Переведите  следующие слова и словосочетания. 

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Переведите  следующие слова и словосочетания.

At the same time, public and private bath buildings, rich people’s houses, efficiently, to be more careful, clay braziers, African blacksmiths, the Islamic Empire, to invent, copper and tin, to use ovens, the last Ice Age, charcoal fires, to spread, to use chimneys, went back, West Asia, to smelt metal, hot water pipes, smoke.

2. Заполните пропуски словами, опираясь на содержание текста.

  1. By 4000 BC they …………………… on charcoal fires, instead of just using wood.

 2. They started to use ……………. to get the smoke out of their houses.

 3. African …………… may have invented iron smelting for themselves, about 300 AD.

 4. By……………………………., around 6000 BC, people were beginning to

 live in houses, and the houses were in small villages.

 5. Most people used small ………………..in clay braziers to heat their houses and

to cook on……………….

 6. They ………….. to use ovens.


Найдите в тексте неправильные глаголы и напишите их три

основные формы. Переведите на русский язык.

Подберите синонимы для слов левой колонки, переведите на русский язык.

1) to invent A) material
2) beginning B) speed
3) plenty of C) to devise
4) to happen D) to finish
5) substance E) starting
6) to use F) to burn
7) to end G) to apply
8) to be on fire H) many
9) to receive I) to get
10) rate J) to occur

5. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1.How long have people been using fire to cook their food?

2. What did the people bring, when they left Africa about 60.000 years ago?

3. When were people beginning to live in houses?

4. By 4000 BC they started to cook on charcoal fires, instead of just using wood,

didn’t they?

5. When did people start to use chimneys to get the smoke out of their houses?

6. What did people use in the Islamic Empire in West Asia?

7. Who used charcoal fires to heat air and water and piped it through their houses?


Lesson 2

                                                     Early Use Fire

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     The earliest use of fire by humans may have occurred as early as 1.4 million

years ago. Evidence for this was found in Kenya — a mound of burned clay

near animal bones and crude stone tools, suggesting a possible human campsite.

However, this fire could have resulted from natural causes.

       Fire, reaction involving fuel and oxygen, which produces heat and light. Early

humans used fire to warm themselves, cook food, and frighten away predators.

Sitting around a fire may have helped unite and strengthen family groups. They also used fire to provide light, to make better tools, and as a weapon in times of war.

     Thousands of years ago hunter-gatherers (people who lived by hunting and

gathering wild food) developed a number of valuable uses for fire. With fire they

could remain active after the sun set, protect themselves from predators, warm

themselves, cook, and make better tools. By cooking with fire, prehistoric people made the meat of the animals they killed more palatable and digestible. They learned to preserve meat by smoking it over a fire.

      Early religions often included fire as a part of their rituals, reflecting its importance to society. Early myths focused on fire’s power. One such myth related the story of Vesta, the Roman goddess of the hearth. To honor Vesta, the high priest of

the Roman religion periodically chose six priestesses, called Vestal Virgins, to keep

a fire going in a community hearth.

      If people let their fire go out, they had to spend considerable time to start it again before they could eat and get warm. But fire also posed great risks and challenges to early people, including the threat of burns, the challenge of controlling fire, the greater challenge of starting a fire, and the threat of wildfires.


Words and word combinations:

evidence - свидетельство

occur - случаться, происходить

mound - холм, насыпь

clay -  глина

crude - необработанный, сырой, неочищенный, грубый

stone tools – каменные орудия

suggest - предлагать, предполагать

campsite - участок возгорания, место разбивки лагеря

however - однако

fuel - топливо, горючее

to fuel – снабжать (запасаться)топливом, заправлять(ся) горючим

oxygen -  кислород

heat -  жара, тепло, тепловая энергия

light - свет

to warm - обогревать

to frighten (away)  - пугать (отпугивать)

predator  - хищник

to speed  - ускорить

society  - общество

to hunt  - охотиться

hunter-gatherer охотник-собиратель

valuable - ценный, дорогой, дорогостоящий

prehistoric people – доисторические люди

to remain active – оставаться активным

sun set - закат

to protect - защищать

palatable - вкусный, аппетитный

digestible – легко усваиваемый

ancestor  - предок, предшественник

eventually-  в конце концов, в конечном счете, в итоге

spread (n, v) -  распространение, распространяться

to preserve (meat) – заготовлять впрок, хранить, консервировать

throughout  - через, по всему

to pose ставить (проблему)

challenge -  трудная проблема, сложная задача

to include - включить

threat -  yгроза

burn ожог

wildfire – пожар, 

source  - источник

protection  - защита

hearth - очаг, домашний очаг

to develop развиваться

use -  употребление, применение

to provide -  обеспечить

tool -  инструмент

weapon  - оружие

to discover - открыть

to reflect - отражать

goddess – богиня

priest – жрец, священник

priestess- жрица

implement –  орудие, инструмент

adverse - неблагоприятный

sufficient - достаточный

to go out -  затухать

to prevent  - предупредить, предотвратить

to extinguish  - гасить, тушить

destructive - разрушительный

force  - сила, войска

destroy (n, v)-  разрушение, разрушать

landscape -  ландшафт

disposal - передача, размещение, пользование

campfire - костер

to damage разрушать

workplace -  рабочее место, производственное помещение

property -  собственность

cause (n, v) причина, причинять

injury повреждения, вред

to glow -  светиться

cave  - пещера, полость, впадина




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