V. Speaking and Mastering Professional Skills 

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V. Speaking and Mastering Professional Skills

Task22. Search the Internet to know the specific skills required for a customs officer, which most countries list on a government job website (US CBP, HMRC, Canada Customs etc.). Are they the same? Compare them with your partners.

Task 23. Discuss with your partner the following: what sort of personal characteristics do you think are the most important for a customs officer? Mark seven of the following

emotionally mature








a quick mind

attention to detail

problem solving

physical strength

have the appropriate background and experience


Task 23. What would be your ideal job?

§ What are the most important aspects of job satisfaction for you?

§ Describe some personal and physical qualities that a person needs for this job?

§ What qualities are essential for this job? Cross out the ones you think you don’t possess and therefore may have to work on.

Discuss your answers to these questions with your partner and give an

explanation for your choice


Task 24. Role-play.

a) You are a customs officer who is invited to the Russian Customs Academy on OPEN DOORS DAY. Be able to answer these questions for applicants interested in this job.

1. What qualities does a Customs officer need?

2. Why do you think it is a difficult science to study?

3. Which subjects should I study if I want to be a Customs officer?

4. What career opportunities are there for someone who has studied Customs matters?

5. Do all Customs officers do the same kind of the work?

6. What type of work is being done in Customs in Russia?

7. Why do some people say career prospects in the Customs Service are very good?

8. Why do you say a career in the Customs Service could be very exciting in future?

b) Discuss your answers in class.

Task 25. Group work. In groups decide on a job vacancy, e. g. a customs inspector, an excise officer, an international tax expert a dog handler. Three students then role play the job interviewers. The other students role-play the applicants. Several people are interviewed for the same job. The interviewers then discuss them, comparing their abilities. The group can decide who gets the job.

A model below will help do it.

Interviewer: Hello, Miss____

Applicant: Thank you.

I. Firstly, where did you the advert for this post?

A. I saw it in last Wednesday’s _________

I. Have you brought your resume with you?

A. Yes, here you are.

I. Thank, could you tell me a bit about qualifications?

A. Of course, I left school in 20__ and then did a diploma at (a college, university etc.)

I. What sort of diploma is that?

A. It is a ___________ diploma.

I. Fine, Could you tell me about any relevant experience you have?

A. Yes, ___________________

I. Would you mind telling us why you left?

A. Well, (salary, no promotion prospects, challenging).

I. I see. Is there anything you would like to know about us?

A. Yes, (a few questions). Could you please tell me (working hours)?

I. Of course. The normal office hours are ______, with an hour for lunch.

A. That sounds fine. Could you tell me (salary, expect)?

I. Well, (the starting salary, after 6 months, by 15 %)/

A. Oh, that sounds _____.

I. Well, (have more questions)?

A. No, I don’t think so. When (could/to expect/to hear from you)?

I. We (to be in touch/by).

A. Thank you for your time. _______.

I. ___________. And thank you.

VI. Giving a presentation

You are a student at the RCA now. Imagine you are going to Great Britain on exchange program and have to give a presentation in English on your alma mater. There are several useful tips that help you to do it more effectively (See Addendum II).

Presentations can be formal and informal. Most formal and informal presentations have three main parts: the introduction, main part, and conclusion.

The introduction consists of 1) the Opening of a presentation 2) Structure and 3) Organization  – timing, handouts and questions.

The Opening of a presentation includes A) Welcoming the audience, B) Introducing yourself, C) Saying what your topic is, D) Explaining why your topic is relevant for your audienc e;

Task 26. Study the useful phrases in the box and practise the opening of a presentation. Remember to use words like we, us and our to highlight common interest.

Welcoming the audience

Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen

Hello/ Hi, everyone.

First of all, let me thank you all for coming here today.

I’m happy/delighted that so many of you could make it today.


Introducing yourself

Let me introduce yourself. I’m Denis Petrov from …

For those who don’t know me, my name’s …

As you probably know, I’m the new HR manager.

I’m head of ….

I’m here in my function as the head of …

Saying what your topic is

As you can see on the screen, our topic today is …

Today’s topic is …

What I’d like to present to you today is …

The subject of my presentation is …


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