Rostov-on-Don - City of Military Glory 

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Rostov-on-Don - City of Military Glory

Peaceful life of Rostov-on-Don was violated by the invasion of Nazi hordes. In October 1941 the first fascist bombs fell on the city. The nearest way to the Caucasus led through Rostov. Rostov was a key city in the plans of the fascist general headquarters.

Hitler’s general Kleist wrote: “Rostov is the key to the Caucasus… By turning this key we’ll come as masters through the gateway leading to the oil of Baku and then to India”. That is why the best Nazi troops such as the first tank army and the SS divisions “Viking” and “Adolf Hitler” stormed Rostov. The defenders heroically repelled the aggression.

The aggressors occupied Rostov on July, 1942. The fascist invaders shot, tortured to death in a concentration camp, burned alive and killed more than 5 thousand people. On the territory of our region the Nazi aggressors annihilated more than 98 thousand people and 85 thousand people were driven away to Germany for hard labour.

Freedom came to Rostov on February 14, 1943. For heroism and courage displayed during the Great Patriotic War about 500 partisans were awarded different orders and medals. For the heroic fight against the enemy, for selfless work during the years of the Great Patriotic War and for heroic deeds in the restoration of the city Rostov was awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War.

Rostov-on-Don It was awarded the honorable title of City of Military Glory. The Don Cossacks’ military service to the homeland has always had a special status. Cossack divisions were in the vanguard of the Russian army in the time of Peter the Great and during the Napoleonic wars. In the summer of 1942, in the space of a few days these soldiers defended the city against enemy forces that outnumbered them five to one.

It is important to note that the citizens of Rostov have a special respect for the heroic deeds of the soldiers and officers of the 56th Army. It defended the city for more than a month against the fearsome attacks of the powerful fascist tank corps. The honour guard at the eternal flame that burns in memory of the defenders of the city never sleeps.



Таблица глагола to be в утвердительных предложениях:

Местоимение to be в Present to be в Past to be в Future
I (я) am a student was a student will be a student
He (он) is a student was a student will be a student
She (она) is a student was a student will be a student
It (оно, это) is a student was a student will be a student
We (мы) are students were students will be students
You (ты) are a student were a student will be a student
They (они) are students were students will be students


Отрицательная форма

Чтобы образовать отрицательную форму спряжения данного глагола нужно поставить отрицательную частицу «not» после одной из нужных форм глагола to be. Вот несколько примеров отрицательного предложения:

  • Я не голоден – I am not hungry.
  • Он не будет занят – He will not be busy.
  • Комната была небольшая – The room was not big.

Вопросительная форма

Для образования вопросительной формы нужно поставить соответствующую форму глагола to be в начале предложения:

  • Вы Петр? – Are you Pete?
  • Это была комната? – Wass this a room?
  • Вы голодны? – Are you hungry?
  • Он занят? – Is he busy?

Compose the sentences using the following to be expressions in different tenses:

To be happy /unhappy – быть счастливым/несчастливым

To be glad – быть радостным

To be hungry/to be full up– быть голодным/сытым

To be fond of — любить, увлекаться чем-то

To be busy – быть занятым

To be late (for) — опаздывать (на)

To be in time for – быть вовремя

To be present at – присутствовать на (к примеру на уроке)

To be absent (from) – отсутствовать

To be married – быть женатым / замужем

To be single – быть холостым / не замужем

To be lucky – быть везучим

To be ready (for) — быть готовым (к, например, к уроку)

To be afraid (of) – бояться

To be interested (in) — интересоваться чем-то

To be ill / well — болеть / хорошо себя чувствовать

To be angry (with) — сердиться, злиться (на кого-то)

11. Complete what Brenda says about herself in the picture. Use is or are.

My name (1) ______ Brenda Foster. I (2) ______ on the left in the picture. I (3) ______ ten years old and I (4) ______ in the fifth form. My birthday (5) _____ on the first of January. I (6) ______ from Santa Monica, California, USA. I (7) ______ American. My phone number (8) ______ 235-456-789. I live at 16 Park Street. My post code (9) ______ LA 30 SM. I’ve got a sister and a brother. Their names (10) ______ Gina and Paul. Gina (11) ______ 16 years old and Paul (12) ______ only three. I’ve also got a dog. His name (13) ______ Spot. He (14) ______ on the right in the picture. My Mum (15) ______ a doctor. She works at a hospital. My Dad (16) ______ a driver. He works in Los Angeles. We (17) ______ all friendly in our family.

