National health Service in the United Kingdom 

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National health Service in the United Kingdom

In the UK today people are putting time, money, and energy into keeping well. Health care is important.

If you are ill in the UK, you go to see your General Practitioner (GP), or family doctor.

There are 36,000 GPs in UK. Each GP has nearly 2,000 patients. If you need medicine, your GP will write a prescription for you to take to a chemist's or pharmacy. You don't have to pay to see doctor, but you will probably have to pay part of the cost of your medicine, unless you belong to one of the groups of people who get their medicine free, for example, you are a student, or over 60, or expecting a baby.

If you need to see a specialist doctor, or have medical tests or an operation, your doctor will send you to a hospital. In Britain most doctors and hospitals are the part of the National Health Service (NHS). All NHS hospital treatment and operations are free. In fact, the NHS provides free medical care for everyone in Britain from very young to the very old.

When the NHS started in 1948, it provided free visits to doctors and dentists; free treatment, free prescriptions, free eye tests and free glasses. But today many people have to pay for prescriptions, for eye tests and glasses, and for dentists.

Nearly a million people work in the NHS in Britain, and it costs almost £40 billion a year. There are still problems. People sometimes must wait a long time before they can see a specialist or have an operation. Because of this, many people see private doctors and use other kinds of treatment, or alternative medicine, like homeopathy and acupuncture. There are more alternative medical practitioners in Britain than NHS doctors.

New medicines and better diet have raised life expectancy. On average British men live to the age of 74, British women to 79. Many people live longer than that.

More British people die of heart disease and cancer than from any other cause. The government and health authorities in Britain are trying very hard, and in many different ways, to deal with this problem. Research suggests that people are much less likely to suffer from heart disease if they eat five portions of fruit and /or vegetables every day.


Ex. 10. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:

Служба охорони здоров’я; хворіти; практикуючий лікар; приватний; рак; керівний орган; аптека; чекати; мати справу; гомеопатія.

Ex. 11. Translate the text "National Health Service in the United Kingdom" into Ukrainian.

Ex. 12. Answer the questions:

1. What is the NHS? 2. Name as many different reasons as you can for going to hospital in Britain? 3. Which two diseases kill most Britons? 4. Name different kinds of alternative medicine. 5. On average how long do British men live? And women? 6. Why do people sometimes go to private doctors? 7. What kinds of medical care are free in Britain?


Ex. 13. Complete the following sentences with the words:

1. If you are ill in Britain, you go to see your General _, or family doctor. 2. In Britain there _ 36,000 GPs. 3. If you need medicine, your GP will write a prescription for you to take to a _. 4. You don't have to _ to see doctor. 5. You will have to pay part of the cost of your _. 6. If you are a student, or over _, you get medicine free. 7. If you need to see a specialist doctor, or have medical tests or an _, your doctor will send you to a hospital. 8. Most doctors and hospitals are the part of the National _ Service. 9. All NHS hospital _ and operations are free. 10. Today many people have to pay for prescriptions, for eye tests and _.

Ex. 14. Put the words below into correct column in the table. Be careful! One word can go in two columns.

Hospital; cancer; tablets; influenza; malaria; dentist; surgery; bronchitis; general practitioner; specialist; operating theatre; nose drops; chemotherapy; clinic; nurse; appendicitis; pharmacy; physiotherapy.


People Places Diseases Treatment


Ex. 15. Complete the following sentences:

1. Medicine helps _ better. 2. Diet helps them _ healthy. 3. If you _ well, you'll probably have a longer and healthier life. 4. Nowadays British people eat more fresh _ and vegetables than in the past.


Ex. 16. What are the differences between the following words. Put the sentences below into the correct columns:

Receipt [rI'sI:t] Prescription Recipe ['resIpI]

1. That soup was delicious. Can you let me have the recipe? 2. They wouldn't give me money back because I didn’t have the receipt. 3. The doctor gave me a prescription for some antibiotics and told me to come back in three weeks.


