Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания. 

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Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания.

In the countryside, flammable substance, in tropical regions, for growing crops,

heating system, leaves and brush, to generate steam, destructive force, careless disposal, to spread fire, after a harvest to clear fields, produce electricity, large industrial incinerators, to remain, to manufacture products and dispose of waste.


Переведите  следующие слова и словосочетания.


Используя топливо, такое как уголь, газ, и даже древесину или мусор,  огнеопасное вещество, большие котлы (бойлеры),  ландшафт, очищать поля,  времена войны, производить  пар, в тропических районах, потенциально разрушительная сила, огромные турбины, нежелательные пожары, причинять вред и смерть, неосторожное пользование сигаретами и спичками, молния.

Подберите синонимы для слов левой колонки.

1. to destroy -                                                1.crop

2. appliance                                              2. to produce

3. to start                                                  3.leaves

4. harvest                                                 4.rapidly

5. to manufacture                                     5.to destruct -

6.  to heat                                                 6.enormous

7.  foliage                                                 7.to begin

8.  quickly                                                 8.villiage

9.  large                                                     9.device

10.   countryside                                         10.to warm


4. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. Does fire remain a potentially destructive force in peoples lives?

 2. People use fire to prepare land for growing crops, don’t they?

 3. What do we use fire?

 4. Do many people enjoy sitting around a campfire, keeping warm and

telling stories today?

 5. What do many people use in fireplaces or stoves?

 6. What may generate electricity using fuels such as coal, gas, and even

wood or garbage?

 7. Where do people destroy leaves and brush by burning them?


Найдите в тексте правильные и  неправильные глаголы и напишите их три основные формы. Переведите на русский язык.

Phrasal verb: look

look atсмотреть на

          Look at this wonderful picture, please!

look after – присматривать (заботиться)

             Could you look after my liitle dog?

look in – навещать, заходить

            I’ll look in and see your aunt next Sunday.

look up – искать, посмотреть что-либо (в словаре)

            If you don’t know this phrasal verb look it up in the


look for – искать

             Have you seen my umbrella? I’ve been looking for it


look throughпросматривать

                    Every morning Mr.Bell looks through fresh newspapers.

Look out! – Осторожно!

                 Look out! The car is coming.


Составьте свои собственные предложения с фразовым глаголом: look


Lesson 1

Firefighting History

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                                                    PART I.

Firefighting is the act of extinguishing fires. A firefighter fights these fires to prevent destruction of life, property and the environment. Firefighting is a highly technical skill that requires professionals who have spent years training in both general firefighting techniques and specialized areas of expertise.

Fire fighting, techniques and equipment used to extinguish fires and limit the damage caused by them. Fire fighting consists of removing one or more of the three elements essential to combustion-fuel, heat, and oxygen-or of interrupting the combustion chain reaction.

Fire Departments


         The Roman Emperor Augustine is credited with instituting a corps of firefighting vigils (“watchman”) in 24 BC. Regulations for checking and preventing

fires were developed. In the preindustrial era most cities had watchman who

sounded an alarm at signs of fire. The principal piece of fire-fighting equipment in

ancient Rome and into early modern times was the bucket, passed from hand to

hand to deliver water to the fire. Another important fire-fighting tool was the ax,

used to remove the fuel and prevent the spread of fire as well as to make openings

that would allow heat and smoke to escape a burning building. In major conflagration

long hooks with ropes were used to pull down buildings in the path of an

approaching fire to create firebreak. When explosives were available, they would

be used for this same purpose.

Following the Great Fire of London in 1666, fire brigades were formed by insurance

companies. The government was not involved until 1965, when these brigades

became London’s Metropolitan Fire Brigade. The first modern standards for

the operation of a fire department were not established until 1830, in Edinburgh,

Scotland. These standards explained, for the first time, what was expected of

a good fire department.

After a major fire in Boston in 1631, the first fire regulation in America was established.

In 1648 in New Amsterdam (now New York) fire wardens were appointed,

thereby establishing the beginnings of the first public fire department in

North America.


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