The Stavropol State medical Academy 

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The Stavropol State medical Academy

The Stavropol State Medical Academy was founded in 1938. Since that time thousands of highly skilled specialists working all over the world were prepared at the Academy. The Academy is one of the largest educational and scientific medical centres of Russia. It is listed in the World Directory of medical schools published by the World Health Organization (WHO) that gives the chance to graduates to get a job in any country of the world after passing the national exam.

The Academy was awarded with the international awards: «The Gold Medal of the International Biography Centre», «The Cannes Silver Medal» and the title «The Flagman of the XXI Century» as the most dynamically developing enterprise. In 2010 the Academy became the winner of the All-Russia economic project «Leaders of Modernisation».

The main faculties in the Academy are: the Faculty of General Medicine, the Faculty of Pediatrics, the Faculty of Dentistry, the Faculty of Humanities and Medical-Biological Education, the Foreign Students’ Faculty. There are also the Faculty of Pre-University Education and the Institute of Postgraduate and Additional Education.

Rector is at the head of the Academy. Each faculty is headed by the dean.

The General Medicine Faculty is the biggest one. It trains physicians for adult population in three main specialties: Therapy, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology. The training lasts six years.

The Faculty of Pediatrics trains doctors of two specialties: Pediatrics and Children’s Surgery. The course of study here lasts six years.

The Faculty of Dentistry trains dentists. The course of study lasts five years. The graduates of this faculty are prepared in such dental specialties as dental therapeutists, dental surgeons, and dental orthopedists.

The foreign students from Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America are trained at the Foreign Students’ Faculty. The English-speaking students are taught in English and it enables them to study without preliminary training at the Preparatory Courses.

New lines for preparation of specialists at the Faculty of Humanities and Medical-Biological Education are opened in the Academy in 2011. They are: Defectology, Biology, Biotechnology, Physical Training for Persons with Health Deviations (Adaptive Physical Training), Economics, and Social Work.

For the first two years, the students of the Academy study pre-clinical subjects such as Anatomy, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Latin, Russian and Foreign Languages.

Clinical subjects are taught beginning from the third year. They are Propaedeutics of Internal and Children’s Diseases, General Surgery, Neurology, Urology, Traumatology, Dermatovenerology, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Clinical Pharmacology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and others.

The academic year consists of two terms. At the end of each term the students pass examinations and tests. There are all created conditions for successful mastering of doctor’s profession at the Academy. Many students attend the students’ scientific societies and take part in annual scientific conferences. They carry out a lot of laboratory and clinical researches. The students who study well get grants, which are paid monthly.

The teaching staff of the Academy is highly skilled. The Academy has the modern material and technical base, providing a high educational level. The Academy has modern learning and medical equipment, computer classes, and electronic library.

The main task of the Faculty of Pre-University Education is to help to the prospective applicants in their quest to become the students of the Medical Academy.

Training at the Faculty of Pre-University Education gives an opportunity for schoolchildren to become better acquainted with the medical profession and to obtain the research work skills, to meet the prominent scientists and clinicians, to learn about the past and the future of medicine, to visit departments and museums of the Academy.

The Institute of Postgraduate and Additional Education of the Stavropol State Medical Academy carries out preparation, retraining and improvement of professional skills of doctors and medical staff within 46 specialties in the area of postgraduate training (clinical residency and internship) and within 73 specialties of additional training.

The students of our Academy have all facilities for sports and health supporting: there is a camp on the Black Sea, sports complex with a swimming-pool and gyms, the students’ health centre, the students’ polyclinic and the stomatological polyclinic.

Graduates of the Stavropol State Medical Academy work in all corners of our country and abroad, they lead the departments of alma mater and many other universities, they are the heads of public health service establishments and research institutes.



Задание 1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту:

1. When was the Stavropol State Medical Academy founded?

2. What new lines for preparation of specialists were opened in 2011?

3. Who is at the head of our Academy?

4. Who is each faculty headed by?

5. What faculties are there in the Academy?

6. What specialties does each faculty train?

7. What subjects do the students study during the first two years?

8. What clinical subjects are taught beginning with the third year?

9. How many terms does the academic year consist of?

10. What is the course of training at each faculty?

11. What faculty do the foreign students study at?

12. What created conditions are there for successful mastering of the doctor’s profession at our Academy?

13. What is the teaching staff of the Academy?

14. What facilities for sport and health supporting have the students of our Academy?

15. Where may graduates of the Academy work?


Задание 2. Вставьте пропущенные слова и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Our Academy … in 1938.

2. The Faculty of … is the biggest one.

3. It trains physicians for … population in three ….

4. The first two years the students study … subjects.

5. … subjects are taught beginning with the third year.

6. The Faculty of … trains therapeutists.

7. The Faculty of … trains dentists.

8. The foreign students are trained at the ….


Задание 3. Спросите своего собеседника.

Ask your friend - when our Academy was founded. - what students are trained at our Academy. - what faculties are in the Academy. - if the Faculty of General Medicine is the biggest one. - if it trains physicians for adult population. - how long the training lasts. - what subjects the students study during the first two years. - when clinical subjects are taught. - if the Faculty of Pediatrics trains the doctors of two specialties. - at what faculty the English-speaking students study. - when the students pass examinations and tests.


Задание 4. Прочитайте и определите, на каком факультете учится студент медицинской академии.

1. I receive the knowledge of development and growth of a child’s organism. This faculty trains doctors of two specialties. The course of training here takes six years.

