Means of transport виды транспорта 

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Means of transport виды транспорта


Expression List on the topic “Travelling”

To be learnt by heart

Means of transport виды транспорта

travel by car/train/plane путешествовать на авто/поездом/самолётом

travel by air/boat/bus по воздуху/на корабле/автобусом

travel across… путешествие через…

trek длительное трудное путешествие

hiking поход

hitch-hiking путешествие автостопом

to go hitch-hiking

to go on holiday

to go sunbathing

to go shopping

business trip бизнес – туризм

to travel on business

to travel by coach путешествовать на автобусе

package holiday туристическая поездка, отдых по путёвке

backpacking пеший туризм

leisure tourism отдых с комфортом

short-break holiday короткий отдых

destination место назначения, цель путешествия

well-worn road хорошо изученный

beaten trek избитый маршрут

to investigate the world исследовать, узнавать мир

to discover new places узнавать новые места

curiosity любопытство

Essential things всё необходимое

ticket билет

passport паспорт

visa виза

insurance страховка

foreign currency валюта

to travel light путешествовать налегке

cheap lodging дешевое жильё

luxury hotel (5-star hotel) пятизвёздочный отель

cater = service сервис, (гл.) угождать, обслуживать

catering=the business providing food and drink at meetings and social events

accommodation удобства, условия, проживание

cuisine [kwi’zin] кухня (питание)

try (dishes) пробовать (блюда)

guesthouse пансион, отель

B&B (bed and breakfast) дешевые отели «Ночлег и стол»

camping лагерь для автотуристов

motel мотель

To book a holiday заказывать путёвку (отдых)

travel agency туристическое агентство

travel arrangement организация путешествия


QUIZ a) Are you an adventurous traveller or not? Do the quiz and find out. 1.Your ideal holiday would be A a package holiday to a Spanish beach resort. B staying in a guesthouse in the south of France. C backpacking around India.   2. You usually stay at A an expensive hotel. B a guesthouse or cheap hotel. C campsites or B&Bs (bed and breakfast).   3. When you go on holiday, you A eat the same things you do at home. B try one or two new dishes. C only eat the local cuisine.   4. You always pack A designer clothes. B your mobile phone. C a map and a phrase book.   5. On holiday, you rarely go A hiking or canoeing. B sunbathing. C shopping.   6. You’d rather not travel by A coach. B boat. C plane.   7. When something goes wrong you A take the first plane home. B immediately call your travel agent. C consider it an interesting adventure.   Mostly As: You do not have the spirit of an adventurous traveller. For you, holidays are a time to indulge in your favourite pastimes and relax. Mostly Bs: To you, having fun means enjoying the simple everyday pleasures of life. Even though you may not be looking for extravagant holidays, you certainly appreciate being catered for. Mostly Cs: You are a real traveller interested in experiencing and exploring other cultures. To you, what counts is the journey and not the destination.   b) Read the quiz again and find words describing:  
  • types of holidays
  • accommodation
  • means of transport
  • activities
  Can you add to the list? Now talk about your preferences, as in the example: I love/enjoy/ hate going camping. I usually travel by coach. I stay in a tent. I enjoy.....



Assignment 2

Read and translate the article. Write out new words and word-combinations.

Why, when and how do people travel?


People travel on business or for pleasure. Usually they travel when they are on holiday. When people wish to become tourists, they go to a travel agency and buy a tour of some country from a travel agent. They may travel by air, by train, by boat, by coach or by car. Young people may travel by bicycle or go hitch- hiking. Before booking your foreign holiday make sure you have an insurance policy. When you are abroad you should have some currency on you. All goods must be paid for in foreign currency only. The visa is the most essential thing. You can’t enter the country without it. When tourists arrive at the place of their destination they stay in hotels or motels, guesthouses or B&Bs. When in a big historical city tourists buy and study maps and tour guides of the city.

Today people have lots of good reasons to travel. Travelling has always been a part of people’s education. The best way to study geography is to travel and the best way to get to know the traditions and customs of different peoples is to speak to them. Besides, travelling is a good way to practise foreign languages.

