Customs regulations on valuables 

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Customs regulations on valuables

I. Starting up

1. What examples of valuable items can you think of?

2. Why are they considered valuable?

3. Do you have any valuable articles at home? Do they have any historic or artistic value? Why are they valuable to you?


II. Reading

Reading 1

Task 1. Read and translate the text.

    Under Russian law items older than fifty years are considered part of Russia’s national and cultural heritage. But an object must be more than just old to be called an antique. Antiques of all kinds are highly valued for their beauty, craftsmanship, quality of design and sometimes for their relation to a historical period or to some well-known person.

    Cultural valuables include:

- items and their fragments obtained from archeological excavations;

- art valuables such as original hand-made pictures, drawings, works of traditional folk arts as well as sculptures, icons, engravings and handicrafts;

- ancient books, manuscripts and document relics;

- photo-, audio- and video- archives;

- unique and rare musical instruments,

- furniture, rugs;

- other movable items including rare flora/fauna collections, post stamps; various kinds of metal ware, orders, medals, coins etc.

Modern items and items of mass production are not related to culturalvaluables.

    Export and import of cultural valuablesare regulated and controlled by the state bodies. Exported cultural valuablesare subject to special registration in the order established by the Federal Customs Service and the Culture Ministry which keep the State Protection Lists and Registers.

     There is a standard procedure for individuals who want to take culturalvaluables out of the country. The owner must apply to the Culture Ministry for permission and present the proof of ownership or evidence of authorship for the valuable item. It can be a receipt from the shop or an auction, an old photo, a will or some other document. When they receive the necessary documents, the Ministry issues an Export certificateconfirming the right to export cultural valuables. The certificate allows carrying cultural valuables across the customs and state border of the country. 

 When passing through the customs control a person should declare the valuable item both in his exit and entry declaration forms and it is obligatory to present it for inspection and expertise. Undeclared items found during the searchare detained and the person may be accused of smuggling.

Carriage of common souvenirs and cultural items across customs border of the Russian Federation do not require presentation of Export certificate to Customs Authority. However, when a Customs Officer has a doubt in qualifying goods, being imported as cultural items, he can claim a standard certificate to make sure that the items are not subject to state registration and do not require Export certificates.

Cultural valuables in search are subject to arrest for their following return to the legal proprietors.

The author has the right to take out of the Russian Federation any quantity of cultural valuables created by him, no matter whether he is leaving the country temporarily or for permanent residence abroad.

Illegal bringing in and taking out of cultural valuables is considered as smuggling and is to be punished in accordance with the Criminal Code or the legislation of the RF related to administrative violations.


Task 2. Try to guess the meaning of the words. Check with the dictionary.

Relics, bracelet, theatre, frame, medallion, piano, brooch, ornaments, album, statuette, diamond, portrait, silver, ballet, candelabrum, vase, teapot,   sapphire, cross, gold, earrings, guitar, icon, figurine, tomb, ruby

Task3. a) Give the Russian equivalents of the following:

b) Explain the meaning of the underlined expressions:

- under Russian law

- national and cultural heritage

- an antique

- original hand-made pictures

- ancient books and manuscripts

- items of mass production

- State Protection Lists

- Evidence of authorship

- proof of ownership

- the customs and state border

- cultural valuables in search

     - legal proprietor


Task 4. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following:

считаться частью национального наследия; (не) относиться к культурным ценностям; подлежать специальной регистрации; вести реестр; вывозить культурные ценности; обратиться в Министерство культуры; предъявить доказательство права собственности; выдать сертификат; сомневаться в том, как правильно квалифицировать товар; изъять незадекларированные ценности; обвинить в контрабанде; наказать в соответствии с законодательством


Task 5. a) Match the antonyms:

old                 modern

ancient           mass production

unique           common

special           permanent

original          new

rare                ordinary

temporary      copy

hand-made     standard


b) Complete the sentences with the proper words:

