The maxilla consists of a body and four. 

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The maxilla consists of a body and four.

A) glands;

B) processes;

C) vestibules;

D) palates.

Anesthetics are agents which act to relieve ….

A) allergy;

B) pain;

C) gastritis;

D) inflammation.

The nervous system is composed of … cells.

A) nerve;

B) connective;

C) muscular;

D) epithelium.

… the nurse gives special surgical instruments to the surgeon.

A) during the examination;

B) during the surgical operation;

C) after the surgical operation;

D) while taking the temperature.

On the face we can see ….

A) the eyes, the nose, the cheeks, the neck;

B) the forehead, the chin, the heart, the mouth;

C) the eyes, the ears, the mouth, the chin;

D) the chin, the legs, the eyes, the mouth.

At the chemist’s department one may buy medicines ….

A) according to doctor’s prescription;

B) without prescription;

C) without visiting the chemist’s;

D) according to pharmacist’s prescription.

The surgeon is trimming his nails and scrubbing his hands in … now.

A) the scrub-up room;

B) the reception ward;

C) the operating room;

D) the patient’s ward.

… usually injects patients morphine to control the post-operative wound pain.

A) the anaesthetist;

B) the oculist;

C) the gynaecologist;

D) the dermatologist.

Dentists advise reducing the consumption of ….

A) meat;

B) carbohydrates;

C) vegetables;

D) fruit.

Most establishments of higher education are financed from the state ….

A) pocket;

B) budget;

C) wallet;

D) purse.

Our head consists of ….

A) the heart and the liver;

B) the face and the skull;

C) the face and the abdominal cavity;

D) the skull and the feet.

… procedures are performed in the operating room.

A) diagnostic;

B) physiotherapeutic;

C) surgical;

D) office.

This patient suffering from … will go to Carpathians to receive climate-based therapy.

A) infectious disease;

B) lung disease;

C) kidney disease;

D) diabetus mellitus.

The … canal is formed by the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine and rectum.

A) lymphatic;

B) alimentary;

C) nervous;

D) respiratory.

Entering the ward, the doctor began ….

A) to dance;

B) to sing;

C) to clean;

D) his morning round.

When a person falls ill he usually goes to the ….

A) university;

B) polyclinic;

C) rest-home;

D) discotheque.

The trunk is supported by the ….

A) spine;

B) brain;

C) bladder;

D) buttocks.

Hippocrates is often called ….

A) the Fatherland of Greece;

B) the Father of Medicine;

C) the Parent of Chemistry;

D) the Brother of Ibn Sina.

The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic vessels and the lymph ….

A) nodes;

B) nose;

C) teeth;

D) hand.

The … is the fundamental unit of all living matter capable of independent life.

A) hair;

B) tissue;

C) cell;

D) organ.

Pre-medication should be arranged in consultation with ….

A) the dermatologist;

B) the nurse;

C) the anaesthetist;

D) the physician.

From the second year we study medical ….

A) operations;

B) sentences;

C) hospitals;

D) subjects.

After the third year the students perform the duties of ….

A) doctors;

B) doctors’ assistants;

C) nurses;

D) interns.

After … a full course of study, the students take state examinations.

A) beginning;

B) completing;

C) graduating;

D) entering.

Studying at college in the USA leads to ….

A) Doctor’s degree;

B) Bachelor’s degree;

C) Master’s degree;

D) Student’s degree.

The registering clerk at the polyclinic finds the patient’s ….

A) medical file;

B) driving license;

C) diploma;

D) birth certificate.

The part of the body between the ribs and hips is the ….

A) neck;

B) breastbone;

C) skull;

D) waist.

Hippocrates took belladonna, opium, mandragora as ….

A) cardio-vascular drugs;

B) narcotics;

C) antibiotics;

D) purgatives.

Histology is the science which deals with ….

A) origin of life;

B) producing medical equipment;

C) microscopic structure of tissues and cells;

D) prevention and treatment of diseases.

Each human being starts life as a single ….

A) eye;

B) nose;

C) organ;

D) cell.

In some days after the operation the patient is taken to ….

A) the reception ward;

B) the operating room;

C) the scrub-up room;

D) the dressing room.

Many students do the … work in the scientific societies.

A) research;

B) surgical;

C) operative;

D) therapeutic.

After the last course all students will receive ….

A) marriage certificate;

B) Master’s degree;

C) diploma;

D) medical file.

When the patient is fully cured he … the hospital.

A) is taken to;

B) attends;

C) is discharged from;

D) suffers from.

The college course of study in the USA lasts ….

A) four years;

B) two years;

C) one year;

D) seven years.

The doctor finds out the … complaints and makes a diagnosis.

A) nurses’;

B) registering clerk’s;

C) patient’s;

D) surgeon’s.

The … is the biggest part of the body.

