V Speaking and Mastering Professional Skills 

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V Speaking and Mastering Professional Skills

Task 22. Surf the Internet and find the answers online:

1. What is the name of one of the world’s largest brokers of fine and decorative art, jewelry and collectibles, headquartered in New York city? When was it founded?

2. Give the definition of “Cultural property”. What are the examples of Cultural property?

3. Find the full name of 1954 Hague Convention. What is it focused on?


Task 23. Discuss the following:

1) Why do you think people collect things?

2) If you wanted to collect any items of cultural valuables, what would you choose? Why?

3) What are the most unusual collections you have heard of?


Task 24. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary of the unit.

Task 25. Read and role-play short dialogues:


1) - We’ll have to seize this antique painting. We’ll give you a receipt.

- But why?

- Come down, please.

- But I have looked through the Prohibited Articles List and the Duty free Quota list. My thing isn’t on the list.


2) - You can have this thing only after you pay the duty.

- I didn’t know that.

- Don’t be upset. But such are our rules.

- But do you guarantee its safety?


3) - We’ll have to seize this manuscript.

    It is forbidden to be taken out of country.

- Now, what am I to do?

- You don’t have to worry. Leave it here.

- But it is for my personal use.


4) - I’m sorry you’ll have to leave this icon with the Customs Office.

- That’s impossible.

- It’s nothing to get upset about. It’ll be safe here.

- When may I take it back?

Task 26. Read the quotations. Discuss and comment on them with your partner. How do you understand them? Do you agree or disagree with above mentioned statements? Why, why not?



 - ‘ A value is valuable when the value of value is valuable to oneself’.



 - ‘ Time is valuable. People are busy’.

                                                                        (Nancy Gibbs)


 - ‘ Remember that the most valuable antiques are dear old friend s’.

                                                                        (H. Jackson Brown Jr.)


 - ‘ I want to make things of quality. I’m a big believer in handmade tactile, crafted pieces. I want to keep this tradition alive ’.

                                                                        (Zac Posen)


 - ‘ Words are the coins making up the currency of sentences and there are always too many small coins’.

                                                                        (Jules Renard)


- ‘ Mistakes are painful when they happen, but years after a collection of mistakes is what is called experience ’.

                                                                         (Dennis Waitley).



Valuable / valuables ценный / ценность
to consider рассматривать, считать
Heritage наследие
Antique антикварная вещь
to obtain получать, добывать
archeological excavations археологические раскопки
Craftsmanship мастерство
hand-made ручной работы
Drawing чертеж
Sculpture скульптура
Icon икона
Engraving гравюра
Handicrafts ремесла
relics реликвии
ancient древний
Manuscript рукопись
Archive архив
Unique единственный в своем роде
Rare редкий
Rug ковёр
post stamp почтовая марка
various kinds of metal ware различные виды изделий из металла
Order орден
Medal медаль
Coin монета
mass production массовое производство
state (adj.) государственный
Body организация, орган
the Federal Customs Service Федеральная таможенная служба
Culture Ministry Министерство культуры
the State Protection List Опись культурных ценностей, охраняемых государством
register (n) зд. реестр
to apply обращаться
permission разрешение
proof of ownership доказательство права собственности
evidence of authorship cведения oбавторстве
Receipt квитанция, чек
Auction аукцион
to issue выдавать
to confirm подтверждать
ground (n) основание, мотив
obligatory обязательный
to accuse обвинять
proprietor владелец, собственник, хозяин
to create создавать
temporary временный
Criminal Code Уголовный кодекс
administrative violation административное правонарушение
etc. и другие = и др.









Part II

Articles for Rendering



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