It’s always interesting to discover new places and new ways of life, to try foreign food and to listen to unusual music. It's much better than sitting at home and doing nothing. When on a holiday tourists enjoy sunbathing, scuba diving, swimming, windsurfing, rafting, hiking, climbing the mountains, shopping, buying souvenirs, going sightseeing, going on excursions, taking pictures, visiting museums and picture galleries, going to theatres, cinemas, discoes and so on.

As for me, I’m fond of travelling. It’s both my hobby and favourite pastime.


Assignment 3

Read the text again and describe:

· types of holidays

· accommodation

· means of transport

· leisure activities

· reasons of travelling



Assignment 4

1. You and your friend have won a competition and the prize is a holiday of your choice. Discuss the following issues and choose a holiday from the options below:

· which would be the best type of holiday to go on

· what you would like to do while you’re there

· how long you would like to go for

· what preparations you need to make for the trip.


Action adventure

Cross the Sahara on a camel. Fly in a balloon safari. Sleep under the stars. Live your life to the full!


Beautiful beaches

White sand and palm trees as far as the eye can see. Bright sun and warm water. Exchange your stress for peace!


Countryside camping

Put down the picture postcards of the pretty countryside and pack your bags because we’re going there. Be part of nature!


Date with History

Bored with TV? Come on our great tour of monuments and museums and historical town centres. Feed your brain and your eyes!

Exciting sports

Fed up with sitting around? Want to get fit and have fun? Water sports, mountain-climbing, indoor skiing*, and more: everything’s possible at our special centre!

Complete the dialogue with the missed phrases in the list below.


David: Did you say you’re going ___________ next month?

Ruth: Yes, my family and I are going to New York for a week. We want ____________________

David: I envy you. I haven’t had a vacation for a long time. You know I always take a short-break holiday. I wish I _____________________

Ruth: You can take a vacation sometime soon, ___________?

David: No, there’s too much work to do. Maybe next year, though. I guess it’ll be our _________, dear!

Well, I hope __________ a postcard with beautiful views of the city and your


Ruth: Don’t be pessimistic! I promise!

3.Read the dialogue in pairs and act out similar dialogues.


Lesson 3


Why does Paul sound ironic?

The Nightmare of Packing


- We must be off in ten minutes. Have you packed everything?

- As good as … I need a couple of minutes to make sure that I haven’t forgotten anything.

- OK. And whose bags are these? These huge ones. Do you mean these are yours? Are you going on a students’ archaeological expedition in Greece with all this stuff?

- Don’t be silly. It’s me who’s leaving. Doesn’t that mean that the luggage is mine? I’ve packed the most essential things.

- Essential things? let’s see … What’s in here? An iron, a portable TV set, a dozen different lotions and shampoos, three pairs of high heels, lots of dresses…. And why have you packed two umbrellas, may I ask? In case it rains twice?

- In case one gets broken or something. Don’t make me nervous before the flight, will you?

- All right, take everything you want if you feel happier with all these useless things. And, by the way, where is your ticket, passport, and insurance?

- Oh, gosh! I’ve nearly forgotten them! Thank you. Sometimes you can be very helpful.


2. Read the postcard as an example. Write your own one using instructions:

Write the name and address of the person you’re writing to.

ü Put the date at the top. (You can leave this out).

ü Write Dear and the name of the person you’re writing to.

ü Write you message. Use short forms (I’ll, it’s, we’re) and short sentences.

ü Finish with a friendly phrase: Wish you were here! See you soon, (Lot’s of) Love, (to family members and close friends), Best wishes.

ü Sign your name. First name is usually enough.


  23rd July Dear David, I’m having a fantastic time in New York! The weather’s great. Lots of sunny days and no rain. Our hotel’s quite comfortable, too. We’ve already visited the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in Harlem, you know... It’s beautiful! Tomorrow we’re planning to go to SOHO, an enclave of artists, and Greenwich Village. I’m really enjoying myself! Wish you were here! Lot’s of love, Ruth.     David Hughes_____ 34 Carlton Court___ Mayfield Road______ Bristol B56 3 QA___ UK_______________



Expression List on the topic “At the Hotel”