1. This chair is a copy of the _______ design.

2. He was wearing a pair of expensive __________ shoes.

3. Computers are an essential part of _______ life.

4. The expert said that the paintings were rather _______, not valuable at all.

5. He was excited to see such a _______ icon.

6. We have a very _______ guest with us at the meeting today.

7. She was employed on a _______ basis.

8. Searching luggage at airports is now a _______ practice.

9. Each person’s fingerprints are _______.


Task 6. Insert prepositions if necessary:

1) to regulate and control _____ import and export

2) subject _____ special registration

3) export is regulated _____ the state bodies

4) to present the proof _____ ownership _____ the valuable item

5) a receipt _____ the shop

6) when crossing _____ the border

7) to declare _____ the valuable item

8) to present _____ inspection

9) found _____ the search

10) accused _____ smuggling

11) to take _____ _____ the country

12) illegal bringing _____ is forbidden _____ law

13) to return _____ the legal proprietor

14) _____ Russian law

15) to apply _____ the Culture Ministry


Task 7. Complete the sentences.

1. Cultural valuables include...

2. Cultural valuables don’t include...

3. To move some cultural valuables across the border the person has to...

4. Culture Ministry officials usually...

5. When crossing the border it is obligatory to...

6. To declare an item means …

7. When a Customs Officer has a doubt in qualifying goods,…

8. If customs officers find undeclared items during the search...


Task 8. Answer the questions:

1. What can be called an antique?

2. What do cultural valuables include?

3. What items are not related to cultural valuables?

4. How does Culture Ministry control the export of antiques?

5. Is it possible for individuals to take valuables out of the country?

6. How can a person obtain permission for export?

7. What can be accepted as the proof of ownership?

8. What must a person remember when passing through the customs control?

9. Carriage of which items does not require presentation of Export certificate?

10. What can happen if the person violates the regulations?



Task 9. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Министерство культуры и таможенная служба контролируют ввоз и вывоз культурных и исторических ценностей.

2. Какие доказательства права собственности вы можете предъявить?

3. Перед тем, как выдать разрешение на вывоз, сотрудники Министерства культуры регистрируют ценности в специальном реестре.

4. Во время досмотра багажа таможенники обнаружили несколько старинных книг и рукописей.

5. Ваша коллекция современных иностранных монет не представляет ценности. Вам не нужно разрешение на вывоз, но вы должны ее задекларировать и предъявить для досмотра.

6. Этот художник регулярно вывозит свои картины на международные аукционы.

7. Ваш музыкальный инструмент находится в розыске. Мы изымаем его, и после проведения следствия он будет возвращен владельцу.

8. При подаче таможенной декларации пассажир не указал, что в его багаже имеются иконы.

9. При проведении таможенного досмотра автомобиля в багажнике среди личных вещей было обнаружено 6 икон.

10. Согласно закону, регулирующему ввоз и вывоз культурных ценностей, провоз данных предметов может осуществляться на основании разрешения Министерства культуры.


Reading 2

Task 10. a) Read and translate the text to fulfill the tasks below:

United States customs law defines an antique as an object that is more than 100 years old.

Most antiques are things that were originally used as household furnishings. These include furniture, silver, glass, ceramics, rugs, embroideries, metal ware, and other objects of decorative art. Such objects are studied, collected, and bought and sold by cultural and social historians. They are studied and exhibited in ways that are different from the ways in which the fine arts (paintings, prints, and sculpture) are studied and presented.

Antiques are usually classified according to their countries of origin and the dates when they were made. The predominant classifications derive from styles that originated in London or Paris. The names of various periods into which antiques are classified may be derived from the reigning monarch of the time and place where they were made. A piece of art may be termed Georgian, Regency, or Victorian if it is English or Louis XIV, XV, or XVI, Napoleon, or Empire if it is French. Unfortunately, it is not always as simple as that. Antiques, especially pieces of furniture, are sometimes called by the name of the leading craftsman or designer of their period – Chippendale, Sheraton, Phyfe or Faberge.

