LEG28 - Renovating mountain trails in Madonie Regional Park 

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LEG28 - Renovating mountain trails in Madonie Regional Park

Location: Petralia Sottana, province of Palermo, Sicilia region

Date: 17 -31/08

Type: Environmental

Number of volunteers: 12

Age: 18+

Project summary: In the heart of Madonie Regional Park in Sicily, the volunteers will renovate and open mountain trails for the promotion of a responsible and sustainable tourism.


Project: the workcamp is part of a wider project which aims at raising the natural and touristic value of the Madonie Regional Park, through the creation of educational and environmental facilities and activities. The seasonal tourism linked to the winter sports will lead to the reduction and fragmentation of the natural areas with serious environmental damages. The purpose of the project is to divert this direction towards the safeguard of the territory and the valorization of the cultural and historic heritage as key to stimulate innovative quality and new economic trends, in respect of the mountain biodiversity.

Legambiente local group: the local group “Francesco Lojacono” sar born in 2007 in Palermo with the aim of safeguarding and promoting areas with natural and cultural value through awareness campaigns such as “Salvalarte” (save the art) and Solidarity and Environment, for the fruition of natural areas by disadvantaged people.

Work: the volunteers will work at the maintenance and creation of mountain paths inside the Regional park (also using GPS mapping), the creation and installation of touristic signs and fences, removal of weed and fire monitoring. They will also do some renovation work in the Refuge and the surrounding area.

Study part: biodiversity of the Madonie Park, sustainable tourism and ancient traditions of Sicily, Mediterranean genesis and geology, climate change.

Accommodation and food: The volunteers will be hosted in Rifugio Il Grifone, a mountain refugee inside the Park, at 1500 meters above sea level.

Location and leisure: the Regional Park of Madonie, extended for 794 kmq in the north-centre of Sicily, includes the highest and most ancient mountains in the region. The workcamp will take place in Piano Battaglia that is the second highest Sicilian peak (1600 mt), after Etna Vulcan. It is situated in a wonderful natural frame: a wide karstic area in the heart of the Madonie mountains surrounded by an ancient beech forest.

In the free time, the volunteers will explore the Park - also through sport activities - and the villages at its feet, with their traditions and community life.

Specific Requirements: good will and attitude to live in mountains environment.

Language: English will be the official language in the camp.

Terminal: nearest airport and train station are in Palermo. Attention: the last bus from Palermo to Petralia Sottana is at 18.30 (at 17 on Sundays).


LEG29 - Majella, Mother mountain of nature and culture

Location: Pretoro, province of Chieti, Abruzzo region

Date: 19-31/08

Type: Environmental

Number of volunteers: 15 (mixed Italian and foreign families)

Age: 4-99 (family camp)

Project summary: Within the wonderful Majella National Park, we will work for the maintenance of the paths and, in particular, of the Faunal Areas of Wolf and Roe Deer, renovating the trails along Valle del Foro.


Project: The goal of the project is the restoration and the maintenance of the Faunal Areas of Wolf and Roe Deer of Serramonacesca, the valorization of Pretoro village and the maintenance of the Park trails near the Environmental Education Centre.

Legambiente local group: The Environmental Education Center and Experience "Il Grande Faggio" is an agency for the sustainable development that addresses local communities, tourists, schools, groups and families. Recognized by the Abruzzo region as "Regional Centre of Interest", it is listed on the National System INFEA and belongs to the National Network of Environmental Education Centres of Legambiente. The Centre offers activities ranging from teaching-scientific laboratory to hiking and mountain tourism also including voluntary experiences in environment.

Work: trails arrangements, clearing from infesting vegetation, placing and restoring signs along the paths and restoration of some significant places.

Accommodation and food: the volunteers will be hosted in the Centre itself: 4 rooms will be available.

Location and leisure: The town of Pretoro, of Roman origins (Praetorium), has nowadays a typical medieval structure. Among the most interesting relics of the past are the cave mills, located in the valley, where the millers worked with ancient methods until a few decades ago. Within the walls of Pretoro, the art of wood carving is still alive, although very downsized compared to the past, which results into valuable artifacts, as forks, mortars, sticks.

Overlooking the valley of the Forum and on the hills of Chieti, Pretoro is the north gate of the Majella National Park. The environment is rich in ecological peculiarities and popular ancient and fascinating traditions, showing the harmony between man and nature.

Specific Requirements: attitude to walk; the presence of herbaceous species in bloom makes the workcamp not recommended to allergy sufferers.

Participation Fee: (no fee for children under 5)

1adult + 1 child= 170 euro

1 adult + 2 children = 230 euro

1 adult + 3 children = 290 euro

2 adults + 1 child = 300 euro

2 adults + 2 children = 380 euro

2 adults + 3 children = 440 euro

Language: Italian and English will be the official languages in the camp.

Terminal: nearest train stations are Pescara and Chieti; nearest airports are Pescara and Rome.