2. I study at the biggest faculty of our Academy. The course of training here takes six years. This faculty trains physicians for adult population in three specialties.

3. I am an English-speaking student of the Academy. I am from India. But some of my friends came from different countries of the world for training here.


Текст на аудирование

Задание 1. Повторяйте за диктором слова и словосочетания. Запомните их значение:

1. to limit ограничивать

2. to perform arts выступать (с


3. to develop развивать

4. choreography хореография

5. folk народный

6. to participate участвовать

7. competition соревнование

8. volunteer волонтерский

9. to devote посвящать

10. celebration празднование

11. to support поддерживать

12. to win выигрывать

13. improvement улучшение

14. opportunity возможность

15. comprehensive комплексный, всесторонний

16. nutrition питание

17. canteen столовая

18. refreshment room закусочная, буфет

19. students’ hostel студенческое общежитие

20. kitchen кухня

21. shower room душевая комната

22. washing room постирочная комната

23. to be equipped with быть оборудованным

24. facilities средства обслуживания,

удобства, приспособления

25. have a rest отдыхать


Задание 2. Прослушайте текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание.


The students’ life is not limited to lectures, practical classes, tests and exams. Studying at the Academy students can develop their hobbies by singing, performing arts, choreography, and folk dance.

There are many talented students at our Academy They can take part in a «KVN» team, and festivals. The students participate in the volunteer movement. Besides, Russian and foreign students can take part in the organized actions devoted to celebration of different holidays in our town and in the Academy.

In order to support their health and to be in a good physical form the students go in for sports. They like to take part in sport competitions and to win them. The Academy has a sports complex with a swimming pool, and gyms.

There are all created conditions for improvement and supporting of the students’ health: the Students’ Polyclinic, the Stomatological Polyclinic, and the Students’ Health Centre. The Students’ Health Centre of the Academy carries out monitoring of the students’ health. There is a sanatorium, where the students receive comprehensive treatment.

One of the main components of the young people’s health is their nutrition. For this purpose, canteens and refreshment rooms are opened in the educational buildings and students’ hostels. The Academy has four students’ hostels with furnished apartments for 2-3 persons. Kitchens are equipped with all necessary facilities. There are shower rooms, washing rooms at the hostels.

Annually within summer vacations, the students have an opportunity to have a rest at the camp on the Black Sea.


Задание 3. Вставьте необходимые по смыслу слова.

1. The students’ life at the Medical Academy … to lectures.

2. There are many … students studying at our Academy.

3. When studying the students can develop their ….

4. The students participate in the … movement.

5. Russian and foreign students can take part in celebration of ….

6. The students go in for ….

7. There are all created conditions for … and … of the students’ health.

8. The Academy has four … with furnished apartments.

9. The students have an opportunity to have a rest at ….


Задание 4. Расположите предложения соответственно содержанию текста.

1. The Students’ Health Centre of the Academy carries out monitoring of the students’ health.

2. They like to take part in sport competitions and to win them.

3. The students have an opportunity to have a rest at the camp on the Black Sea.

4. The students participate in the volunteer movement.

5. The Academy has four students’ hostels with furnished apartments for 2-3 persons.

6. There are many talented students at our Academy.

7. There are all created conditions for improvement and supporting of the students’ health.


Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.

1. Is the students’ life limited to lectures and practical classes?

2. What hobbies can the students develop?

3. What do the students take part in?

4. Why do the students go in for sport?

5. What facilities has the Academy for health supporting?

6. What centre carries out monitoring of the students’ health?

Задание 6. Составьте план к тексту. Передайте содержание текста сначала на русском языке, а затем на английском.


The Dialogue

Задание 1. Прослушайте диалог. Воспроизведите его в парах:

A Talk between Two Students

B. – I want to introduce myself. I’m Boris and what’s your name?

S. – My name is Sergei. Glad to meet you. Are you a student?

B. – Yes, I am. I’m a first-year student of the Stavropol State Medical Academy, and what about you?

S. – I’m a first-year student of the Stavropol Medical College. Did you enter the Academy straight from the school?

B. – No, I didn’t. First I worked at a hospital as a nurse during a year.

S. – I see. I want to continue my study at the Academy too. How many faculties are there at your Academy?

B. – There are many faculties at our Academy. The Faculty of General Medicine is the biggest one. It trains physicians for adult population in three specialties.

S. – How long does the course of studies last there?

B. – The course of studies at this faculty and at the Faculty of Pediatrics takes 6 years and it takes 5 years at the Stomatological Faculty.

S. – What faculty do you study at?

B. – I study at the Faculty of General Medicine.

S. – How long does the academic year run?

B. – It runs from the first of September till the end of June.

S. – When are examinations and tests held at your Academy?

B. – We have examinations and tests at the end of each term.

S. – How many examinations will you pass this winter term?

B. – This winter term we shall not pass examinations, we shall pass tests.

S. – Good luck to you.

B. – Thank you. Good luck to you too.



1. Выполните лабораторную работу по теме в лингафонном кабинете.

2. Выучите новые слова и выражения по теме.

3. Переведите тексты темы на русский язык.

4. Составьте план пересказа темы на русском языке (используйте графологическую структуру к теме).

5. Подготовьте пересказ и диалог по теме на английском языке.

6. Подготовьтесь к участию в беседе по ситуационным задачам к теме.


Тема 3. Медицинское образование в России


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