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One of the major causes of household fires is flammable liquids. These include gasoline, acetone benzene, lacquer thinner, alcohol, turpentine, contact cements, paint thinner, kerosene, and charcoal lighter fluid. The most dangerous of all is gasoline.

1. Flammable liquids are stored in                       Yes / No                        

properly labeled, tightly closed

non-glass containers.


2. These products are stored away                          Yes/ No                      

from heaters, furnaces, water

heaters, ranges, and other gas


3. Flammable liquids are stored out                         Yes/ No                      

of reach of children.





v Take extra precautions in storing and using flammable liquids, such as gasoline, paint thinners, etc. They produce invisible explosive vapors that can ignite by a small spark at considerable distances from the flammable substance. Store outside the house.




TEXTS for additional reading.


Fire Fighting Aboard Ship

Переведите текст на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод пожарно-технических терминов.

 Fires are one of the most hazardous casualities on any kind of ships because flames spread rapidly, making it difficult to evacuate personnel and passengers.

 The following factors contribute greatly to the development of the fire in ships’ spaces:

- combustible finishes of corridors, and, first of all, of ceilings;

- absence of fire-resisting and fire-retarding bulkheads and doors dividing the corridor in parts horizontally and deck tiers vertically;

- absence of fire-retarding doors from corridors to the cabins or presence of opened doors;

- air spaces behind ceilings through which the spaces communicate with one other.

 Under fire conditions trunks arid stairways become a type of a “smoke funnel”. Evacuation and access of people having fire appliances are extremely difficult. Fires originating in accommodation and services spaces spread frequently to the adjoining control stations resulting in failure of the ship’s control equipment.

 Most dangerous for human life are fires in cargo oil tanks closely arranged to superstructures and deckhouses. The absence of fire insulation, open or damaged side scuttles promote quick travel of the fire, particularly in case of unfavourable wind direction. The spread of fire in cargo oil tanks practically depend entirely on the properties of the carried petroleum product and structural peculiarities of the ship. Most dangerous are fires involving explosions.


Ответьте на вопросы:

а) What is the title of this text?

б) Why are fires one of the most hazardous casualities on any kind of ships?

в) What ship fires are most dangerous for human life?



Переведите текст на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод пожарно-технических терминов. Составьте профессиональный словарь.   

H ow fire occurs

Part I

           It is necessary to understand  how fire occurs. Fire, or combustion may  be defined as  a rapid chemical reaction between substances and oxygen. Heat and light are evolved   during this process.

In all ordinary fires the supporter of combustion is the oxygen of the atmosphere. In some limited   circumstances other gases, e.g.  chlorine may support  combustion. Substances are called  combustible if they burn in air.

Fire at any time and in any location requires three basic ingredients.

First, there must  be  something which is capable of combining  vigorously

with oxygen, or in other words  will burn. This is the combustible - the fuel.

Secondly, there must  be  oxygen usually to combine with the fuel in

combustion. Oxygen may  be regarded  as  diluted one  consisting  of about

21 per cent oxygen and 79 per cent nitrogen, the latter playing no part in the

reaction  .

         Combustion will be the more fierce the more oxygen is supplied.

The third requirement or ingredient is heat. Heat is a form of energy that

May  be described  as  a condition of "matter in motion" caused  by the

movement of molecules. When a body is heated  the speed of the molecules

increases, and thus  the temperature also increases.

       As soon as  one part of the fuel ignites the heat of reaction is sufficient to

Raise  the temperature of the adjoining  parts and so on  until  the reaction has

spread through the whole of the fuel.

                                                          Part II

        Fire results from a rapid chemical reaction between a fuel, such as wood or

gasoline, and oxygen. Reactions that involve oxygen and other elements are called

oxidation reactions. Chemists use the word combustion to refer to the oxidation reaction that produces fire. Combustion generate tight, heat, gases, and soot.

Several important factors need to be present for combustion to occur. The first

requirements are fuel and oxygen. Fuel for a fire may range from trees in a forest

to furniture in a home to gasoline in an automobile. The oxygen in the reaction

usually comes from the surrounding air.

        The next requirement for combustion is an initiating energy source, or source

of ignition. Ignition sources may be in the form of a spark, a flame, or even a very

hot object. The ignition source must provide enough energy to start the chemical

reaction. Finally, a chemical chain reaction (reaction that continuously fuels itself)

must occur between the fuel and oxygen for combustion to take place.

         Most combustible fuels begin as solids, such as wood, wax, and plastic. Many

fuels that people burn for energy, including gasoline and methane (natural gas),

begin as either a liquid or a gas. Any fuel must be in a gaseous state (so that it can

react with oxygen) before a fire can occur. Heat from the fire’s ignition source, and

later from the fire itself, decomposes solid and liquid fuels, releasing flammable

gases called volatile. Some solids, such as the wax in a candle, melt into a liquid

first. The liquid then evaporates, giving off volatiles that may then burn. Other solids,

such as wood and cotton, decompose and evaporate directly.





 Переведите текст на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод пожарно-технических терминов.

Development of Fires

 As a rule a fire breaks out in one space and for some time it develops imperceptibly. Flaming or smoldering is developing due to oxygen of the air present in the space volume or supplied through the ventilation system.

 Combustion products fill the space and heat walls, ceilings, furnishings, etc. In the majority of cases investigated fires are detected visually or by small of smoke coming from the space through uptightness in doors, windows, ventilation openings, etc. In a number of cases fires are detected by an automatics fire alarm and fire detection system with heat detectors fitted.

 Upon fire detection attempts are made to extinguish the flame using portable fire extinguishing appliances or other means of fire outfit. But fresh air is admitted through opened doors (indoors), which result in abrupt intensification of burning of preliminary heated materials and their decomposition products. Flame blow-out from the door (window) is observed. Under such conditions portable fire appliances are not adequate, their use becomes impossible due to smoke production, temperature rise, toxic effect of gasses and oxygen deficiency.

 People do not always guess to close the doors (windows) until more effective appliances can be brought. The fire gets out of hand, its activity increases. In this case it is dangerous for people to remain in the building, they must be evacuated as soon as possible and fire extinguishing with more effective methods is to be organized.

 Only when the fire extinguishing equipment is prepared the fire can be localized and prevented from spreading outside the space where it has organized. The main factor in this case is bringing the equipment in a state of readiness before the door to the space where the fire has broken out is opened.

 The process of burning occurs mainly due to the air contained in the compartment. The combustion of each kilogram of a solid combustible material at least 4-6 cubic meters of air is required. The doors, windows, ventilation systems are to be closed as they promote burning.


Ответьте на вопросы:

а) What is the title of this text?

б) Is usually flaming or smoldering developing due to oxygen of the air?

в) How much air is required for combustion of each kilogram of a solid combustible material?





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