What do the firefighters do? 

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What do the firefighters do?

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          Nowadays the demand for firefighters is expected to increase. Because citizens recognize firefighting as an essential services in any community, the jobs of firefighters are typically secure.

        Firefighters work to protect people and property from the hazards of fire, as well as other disasters. Firefighters will respond to emergency services reports of a fire, and will attend the scene to help anyone in danger, secure the scene, and put out the fire. Firefighters are also called out to many other emergency situations, such as traffic accidents. They are often the first to attend the scene of an emergency, and are called on to provide medical assistance to anyone injured.

        The skills you will learn as a firefighter can help you get a full-time paid position with a fire department or a job in any industry where firefighters are kept on staff. Whenever disaster strikes, firefighters spring into action to rescue their neighbors and save property. There's no more important job than that.

       In any weather, at any time, firefighters must respond immediately. As they battle smoke and flames, they must put their own lives on the line. This takes courage, technical skill, initiative, and a dedication to helping others.

          Firefighters have vehicles they drive fires and rescue operations. If the vehicle pumps water it is called an engine. If it does not pump water it is called a truck. A rescue truck mainly responds to and has equipment for car wrecks, collapsed buildings, search and  rescue, stuck elevators and other  things. If it carries the fire chief to fires, it is a fire chief car. Fire engines pump water and foam which is used to put out the fire. Fire trucks carry ladders and tools to help rescue people from burning buildings.Some engines carry first aid kits to help people who are injured or hurt. Fire engines can also carry tools and gear to rescue people from collapsed buildings, car accidents, stuck elevators, and many other situations.


       Daily firefighters are put under stressful and strenuous situations such as:

• Carrying heavy equipment up multi-storey blocks to fight high rise fires
• Lifting or dragging heavy unconscious people from buildings
• Being able to work in confined spaces where flexibility is paramount
• Hauling heavy gear up the outside of tall buildings using rope lines
• Running out lines of hose
• Lifting and pitching heavy ladders
• Having the cardio endurance to conserve air whilst carrying out a detailed search

 of smoke filled building wearing breathing apparatus
• Breaking through hefty doors with heavy breaking in gear
• Handling heavy hydraulic cutting equipment when extricating casualties following road traffic accidents.

Words and word combinations:


demand – требование, потребность

to expect - ожидать

 to increase - увеличивать

citizen - гражданин

essential – необходимые, весьма важные, существенные

property – имущество, собственность, свойство. качество

hazards of fire – опасность огня

disaster - катастрофа

put out the fire – тушить пожар

emergency – чрезвычайная ситуация, авария;

                   запасной. аварийный

emergency situations - чрезвычайный ситуации

medical assistance  - медицинская помощь (содействие)

courage – храбрость, смелость, мужество 

technical - технический

 skill – мастерство, искусство, навык

 initiative  - 1)инициатива; 2) инициативный

 dedication – 1)посвящение; 2) преданность, самоотверженность

strenuous – сильный, напряженный, требующий усилий

stressful and strenuous situations – стрессовые и напряженные ситуации

Heavy equipment – тяжелое оборудование (приспособления)

Unconscious – потерявший сознание, без сознания обморок

Multi - storey blocks многоэтажные дома


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