LEG30 - Timpa Natural Reserve

Location: Acireale, province of Catania, Sicilia region

Date: 26/08 – 04/09

Type: Environmental

Number of volunteers: 20

Age: 18 - 35

Project summary: We invite you to bring life to the Natural Reserve la Timpa, beautiful promontory above the sea! You will work for the promotion of one of the most beautiful places in Sicily.


Project: The workcamp is part of the project “Un tocco di…ambiente, cultura, futuro” financed by the public Department for Youth and Civil Service, in collaboration with municipal administration of Acireale and the forestry public agency, Azienda Foreste Demaniali Etnea. The aims of the project are the extension and the intensification of the uses and facilities of the Chiazzette and in particular of the “Fortezza del Tocco”, which are at the moment insufficient to guarantee a proper touristic attraction in the natural reserve; the realization of training courses for environmental educators and natural guides and an improvement of the promotion of the natural reserve.

The volunteers will be carrying out various environmental tasks inside the paths of the natural reserve, as restoration, gardening, cleaning and the placement of info signs.

The volunteers will also be involved in the touristic promotion of the reserve at the info point located in “La Fortezza del Tocco”.

Legambiente local group: The association “Circolo Legambiente Sartorius von Waltershausen” was born in Acireale in 1991. The aims of the association are the protection and the promotion of the natural area of Acireale. The main activities of the association are:

- Environmental education workshops in schools;

- Realization of promotional materials of the natural reserve La Timpa;

- Participation at the national activities promoted by Legambiente such as “ operazione spiagge pulite”, “Goletta verde”, “Festa dell’albero”, “Puliamo il Mondo”, “Ecomostri”, “Guida blu del Touring”;

- Running of the info point located in “La Fortezza del Tocco”.


- Restoration

- Gardening

- Cleaning

- Placement of info signs

- Tourism promotion (info point)

- Raising awareness among the citizens

The volunteers will work on the tasks in groups and in shift work, so that everybody will be involved in everything.

Study part: During the workcamp there will be informative meetings regarding the local Flora and Fauna and Geology.

Accommodation and food: The participants will sleep in a school in shared rooms and sleeping bag accommodation. There are basic facilities with showers and a kitchen. Internet connection is not available.

Location and leisure: Acireale is a baroque city situated between the sea and the volcano Etna.

The territory consists of a strip that runs parallel and close to the coast about 6 km. This is a massive tiered format and faults, which originated from the central crater since it seems to emerge with its lava from the sea. It is formed by overlapping layers occurring at different times.

At the feet of the central section of the reserve there is the seaside village of Santa Maria La Scala, which can also be reached by a staircase that starts from Acireale zig-zag across the central part of the Timpa (called the Chiazzette).

Language: English will be the official language of the workcamp

Terminal: The nearest airport is Catania Fontanarossa. Attention: The last bus or train from Catania to Acireale leaves at 20:30

LEG31 - Urban ReGeneration

Location: Eboli, province of Salerno, Campania region

Date: 05 – 15/09

Type: Renovation

Number of volunteers: 10

Age: 18-60

Project summary: The purpose of the camp is the urban regeneration of Eboli and in particular to make livable and crowded again the main Republic Square.


Project: The camp activities will be directed mainly to the urban decor and more specifically to the restoration and enhancement of Republic Square in Eboli.

The square is located in the heart of the town. Until the ‘90 the square was the place where young people could meet and socialize, and the location of important and interesting cultural activities. For almost two years, it was closed to the public because of the restoration of its monuments and the laying of new flooring. At its reopening, it has lost its social value no longer able to aggregate the new generations in it.

We would like a cozy, green and crowded square. We want to imagine an eco-creative Square, redesigned with the use of sustainable materials and structures.

The motivation of the camp is linked to the revival of the community spirit that takes care of its spaces and lives them intensively.

Legambiente local group: Legambiente local group in Eboli was born in 1997 thanks to the fusion with another local group, its name is "Silaris". The Legambiente Silaris statute says that: "…Legambiente is a volunteer Association. Its members attend to the activities in an individual way, spontaneous and free, only for solidarity. It acts for a society based on an equilibrate relation between humans and nature, for the respect of the biodiversity; and for a sustainable development for the defence of the environment and of the cultural heritage."

The local groups counts 60 members that dedicate their free time to the Association. The age of our members goes from 16 to 75. They share several different moments of socialization.

The Association house in Eboli is located in the old part of the city. It is a nice building recently constructed.

Here a list of our main activities:

- Preservation of the local dune restricted area "Legambiente Silaris" along the coast of our city. This part of the coast belongs to the "Natural Reserve Foce-Sele" moreover it is a special area recognized by the E.U. as Sic IT 805001.

- Environmental Education in the schools in Eboli.

- Awareness campaigns for students and people about: energy; pollution, waste; studies about the vegetation; coastal erosion.

