereal box, although Turner referred to them as “billboards”. Pictures of the flashing digital signs showed protruding wires, (5)_______________________ the belief that they were bombs. Boston’s city officials were quick to react in the interests of public safety and brought out its bomb force in (6)_______________________ and shut down highways, bridges and rivers.

Turner’s marketing (7)_______________________ took full responsibility for the campaign, part of a tactic a spokesperson called “guerilla marketing” – an  “alternative to traditional media tactics that are high-impact but also very eye-level with the consumer, very grassroots and in-the-streets.'' An (8)_______________________ company spokeswoman Shirley Powell said: “We approved it. We're (9)_______________________ full responsibility…. We were simply promoting a TV show”. She was shocked by the (10)_______________________ in Boston, adding: “If we had ever perceived this to be something threatening safety, we would never have proceeded with it." Boston was the only city that mistook the signs for being bombs, perhaps being sensitive to the (11)_______________________ that it was the base for the 9/11 bombers. The boxes caused barely a (12)_______________________ elsewhere. Look-alike devices were soon selling for $2,000 on EBay – “There is market for everything,” Powell said.

1. (a) reversed (b) back (c) backed up (d) backfired
2. (a) wave (b) weave (c) wavelength (d) waft
3. (a) devices (b) divisions (c) devotees (d) divas
4. (a) volume (b) space (c) dimensions (d) size
5. (a) dense (b) tense (c) hence (d) fence
6. (a) farce (b) force (c) forceful (d) fierce
7. (a) leg (b) arm (c) muscle (d) hand
8. (a) apologies (b) apologize (c) apologetic (d) apology
9. (a) taking (b) mistaken (c) mistakes (d) bringing
10. (a) reactive (b) reaction (c) react (d) reacts
11. (a) fact (b) detail (c) knowledge (d) fiction
12. (a) beat (b) mix (c) whisk (d) stir

Task 10. Mark the statements as true or false according to the information from the article.

1) Time magazine released a story about terrorists bombing the U.S.

2) A campaign to market a kids cartoon created panic in a U.S. city.

3) A company paid actors to dress as terrorists like those in a cartoon.

4) The U.S. city shut down highways, bridges and rivers.

5) The marketing tactic used is called “gorilla marketing”.

6) A Time Warner spokeswoman apologized for doing the campaign.

7) The campaign and panic caused a stir in other American cities.

8) People were selling look alike bombs on EBay for $2,000.

Task 11. Listen to a public relations account executive talk about how she got into public relations and complete the tasks.

Source: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/business-english/podcasts-for-professionals/public-relations

a) Write down the order in which the events actually happened according to the speaker.

Events Order
a. I built up a list of contacts in the media and PR industries  
b. I got promoted to account executive  
c. I met lots of experienced professionals  
d. I did a business course  
e. I got a job as account coordinator  
f. I joined two associations  
g. I started an internship  


b) Here are some expressions adapted from the audio text. Use the following prepositions to fill in the gaps.

with         on         of         up         into         in         in         for         in          in


1. gave me an overview _____ business in general

2. interested _____ public relations

3. gave me advice _____ getting into the industry

4. to put _____ long hours

5. I built _____ a list of contacts

6. It gave me a better insight _____ PR

7. to have contacts ___ clients

8. to play a role ___ developing public relations strategies

9. I am more involved ____ organising special events

10. it prepared me ___ the deadlines


Task 12. Read the case study below, then create a step-by-step public relations plan for the Rotary Club of Royal Gardens using the case study action plan on the next page. Consider the questions listed as you develop your plan.

The Rotary Club of Royal Garden is located in Boleh Land which has an estimated population of 600,000. The club's 20 members represent a cross section of the Royal Gardens professional community.

The club has conducted a number of projects to support local needs. The most successful and longest-running service project provides support for the single parents in the community. Through this ongoing project, club members raised funds to assist families in needs and also provide micro credit to the percipients, most of them are from the lower income group with low education.

The club recently worked with local schools to identify a candidate who was selected by the district to receive a Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship. The scholar, who is studying the effect of global warming on ocean levels, has been corresponding regularly with the club about her experience.

The club's weekly program often attracts prominent local speakers who talks about important issues facing the community. Attendance is high and members remain enthusiastic.

An informal survey conducted by the club revealed that few people in the community are aware of the club's efforts. Some respondents reported they perceive Rotary as a social club for older men. Several members have complained about the difficulty of attracting new members and the lack of recognition the club received for its service to the community. The club's activities have received no media coverage for the past five years.

