Iipoide,ij,idee bpem. H IIpabiijlbhhix (pef yji. Hphhlx) F. Jial'ojiob 

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Iipoide,ij,idee bpem. H IIpabiijlbhhix (pef yji. Hphhlx) F. Jial'ojiob

<l>opMa rrporne,D,rnero BpeMemr «rrpaBIDihHhIX» rnaronoB 06pa3yeTcH rryTeM rrpM6aBnemrn K <PopMe HacTOm11ero Bpe­ MeHM cy<P<PMKCOB -ed IDIM -d. TaKMe rrpMMephl HaM BCTpeqa­ JIMCh B ypoKe 21, HarrpMMep:

Shakespeare liked London (like+ed = liked).

Istayed in a quiet place (stay+ed = stayed).

We walked in Scotland and climbed the mountains (walk, climb).

We enjoyed that holiday very much (enioy).

HIDKe rrpe,D,CTaBJieH CIIMCOK BCex rrpaBIDihHhIX rnarOJIOB, BCTpeTMBIIIMXCH c 1 no 21 ypoK.


Bo Bcex 3TMX rnaronax cy<P<PMKC rrporne,D,rnero BpeMeHM

-ed rrpOM3HOCMTC5l KaK [1d].

Haem. Ilpow. Haem.

act acted end consist consisted repeat count counted taste need needed wait depend depended want


Ilpow. ended repeated tasted waited wanted

Bo Bcex 3TMX rnaronax cy<P<PMKC rrporne,D,rnero BpeMeHM rrpOM3HOCMTC5l KaK [d].

Haem. Ilpow.

agree agreed

answer answered

bathe bathed

believe believed

burn burned

clear cleaned

close closed

study studied 1

please pleased

play played question questioned remembers remembered hammer hammered

Haem. learn listen love manage move nail open sew

stay carry

telephone show

Ilpow. learned listened loved managed moved nailed opened sewed stayed carried 1 telephoned showed


1 06panue BHHMamie Ha JaMeHY y Ha i.


Bo ncex 3TMX rnaronax cy<l>q:rnKc rrporne.ri:rnero npeMeHM

-ed rrpOM3HOCMTC51 KaK [t].

Haem. Ilpom. Haem.

box boxed dress cook cooked finish cross crossed help dance danced smoke kick kicked talk

look looked thank

place placed work practise practised

Ilpom. dressed finished helped smoked talked

thanked worked


e::i Y nP A >K HE HHSI

I. BcTaBhTe nponym,euuh1e CJIOBa:

1. I want to hear, your -.

2. When a man is - of London he is - of life.

3. In London there are too many - and too much -.

4. But on the other - there are good libraries and -.

5. At one or other of the theatres there is always a Shakes- peare -.

6. I like to get - of London and walk in the -.

7. My home is a little - in Switzerland - the mountains.

8. I feel half - in this quiet places with - of sand and no one on it - me.

9. We had -cabbage every day and -coffee every evening.

10. I don't like bright musical -.

11. I like g- to the pictures and e- and d- and s-.

12. I like c- to the class and I like g- away from here.

II. Hll3oBnTe:

1. Tp11 rnyMHhle nem;11. 2. Tp11 TMXMe nem;11. 3.,[J:na rnyMHhIX MeCTa. 4.,[J:Ba CIIOKOMHhIX MeCTa.

CocTaBbTe npe;:._rmlKeuua.

III. Hll3oBnTe mecTh npe)J;MeToB, KOTOphle BaM upaBBTCB, u mecTh, KOTOph e BaM ue upaBBTCB.

IV. PaccKalKUTe, o 11eM roBopUJiu nepcoualKU B ypoKe 21:

1. Mr. Priestly. 2. Jan. 3. Frieda. 4. Lucille. 5. Olaf. 6. Hob.

V. YnoTpe6UTe KalK,!l;oe 113 npuBe,!l;ennhIX HHlKe CJIOB B co6cTBeHHhIX npe)J;JIOlKeHUBX:

1. noise. 2. library. 3. museum. 4. home. 5. place. 6. among.

7. a play. 8. sand. 9. except. 10. uneatable. 11. bus. 12. dead.

13. gaiety. 14. certainly. 15. interesting. 16. food. 17. dance.

18. rubbish. 19. enjoyable. 20. piano.

VI. OnumnTe, KaK HpKHO neTh «xopoBOIJ,HyIO» (uanpnMep, necuro

«JIOH)J,OH ropHT»).

VII. HanumnTe 11,oMa ue6oJibmue paccKa3bIH3 mecm npe)J,JI01Keuuiiua CJie)J,yIOll(He TeMbI:

1. THXoe MecTo B ropax.

2. Ha 6epery MOpH.

3. IIIYMHaH ymru;a.


Some people like quiet places among the trees and the mountains or by the seaside. There they can get away from the noise of buses and cars, of trains and people. They think that they can only get the really enjoyable things of life there.

Other people like to be in big towns, where there are librar­ ies, museums, theatres, music, good food, good wine and in­ teresting people. They don't feel happy when they are away from these things, and after a week or two they want to get back to them again.

VIII. PaccKa3 6e3 CJIOB

"Silence, please"

Picture 1 (p. 127). Here is Mr. Thompson leaving home in the morning, and saying goodbye to his wife, and family.

How many children has he? How many boys? How many girls?


Is the } one a boy or a girl? youngest

Picture 2. This is where Mr. Thompson works. Is a library the same thing as a bookshop? Do they sell books in libraries in England?

Picture 3. What does the notice SILENCE mean?

Picture 4. What are the three men at the table doing? Are they being silent? Mr. Thompson is beginning to look angry.

Picture 5. Mr. Thompson is very angry. What is he pointing at? What do you think he is saying?

Picture 6. Are the men talking now? They are certainly not; they are reading silently.

Picture 7 and 8. Who are coming into the library now?

What are they doing? Does Mr. Thompson like this?

Picture 9. What is Mr. Thompson doing? Is he speaking to the women? Is he standing up or sitting down?


Picture 10. Who are coming into the library now? Are they walking in? Where do you think they are from? What time do they come out of school? (Look at the library clock.)

Picture 11. Mr. Thompson is sending them out of the li­ brary. How long where they in it?

Picture 12. Mr. Thompson is looking pleased. Why? (Look at the clock.)

Picture 13. He is leaving the library and is on his way home.

Picture 14. Here he is home again. Do his wife and children look glad to see him?

Picture 15. Mr. Thompson is at home. What is his wife doing? What are his daughters doing? What are his sons doing? What has Mr. Thompson in his hand?...in his mouth? What is he doing? Is there a notice saying SILENCE in this room? Is there silence in the room? Could you say in one word what there is? Does Mr. Thompson look angry, or unhappy?

,Il;Jlll KapTHHKH 15 BaM noH3,11,06BTCB HOBhie CJIOBa piano (nuaHuHo) u drum (6apa6aH). Teneph paccKIDKHTe HJIH HanumuTe paccKa3 «Tuxo, nm1raJiyicTa!»



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