Переведите  следующие слова и словосочетания. 

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Переведите  следующие слова и словосочетания.

To train specialists practically for all spheres of economic activities, Fire Safety Department, foreign languages,   rescue works,   different subjects of general education,

it means, in order to get useful information about fire safety, in the field of fire safety,

to study hard,  chemistry, fire fighting tactics.


Подберите синонимы для слов левой колонки, переведите на русский язык.

1.to study                                     a) near

2. lessons                                     b) to start 

3. far                                                 c) to prepare

4. different                                   d) physical exercises                                  

5. to train                                     e)to obtain

6 physical training                       f) various

7. to get                                             g) to learn

8. to begin                                    h) period


3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

 1. Where do you study?

 2.  What are going to be?

 3. What do you usually do in the morning?

 4. Where do you live?

 5. How much time does it take you to get to the college?

 6. What subjects of general education do you study?

 7.  What special subjects do you learn?

 8. Where do you have your practice?

 9. Do you study hard?

10. Are you proud to study at this college?


Прочитайте диалог и выучите наизусть.

- Good morning, Ivan. I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?

- Hallo, Max. Glad to see you. I am fine, thank you. And what about you?

- I am well too, thanks. As far as I know you study at the college?

- Yes, you are right.  I study at Volgograd College of  Economics and Technics.

- Nice. Are you going to be a programmer?

- No, I’m not. I’m going to be a firefighter. I am already a third -year student.

- Do you like your speciality?

- Of course I do. They say, that a ll men are created equal, but a few become firemen.

- I see. Good luck to you! Best regards to your parents. Good bye.

- Bye.


Напишите все типы вопросов к следующим предложениям.

    1.They have both lectures and practical lessons.

    2. This college trains specialists for various spheres of economic activities.

    3. It usually takes me fifteen or twenty minutes to get to the college by bus.

    4. Usually the lessons start at 8 o’clock in the morning. 

Подготовьте рассказ о распорядке дня на английском языке.

 Сутки делятся на две равные части по 12 часов.
a.m. (лат. ante meridiem) - до полудня
p.m. (лат. post meridiem) - после полудня
a.m. – время с 00:00 до 11:59 (с 12 ночи до 12 дня)
p.m. – время с 12:00 до 23:59 (с 12 дня до 12 ночи)
Например: 12 часов дня = 12 p.m. 1 час ночи = 1 a.m.



a.m. morning 00.00- 11.59  
p.m. afternoon  12.00- 17.59
  evening  18.00- 23.59

Note: 00.00 = midnight    

12.00 = midday (noon)    


16.30 - half past four p.m.    

9.15- quarter past nine a.m.    

19.45 - quarter to eight p.m.    

15.55 - 5 min. to four p.m.  




Lesson 2.

 “ A hero is no braver than an ordinary man,

                                                        But he is braver five minutes longer”

                                                                                          Ralph Waldo Emerson.

    Прочитайте и переведите текст.

A f irefighter. What is he?

  According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, the English word "firefighter" has been used since 1903. In recent decades it has become the preferred term, replacing the older "fireman", since many women serve as firefighters, and also because the term "fireman" can have other meanings, including someone who sets or stokes fires - exactly the opposite of the firefighting role.

     Firefighters or firemen are people whose job is to put out fires and rescue people and pets, aid and assist during natural disasters and, increasingly, provide emergency medical services.  A fire service is not a career but a profession and a good fireman makes his work also his hobby. It is surprising how little the community knows about the fire service and the work of a fireman. It is not generally understood  that the field of knowledge required  is far greater  than  that  of almost any other

profession and includes mathematics, hydraulics, chemistry, English, building construction, plan drawing, legislation, fire service law, fire alarms and etc.

           In a city, the building they work in is called a fire station, or fire hall. The fire service, also known in some countries as the fire brigade or fire department, is one of the emergency services. Firefighters work for the fire department.

    “He is a man who saves lives because he has seen too much death”. These words are devoted a firefighter. In order to become a firefighter, you must be strong, mentally alert, self-disciplined, and have mechanical aptitude. You need to be able to make quick decisions in emergencies. You'll work closely with crew members in dangerous and stressful conditions, so you must be dependable and get along well with others.

    There are firefighters in cities and towns who fight fires in houses and other buildings. These are called structural firefighters. There are also firefighters who fight forest fires and grass fires.

  In some places, they are also taught first aid and given medical training so they can help people in other ways. A lot of fire departments have ambulances to transport sick and injured people. Fire engines in some places go to medical emergencies because they might be closer and can give first aid before the ambulance gets there. A fire truck usually carries the same exact equipment as an ambulance does. Search and rescue is also done by many fire departments.

Firefighters must wear heavy clothing which protects them from the heat when they are fighting a fire. This is called bunker gear or turnout gear.


Words and word combinations:


fireman, firefighter – пожарный

fire brigade- пожарная команда

fire station – пожарное депо

fire department (brigade)- пожарная часть

fire truck – пожарный автомобиль

to set fire- поджигать

to stoke - загрузить(топку)

gear – принадлежности.снаряжение, одежда. аксессуары

to put out fires – тушить пожары

bunker – бункер, укрытие

turnout gear – выездное снаряжение

fire engine – пожарный локомотив (пожарная машина)

medical emergencies - чрезвычайная ситуация, авария;

                   запасной. аварийный

career – карьера, профессия

hydraulics - гидравлика

building construction – строительные конструкции

plan drawing – инженерная графика

legislation  - законодательство

fire service law – пожарное законодательство




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