To be learnt by heart

to reserve (to book) предварительно заказывать, “бронировать”
to cancel a booking аннулировать
double room номер на двоих
single room en suite room номер для одного номер с душем/ванной
to go through the customs пройти таможенный осмотр
clerk (desk clerk) дежурный администратор
arrival card листок прибытия
to fill in a form заполнить (бланк, карточку, анкету)
to register (to sign in) прописаться, зарегистрироваться (при въезде в гостиницу)
to sign out зарегистрировать, отъезд, выписаться
a hotel guest человек, остановившийся в гостинице
to leave the keys at the desk оставлять ключи у портье
lobby вестибюль, фойе
snack лёгкая закуска на скорую руку
to check out выехать из гостиницы, освободить номер
to check in въехать в гостиницу, получить ключ от номера
boarding house пансионат
free of charge бесплатно
a bill счёт (за проживание)
available доступный
in advance заранее
to pay in advance платить авансом
to warn предупреждать
to settle an account оплатить счёт
to pay an account оплатить счёт


I. Reserving accommodation

Before you read Vocabulary



- Work in pairs. Read the telephone dialogues in
Exercises 2 and 4 aloud.

- Work in pairs. Read the reservation form
and role play a dialogue between a guest and
a receptionist.

Credit card details

Type of card

(Visa, Amex, etc.) Mastercard

Cardholder's name Mr T. Jamieson

Card number 5432 6172 2351 9846

Expiry date 11/04

II. Read the dialogue between the receptionist (R) and Mr. Brolin (B). Check your answers to Exercise 1.

To be learnt by heart

R Good evening.

B Good evening. My name is Lars Brolin.

R Welcome to London, Mr. Brolin. Do you have a


B Yes, I do.

R Let's see... a single room for three nights?

B That's right.

R Can I see your passport, please?

B Yes, of course.

R Thank you... Can you sign here, please?

B Sure.

R Here's your key. You're in room 415 on the fourth floor. Breakfast is from 7 a.m.

B Thanks. Oh, where's the swimming pool? I might have a swim later.

R It's in the basement. Would you like any help with your luggage?

B No, I'm fine, thanks.

R The lift is just over there, on your left. Enjoy your stay.


At the hotel.


When you are through with the customs you go to the hotel. The desk-clerk will ask you to register. He will give you an arrival card which all guests are asked to fill in. The receptionist enters your name, nationality, and permanent address in the register.

When you are through with the formalities, you will get the key to your room. The guests are reminded to leave their keys at the desk when going out.

You will find rooms with and without bath, single rooms, double rooms, triple rooms, cheap dormitory beds. At the hotel you may get various services. You can have your meals served in your room (it is room service that sees to it). All the hotels have a special laundry service for their guests. In the lobby there are a lot of offices: a booking-office, post and telegraph offices, an information desk. Besides there are a newsstand, a book-stall, a kiosk selling picture post cards and souvenirs.

In the same building there are also restaurants, bars, cafeterias, beauty parlours, gyms, indoor and outdoor swimming-pools.

Many hotels have such facilities as Internet access, baggage lockers, sauna, Satellite TV, Internet café and others. In top hotels all bedrooms are air conditioned with television and video-channel, hair-drier and minibar.

When you are ready to check out, you tell the desk-clerk to get your bill ready.

If you are travelling by car, you can get accommodation in a highway motel.

Retell the text.

To be learnt by heart


orange juice апельсиновый сок

grapefruit juice сок грейпфрута

porridge овсяная каша

cereal кукурузные хлопья

bacon and egg(s) яичница с беко­ном

ham and egg яичница с ветчиной

boiled egg вареное яйцо

scrambled egg(s) яичница-бол­тунья

toast тост, гренок

marmalade апельсинный или ли­монный конфитюр


Lunch and Dinner

starter закуска

salad салат

soup суп

clear soup бульон

vegetable soup овощной суп

chicken soup куриный бульон

the main course основное блюдо (второе)

roast beef (lamb) жареная говя­дина (баранина)

beef-steak бифштекс

mutton chop баранья отбивная

pork chop свиная отбивная

fish and chips рыба с жареным картофелем

cod треска

fried (baked) potatoes жареный (печеный) картофель

mashed potatoes пюре

beans (peas) горошек (горох)