- Partnership with public Institutions for serious environmental problems.

- Partnership with other Associations and with the Csv Sodalis Salerno about peace, racism, social and cultural growth.

- Project "Orti di Città" for elder people.

- Summer work-camp during summertime.

- Voluntary Civil Service

- Dog-sitter project to help dogs without any owner, in cooperation with the league for the protection of dogs. Our Association would like to continue and improve the promotion and valorization of the voluntary activities as a form of social and political participation, because we think that "another world is possible" and that is necessary to build up a society more equitable and sustainable.

Legambiente Silaris Eboli have been running national and international volunteer camps in Eboli for over ten years.

Work: The purpose of the camp is the urban regeneration through sustainable decorations.

We want to make livable and crowded the main Republic Square in Eboli. The camp will take place mainly in the Square. The main activities will be: cleaning of the War memorial; cleaning and maintenance of the gardens and flowerbeds already existing (thematic flowerbeds: herbs, evergreens, local flowers, etc.); maintenance and repainting public existing seats; installation and painting of flower boxes for urban decoration to be placed in front of the elementary school to be managed by classes; installation of ecological benches obtained by the recovery of used platforms; "Games of yore", construction of ancient games, placed near the school; installation of a bus shelter with recyclable material and creative painting

Accommodation and food: The volunteers will be hosted in “San Pietro Alli Marmi”an ancient Norman abbey with an important historical Library. Four bedrooms will be available, with two common bathrooms and two showers. The kitchen will be located in Legambiente home and local typical products will be used for the meals. Internet access won’t be available.

Location and leisure: Eboli is a Southern town with approximately 38.000 inhabitants.

As agricultural center, Eboli is known mainly for olive oil and for dairy products, among which the most renowned is the buffalo mozzarella.

One part of the mountains that surround the town of Eboli belongs to Picentini Park. The archaeological excavations prove that the Eboli area has been inhabited since the Copper and Bronze Ages, and attested (from the 5th century BC) the presence of the so-called Villanovan civilization.

The center of the town is characterized by a square from the elliptical shape that retains the charm of a nineteenth century ambient. The monument is dedicated to the fallen during the First World War. The square is crowded during Sunday mornings. Inside the square there are historical monuments, fountains, seating and public gardens.

The old town in Eboli is very nice and characterized by very important historical streets and buildings. There are many restaurants where you can taste local dishes.

During the workcamp there will be an excursion tour in Pompeii.

The volunteers will visit the areas managed by Legambiente in the territory of the Campania region.

Language: English will be the official language in the camp.

Terminal: Capodichino International Airport In Naples – Salerno train station (last train to Eboli at 19.55 pm – Napoli Train Station (last train to Eboli at 19.23 pm)

LEG32 - Naturalambro

Location: Merone, province of Como, Lombardia region

Date: 03-17/10

Type: Environmental

Number of volunteers: 7

Age: 18-99

Project summary: Increase biodiversity through ecological connections and species monitoring in Lambro Park


Project: The camp is part of a project called NATURALAMBRO. The park is realising ecological connection between different natural environments of the park, in order to improve the biodiversity of the area. Legambiente is collaborating with the project by involve local communities, students and volunteers.

During the workcamp, the second international congress on land stewardship will take place, with the participation of Legambiente’s European partners.

Legambiente local group: Legambiente Lombardia performs its activities on a regional basis, with more than 100 local groups. It promotes initiatives against the soil consumption and for the conservation of natural resources. The members are involved in activities such as raising awareness, information, education, scientific issues.

Work: The work will be always in direct collaboration with the technical staff of the park and it will be divided in two parts: one focused on fauna projects: specially bird ringing and monitoring, and native spices conservation; the second part is about forest improvement and creation of ecological corridors.

Volunteers will help Legambiente in the organization of the international congress on “Land Stewardship” (welcome participants, logistical organization ecc.)

Study part: Volunteers will participate in workshops and trainings on environment and sustainability. Main subject of the program will be the conservation of forests, soil and biodiversity. They will participate in workshop on land stewardship at the international congress.

Accommodation and food: Volunteers will be hosted in a hostel, with self-managed kitchen. There will be an environmental friendly diet with local products and little meat.

Location and leisure: The Park's territory extends 25 km-long stretch along the river Lambro, between Pusiano and Alserio lakes in the north and Parco della Villa Reale di Monza in the south. It includes the hilly stretch of the river Lambro and has different features along its route. The area of the lakes is the most interesting from a naturalistic point of view, since it includes lake environments which are already safeguarded in part by Riserva naturale orientata della Riva Orientale del Lago di Alserio. As a matter of fact, both lakes are Sites of Community Importance (SCI)

Specific Requirements: Motivation letter is required. Volunteers have to be interested in ecology and natural science.


English will be the official language in the camp.

Terminal: Milan’s airports. Merone train station (last train from Milano Cadorna station at 21.00)



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