Effective passenger and baggage control 

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Effective passenger and baggage control

I. Starting up

1. Have you ever heard of the dual-channel system while travelling?

2. Where is the dual-channel system in operation?

3. Do all countries operate the dual-channel system?

4. Who is a Blue Channel for?

II. Reading

Reading 1

Read and translate the text.

    The dual-channel systemwas introduced at international airports to dealefficiently with the increasing number of passengers without reducing the effectiveness of the Customs control.

The system allows the passengers to choose between two types of channels:

- if the passenger is carrying nothing more than the allowances; no prohibited or restricted goods; no goods for commercial purposes, he may go through the Green Channel indicated by the words “Nothing to declare”;

- if the passenger is carrying more than the allowances; some prohibited or restricted goods, or some goods for commercial purposes he must go through the Red Channel indicated by the words “Goods to declare”.

- In the European Union (EU) there is also a Blue Channel for travelers from European Union countries. As the EU is a customs union,travelers between EU countries don’t have to pay customs duties.  

If you take an intra-EU flight, your baggage is not subject to any customs control on your arrival. Your registered baggage will have been given a green-edged label, which identifies it as baggage not subject to control on arrival. In case you take a non-EU flight, both your registered baggage and hand baggage are liable to be checked by customs. Your registered baggage will have been given a normal label (no green edges) which identifies it as liable to control. The USA and Canada do not operatethe dual-channel system. Since 1952, the U.S. government has operated preclearance offices beyond its borders. Today, CBP has 15 locations in five countries. A preclearance inspection is essentially the same inspection that an individual would undergo at a U.S. port of entry. The only difference is that it is conducted outside the United States. A person does not need to pay duties on everything he brings to the United States internationally. There are exemptions on alcohol and tobacco under a certain quantity. For example, a person does not need to pay a duty on tobacco as long as he carries 200 cigarettes or less. If a person does bring in goods that require a duty, he must pay that duty in American currency before exiting through the Customs and Immigration area of the airport.

Passengers should be well-informed about the functioning of the system i.e. about the descriptions and quantities of the goods that they may have with them when using the Green Channel. This can be done by means of posters and panels at the airport or leaflets, distributed through tourist agencies or airlines.

Passengers who go through the Red Channelcomplete customs formalities: they fill in the customs declaration form, present their baggageforinspection, pay the duties and taxes chargeable.

In the Green Channel, passengers do not complete customs formalities, but they may be the subject of a spot check that customs officers exercise to prevent violations.

During practical examination the customs officer should link the passenger to his baggage and reasons for travel.

To facilitatethe search customs officers should use tools and technologiesat their disposal. Checking baggage for concealments customs officers should be careful to minimize the damage.

At all times customs officers must act with diplomacy, and be competent, firm and fair.


Task 1. a) Mark the stress in the Russian words and compare it with the English words. Tick the pairs of words with different stressed syllables.


eff e ctivenessэффективность

indic a torиндикатор

p a nelпанель

t ou ristтурист

form a litiesформальности

insp e ctionинспекция

pr a cticalпрактический

techn o logyтехнология

d i plomatдипломат

b) Read the English words again.



Task 2. a) Match left and right to make word combinations:

to introduce             the channel

to distribute             the system

to choose                 leaflets

to inform                  the search

to use                       formalities

to complete              documents

to facilitate               passengers

to pay                       technology

to minimize              the duty

to check                    damage

Task 3. Use the word combinations from Task 3 in the story of your own.Either on behalf of a customs officer or a passenger.

Task 4. a) Give the Russian equivalents of the following expressions:

b) Explain the meaning of the underlined expressions.

- the dual-channel system;

- without reducing the effectiveness;

- the system allows the passengers;

- “Nothing to declare”;

- “Goods to declare”;

- the functioning of the system;

- descriptions and quantities of the goods;

- drug production areas;

- to act with diplomacy;

- by means of posters and leaflets;

- tools and technologies at the disposal;

- the subject of a spot check;

- to facilitate the search


Task 5. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following:

система двойного коридора; возрастающее количество пассажиров; запрещенные и ограниченные к ввозу товары; товары для коммерческих целей; обозначить словами; внутренний рейс;освобождение от уплаты пошлин; с помощью плакатов и листовок; распространять через туристические агентства; выполнять формальности; проводить выборочные проверки; цель поездки; технические средства; ущерб

Task 6. Put P if the action refers to the passenger, put C if the action refers to the customs officer. Translate the word combinations.

