Verbos irregulares / irregular verbs 

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Verbos irregulares / irregular verbs

There are many irregular verbs, but we are going to list only the following:

Infinitive Gerund
decir/ to tell diciendo
dormir/ to sleep durmiendo
pedir/ to request pidiendo
venir/ to come viniendo
ir/ to go yendo
poder/ to be able pudiendo
sentir/ to feel sintiendo
mentir/ to lie mintiendo
preferir/ to prefer prefiriendo
servir/ to serve sirviendo
repetir/ to repeat repitiendo
seguir/ to continue siguiendo
reír/ to laugh riendo



1. The gerund is used in the present progressive.


· Estoy estudiando. / I am studying.

· Ana está durmiendo. / Ana is sleeping.

2. The gerund is used as an adverb to describe another verb.


· Terminamos nuestro proyecto gritando. / Screaming, we finished our project.

· Nuestro cliente nos pagó sonriendo. / Smiling, our client paid us.

3. The gerund is used to express how something is done and also as a modifying phrase that is subordinate to another verb.


· Bajando los precios ganaremos la competencia./ By lowering the prices, we'll beat the competition.

· Abriendo más sucursales tendremos más clientes./ By opening more branches, we'll have more customers.

NOTE: When a sentence begins with a verbal phrase and is positive, the gerund is used. However, to form the negative of a sentence beginning with a verbal phrase, the preposition sin is used instead of the word no. Also note that sin needs to be followed by an infinitive (bajar and abrir)

· Sin bajar los precios no ganaremos la competencia./ Without lowering the prices, we cannot beat the competition.

· Sin abrir más sucursales no tendremos más clientes./ Without opening more branches, we won't have more customers.

4. To express a continuous action, the gerund is used with the verbs continuar / to continue and seguir / to follow.


· El acusado seguía hablando aunque el juez se lo había prohibido./ The accused kept on talking although the judge had prohibited him to do so.

· Las ganancias continuaron incrementando durante la recesión. / The profits continued to increase during the recession.

5. To describe an action in progress, the gerund is used with the verbs andar / to go or walk and ir / to go.


· El reportero anda difamando mi persona./ The reporter goes around slandering my character.

· La sociedad va destruyendo el medio ambiente./ The society goes on destroying the environment.

PRESENTE PROGRESIVO/ Present progressive

Unlike the present indicative, which can express many different actions, the present progressive is very specific. It only expresses an action that is in progress at the moment. For instance, in the following example:

Hablo I speak (in general)
I do speak (every day)
I will speak (immediate future)
Estoy hablando I am speaking (right now)

The present progressive is formed with the present tense of estar + gerund (-ing form). Review how to form GERUND.


· La compañía está revelando los secretos./ The company is revealing the secrets.

· El gerente está arriesgando su puesto./ The manager is risking his job.

· Ustedes están cosiendo la ropa./ You are sewing the clothes.

· Los empleados se están suscribiendo al Economista./ The employees are signing up for the Economist.

· Me estoy yendo a mi casa./ I am on my way home.

· El caso está siendo investigado./ The case is being investigated.

NOTE: In Spanish, the present progressive is never used to express a future action. The present tense is used in expressions that would require the present participle in English.


· El interventor sale mañana para Méjico (México can also be spelt with x). / The auditor is leaving tomorrow to Mexico.

· Los pasajeros llegan mañana a la mañana./ The passengers are arriving tomorrow morning.


Reflexive verbs express that the subject of the sentence does the action to himself/herself (e.g., I introduced myself to the class.) In Spanish, -se at the end of an infinitive indicates that the verb is reflexive (levantar se / to get up). When conjugated, the verb is followed by a reflexive pronoun.

Note that each subject of the verb has a corresponding reflexive pronoun as follows:

Yo me visto./I get dressed, I dress myself.
te vistes./ You get dressed, you dress yourself.
Usted se viste./ You get dressed, you dress yourself.
Él se viste./ He gets dressed, he dresses himself.
Ella se viste./ She gets dressed, she dresses herself.
Nosotros nos vestimos./ We get dressed, we dress ourselves.
Vosotros os vestís./ You get dressed, you dress yourselves.
Ellos se visten./ They get dressed, they dress themselves.
Uds. se visten./ You get dressed, you dress yourselves.

I. Reflexive pronouns are positioned in a sentence in the following manners; keep in mind that in English, many verbs have reflexive meanings that are not expressed, but understood:

Before a conjugated verb

· Juan se queda en la reunión./ Juan stays in the meeting.


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