Carry, cause, do, make, repair, send, spend, wake up 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Carry, cause, do, make, repair, send, spend, wake up

1. The situation is serious. Something must be done before it is too late.

2. I have not received the letter. It might have been sent to the wrong address.

3. A decision will not……………………until the next meeting.

4. I told the hotel receptionist that I wanted to ……………at 6.30 the next morning.

5. Do you think that less money should ………….on armaments?

6. This road is in very bad condition. It should ……………..a long time ago.

7. The injured man couldn`t walk and had to …………………...

8. It is not certain how the fire started but it might …………… an electrical fault.

Упражнение 21. Начните предложения со слов в скобках. Используйте активный и пассивный залог.

1. There is somebody behind us. (I think/ we/ follow) – I think we are being followed.

2. This room looks different. (you/ paint?) – Have you painted it?

3. My car has disappeared. (it/ steal!) – It………………......……!

4. My umbrella has disappeared. (somebody/ take) Somebody…..

5. Tom get a higher salary now. (he/ promote) ……………………

6. The photocopier broke down yesterday, but now it is OK. (it/work/again; it/ repair)............................................................................….

7. The police have found the people they were looking for. (two people/arrest/ last night) …………….....................................………………..

8. Ann can not use her office at the moment. (it/ decorate)……….

9. A tree was lying across the road. (it/ blow down/ in the storm)...

10. The man next door disappeared six months ago. (nobody/ see/ since then) ………………………………………………………….....……...

11. I was mugged on my way home a few nights ago. (you/ ever/ mug?) ………………………………………………………..............……….

Упражнение 22. Когда они родились? Выберите пятерых из предложенных людей и запишите предложения.(двое из них родились в один год)

Beethoven Galileo Elvis Presley

Agatha Christie Mahatma Gandhi Leonardo da Vinci

Walt Disney Martin Luther King William Shakespeare


1452, 1564, 1770, 1869, 1891, 1901, 1929, 1935

1. Walt Disney was born in 1901.

2. ………………………………..

3. ………………………………..

4. ………………………………..

5. ………………………………..

6. ……………………………….

7. And you? I …………………..

Упражнение 23. Запишите данные ниже предложения по-другому. Используйте образец.

1. They didn`t give me the money. I wasn`t given the money.

2. They asked me some difficult questions at the interview. – I …..

3. Janet`s colleagues gave her a present when she retired. – Janet……............................................................................................................

4. Nobody told me that George was ill. – I wasn`t………....…….

5. How much will they pay out? –How much will you…….……?

6. I think they should have offered Tom the job. – I think Tom.…

7. Has anybody shown you what to do? – Have you……………?

Упражнение 24. Дополните предложения, используя being + один из предложенных глаголов.

ask, attack, give, invite, keep, pay

1. Mr. Miller doesn`t like being kept waiting.

2. They went to the party without ……………………………….

3. Most people like…………………………………………………

4. It is a dangerous city. People won`t go out after dark because they are afraid of…………………………………………………………….

5. I don`t like…………………………………...stupid questions.

6. Few people are prepared to work without……………………….

Упражнение 25. Перепишите текст. Употребите глагол, данный в скобках, в нужной форме:

Christopher Wren (16321723)

In the Great London Fire of 1666, 3,000 houses and 97 churches (были разрушены to destroy). After the Fire, London (был перестроен to build), but the new houses (были построены to build) of stone and brick instead of wood. The streets (были сделаны to make) wider and open space (было оставлено to leave) for squares. An opportunity to plan the new city of London (была дана to give) to Sir Christopher Wren, the famous English architect More then fifty new churches and a large number of houses (были созданы to design) by Wren. St. Paul's Cathedral (был создан to design) by Christopher Wren in the Gothic style. Sir Christopher Wren (был похоронен to bury) here at the age of 91.

Упражнение 26. Перепишите и перескажите текст. Употребите глагол, данный в скобках, в нужной форме.