Insert appropriate present forms of the verb to be.

A: Hi, Alex. How (1) _________ you?

B: Hello David. I (2) _________ fine and how (3) _________ you doing?

A: I (4) _________doing fine.

B: How (5) _________ your sister? Where (6) _________she now?

A: She (7) _________ in London. She (8) _________learning English there.

B: Really? That (9) _________wonderful! How about your parents?

A; They (10) _________ fine too. They (11) _________ in Cyprus now.

B: (12) _________ you busy tonight?

A: Not really, why?

B: We (13) _________ having a party. Would you like to come?

A: I’d love to. B: Then come to our place at 7:00 p.m.

Fill in is, are, He’s, She’s, l’m, They’re.

How _____ your mum? — _______ fine, thanks. How _____ your parents? — _____ OK. How _____ you? — _____ very well, thank you. How _____ your uncle? — _____ fine, thanks. How _____ your children? — _____ OK. How _____ Liz? — _____ fine, thanks. How _____ your cousin? — _____ very well, thank you

Write in was / were

_________ Jenny at the party? _________ Lumpy quiet yesterday? _________ you in Kongo? _________ your parents in the local gym yesterday? _________ your friend at school yesterday? _________ you happy yesterday? _______ your mum tired yesterday? _______ you hungry yesterday evening? _______ it cold yesterday? _______ your teacher sad yesterday? _______ your pet hungry yesterday?

Write in was / were

The third day _______ Wednesday. The boys _______ in the swimming-pool. Steve _______ the fastest swimmer! On Thursday we _______ at the circus! The bears _______ funny! The fifth day _______ Friday. In the morning we _______ in the zoo.

Use the verb to be in the correct tense form. (Present Simple / Past simple / Future Simple)

Present Simple Fred _____ thirteen now. «____ you English? «No, l _________. Her name _____ Ann. «______ David a good friend?» «Yes, he _______». __________ these men doctors? «You_______ from Belarus, _________ you?» «Yes, that______right». There__________ a nice lake in the forest. Let’s go! There ________no more questions, _________there?

Past Simple «When you ________ a small child, _________ you happy?» «Yes, I ________. I ________ very happy.» They (not) ________ ready for the lesson last Tuesday. The days_________ cold and wet last September. There ________20 pupils in our class last year.

Future Simple 17. He ________ 13 years old tomorrow. 18. I ________ back home at 6 o’clock. 19. We __________ at the library at that time. 20. They __________ here at 3 o’clock. 21. They ________ happy to see us.

Формы времени глагола to be в обороте there is/there are:

Конструкция there is (there are) сообщает о месте нахождения того или иного предмета, лица, информация о которых еще неизвестна.

Present Indefinite: there is/there are – есть, находится;

Past Indefinite: there was/there were – был, находился;

Future Indefinite: there will be (одна форма для мн. и ед. числа) – будет находиться;

Present Perfect: there has been/there have been – был, находился;

Past Perfect: there had been (одна форма для мн. и ед. числа) — был, находился;

Are употребляется, если подлежащее – существительное стоит во множественном числе:
Is употребляется, если подлежащее – существительное стоит в единственном числе:

There are chairs at the table. – Возле стола стулья.

There is a chair at the table. – Возле стола стул.

16. Write in is or are.

There _____ two cups of tea on the table. There _____ some milk in the cup. There _____ an orange in the salad. There _____ six balls in the box. There _____ some cheese on the plate. There ______ a blue chair at the door. There _____ five chicks and a hen on the farm. There _____ a table and nine desks in the classroom. There _____ a big window to the left of the door. There _____ three rooms in our country house. _____ there three cups on the coffee-table? ____ there a carpet on the floor? There _____ no cats in the sitting room. There_____ a cat on the table. There_____ 3 dogs in the box There _____4 hens in the house. There _____ a pot on the table. _____ there a bathroom near the kitchen? _____ there four rooms in the house? _____ there a kitchen under your bedroom?

17. Make up sentences, mind the word order (SUBJECT + PREDICATE + OBJECT)

1. pears / there / ten / in the / are / bag /.

2. aren’t / pupils / there / classroom / in the /.

3. an egg / on the / there / plate / is /?

4. on the / there / a / cat / chair / is / white /.

5. a turtle / on / there / isn’t / farm / this /.

6. at the / two / bikes / door / are / there /.



The Russian Federation


Flag Coat of arms

1. Answer the questions:

· What are the colours of the national flag?

· What is depicted in the Russian coat of arms?

· What cultural traditions of Russians do you know?



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