The Noun (number, case, word formation) 

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The Noun (number, case, word formation)

1. Make sentences singular:

Example: These are new institutes. – This is a new institute.


1. These countries are poor. 2. Those women work in the court. 3. These are students of our department. 4. These heroes are known to everybody. 5. The children are at home. 6. These knives are sharp. 7. Those men and women are lawyers. 8. Don’t take those files!


2. Rewrite the following sentences making the nouns plural as in the example:

Example: This is a new faculty. – These are new faculties.

1. The phenomenon is wonderful! 2. Where is the curriculum? 3. The memorandum is too long. 4. This fingerprint is excellent. 5. The burglar is unknown. 6. The criminal is old. 7. The data is correct.


3. Fill in the blanks using the possessive forms of the nouns:

1…problems are interesting to any criminal psychologist (people). 2. …decisions are very different from women’s (men). 3. Alison’s University is a bit far from … (Mike). 4… wife is a judge (John). 5. The … complexion was black (shop-lifter). 6. The … decision is correct (judge). 7. … actions are legal (policemen).

4. Change word-combinations using the possessive forms of the nouns: Example: The book of my friend. - My friend’s book.

1. The questions of the professor. 2. The parents of Serhiy Petrenko. 3. The new office of lawyers. 4. The life of this woman. 5. The documents of the investigator. 6. The uniform of the policemen. 7. The lawyers of the Appellate Court.

5. Complete the following sentences by choosing a suitable noun with suffix - ship from the list below as in the example:

member citizen leader

partner owner dictator

Example: Some people thought that Britain was becoming a dictatorship under Margaret Thatcher’s iron rule.


1. British … can be gained by birth, adoption, registration or naturalisation. 2. Anita Mason was extremely pleased when Smith and Jones, the owners of the company she had directed for five years, asked her to form a … with them. 3. ‘This country needs a strong … to tell people what to do and get things working again!’ 4. ‘This is an exclusive club. May I see your … card, please, sir?’ 5. Home … is growing in Britain as more and more people are able to buy their own house.


The Article

1. Fill in articles where necessary:

a) 1. My mother is… lawyer. She is at…work now. 2. They are…boys. They are…students. 3. This is …beautiful story. 4. This is… is so big! 5. …Englishman’s house is his castle. 6. I see…book in your …hand. 7. This is my table. On…table I have…book, two…pencils,…pen and…paper.


b) 1. …health is better than…wealth. 2. …men and…women must obey law. 3. …passion is blind. 4. These writers are…Americans. 5. …peace is …universal problem. 6. He is …honest man. 7. …life is …mystery.


c) 1. What is…weather like today? 2. …sun is yellow,…sky is blue. 3. …earth is…planet.


d) 1. My younger brother gets up at 6 in …morning because he goes to…school. 2. My friend usually goes to…bed early in…evening. 3. In…afternoon it is usually very warm, and we usually play in …yard till late in...evening.


e) 1. I usually have…breakfast at 7 o’clock in…morning. 2. My brother always has…lunch at 1 o’clock in …afternoon. 3. My parents have…dinner at 5 p.m. 6. My granny has …tea at 6 p.m.

2. Complete the sentences with the articles where necessary:

1. … Volga is the longest river of Russia, isn’t it? 2. … Mississippi is an American river, isn’t it? 3. Is … London the capital of … Great Britain? 4. Is … Rome the capital of … Italy? 5. … Berlin is the capital of … Germany, isn’t it? 6. What countries are situated in … Middle East? 7. Is … Nile an … African or an … American river?


3. Translate into English:

Верховний Суд, Оксфордський університет, Сполучені Штати Америки, партія „Наша Україна”, англійська мова, Британська Конституція.


The Adjective. Degrees of Comparison

1. Write the comparative and superlative of the following adjectives:


a) white, great, active, fine, brave, deep, short, round, fair, pale, thin, full;

b) hot, fat, bushy, big, easy, dry, dirty, silly, happy;

c) old, far, good, bad, little;

d) reliable, interesting, important, useful, efficient, difficult, applicable, certain, appropriate, ambiguous, relevant, consistent, satisfactory.


Compare three suspects: here are some adjectives about their appearance. Write at least ten sentences using the degrees of comparison of adjectives if possible.

Example: Mr. A is taller than Mr. B. Mr. C is the tallest of all/the three. Mr. A is not as (so) tall as Mr. C.

  MR. A MR. B MR. C
Height: Tall/ short      
Face: Round/ square      
Complexion: pale/dark      
Chin: massive/thin      
Nose: prominent/ hooked/ straight      
Hair: fair/dark      
Built: slim/stout/slenger      


3. Here are the beginnings and ends of some traditional expressions with as … as. See how many expressions you can put together correctly. Make up sentences with them.


AS: black good old red white   cold green pretty thin   flat hard quiet warm AS: a beetroot grass the hills night a picture a sheet   gold the grave ice iron a pancake a rake toast



4. Compare four-wheel drive cars: here are some facts from an article about three real cars. Write at least ten sentences.

Example: Car Z is faster than Car X. Car Y is the fastest of all/the three. Car X is not as fast as Car Z.


  Car X Car Y Car Z
Fast? Top Speed: 106 mph 113 mph 109 mph
Expensive? Ј23,382 Ј35,889 Ј36,912
Economical? 20.1 miles/gallon 16.7 miles/gallon 15.8 miles/gallon
Safe? + + + + + + + + + + + +
Comfortable? + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Good Off-Road? + + + + + + + + + + +
Luggage Space? 1,011 litres 1,100 litres 1,020 litres



5. Translate into English:

1. Цей свідок більш надійний. 2. Це свідчення найважливіше. 3. Його знання кращі та більш поглиблені. 4. Їх робота над правовою доповіддю найбільш корисна. 5. Її обличчя було бліднішим, ніж завжди.