lettuce зеленый салат

cucumber огурец

tomato помидор

dessert (sweet) десерт, сладкое

apple tart (pie) яблочный торт

pudding пудинг

fruit salad фруктовый салат

iсe-cream мороженое

strong drinks- алкогольные напитки

wine вино

beer пиво

claret (сухое) красное вино

soft drinks – безалкогольные напитки

English tea чай с молоком

Russian tea чай с лимоном

pot of tea чайник чаю

bread and butter хлеб с маслом

cake пирожное, кекс

tea-shop чайная

snack-bar закусочная sandwich-bar бутербродная

At the Restaurant

Lesson 1

Before you read   1. Work in pairs. Decide which qualities you need for each of these jobs in a restaurant. Some qualities may match more than one job.   waiter ■ manager ■ chef   polite ■ be a good cook ■ creative ■ energetic friendly ■ be a leader Reading 2. Two customers, Paul and Ilona Martin, arrive at a restaurant. It's 8.30 p.m. Read the four dialogues (waiter=A, Paul=B, Ilona=C). Fill in the gaps with the phrases in the box. we'd like a ■ your table is ready ■ can I have ■ what name is it ■ Do you have ■ Would you like ■ Here's the menu ■ can I help you ■ so that's ■I'm sorry, we're fully booked 1 AHello, 1___________? СHi, yes,2 ____________ table for two. А 3_____________ a reservation? С No, we don't.     2 A 4 _______________ at the moment. But we have a cancellation at 9.00. В At 9.00. Yes, that's fine. A OK, 5_________________, please? В Martin. A6 _____________smoking or non- smoking? С Non-smoking, please.     3 A Would you like a drink while you're waiting? В Yes, er...7_____________a beer, please? A And for you? С I'll have a sparkling mineral water. A OK,8______________a beer and a water.     4 A Excuse me,9_______________. This way, please... Is this table all right for you? С This is fine. A 10____________, the specials are on the board. В Thank you. Vocabulary   3 Read the dialogues again. Underline the phrases that mean: 2.... until your table is ready 3.have you booked? 4.come with me 5.someone has said they are not coming 6.dishes which are only available today. 4 Who usually says these things? Write W (waiter) or С (customer). 5.Can I have your name?  6.We have a reservation for 9.00.  7.I have a cancellation for 8.30.  8.Would you like a drink?  9.Do you have a table for four?  6 Do you have a reservation?    Speaking 5 Work in pairs. Read the dialogues from Exercise 2 aloud. 6 Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue using the information below. Try to use phrases from Exercise 2. When you finish, change roles. Waiter It is 9.00 on Friday evening and your restaurant is fully booked. You have one table free at 9.30 due to a cancellation. Four customers arrive. One of them speaks first. 3Greet them and check if they have a reservation. 4Offer them a table at 9.30. 5Ask for a name. 6Offer them drinks. 7Tell them when the table is ready. 8Give them the menu and specials. Customer You are with three friends. It is 9.00 on Friday evening and you want to eat at this restaurant. You don't have a reservation. Most restaurants in town are fully booked. Speak first. -Greet the waiter and ask for a table for four. -Say you don't have a reservation. -Accept the offer of a table at 9.30. -Give your name to reserve the table. -Order drinks. ► Get real Work in groups. Use magazines or the Internet to find adverts for restaurants in your town. Create a ‘restaurant guide’.  


Lesson 2


Закуски. A. Appetizers

фруктовый коктейль 1. fruit cup/fruit cocktail

томатный сок 2. tomato juice

креветочный коктейль 3. shrimp cocktail

куриные крылья 4. chicken wings

Салаты В. Salads

овощной салат 7. tossed salad/garden salad

греческий салат 8. Greek salad

шпинатовый салат 9. spinach salad

салат «Цезарь» 10. Caesar salad

салатный бар 11. salad bar

Основные/главные блюда С. Main Courses/Entrées

ростбиф 12. roast beef/prime rib

телячья котлета 13. veal cutlet

запеченая курица 14. baked chicken

жареная рыба 15. broiled fish

спагетти с фрикадельками 16. spaghetti and meatballs

Гарнир D. Side Dishes

печеный картофель 17. a baked potato

пюре 18. mashed potatoes

обжаренные картофельные стружки 19. french fries

рис 20. rice

лапша 21. noodles

овощи 22. mixed vegetables

Десерты Е. Dessert

шоколадный торт 23. chocolate cake

яблочный пирог 24. apple pie

желе 25. jelly

пудинг 26. pudding

мороженое 27. ice cream

Complete the open dialogue (see the vocabulary above). Work in pairs. Ordering dinner