- to work efficiently                                              __C__

- to choose the channel                                         __ P __

- to carry goods across the border                       _____

- to search for concealments                                 _____

- to complete formalities                                       _____

- to establish the dual-channel system                   _____

- to facilitate the search                                         _____

- to be the subject of a spot check                         _____

- to exercise spot checks                                       _____

- to unpack, open and repack personal belongings _____

- to break regulations                                            _____

- to use tools                                                          _____

- to pay the duties                                                  _____

- to minimize damage                                             _____

Task 7. Answer the questions:


1. Where is the dual-channel system introduced?

2. Why is the dual-channel system used?

3. Who can go through the Green Channel?

4. Who must go through the Red Channel?

5. How are the channels indicated?

6. What should passengers be informed about?

7. What does a green-edged labelidentify?

8. Do all countries operate the dual-channel system?

9. What do passengers in the Red Channel do to pass through customs control?

10. Do passengers in the Green Channel complete formalities?

11. Why do customs officers exercise spot checks?

12. What is most important during practical examination?

13. What can facilitate the search?


Task 8. Complete the sentences:


1. The dual channel system was introduced because...

2. They will go through the Green Channel because...

3. I must go through the Red Channel because...

4. This is the leaflet, which will inform you about...

5. To inform the passengers about the functioning of the system we should...

6. In the Red Channel, passengers have to...

7. In the Green Channel, customs officers can...

8. Customs officers exercise spot checks to …

9. Checking passengers and their luggage customs officers should...

10. Customs officers use tools and technologies to...

11. He is a good customs officer because...


Task 9. Put the actions in the correct order for the arriving passengers.


1. In the baggage hall, there are several carousels and monitors above them showing your flight number.

2. After you have passed through passport control, follow the signs to the baggage hall.

3. At passport control, there are two counters: one for citizens of the country, the other for non-citizens. The immigration officer will check your visa and passport and put a stamp in it.

4. After customs control look for the exit. If someone is meeting you they will be waiting in the arrival lounge.

5. Collect your luggage and look for the sign “customs”. In most countries the signs are red for “Goods to declare” and green for “Nothing to declare”.

6. As soon as you leave the plane, follow the signs to passport control.

7. At international airports, these signs are usually in English as well as the local language.

Task 10. Supply the missing words where possible.


noun verb adjective adverb
  to facilitate    
  to arrive    


Task 11. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:


1. Вы уже внедрили систему двойного коридора в вашем аэропорту?

2. Количество пассажиров, путешествующих за границу, постоянно возрастает.

3. Новые технологии помогают повысить эффективность таможенного досмотра.

4. Если вы не везете товары сверх установленных норм, вам не придется выполнять таможенные формальности.

5. Когда пассажиры везут товары для коммерческих целей, они декларируют их и платят пошлину.

6. Наше туристическое агентство всегда информирует туристов о наименованиях и количестве товаров, которые можно провозить беспошлинно.

7. Во время проведения выборочной проверки таможенники останавливают пассажиров в зеленом коридоре и просят предъявить багаж для досмотра.

8. Инспектор проверил паспорт и билет пассажира и спросил о цели его поездки.

9. Чтобы облегчить процедуру досмотра и обнаружения сокрытых товаров, таможенники применяют различные приспособления и технические средства, имеющиеся в их распоряжении.

10.  При выезде за границу вы обязаны сообщить об имеющейся у вас при 

себе валюте и предъявить её для досмотра.

11.  Пассажир не знал, что в его багаже имеются предметы, подлежащие

 обложению пошлиной.

12.  Меня проинформировали о том, сколько багажа можно бесплатно провозить через границу, когда я покупал билет на самолёт.


Reading 2

Task 12. Read and translate the text to find out about


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