The beginning of struggle against fire in Russia 

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The beginning of struggle against fire in Russia

                                                          Part I

Fires in Russia were long since one of the heaviest disasters. On some times burnt out the cities of Jurjev, Vladimir, Suzdal, Novgorod. In 1194 huge fires in Ladoga and Russa are marked. So was not only in Russia. During the first period of Middle Ages on a significant part of Europe because of constant wars fires blazed. Their fast distribution was promoted also by that circumstance, that at construction of houses were applied easily flammable materials: wood, straw, a cane.

Many dangers concealed fire and at his use in a peace time. Furnaces then was not, fire planted in a hole directly in the house, and the smoke left outside through an aperture made in a straw roof. At a fire nobody accepted measures on his suppression - rescued only children, property. Fire was distributed from a house to the house and stopped only when all around burnt out. At such fires inhabitants of the escaped houses preferred to leave them on an arbitrariness of destiny and to settle behind city open-air. In Moscow, for example, fires were so habitual phenomenon, that inhabitants concerned to them easy. Down to XV century the fire was considered big if fire destroyed some thousand court yard. If 100-200 houses about such fire did not speak burned down.


                                                          Part II


The organization of fire service in Russia is connected to a name of grand duke Moscow and all Russia Ivan III (1440-1505). Ivan's measures III concerning handicraftsmen were the first statutory act of fire-prevention safety in Russia. From him follows, that the main reason of the majority of fires was full carelessness of the population at use of fire.

Decrees of a similar sort were accepted by many cities of Europe. By this time in a number of the states experience of struggle against fires has already been saved up. In France, for example, was available as royal the guard which duty included suppression of fires, and the guard, made of handicraftsmen. Term of a duty of citizens in her made 2 months. In England struggle against fires till XIII century was entirely assigned to inhabitants who according to the law held in houses tools for struggle against fire.

In the beginning of XVI century under Ivan's decree III in Moscow fire - sentry protection is created. On the ends of city streets are established special construction - "lattices" which for the night locked.


                                                          Part III


The basic technical equipment for struggle against fire - buckets, axes, spades, ladders, shovels, hooks. The major care of each city was water supply. Therefore it is not casual, that the overwhelming majority of cities was erected on coast of the rivers. The plenty of water necessary for the purposes of suppression of fires, forced people to search for ways of its delivery from a source in city quarters.

In Russia self-flowing water pipes appear in XI - XII centuries (Novgorod), in the countries of the Western Europe - in XII - XII centuries. The big distribution is received also with hydraulic engineering constructions with which help water moved in cities.

In Russia the first stone buildings have started to build after a fire in Moscow in 1382. Before X century about such constructions of data no. Since time of distribution of christianity masons were invited only for construction of temples. The separate constructions erected for notable people, did not change the general picture. Imperial decrees about severe punishment of originators of fires alternated with requirements to apply at construction a stone. In 1493 under Ivan's decree III around of the Kremlin erect walls, hydraulic engineering constructions, dig ponds. By the end of XV century in Moscow streets expand, city walls erect from a fire-resistant material.

And still fire business during an epoch of the Middle Ages developed slowly. The main way of struggle against fire was destruction the structures nearest to a fire. For rescue of not lighting up constructions of them closed felt or canvas boards which watered.


                                                          Part IV

Transformation of fire protection in Russia begins with the middle of XVI century. Decrees working up to this time and the order had basically prohibitive character. In 1547 these measures were added Ivan Groznogo's obliging inhabitants of Moscow to have on roofs at home and in court yard tubs with water with the decree.

Distribution of fire at fires in cities was promoted also by that by the become stronger European tradition sidewalks in streets were made wooden, and in days of holidays were decorated with branches and a herb. Wooden floorings stacked as well in Moscow.

With establishment in 1550 "streletski prikaz" on fires in Moscow soldiers began to be sent. They should not waste time on gathering on alarm, they at once left to a place of a fire. In an initial stage their number made 3000 person that allowed to send on fires enough soldiers. Russia became the first country in the world, using for struggle against fire military divisions. This experience have used in Japan, France later.





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