A. May Itake your order?

B. Yes, please. For the appetizer I'd like the [1-6].

A. And what kind of salad would you like?

B. I'll have the [7-12 ].

A. And for the main course?

B. I'd like then [ 3-18], please.

A. What side dish would you like with that?

B. Hmm. I think I'll have [19-4]
Ordering dessert

A. Would you care for some dessert?

B. Yes. I'll have [25-29] /an [27].




Starter = appetizer = snack = hors-d’oeuvre закуски

Fish Snacks

a strip of fish

кусок рыбы с жареным луком на булочке

cod liver печень трески

сгаbs крабы

fish assorted (fish assorts) рыбное ассорти
herring and vegetables селедка с овощами
sturgeon in aspic (sturgeon in jelly) заливная осетрина
lobsters омары
pike-perch судак

marinated herring маринованная селедка

oysters устрицы

pressed caviar паюсная икра

red caviar красная икра

salmon семга

sardines in oil сардины в масле

squids кальмары,

stuffed pike фаршированная щука



boiled tongue отварной язык

cold pork буженина

frankfurter сосиска

Hamburger гамбургер, бутерброд с котлетой cheeseburgerчизбургер, бутерброд с сыром

hot dog булочка с горячей сосиской и кетчупом

jellied tongue заливной язык

liver pâté печеночный паштет

meat-jelly and horse-radish sauce мясной студень с хре­ном

patty - небольшая плоская котлетка

sausage patty колбаска



cold-roast chicken холодная жареная курица

cold-roast goose холодный жареный гусь

cold-roast duck холодная жареная утка




cole slaw Ам салат из белой капусты с майоне­зом
crab salad салат из крабов
French fries Ам. жареный картофель-соломка
green vegetable salad салат из свежих овощей
new potatoes salad салат из молодого картофеля
onion rings Ам. жареные колечки репчатого лука
Russian salad (vinaigrette) винегрет

vegetable salad dressed with sour cream or mayonnaise овощ­ной салат заправленный сметаной или майонезом

tomato and cucumber salad салат из помидоров и огурцов

fish salad рыбный салат



chicken broth (chicken consommé) куриный бульон

chicken cream soup протертый куриный суп

chicken noodle soup куриный суп с лапшей

chicken vermicelli soup куриный суп с вермишелью

clear soup with croutons бульон с гренками

milk soup молочный суп

mushroom soup грибной суп

onion soup луковый суп

pea-soup гороховый суп

puree soup суп-пюре

thick soup (potage) ] густой суп

thin soup (consommé) жидкий суп

vegetable cream soup протертый суп из овощей




boiled pike-perch отварной судак

broiled haddock жареная пикша (вид трески)

fried clams жареные морские ракушки

fried cod, pike-perch, bream жареные треска, судак, лещ

fried scallops жареные морские гребешки

fried sea bass in white sauce жареный морской окунь в белом соусе

steamed sturgeon паровая осетрина



beefsteak (steak) бифштекс

boiled tongue and green peas отварной язык с зеленым горошком

burger котлета из молотого мяса

chicken julienne жюльен из птицы (суп с мелко нарезанными овощами и мясом)

chop отбивная котлета

croquette крокеты, рыбные или мясные котлет­ки с овощами в соусе

entrecote антрекот, жаркое на ребрышке

escalope эскалоп, тонкая пластина жареногомяса
grilled meat жареное на гриле мясо



roast chicken жареный цыпленок

roast duck and apples жареная утка с яблоками

roast goose and sauerkraut жареный гусь с кислой капустой

roast turkey with potatoes жареная индейка с картофелем



for dessert на десерт

vanilla ice cream ванильное мороженое

pistachio ice cream фисташковое мороженое

nut орех



SOFT DRINKS безалкогольные напитки

beverage напиток

tea чай

coffee кофе

hot chocolate (cocoa) какао

mineral water минеральная вода

Soda drinks: Coca Cola, Pepsi, Sprite, Fanta, Dr. Pepper,Seven Up

beer пиво

STRONG DRINKS алкогольные напитки

brandy бренди
vodka водка

whiskey виски wine вино

British cuisine.