A) head;

B) leg;

C) trunk;

D) arm.

Hippocrates was the … of the most flourishing medical school.

A) patient;

B) visitor;

C) head;

D) soldier.

Family doctors are assisted by district nurses, midwives and ….

A) health visitors;

B) sellers;

C) teachers;

D) lecturers.

A thin covering called the … encloses the cell and separates it from its surroundings.

A) cell membrane;

B) cell nucleus;

C) gelatinous substance;

D) cell chromosome.

Before entering the operating room the surgeon and his assistant get ready in the ….

A) patient’s ward;

B) reception ward;

C) scrub-up room;

D) post-operative ward.

The future doctors must possess profound … of medical sciences.

A) spirit;

B) knowledge;

C) friends;

D) hospital.

Internal … are studied during the fifth and sixth years.

A) subjects;

B) diseases;

C) habits;

D) skills.

When a patient is fully cured he is … the hospital.

A) admitted to;

B) taken by ambulance to;

C) discharged from;

D) treated at.

The senior students in the USA spend considerable time ….

A) at their friends’ place;

B) at sport clubs;

C) at home;

D) at hospitals.

Patients suffering from serious diseases are sent to a hospital for … treatment.

A) in-patient;

B) out-patient;

C) ambulance;

D) sanatorium.

The aim of medical institutions is … the health of the people.

A) to protect;

B) to prevent;

C) to worsen;

D) to divide.

According to Hippocrates … has the means of cure within itself.

A) the body;

B) the arms;

C) the head;

D) the legs.

A psychiatrist treats … disorders.

A) digestive;

B) pulmonary;

C) mental;

D) maternal.

The … is the control center that directs the activities of the cell.

A) fertilized egg;

B) nucleus;

C) protoplasm;

D) cytoplasm.

World Health Organization has its headquarters in ….

A) London;

B) Kyiv;

C) Geneva;

D) Washington.

We have two terms ….

A) during the whole period of study;

B) in the hospital;

C) at the hostel;

D) in the academic year.

The so-called … subjects are physics, chemistry, biology, human anatomy, histology and physiology.

A) clinical;

B) psychological;

C) preclinical;

D) experimental.

At 9 o’clock the … begins to make the morning round.

A) doctor in charge;

B) teacher;

C) patient;

D) driver.

During practical studies medical students perform the duties of ….

A) lectures;

B) professors;

C) nurses and assistant doctors;

D) surgeons.

To be seen by a doctor one must make an appointment in the ….

A) chemistry;

B) university;

C) hospital;

D) registry.

After receiving a course of hospital treatment and becoming perfectly healthy the patients … from the hospital.

A) are taken;

B) are asked to come;

C) are discharged;

D) are brought.

The main parts of the … are the head, the neck and the limbs.

A) human body;

B) gastro-intestinal tract;

C) cardio-vascular system;

D) digestive disturbances.

When a person falls ill he usually goes to the ….

A) university;

B) polyclinic;

C) rest-home;

D) discotheque.

The trunk is supported by the ….

A) spine;

B) brain;

C) bladder;

D) buttocks.

Hippocrates is often called ….

A) the Fatherland of Greece;

B) the Father of Medicine;

C) the Parent of Chemistry;

D) the Brother of Ibn Sina.

The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic capillaries, lymphatic vessels and the lymph ….

A) nodes;

B) nose;

C) teeth;

D) hand.

Every… has the crown,neck and root.

A) jaw;

B) tooth;

C) palate;

D) sinus.

Pre-medication should be arranged in consultation with ….

A) the stomatologist;

B) the nurse;

C) the anaesthetist;

D) the physician.

From the second year we study medical ….

A) operations;

B) sentences;

C) hospitals;

D) subjects.

… specialties employ operative treatment of adults.

A) pediatric;

B) surgical;

C) diagnostic;

D) clinical laboratory.

After … a full course of study, the students take state examinations.

A) beginning;

B) completing;

C) graduating;

D) entering.

… is a viscous semisolid preparation used topically on a variety of body surfaces.

A) thermometer;

B) mustard plaster;

C) medical cups;

D) ointment.

The part of the body between the ribs and hips is the ….

A) head;

B) shoulders;

C) arms;

D) waist.

Most human cells reproduce through a process called ….

A) fertilization;

B) development;

C) mitosis;

D) karyotype.

WHO policies are agreed upon at the meeting of the World Health Assembly ….

A) once a year;

B) twice a year;

C) once a month;

D) twice a month.

Each limb has a … which connects it to the trunk.

A) head;

B) girdle;

C) finger;

D) leg.

Junior students study the so-called … subjects.

A) pre-medical;

B) clinical;

C) medical;

D) special.

District doctors cater for ….

A) workers at some plants or factories;

B) drivers of cars and lorries;

C) patients in an urban or rural district;

D) nurses working at a policlinic or a hospital.