Antiques are bought and sold in a variety of ways. Some are sold at auctions. In the biggest auction houses, similar things are grouped together in sales for which catalogues are published. These sales receive international advertising and publicity. Bidding can be done in person, by agent, or by telephone. Auctioneers cover their expenses and make a profit by charging the seller a percentage of the sale price. Many antiques are sold by dealers – merchants who buy objects from private owners, auction houses, and from other dealers. Most antique dealers display their wares in their own shops. The antiques show is another popular way to buy and sell such goods. Often a show is run for the benefit of a charity.



b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember.

c) Speak about 1) the things that are termed antiques;

                        2) the way antiques are classified;

                        3) the way objects of art can be sold or bought.

III. Language work.

Task 11. Put these adjectives into the correct category.

ancient    bright   dark   disgusting   fascinating   portable modern   woolen huge   round    Italian   long   digital yellow new   brilliant   triangular plastic  cotton racing running Spanish   square   tiny  pink  wooden


2 – SIZE (and most other qualities)  
3 – AGE ancient
4 – SHAPE  
5 – COLOUR  


Task 12. a) Put the adjectives in the correct order.

1. a / black and white / landscape / photograph


2. a / silk / Japanese / delicate / kimono


3. an / dining / oval / oak / table


4. an / wildlife / African / TV / documentary


5. a / canvas / striped / green and white / umbrella


6. leather / expensive / hand-made / Italian / tennis /shoes


7. a / portable / digital / tiny / camera


8. fair / straight / long / beautiful / hair


9. a / polo-necked / nylon / blue / sweater


10. a / brown / disgusting / huge / coffee / stain


11. a / university / young / good-looking / student


Task 13. Write a sentence describing each of the objects below. Put three adjectives before the noun.

1) a piece of furniture that you have in your house

2) yourfavourite piece of clothing

3) something you were given as a present once

4) an electronic device that you use most often

5) a decorative item (e.g. a vase, a painting)

6) a person that you know very well

7) something that you have bought recently

8) something that you don’t like


Task 14. a) Complete the text with the prepositions, if necessary.

    On a plane bound _____ New York the flight attendant approached _____ a blonde sitting _____ the first class section and requested that she should move _____ the coach since she did not have a first class ticket. The blond replied, “I’m blonde; I’m beautiful; I’m going to New York; and I’m not moving.” Not wanting to argue _____ a customer, the flight attendant asked _____ the co-pilot to speak _____ her. He went to talk _____ the woman, asking her to move _____ _____ the first class section. Again, the blonde replied, “I’m blonde; I’m beautiful; I’m going to New York; and I’m not moving.” The co-pilot returned _____ the cockpit and asked the captain what he should do. The captain said, “I’m married _____ a blonde, and I know how to handle this.” He went _____ the first class section and whispered _____ the blonde’s ear. She immediately jumped up and ran _____ the coach section mumbling _____ herself, “Why didn’t someone just say so?” Surprised, the flight attendant and the co-pilot asked what he said _____ her that finally convinced her to move _____ her seat. He said, “I told _____ her that the first class section wasn’t going _____ New York.”


Task 15. a) Study the information in the table:

Adjective Meaning opposite possible combinations
NATURAL existing in nature, not made by man artificial, man-made  
PURE not mixed with anything impure  
GENUINE real; what it seems to be false  
REAL not made up or artificial false  
ARTIFICIAL not natural or real, made  by the art of man natural  


b) Put the words into the categories:

flowers, gas, light, pearl, water, minerals, milk, painting, fertilizer,

wool, cotton, teeth, leather, wood, fur, silk

Task 16. a) Fill in the “False Friends” table. Use the dictionary, if necessary.