There are several television and radio stations with different target audience, and broadcasting are delivered in the major languages used in Boleh Land. These stations routinely run public service announcements. Beside the conventional radio stations, there are also some independent internet radio stations which are slowly gaining popularity among the younger generation. The daily newspapers are said to be not interested to publish Rotary activities. An editor of a local daily editor once told the club that her paper will only publish Rotary news if it is 'news worthy'.


Questions to think over:

1) How can the club provide basic information about Rotary International and the club to the media and the community?

2) What aspect of the club's current activities might interest the media. Which type pf media is most appropriate for each aspect? Why?

3) How might club programs attract local media?

4) What steps should the club take to keep the media and community informed of its activities?

5) What did you learn that you can apply to your club?


Action step Who will be responsible? How long will this step take? How will progress be measured? What resources are available?




Unit 1

Anthony Smart

My name’s Anthony Smart. I’m the chief accountant for Xcel Systems. I’m responsible for cash flow, credit control, preparing financial statements, accounting reports and so on. On the whole, I enjoy my work - I’ve always enjoyed working with numbers. I also like the company culture and the people here at Xcel - it’s a very friendly and supportive work environment. One task I don’t quite like is chasing money from late payers. That can be rather unpleasant sometimes.

Daniel Goldman

My name’s Daniel Goldman and I’m the managing director of Xcel Systems. I’m responsible for the day-to-day running of the business including managing projects, organising people’s work, dealing with suppliers and important customers. I’m also in charge of developing the company’s long-term strategy. What I like most about my work is the responsibility, the challenge and of course the salary. I also really enjoy motivating and inspiring other people to achieve their goals and develop the company. The part I don’t really like is the long hours. It’s not uncommon for me to spend 12 hours in the office, which doesn’t leave me much time for my family. On top of that, my job can get pretty stressful at times, especially when we have problems with our suppliers.

Susan Clarke

My name’s Susan Clarke. I work for Xcel Systems as a human resources manager. My responsibilities include recruiting new employees and organising training for company staff. It’s also my job to improve the company’s working conditions. I find my work very interesting mainly because I enjoy working with people. It’s also very satisfying to see employees improve and develop their skills because of initiatives that I have put into practice. What I don’t like so much is when I have to deal with a difficult employee - for example, somebody who is habitually late, takes too many days off or doesn’t meet deadlines. That can be rather stressful. But luckily, it doesn’t happen too often.

Unit 2


Interviewer: Good morning Ms Badura, please have a seat.

Kate: Good morning, it’s a pleasure to meet you.

Interviewer: Could you tell me who you work for at the moment?

Kate: Yes. I’m working for KP Lewis.

Interviewer: How long have you been working for them?

Kate: I’ve been working for KP Lewis for the past three years.

Interviewer: And how long have you been working in the accounting department?

Kate: I’ve been working in accounts for the past eight months.

Interviewer: And why are you leaving your job?

Kate: Well, to be honest, I feel that I cannot use all my skills in my current job, and the position that you offer looked like an excellent match for me.

Interviewer: You know this job requires a lot of travel. Is that a problem for you?

Kate: No, no, that’s not a problem. In fact, I really enjoy travelling and I don’t have a family to look after, so it’s fine.

Interviewer: Have you had any experience in sales?

Kate: Yes. As you can see from my CV, I worked part-time as a representative for a language school. They were offering summer language courses and I had to visit different agencies.

Interviewer: That’s interesting. How successful were you?

Kate: Well, the school I worked for managed to increase registrations as a result of my collaboration.

Interviewer: Very interesting...so what are your goals for the future?

Kate: Well, in the short-term I want to develop my sales skills and gain more experience in selling. In the long-term, I would like to obtain a high position in a growing company...like yours.

Interviewer: And tell me...what is your greatest weakness?

Kate: Well, I admit, I tend to wait until the last minute to make appointments. But I’m getting better at this and I’ve recently realised that scheduling in advance makes more sense.

Interviewer: How do you cope with pressure?

Kate: Actually, I work quite well under pressure. I find it very motivating and it helps me focus on what I have to do.


Unit 5

Extract 1

A: I notice you have a Russian name.

B: Yes, my father is from Moscow.

A: Oh really? Do you speak the language?

B: I speak intermediate Russian and I can also read. It’s quite a challenge to learn, though. Have you been to Russia?

A: Not yet, but I’d love to visit St Petersburg.

B: Oh I recommend you do. St Petersburg is a magnificent city. So, shall we get down to business, then?