The Adverb

1. Choose the comparative/superlative of a word from the list for each blank:

fast fluently hard

late good slow


1. If we set off …than at 5, we’ll never arrive on time. 2. Mark’s the most intelligent, but Alice works …. 3. Seven is late – could you possibly get here any…4. I would sleep … if I didn’t think about Helen. 5. Could you drive …? We’ve got plenty of time. 6. Anne speaks French … of all the girls in her class.


2. Translate into English:

1. Мені потрібно більш інформації, щоб вирішити цю проблему. 2. Формальне право може забороняти те, що є офіційно неприйнятним. 3. Відносно стабільне суспільство можливе лише у правовій державі. 4. Це найбільш відоме тлумачення цієї ідеї. 5. Ці два поняття дуже близько пов’язані.

The Preposition

1. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition:

This is the Sheriff’s Office in Mexico City. The sheriff is …his desk. Lots of papers and books are …the desk. Some photographs of “wanted” men are …the office …the walls. A clock is …the Sheriff’s head. A bunch of keys is…the cell…the wall. A coat stand is …the Sheriff’s desk.


2. Translate into English:

на дошці, у вазі, до академії, біля офісу, за столом, на підлозі, на землі, на полиці, у театрі, у бібліотеці, на станції, на стадіоні, у школі, на роботі, на уроці, на заводі, у прокуратурі, до суду, у кіно, у снігу, на підлозі, на траві, на півночі, на схід, о четвертій годині, на сході сонця, опівночі, у неділю, п’ятого березня, цього місяця, минулого року, у майбутньому році, навесні, улітку, узимку, увечері, з весни, за годину, через два дні, через дорогу, по вулиці, по місту, по країні.


The Pronoun

1. Replace the nouns by the personal pronouns in the Nominative or Objective Case:

Example: Mr. Daymon explains a new law. – He explains a new law.

1. The law report is very interesting. 2. My sister works in court. 3. We usually listen to Miss Stoun with great interest. 4. Put the documents on the shelf. 5. On my way home I often meet my teacher and tell him about my study. 6. The policemen are in danger.

2. Say that people do something themselves, using reflexive pronouns:

Example: I usually prepare my law reports… - I usually prepare my law reports myself.

1. She collects evidence… 2. The chief inspector went to Kiev… 3. The prisoners built the bridge… 4. The doctor examined the victim… 5. This investigator usually types documents… 6. Irene makes an expert examination…


3. Replace the nouns in the Possessive case by possessive pronouns:

1. These lawyer’s aim is to follow special legal procedure. 2. That man’s suitcase is so big. It looks suspicious! 3. The students’ knowledge is poor. 4. The judge’s decision was rather severe. 5. Our professor’s advice is useful. 6. Our friends’ dream is to become prosecutors.


4. Make the sentences plural, pay attention to the form of demonstrative pronouns:

1. This is the principal constitutional provision. 2. This is my fundamental right. 3. That is a criminal. 4. This is our main suspect. 5. That is a department of the Prosecutor’s Office. 6. Is this an investigator?


5. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian and explain the use of some, any:

1. There is some interesting information in the newspaper. 2. Is there any national state which doesn’t have a constitution in the world? 3. Some people don’t like police. 4. Please give me any information on this matter. 5. Do you have any friends in this town? 6. There isn’t any violation of constitutional principles in this action. 5. I don’t think we have any time left. 6. Please tell me any idea you have.


6. Translate the following sentences into English:


1. У мене немає жодної думки щодо того, які політичні організації відповідальні за цю акцію. 2. Цей всеохоплюючий документ встановлює будь-які норми права, що мають керувати діями уряду. 3. У вас є питання? – Так, декілька. 4. Конституція є сукупність норм, які регулюють діяльність будь-якої організованої групи. 5. Деякі з цих статей дуже важливі для роботи судді. 6. Чи існує яка-небудь відповідна процедура, щоб урегулювати цей спір?


The Numeral

1. Read and write the cardinal numerals in words:

a) 3; 13; 30; 4; 14; 40; 5; 15; 50; 2; 12; 20; 8; 18; 80;

b) 21;82; 35; 44; 33; 55; 96; 67; 79; 41; 53; 22;

c) 143; 258; 414; 331; 972; 568; 441; 999 230;

d) 1562; 3013; 5612; 9,444;

e) 234673; 569034; 11390; 456190; 556782;

f) 1232585; 35890562; 352789209

2. Make the ordinal numerals and write them in words:

Example: 7 – the seventh.

a) 7; 4; 8; 9; 5; 12; 3; 2; 1; 13; 15; 11; 10;

b) 20; 21; 30; 32; 40; 43; 50; 54; 60; 75; 80; 98;

c) 100; 120; 125; 200; 230; 231; 300; 450; 563; 892.


3. Read and write in words the following dates:

9.03.1814; 22.04.1941; 9.05. 1945; 23.11.1928; 30.11.1982; 1.12.1991; 31.10.1999.


4.Make the calculations in writing and read them out:

3 + 4 = 12 x 13 = 195 – 70 = 54 / 9 =

14 + 15 = 6 x 7 = 16 – 9 = 45 / 9 =

18 + 19 = 6 x 6 = 17 – 8 = 24 / 3 =


5. Read and write in words the following fractions:

1/7 1/5 1/9 1/15 2/5 4/7 9/23 2 5/7;

3,5 1,1 0,1 52,51 0,302 132,054.




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