Study the table given below and memorize the following word combinations. Translate the sentences from English into Russian, use the active vocabulary from the table. 

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Study the table given below and memorize the following word combinations. Translate the sentences from English into Russian, use the active vocabulary from the table.


сore inflation базовая инфляция: рост цен за вычетом сезонных колебаний цен на продовольствие и энергоносители
underlying inflation реальная или структурная инфляция, исключает краткосрочные неравномерные изменения цен под влиянием отдельных факторов, которые носят административный, событийный, а также сезонный характер
headline inflation общая инфляция; потребительская инфляция: инфляция, измеряемая на основании индекса потребительских цен
anticipated inflation прогнозируемая инфляция; ожидаемая инфляция
unanticipated inflation непредвиденная инфляция
sustained inflation длительная, постоянная инфляция
creeping inflation инфляция, развивающаяся медленными темпами; "ползучая" инфляция
target range for inflation целевой ориентир роста уровня инфляции
inflation rate уровень инфляции: темп роста цен (потребительских или производителей, розничных или оптовых) в годовом квартальном или месячном исчислении
hyperinflation гиперинфляция
stagnation cтагнация, застой: период нулевого, крайне низкого (менее 3%) или отрицательного экономического роста в реальном выражении (с учётом инфляции)
stagflation cтагфляция: фаза цикла, характеризующаяся сочетанием стагнации потребительского спроса, высокой безработицы и инфляции
deflation дефляция: снижение уровня цен на товары и услуги или повышение покупательной способности денег в обращении относительно товарной массы; явление, которое противоположно инфляции


1. The statement forecast that headline inflation would fall within the bank's 3-6% target range by mid-2012.

 2. When there is more money about—more of it coursing through an economy as giddy consumers hit the shops—bulging supply pushes down the value of each unit of money (each dollar or pound) and more of them are needed to buy things. When consumers hold their money more tightly, however, each unit of money is more valuable and prices fall, a phenomenon called deflation.

3. Statistical agencies usually produce “headline” inflation indices, which include all sub-sectors, as well as “core” indices that omit things like food and energy, whose prices are volatile. Central banks focus on core inflation, which they reckon is the better predictor of future trends.

4. Headline inflation is more useful for the typical household because it reflects changes in the cost of living, while core inflation is used by central banks because core inflation is less volatile and shows the effects of supply and demand on GDP better.

5. True, things are improving in Japan, which seems finally to have escaped 15 years of falling prices, but even there underlying inflation is still only zero.

6. А period of sustained inflationary pressure would be most welcome because it would ultimately lead to higher nominal interest rates.

7. Most economists agree hyperinflation exists when there is at least a 100 percent rate of inflation in the timespan of just a few years. Hyperinflation takes place because a country's currency loses its value rapidly, causing prices to rise in response. It often results when a government prints a great deal more money than it normally does to make up for a shortfall in some other area.

8. Two basic situations can create stagflation. The first occurs when an economy experiences a sudden decrease in supply, resulting in high prices that exceed the natural market level. The second situation comes from poor macroeconomic policies, such as money supply or government regulation.

9. It is not only America that is experiencing creeping inflation. Economists at CSFB forecast that higher oil prices will push the euro area's inflation rate up to 2.6% this month. That may not sound so bad, especially when core inflation still remains well below the 2% ceiling of the European Central Bank's (ECB) target.

10. Secular stagnation is a delightfully alliterative description of America’s economy, but also an ambiguous one. “Secular” implies the depressed state of the economy is down to structural, supply-side factors, whereas “stagnation” suggests cyclical obstacles to demand are to blame.



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