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Prestressed concrete is a relatively young product. It started to be widely used only during the last few decades, and is still gaining popularity. The reason of its popularity is its usefulness. The main good qualities of prestressed concrete are its high strength and durability. In prestressed concrete, concrete is combined with steel. This combination is highly advantageous and serves the purpose of producing a compressed stress in the concrete as a building material. For this reason any member of beam is under constant compression and as a result has no cracks. In modern times this type of concrete serves as construction material for beams, for pipes, find columns, storage tanks, water towers and the like.

3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту.

1. What good qualities does prestressed concrete possess?

2. What metal is it combined with?

3. What purpose does this combination serve?

4. What constructions is prestressed concrete mostly used for?

4. Прочитайте таблицу и переведите примеры а) с английского на русский язык; б) с русского на английский язык (работа в парах). Мы знаем, что бетон является универсально используемым строительным материалом, различные самые популярные виды бетона и их основные свойства перечислены ниже.

TABLE 1. Types of Concrete


architectural concrete архитектурный бетон
asphalt с Асфальтобетон
gas с. Газобетон
gypsum с гипсовый б.
gravel с бетон из гравия
precast с заранее отлитый б.
plain с неармированный б.
prestressed reinforced с напряженно армированный б.

TABLE 2. Properties of Concrete


high-strength concrete высокопрочный бетон
waterproof с водонепроницаемый б.
nailable с гвоздимый б.
lightweight с легкий б., теплый б.
cast-in-situ с монолитный б.
poor quality с б. низкого качества

Вставьте словосочетания с противоположным значением.

Model: poor quality concrete - high-grade concrete

high-strength concrete —___________

cast-in-situ —____

lightweight concrete —.
plain concrete — 

6. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What kind of concrete has practically universal usage?

2. What kind of concrete is produced in factories?

3. What are the main qualities of precast concrete?

4. Why is concrete combined with metals?

5. What kind of concrete serves as construction material for beams, pipes, storage tanks, water towers and the like?

7. Прочитайте примеры и переведите их на русский язык (работа в парах).

concreter —

concrete mixer —

concrete frame —

concrete workability —

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Silica Concrete

Among the aggregates concrete is composed of, there are heavy and light ones. Silica belongs to comparatively new types of concrete. Its structure is rather special. It does not contain cement and is relatively light in weight. Besides, it is highly fire-resistant. Because of these and some other properties silica concrete is widely used in aviation and in building under­water constructions. But its disadvantages should be also taken into account: because of its light weight its strength is considerably decreased.

9. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Which of the two kinds of concrete possesses greater strength — cellular or asphalt concrete?

2. What is the name of concrete having glass in its structure?

3. What is the meaning of the term 'nailable'?

4. What kind (kinds) of concrete has (have) practically limitless use?



Запомните следующие слова.

achievement - достижение       

hydration - гидрация, присоединение воды    

specification — технические условия  

to cure — сохранять, исправлять, выдерживать

vapour - испарение, пар

liquid– жидкость

layer — слой

ratio — отношение


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