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Закончите следующие предложения в соответствии с текстом.

    Переведите полученные предложения.

1. Concrete must be …

2. Failure in concrete work are caused by …

3. It is more difficult to protect reinforced concrete than mass concrete because:

a) it will …

a) the expansion caused by the rust will ….

b) the result of this is …

4. In all structures exposed to the weather the reinforcing steel must be …

5. Concrete to be durable must be made …

6. More of the coarse aggregate is used to produce …

7. Light weight units can’t be used where fire resistance and …

8. The strength of plain concrete depends upon …

9. Concrete exposed to the air hardens more rapidly than …

10. Concrete has poor … but it is strong in …


Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные грамматические формы.

1. Concrete has proved to be durable when made of good materials.

2. This fact has to be established by experience and experiments.

3. Reinforcing steel in concrete can rust resulting in an unsightly structure and  necessary repairs.

4. Concrete to be durable must be protected while curing.

5. The densest products are those, which contain maximum amount of coarse aggregate and still contain enough fine aggregate to produce a smooth surface.                

6. The strongest concrete is that containing the largest amount of cement in a given volume of concrete, the strength of concrete varying directly as the amount of cement.

7. The setting of cement is a chemical change, the strength increasing very rapidly the first few days.

8. The compressive strength of plain concrete varies depending upon the cement.



I am a second year student of the Building Institute of the Tyumen State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. It is one of the largest higher educational establishments in our town. The Civil Engineering Institute was founded in 1971. Our Institute trains civil engineers in the following specialities: “Industrial and Civil Construction”, “Manufacture of the Building Structures”, “Management of Real Estate”, “Heating and Gas Supply”, “Road Engineering”, "City Construction” and “Water Supply”. During the years of activity the Institute has trained many highly-qualified engineers. Such specialists are in great demand nowadays. There are the day-time, and extra-mural departments. Those who combine studies with their work are trained at the extra-mural departments. The whole process of studying deals with mastering new construction methods and progressive technology of production of building structures and materials. The junior students are taught mathematics, physics, a foreign language (English/German/French), chemistry, philosophy, computer processing of information. We attend lectures, do laboratory work and tests. We have quite a number of well-equipped laboratories at our disposal. Mastering one of the foreign languages enables us to read foreign literature and learn about the latest scientific and technical achievements abroad. The senior students study special engineering subjects such as Strength of Materials, Theoretical Mechanics, Building Materials, Geodesy, Architecture, etc. The fourth-year students combine their studies with their research work. We write course papers and graduation theses on the scientific problems of our research work. Many highly - qualified teachers work at the departments of our Institute, some of them have candidate's degrees and scientific ranks. In summer the students of our faculty, besides vacation, have their practical hours in order to have a clear idea of what our speciality means. According to the academic plan the fourth -year students are sent to work at different plants and construction sites, where they learn to employ in practice the knowledge they gained at the University. During practice the students master the job of a civil engineer and at the same time collect materials for their diploma papers. The final and most important period in the students’ life is the defence of the graduation work in the presence of the State Examining Board. All the graduates get work according to their speciality. We shall work at building material factories, on construction sites, at design and research institutions and laboratories. Besides, we are provided with everything necessary for a scientific career entering a post-graduate course. In a word we have a wide range of job opportunities. 


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I suppose... I think... It seems to me... As far as I know (remember)...

I believe... As a rule... Usually... Besides...

1 What University do you study at? 2 What Institute do you belong to? 3 When was it founded? 4 Are you a second-year student? 5 What specialists does the Building Institute train? 6. Why do you want to become a civil engineer? 7 What subjects is the academic program composed of? 8 Why do our students study foreign languages? 9 What does the course of studies end with? 10 What problems do the students deal with in their course papers and graduation theses? 11 Where do our graduates work? 12 In what way can graduates continue their study? 



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