Ex. 17. Read the following words and try to memorize them:

Obligation обов'язок; come to an arrangement прийти до згоди; infirmary лікарня, лазарет; nursing home приватна лікарня; oblige змушувати, зобов’язати.

Ex. 18. Read the following text and retell it:

The main organ of British Health Service is the National Health Service.

It consists of three parts: the Local Health Authorities, the General Practitioners, and Hospitals and Specialist Services. The Local Health Authority has an obligation to make arrangements with the General Practitioners for the vaccination of these who live within the area. The Hospitals and Specialist Services have definite tasks too.

There are general and special hospitals, as tuberculosis, infectious diseases units and other forms of special treatment.

Besides the state hospitals there are infirmaries and nursing homes. Many patients are obliged to visit the private doctors. These doctors have their own consulting rooms or take part in a Family Doctor's Service.

In the United Kingdom there are many sanatoria and rest homes where the people take the course of treatment.



If you are ill in Britain, you go to see your General Practitioner, or family doctor. There are 36,000 GPs in Britain. Each GP has nearly 2,000 patients. If you need medicine, your GP will write a prescription for you to take to a chemist's. You will probably must pay part of the cost of your medicine. If you are a student, or over 60, or expecting a baby, you get medicine free. You don't have to pay to see doctor. If you need to see a specialist doctor, or have medical tests or an operation, your doctor will send you to a hospital. In Britain most doctors and hospitals are the part of the National Health Service. All NHS hospital treatment and operations are free. Today many people must pay for eye tests and glasses, and for dentists. Many people see private doctors and use other kinds of treatment, or alternative medicine.




establish[Is'txblIS] засновувати, встановлювати condition[kqn'dIS(q)n] стан fall ill ['fOl 'Il] захворіти make an appointment [q'pOIntmqnt] записатися на прийом sick [sIk] хворий, нездоровий ache [eIk] біль comprise [kqm'praIz] включати, містити в собі call in [kO:l] викликати complaint [kqm'pleInt] скарга correct [kq'rekt] відповідний blood circulation ['blAd sq:kju'leIS(q)n] кровообіг extend [Iks'tend] розповсюджуватися lung [lAN] легеня tongue [tAN] язик respiration [respq'reIS(q)n] дихання chest[Cest] грудна клітка abdomen ['xbdqmqn] черевна порожнина measure ['meZq] вимірювати blood pressure ['blAd 'preSq] кров’яний тиск urine['juqrIn] сеча administer [qd'mInIstq] призначати injection [In'GekS(q)n] ін’єкція proper ['prOpq] відповідний sick leave ['sIk 'lJv] лікарняний лист regimen ['redZImqn] режим fill in ['fIl 'In] заповнювати prophylactic [prOfI'lxktIk] профілактичний prevention [prI'venSn] запобігання follow['fOlqu] дотримуватись, слідувати


a + ll [O:] all tall але: shall [Sxl] malleus ['mxlIqs]
a + ss [a:] glass але: mass [mxs]
a + lk [O:] talk
a + sk [a] task
a + st [a:] last


Ex. 1. Read the following words:

Fall, call, swallow, eyeball, wall, small, gallbladder; class, pass; walk; ask; past, plaster.


Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:

Suffixes of Nouns:

-age (denotes condition or phenomena)

-er, -or (one who; object)

to listen слухати – listener слухач

to elevate піднімати – elevator підйомник, елеватор

-osis (abnormal condition)

osteoporosis остеопороз, зменшення маси кістки

-tomy, -otomy (cut into; incision; section)

vagotomy ваготомія, переривання передачі імпульсів блукаячим нервом або його гілками


Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:

A. Language; message; advantage; usage; cartilage; storage; damage; passage.

B. Teacher; doctor; lawyer; player; writer; painter; reader; author; radiographer.

C. Tuberculosis; cardiosclerosis; atherosclerosis; necrosis.

D. Cholecystectomy; laparotomy; appendectomy.



Ex. 4. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:



(Interrogative Form, Active Voice)

General Questions


Tense Auxiliary verb Subject Predicate (V) ...?  
Present Simple Do Does you (they, we, I)   he (she, it)   work     at the hospital?  
Past Simple Did I (he, she, it, you, we, they) study   at the University?
Future Simple Will Shall they (you, he, she, it)   I (we)   go     to the polyclinic?


