Rearrange the sentences into correct order to compose a dialogue between an interviewer and a candidate. Act out the conversation. 

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Rearrange the sentences into correct order to compose a dialogue between an interviewer and a candidate. Act out the conversation.

a) I’m particularly interested in the job of Technician for RGR project Development.

b) I see. Good! And how long have you worked there?

c) Thank you for coming in for an interview, Ms Collins. I’ve read through your CV and I’d just like to check a few details. We currently have two technician posts vacant. Which job are you interested in?

d) And what are the responsibilities in your current job?

e) OK. I see that you are currently working at Horton Engineering as a Junior Technician.

f) Fair enough! Now, exactly what kind of business is your company in?

g) Actually, I’m now a Senior Technician, since last month.

h) We’re involved in robotics, and medical engineering as well. So, more or less the same field as yourselves.

i) I joined in 2008, so I’ve been there since then, until now.

j) Most of the time I work on quality control and product testing. But I’m currently helping develop a new product. That involves building a prototype. It’s a company secret.

23. Over to you! Your company has sent you on a training course. The trainer wants you to tell the other participants some details about yourself. Make some notes about these things and introduce them the audience. Be ready to answer their questions.

- Company/department

- How long have you been working there

- Job title

- Your responsibilities and what are you in charge of

- Some things you do

- A current project.

Look again at the table in Activity 3 and make up a similar table adding at least two other responsibilities (apart from those mentioned in the text) to each specialist.

Work in small groups and compose some leaflets for applicants and university student advertising one of the majors in Engineering and Technology. Present your work to the rest of the class.

Whose speech is the most attractive and conclusive in your opinion?


Work in pairs and speak on the questions. Agree or disagree with your partner.

1) What do you know about the Industrial Revolution?

2) When and where did it occur? What did it result in?

3) Are there any disadvantages of this phenomenon?

Guess the meaning of the following words and pronounce them correctly. Analyze suffixes and determine the parts of speech where it is possible.

Industrial, industrialization, mechanized, productivity, efficiency, urban, proportion, pressure, distance, effect, service, monarch, aristocrat, ambitious, prestige, policy, mechanics, investor, imitate, negative, aspects, traditional, dramatically, practical regulation, social, continent, factors, risk.

What can be the result of the Industrial Revolutions? Choose the proper variant. Does your partner agree with you?

a) One of the most obvious changes to people’s lives was that more people moved into the urban areas where factories were located. Many of the agricultural laborers who left villages were forced to move.

b) The Industrial Revolution also had inconsiderable impact upon the nature of work. It slightly changed the daily lives of ordinary men, women, and children in the regions where it took root and grew.

c) The Industrial Revolution resulted in the changes in traditional economies, but not whole societies.

Read Text A and check your answer in Activity 2.


Part 1


The Industrial Revolution, widespread replacement of manual labor by machines that began in Great Britain during the last half of the 18th century and spread through regions of Europe and to the United States during the following century. In the 20th century industrialization on a wide scale extended to parts of Asia and the Pacific Rim. Today mechanized production and modern economic growth continue to spread to new areas of the world, and much of humankind has yet to experience the changes typical of the Industrial Revolution.

The Industrial Revolution was the result of many fundamental, interrelated changes that transformed agricultural economies into industrial ones. It is called a revolution because it changed society both significantly and rapidly. The most immediate changes were in the nature of production: what was produced, as well as where and how. Goods that had traditionally been made in the home or in small workshops began to be manufactured in the factory. Productivity and technical efficiency grew dramatically, in part through the systematic application of scientific and practical knowledge to the manufacturing process. Efficiency was also enhanced when large groups of business enterprises were located within a limited area. The Industrial Revolution led to the growth of cities as people moved from rural areas into urban communities in search of work.

The changes brought by the Industrial Revolution overturned not only traditional economies, but also whole societies. Economic changes caused far-reaching social changes, including the movement of people to cities, the availability of a greater variety of material goods, and new ways of doing business.

The overall amount of goods and services produced expanded dramatically, and the proportion of capital invested per worker grew. New groups of investors, businesspeople, and managers took financial risks and reaped great rewards.

Costs and Benefits

In the long run the Industrial Revolution has brought economic improvement for most people in industrialized societies. Many enjoy greater prosperity and improved health, especially those in the middle and the upper classes of society. The modern, industrial societies created by the Industrial Revolution have come at some cost, however. In some cases, the lower classes of society have suffered economically. The nature of work became worse for many people, and industrialization placed great pressures on traditional family structures as work moved outside the home. The economic and social distances between groups within industrial societies are often very wide, as is the disparity between rich industrial nations and poorer neighboring countries. The natural environment has also suffered from the effects of the Industrial Revolution. Industrialization has brought factory pollutants and greater land use, which have harmed the natural environment. In particular, the application of machinery and science to agriculture has led to greater land use and, therefore, extensive loss of habitat for animals and plants. In addition, drastic population growth following industrialization has contributed to the decline of natural habitats and resources. These factors, in turn, have caused many species to become extinct or endangered. Pollution, deforestation, and the destruction of animal and plant habitats continue to increase as industrialization spreads.

Perhaps the greatest benefits of industrialization are increased material well-being and improved healthcare for many people in industrial societies. Modern industrial life also provides a constantly changing flood of new goods and services, giving consumers more choices. With both its negative aspects and its benefits, the Industrial Revolution has been one of the most influential and far-reaching movements in human history.

Great Britain Leads the Way

The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain because social, political, and legal conditions there were particularly favorable to change. Property rights, such as those for patents on mechanical improvements, were well established. More importantly, the predictable, stable rule of law in Britain meant that monarchs and aristocrats were less likely to arbitrarily seize earnings or impose taxes than they were in many other countries. As a result, earnings were safer, and ambitious businesspeople could gain wealth, social prestige, and power more easily than could people on the European continent. These factors encouraged risk taking and investment in new business ventures, both crucial to economic growth. In addition, Great Britain’s government pursued a relatively hands-off economic policy. The hands-off policy permitted fresh methods and ideas to flourish with little interference or regulation.

The economic successes of the British soon led other nations to try to follow the same path. In northern Europe, mechanics and investors in France, Belgium, Holland, and some of the German states set out to imitate Britain’s successful example.


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