Breakfast in a British hotel is a large meal. It usually begins with a choice of fruit juice, porridge or cereal. Then comes the main course with a choice of bacon and egg, bacon and sausage, boiled egg, scrambled egg, or fish. Finally there is toast and marmalade. You may choose tea or coffee to drink, though in cheaper ho­tels you may be offered only tea. In more expensive hotels there is more choice at each stage.

Lunch in a simple hotel begins with soup, though in a more expensive one you usually have a choice of soup, fruit juice, or starters (snacks). For the main course there are three main choices: cold meat and salad, fish, or roast meat and two vegetables. Then there is a choice of sweets, such as hot apple tart, a hot milk pudding, cold fruit sal­ad, or ice-cream. If you wish to finish the meal with coffee, you must pay for it as an extra.

At about five o'clock there is a very light meal called tea. This consists of a cup of tea and a cake.

Dinner in a hotel is very similar to lunch, except that there is usually more choice and it is nearly always dear­er.



Russian Cuisine.


As for Russian cuisine, it is famous for exotic soups, cabbage shchi and solyanlca, which is made of assorted meats. Russians are great lovers of pelmeni, small Siberian meat pies boiled in broth, pies, pickles, and sauerkraut.

Of our folk soft drinks, kvass is the best known. It is made of brown bread or rye flour. If you add it to chopped-up meat and vegetables, you get okroshka, an exquisite cold soup.

Top restaurants recommend the guests pressed and red caviar, salmon, sturgeon in aspic, marinated herring, and so on.

There is a large variety of desserts. For dessert you can have apples baked with sugar, fruit and berry compotes. «No dinner without bread,» goes the Russian saying. As to rye bread, Russians eat more of it than any nation in the world — a peculiarity of the Russian diet.

As for me, I prefer “slow food” to fast food. My eating preferences are…



  1. Compare British and Russian cuisine.
  2. Speak about your eating preferences.
  3. What are your favourite dishes?





Before reading

1. Answer the question before you read the text: What would you call "a typical American dish"? What is the quick­est way of getting something to eat?

2. Read and translate the Text American food and eating habits.

Text I

Food Quiz

Can you think of...?


ONE red fruit,

ONE yellow fruit,

ONE green fruit

TWO things that a strict vegetarian doesn't eat

THREE kinds of food which are made from milk

FOUR things people have for breakfast

FIVE things people eat between meals

SIX vegetables you can put in a salad

SEVEN things which are usually on a table in a restaurant

Food and eating

1 How often do you eat...?

a takeaway food b ready-cooked meals

c low-fat food d home-made food

2 What's your favourite...?

a fruit b vegetable

c snack; d home-made dish

3 What food do you like eating..,?

a when the weather's very cold

b when you're feeling a bit down

c for Sunday lunch

4 Is there any kind of food you can't eat?

Is food a pleasure for you?

Do you ever cook?


What's your favourite...?

a kind of restaurant (French, Italian, etc.)

b restaurant dish

c takeaway food

How important are these things to you in a restaurant? Number 1-4 (1 = the most important)

the food 

the service 

the atmosphere 

the price 

How do you prefer these things to be cooked? (grilled, boiled, etc.)

chicken fish eggs potatoes

If you eat steak, how do you like it cooked?