Ex. 5. Translate the following interrogative sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Do you study? 2. Does the physician make a morning round? 3. Does she listen to the patient’s heart? 4. Did you have measles? 3. Does he have narcotic habit? 4. Will you go to the polyclinic for prophylactic examination in a week? 5. Does this physician work at the local polyclinic? 6. Did they go to the registry first? 7. Did he make a correct diagnosis?


Ex. 6. Insert the auxiliary verbs:

1. _ he measure blood pressure every day? 2. _ she work as a therapeutist? 3. _ they attend many lectures yesterday? 4. _ he go to the lab tomorrow? 5. _ you make the appointment with the definite specialist two days ago?


Ex. 7. Make the following sentences interrogative:


1) Determine the tense-form;

2) Select auxiliary verb;

3) Keep the structure of the interrogative sentence.


1. Neurologists work at the polyclinic. 2. The physician knows all the symptoms of grippe. 3. My friend works at the therapeutic department. 4. The doctor measured patient’s blood pressure. 5. They went out to the calls yesterday. 6. Our students made notes at the lecture. 7. Nick will fill in all case-histories. 8. We shall examine the heart and lungs of the patient.


Ex. 8. Translate into English:

1. Чи Ви навчаєтесь в педагогічному інституті? 2. Чи він вимірює кров'яний тиск своїх пацієнтів? 3. Чи ці студенти працювали в лікарні? 4. Чи лікар вчора оглянув цього хворого? 5. Чи вони переклали цей текст? 6.Чи він буде дотримуватися постільного режиму?


Ex. 9. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:


Special Questions

Tense Interrogative word Auxiliary verb Subject Predicate …?
Present Simple What Which When Where How many How much do does I (you, we, they)     he (she, it) V
Past Simple How long Why did I (we, he, she, it, you, they) V
Future Simple How often   shall will I (we) he (she, it, you, they) V


Where do you study?
What Academy does this student study at?
When does Bill work at the hospital?
Why did Nick go to the lab?
When will they enter the Academy?


NOTE: У запитаннях до підмета або визначення підмета зберігається прямий порядок слів: Who studies English? What specialists work here?


Ex. 10. Translate the following questions into Ukrainian:

1. When does your working day begin? 2. What subjects will you study? 3. What did you do after classes yesterday? 4. What specialists does the medical faculty train? 5. How long does the course of training take at your Academy? 6. What does a physician do during the medical examination? 7. In what cases does a local physician go out to the calls?


Ex. 11. Insert the auxiliary verbs:

1. What Institute _ Ann study at? 2. What faculty _ you study at? 3. Why _ you choose medicine as your speciality? 4. What specialists _ your faculty train? 5. What clinical subjects _ the medical students study? 6. How many credit tests _ you take next term? 7. How many terms _ the academic year have? 8. How long _ doctors' training take? 9. What _ a local physician write down in every patient’s card last week?

Ex. 12. Put the questions to the following sentences:

1. Doctors’ training takes six years. (How long...?) 2. The students will study clinical subjects. (What subjects...?) 3. Senior students acquire practical skills working at the hospitals and polyclinics. (Where...?) 4. In addition to the consulting hours at the polyclinic local physician goes out to the calls. (In what cases…?) 5. Yesterday the doctor put him on a sick-leave. (What…?)


Ex. 13. Translate the following questions into English:

1. У якому інституті Ви навчаєтесь? 2. Коли ваші студенти працюватимуть в лікарні? 3. Де він працював минулого року? 4. Які предмети вивчатимуть студенти-старшокурсники наступної зими? 5. Як Ви проводите фізикальний огляд пацієнта? 6. Як часто він вимірює кров'яний тиск?


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