Study the table given below and memorize the following word combinations. Translate the text from English into Russian, mind the active vocabulary. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Study the table given below and memorize the following word combinations. Translate the text from English into Russian, mind the active vocabulary.

structural unemployment структурная безработица
frictional unemployment фрикционная безработица
cyclical unemployment циклическая безработица
seasonal unemployment сезонная безработица
natural rate of unemployment естественный уровень безработицы
total employment общая занятость
overfull employment нехватка рабочей силы, чрезмерно высокий уровень занятости
full employment полная занятость - состояние занятости, при котором спрос на рабочие руки равен предложению; при этом работники могут найти работу, а предприниматели - работников в приемлемо короткие сроки.
labour market labour force рынок труда; рынок рабочей силы рабочая сила - общее число лиц в работоспособном возрасте, работающих или безработных, исключая недееспособных.  
payroll be on the payroll be off the payroll payrolls report  платежная ведомость  работать в штате быть безработным или уволенным отчет о зарплате, платежная ведомость  
employ Syn. hire нанимать на работу
lay off (v.) Syn. fire; dismiss; sack, get the sack (BrE)    be made redundant lay-off (n.) layoff notice увольнять     увольнение извещение об увольнении
first-time application for unemployment/ jobless benefits initial claims for state unemployment benefits заявление впервые обратившегося за пособием по безработице первичное заявление на получение гос. пособия по безработиице 
tightness of the market     превышение спроса над предложением на рынках


Private payrolls growth slow, jobless claims rise

Private employers hired fewer workers than expected in June and applications for unemployment benefits last week increased for a 3rd straight week, pointing to some loss of momentum in job growth as the labor market nears full employment.

The slowdown in job gains reflects difficulties faced by employers in finding suitable workers amid an unemployment rate which is at its 16-year lowest.

Companies remain reluctant to lay off workers and this is a sign of the tightness of the labor market.

The ADP* National Employment Report showed June public sector payrolls increase by 158,000 jobs against last month figures, stepping down from the 230,000 positions created in May. The report came ahead of the Labor Department’s more comprehensive payrolls report, which includes both public and private-sector employment.

The ADP report predicted June’s modest job gains together with the modest rise in first-time applications for jobless benefits.

The Labor Department said initial claims for state unemployment benefits increased by 4,000, which was the 3rd straight weekly increase in claims.


Note: Automatic Data Processing - American provider of human resources management software and services


Study the table below. Explain the difference between the two terms. What government policies should be in place to fight brain drain?

Unemployment versus Underemployment

Definition Unemployment refers to the economic situation in which an individual who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work. Underemployment is a situation where there is a mismatch between the employment opportunities and the skills and education level of the employees.
Cause Increase in cost of production and decrease in aggregate demand are the main causes of unemployment. Mismatch between the availability of job opportunities and the availability of skills and education levels is the main cause for underemployment.
Measure Unemployment is measured through unemployment rate. There is no distinct measure for underemployment since invisible underemployment is difficult to measure, however brain drain can be used to measure underemployment indirectly.




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