(rare, medium, well done)



Quick Test

Name______________________________ Class____________________________________________


Vocabulary: Eating Out

Is a kind of vegetable.

a) Goulash b) Stew c) Onion

7 They have cod, tuna, ______________ and many other kinds of fish.

a) eel b) lamb c) peach

8 If you are in a restaurant in the States, at the end of the meal you ask for the ___________

a) bill b) check c)tip

9 Thank you very much. That was a lovely ______. I really enjoyed it.

a) food b) menu c) meal

10 Here's the bill, sir. Do you need a ______?

a) response b) receipt c) recipe


Expression List on the topic “Shopping”

To be learnt by heart

supermarket – универсам

market – рынок

shopping center – торговый центр

shopping list- список покупок

department store – универмаг

shopping mall – торговый центр

bookshop – книжный магазин

travel agent's – агентство путешествий

confectioner's – кондитерская

bookstall – книжный киоск

bookshop – книжный магазин

butcher's – мясная лавка

jeweller's – ювелирный магазин

bakery – булочная

newsagent's – газетный киоск

florist's – цветочный магазин

greengrocer's – овощной магазин

hair & beauty salon – салон красоты

chemist's – аптека

designer fashion house – дом моды

painkillers – болеутоляющие

pralines – пралине (конфеты с начинкой)

lamb chops – отбивные из баранины

gold necklace – золотое ожерелье

rare – редкий

offer – предлагать

a great variety – большое разнообразие

high quality – высокое качество

woolen skirt – шерстяная юбка

cheap,inexpensive/expensive goods- ддешёвые/дорогие товары

leather jacket – кожаный пиджак

designer clothes – дизайнерская одежда

trendy – модный

fashionable – модный

sales – распродажа; at/in the sales

to suit everyone’s pocket and taste – подходить по карману и вкусу

bargain – сделка, покупка

customer – клиент

discount – скидка

receipt – квитанция, чек

refund – возмещение

shop assistant – продавец

trolley – тележка

shop window – витрина

perfumes – духи

van delivery service – служба доставки

employ – нанимать

staff – штат

security personnel – служба безопасности

official supplier – официальный поставщик

goods – товары

fast food- еда быстрого питания

seafood- морепродукты

frozen foods-замороженные продукты

junk food- неполноценная пища

caviar – икра

order – заказать

loaf (loaves) – буханка

fitting room – примерочная

mince – фарш

pork chops – свиные отбивные

chicken breasts – куриные грудки

The way we shop.

Supplementary reading

1. Read the text about Zara.


Have you ever been to Zara store?


You probably have because it's one of the fastest-growing chains in the world. The person behind Zara is Amancio Ortega. He is the richest man in Spain, but very few people know his face. There are only two official photographs of him, and he rarely gives interviews. Although he is a multimillionaire businessman, he doesn't look like one - he doesn't like wearing suits or ties, and prefers to wear jeans and a shirt.

When he was young he worked as a shop assistant in a clothes store, but he always dreamed of having his own business. In 1963 he started a small company which made women's pyjamas. In 1975, at the age of 40, he opened his first clothes shop in La Corufia, a small city in north-west Spain, and named it Zara. Now you can find Zara shops all over the world, from New York to Moscow to Singapore. So why is Zara so successful?

The main reason is that Zara reacts incredibly quickly to the latest designer fashions, and produces clothes which are fashionable but inexpensive. Zara can make a new line of clothes in three weeks. Other companies normally take about nine months. The clothes also change from week to week - so custormers keep coming back to see what's new. It produces 20,000 new designs a year - and none of them stay in the shops for more than a month.

So if you've seen a new jacket or skirt you like in ZARA store, hurry up and buy it, because it won't be there for long.



Expression List on the topic “Travelling”

To be learnt by heart

Means of transport виды транспорта

travel by car/train/plane путешествовать на авто/поездом/самолётом

travel by air/boat/bus по воздуху/на корабле/автобусом

travel across… путешествие через…

trek длительное трудное путешествие

hiking поход

hitch-hiking путешествие автостопом

to go hitch-hiking

to go on holiday

to go sunbathing

to go shopping

business trip бизнес – туризм

to travel on business

to travel by coach путешествовать на автобусе

package holiday туристическая поездка, отдых по путёвке

backpacking пеший туризм

leisure tourism отдых с комфортом

short-break holiday короткий отдых

destination место назначения, цель путешествия

well-worn road хорошо изученный

beaten trek избитый маршрут

to investigate the world исследовать, узнавать мир

to discover new places узнавать новые места

curiosity любопытство


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