A: Sure. We were looking to make an order for 100 cases.

B: What sort of price did you have in mind?

A: We were hoping for unit price of around?4.50.

B: Ha ha. Come on, let’s be reasonable here. We’ve never gone that low on any deal before, even on much higher quantities. For your stated volume, the lowest I could go is around?7.50. [PAUSE] Listen, I don’t have any more room to negotiate this fee.?7.50 is the bottom limit.

A: OK, well what if we were to...?


Extract 2

B: Would you be willing to meet us halfway? If you cut your delivery time by, say, 10 days, we would be prepared to pay the price you have proposed. Most of your competitors are offering 30 days anyway.

A: Hmm… I suppose we could manage that. But we’d need to see a bit more flexibility on terms of payment.

B: I think we could work something out there. I’ll have to check with head office, but I think we could agree on 3 weeks.

A: Fine. It’s a deal.

B: Oh, transportation is included, isn’t it?

A: Err, sure. We can throw that in


Unit 6

Extract 2

As regards our cash flow situation, we are having problems with slow payers. Therefore, I think we need to deal with this situation urgently. In the first place, we should consider imposing penalties for late payments. For example, if a client pays 10 days late, they would have to pay a fixed amount of interest on the due payment. What’s more, we should call our clients more often to insist on prompt

payment. In fact, I think we should hire a credit controller responsible for collecting late payments rather than leaving this task to the accountant. I realise that our clients may find these measures rather strict, but if we explain to them carefully and tactfully that these steps are very necessary, they should understand. After all, we do have very good relationships with them, and we have given most of them generous discounts this year.


Extract 2

I believe that too many people who break the law are sent to prison these days. On the whole, the system doesn’t work. Although studies show that most ex-prisoners continue to commit crimes after they are released, more and more people are being imprisoned. The system can be improved in so many ways. Teenagers, for instance, should be given lighter punishments - at least for less serious offences. In addition, education and training should be improved. In other words, we should prepare prisoners for life outside jail. However, regarding very serious crimes, I think that we have no choice but to keep such criminals in jail for the maximum period of time.


Chairing a meeting

CHAIRMAN: Right, if everyone is ready, we can start. Firstly, I’d like to thank you all for comingat such short notice. Does everyone know Mr Lee? Mr Lee is our representative in South East Asia.

MR LEE: Good afternoon everyone. I’ve been looking forward to this meeting.

CHAIRMAN: Right then. As you all know, we are here today to discuss the proposed investmentproject in Vietnam. You can see from the agenda the different issues that we need to look at. So, let’s move on to the first item - location. Adam, would you like to start us off?

ADAM: Well, at the moment, there are two sites worth looking at ï the Amata industrial park located nearby Ho Chi Minh City in the south of the country and one site located in the area surrounding the capital Hanoi in the north. The main advantages of the first option are better, more developed infrastructure and lower land rent.

CHAIRMAN: What’s your view on that, Anne?

ANNE: I agree that the higher level of infrastructure in the south must be taken into account, which is why most foreign companies have decided to invest there. However, I think the north also has potential.

CHAIRMAN: Can you be a little more specific?

ANNE: Well, the cost of labour is lower there and workers in the north of the country are regarded as more motivated and hard-working than in the south.

CHAIRMAN: Does everyone agree with Anne’s point of view?

MR LEE: I definitely think we should consider alternatives to the south.

CHAIRMAN: What other options can we look at?

MR LEE: There is also the industrial zone surrounding Danang, Vietnam’s third largest city in the centre of the country. This location offers several advantages ï it has a modern airport, a port facility as well as cheaper and more available labour than in the south. The city Danang is also located at the eastern end of a planned infrastructure project that will link Vietnam with its neighbouring countries in order to open up investment channels.

CHAIRMAN: Interesting. What does the city itself offer to our management team who are goingto live out there?

MR LEE: Well, the city seems to have great potential there. It is extremely clean and has some excellent beaches and pleasant riverside areas. It is also surrounded by historical sites and national parks. What’s more, it is still free from all the commercialisation and crowds of tourists in the south.

CHAIRMAN: What’s your reaction to that, Adam?

ADAM: It is definitely worth investigating. This site might well offer us the right balance of good infrastructure and cheaper cost of labour.

ANNE: Yes, I agree.

CHAIRMAN: Right, just to summarise the discussion so far. We all agree that Danang is worth serious consideration as a potential site. Let’s come back to this issue later because I want to move on to the next item on the agenda...



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