Russian English “False Friend” Russian
Консервы tinned food conserve  
Магазин Shop magazine  
Рецепт prescription recipe receipt  
Фабрика Factory fabric  
  Техника engineering technology equipment machinery technique  
спекулировать profiteer gamble misuse Speculate  
Конкурс Competition Concourse  

b) Make five sentences in Russian using the words from the table. Ask your partners to translate the sentences.


Grammar practice

Task 17. a)Fill in the following dialogue with the right form of the modal verb from the box:

have to should must


C. o.: Have you got only one suitcase?

P.: Yes, but I have got also hand luggage.

C.o.: Put your baggage on the belt, please. You’ll _____ open your

traveling bag. What’s this?

P.:   It’s a picture. I bought it in a shop in the centre of Moscow.

C.o.: Do you know the Customs regulations on valuables?

P.:  I’m not quite sure if I do. What _____ I do?

C.o.: First, you _____ have declared this picture in the declaration form.

P.:  Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t do that.

C.o.: Second, you _____ have the receipt with the statement “Allowed for

taking out of the Russian Federation” or a permission from the

Ministry of Culture. Do you have any?

P.:   I’ve got only the receipt from the shop but there is no statement on it.

C.o.: In this case I’ll _____ detain this picture, I’m sorry.


b) Put the dialogue into Reported speech.



Task 18. a) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct Active or Passive form.



The most valuable and most famous stamp in the world is a tiny piece of dirty paper, worn and badly _______(to print). But it ______(to be) worth around four and a half million dollars! Just think - the price the user _______(to pay) for it was only one cent! He _________(to buy) it in British Guinea in 1856. The stamp __________(to print) by accident when a batch of stamps failed to arrive in Canada. So the local printers produced a set. However, the stamps were so bad that the postmaster, E.D. White, had to sign on each one to prevent _________(to cheat).

    In 1873 a schoolboy found the stamp and sold it for a week's pocket money. Since then, the stamp ________(to sell) many times. Each time it changed hands, its value________(to go) up.

    A very rich American named Arthur Hind ________(to own) the stamp for ten years. People said that he had two similar stamps but he burnt one of them, _______(to say), "Now we can be sure there _______(to be) only one."


b) Write 6 questions to the text. Then work in pairs and answer each other’s questions.


Task 19. a) Match the set phrases connected with cultural valuables.

1 objects of value

2 precious stone

3 a museum piece

4 cultural heritage sites

5 valuable antiques

6 trafficking in cultural property


a музейный экспонат

b объекты культурного наследия

с ценный антиквариат

d ценности

e незаконный оборот культурных ценностей


b) Use all the word combinations to make sentences of your own.


Task 20. a)Make a written translation of the text and think about the title for it.

Temporary export of cultural valuables is carried out by museums, archives, libraries, and other entities and individuals for the following purposes: exhibitions; restoration work and scientific research; theatrical, concert activities or other occasions.

Decision on temporary export possibility will be taken by RF Ministry of Culture's competent authorities. Application for temporary export of cultural valuables shall be filed by the owner of such items or his/her authorized representative. An Applicant shall be notified of the decision taken at least within three months of the date of formal acceptance of the application.

Temporary export term shall be specified by customs authority of the Russian Federation based on information contained in Export Certificate. When a decision is taken on extension of temporary export term based on application by a person temporary exporting cultural valuables, RF Ministry of Culture or regional authority thereof shall notify of such decision customs authority which processed customs clearance for such temporary export. Cultural valuables returned to the Russian Federation following temporary exportation thereof shall be subject to mandatory expertise.

Cultural valuables temporarily imported into the Russian Federation for the purpose of cultural cooperation, and being property of foreign states, entities or individuals, are under protection of the Russian Federation, and are covered by the Russian Federation law on preservation of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation.


b) Be ready to speak about:

- the notion, purposes and procedure of temporary export and import of cultural valuables;


Task 21. Make a written translation of the text into English.


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