Walt Disney

Walt Disney (родился to be born) on December 5, 1901. The first Mickey Mouse cartoon (был нарисован to draw) in 1928. Donald Duck (был создан to create) in 1936. The first full length-cartoon feature film, «Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,» (был сделан to make) in 1937. In 1955 Disneyland (был открыт to open) in Califor­nia. Disney World (был открыт to open) in Florida in 1971. Walt Disney died in Cali­fornia at the age of 65. His films are still (показываются to show) regularly at the cinema, and because of their timeless quality (будут показывать to show) for years to come.

Ответьте на вопросы.

1. When was Sir Christopher Wren born?

2. Where was Sir Christopher Wren buried?

3. Mow many buildings were destroyed in the Great London Fire?

4. Which architect was asked to plan the new city of London?

5. How many buildings were designed by Wren?


Упражнение 27. Выполните тест по теме «Passive Voice»

1. The day before yesterday we (invite) to the restaurant by Ton Jenkins.

A. are invited;

B. were invited;

C. invite.

2. Look! The bridge (repair).

A. is being repaired;

B. is been repaired;

C. has being repaired.

3. The letter and the parcel (post) tomorrow.

A. will be post;

B. will have been posted;

C. will be posted.

4. Margaret (know) to be a very industrious person.

A. has been known;

B. is known;

C. is been known.

5. In Greece the Olympic Games (hold) once in four years.

A. were held;

B. are being held;

C. are held.

6. The problem (study) for three years, but they have not got any results.

A. has been studied;

B. has being studied;

C. was studied.

7. Dad phoned us and asked if our luggage (already/ pack)

A. was already being packed;

B. had already been packed;

C. was packed.

8. The doctor said that Tommy`s leg (X- rayed) the following day.

A. will be X- rayed;

B. would be X- rayed;

C. will have been X- rayed.

9. A police car came when the injured man (carry off) the road.

A. was being carried off;

B. was been carried off;

C. has been carried off.

10. I (be born) in a small Russian town not far from Samara.

A. was born;

B. am born;

C. were born.

11. This book (republish) by the end of September.

A. would been republished;

B. will have been republished;

C. will been republished.

12. What a pity, John won`t come. He (tell) about the meeting beforehand.

A. should have been told;

B. should be told;

C. should been told.





Модальные глаголы не имеют форм инфинитива (они пишутся без to) и причастия.

Модальные глаголы не имеют всех временных форм, которые имеются у других глаголов: can, may имеют только формы настоящего и прошедшего времени (can – could, may – might); must, ought, need – только формы настоящего времени.

Для выражения прошедшего и будущего времени, вместо модальных глаголов, часто используются другие глаголы:

To have:

Будущее: shall have, will have

Настоящее: has, have

Прошедшее: had


To be able to:

Будущее: shall be able to, will be able to

Настоящее: am (are, is) able to

Прошедшее: was able to, were able to


В третьем лице единственного числа модальные глаголы не имеют окончания – s: He may go there.

Вопросительная и отрицательная формы модальных глаголов образуются без вспомогательного глагола to do:

May I go there? – You may not go there.

В отрицательной форме обычно употребляются сокращения:

Can not = can`t

Could not = couldn`t

May not = mayn`t

Might not = mightn`t

Must not = mustn`t

Ought not = oughtn`t

Need not = needn`t

Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты, выражающие


  Глагол Present Past Future
-Must I memorize this poem? -Yes, you must. -Должен ли я выучить это стихотворение? -Да, обязательно. must должен обязательно что-то сделать must      
-Dowe have to wait long? -Yes, you do. It is raining hard and the flight is delayed. have to должен, приходится поневоле, вынужден (в силу обстоятельств) have to has to had to will (shall) have to
I am to meet her in the library today. Я должен (мне предстоит, мы договорились, я обещал) встретиться с ней в библиотеке сегодня. be to должен (я обещал, запланировал, по расписанию, по договоренности) am to is to are to was to were to  
You should study the English words before you go to bed. Вам следует (Вы должны, по моему мнению) учить английские слова перед сном. should должен (следует по моему мнению, совету) should    
You ought to return the book to me on time. Ты должен (это твой долг) возвратить мне книгу вовремя. ought to следует, должен (это твой моральный долг, когда мы говорим о законе, правилах) ought to    
You needn’t clean the windows. Hey are clean already. Тебе не нужно мыть окна. Они чистые. needn’t нет никакой необходимости (нужды) need    


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