Prof. M.P.Konchalovsky is a … therapeutist.

A) Russian;

B) Ukrainian;

C) Polish;

D) English.

After receiving a course of treatment a patient is ….

sent to the hospital;

B) discharged from the hospital;

C) asked to leave the hospital;

D) sent to the polyclinic.

In our country there are … providing qualified medical assistance.

one hospital;

B) two hospitals;

C) five hospitals;

D) many hospitals.

Hippocrates taught that healing comes through … of the human organism.

magic power;

B) the power of natural forces;

C) secretions;

D) gastric juice.

The principal organ of the human body is ….

the spleen;

B) the appendix;

C) the gallbladder;

D) the heart.

… consist chiefly of two substances – DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and certain proteins.


B) mitochondria;

C) nucleoli;

D) chromosomes.

To make a diagnosis the physician performs ….

the physical examination;

B) the surgical operation;

C) the blood transfusion;

D) the injection of morphine.

The terminal segment in the … limb is the hand.


B) middle;

C) upper;

D) right.

… and histologist deal with microscopic structure of the cell.


B) histology;

C) anatomy;

D) physiology.

District doctors undertake regular ….

preventive measures;

B) surgical operations;

C) auscultation;

D) palpation.

In the mouth there are ….

A) the palate, the teeth, the forehead;

B) the tongue, the palate, the ears;

C) the tongue, the palate, the teeth;

D) the gums, the neck, the teeth.

Drugs are chemical substances used in ….

A) art;

B) music;

C) agriculture;

D) medicine.

Working mothers leave their … in kindergartens.

A) documents;

B) bags;

C) children;

D) medicines.

… deals with diseases of women.

A) pediatrics;

B) dermatology;

C) gynecology;

D) neurology.

Medicines are prescribed by ….

A) a pharmacist;

B) a nurse;

C) a doctor;

D) a manager.

The … are called mitochondria, lysosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, centrioles, and Golgi bodies.

A) organelles;

B) cells;

C) nucleoli;

D) tissues.

When the wounds are completely healed and the patients’ condition is satisfactory, they are ….

A) taken to the operating room;

B) given a shower;

C) discharged from the hospital;

D) prepared for the operation.

The leg … of several segments.

A) consists;

B) connects;

C) joins;

D) divides.

Post-graduates are obliged … their thesis.

A) to work;

B) to defend;

C) to buy;

D) to propose.

Careful examination helps the doctor to make a ….

A) report;

B) correct diagnosis;

C) question;

D) morning round.

Our skull is covered with ….

A) the skin;

B) the mucous membrane;

C) the teeth;

D) the gums.

The nucleus is the … that directs the activities of the cell.

A) control center;

B) harmful bacterium;

C) poisonous substance;

D) enzyme.

The function of the nervous system is to ….

A) digest the food;

B) bring oxygen to the tissues of the body;

C) coordinate activities of the body;

D) produce pepsin and acid.

An ophthalmologist … eye diseases.

A) practices;

B) causes;

C) hurts;

D) treats.

There are … at the chemist’s shop.

A) one department;

B) two departments;

C) three departments;

D) five departments.

M. Pirogov created a new medical science, …, and suggested new, rational principles for the grouping, distribution and evacuation of the wounded.

A) field surgery;

B) microbiology;

C) bacteriology;

D) field urology.

In order to make the diagnosis, the physician must first learn about ….

A) the patient’s house;

B) the patient’s symptoms;

C) the patient’s hobby;

D) the patient’s education.

In the lower limb the terminal segment is the ….

A) hand;

B) head;

C) neck;

D) foot.

When the patient is …, he is discharged from the hospital.

A) operated on;

B) hospitalized;

C) fully cured;

D) administered treatment.

The therapeutic department is in the ….

A) shop;

B) chemist;

C) hospital;

D) academy.

The cranial cavity contains ….

A) the membranes and the spinal cord;

B) the brain and the spinal cord;

C) the spinal cord and the membranes;

D) the brain and the membranes.

Hormones are secretions from ….

A) animals’ glands;

B) roots;

C) leaves;

D) fruit.

The adult tissues are usually classified into … main groups.

A) one;

B) three;

C) seven;

D) four.

A specialist who treats children is ….

A) a hematologist;

B) an oculist;

C) a cardiologist;

D) a pediatrician.

The two departments of the chemist’s shop are called ….

A) medical care department and drug department;

B) working department and rest department;

C) chemist’s department and prescription department;

D) analytical department and dispensing department.

Pirogov’s work, …, became a reference book for field surgeons in all countries.

A) “Fundamentals of Ophthalmology”;

B) “Fundamentals of Field Surgery”;

C) “Fundamentals of Urology”;

D) “Fundamentals of Microbiology”.

The doctor who examines the patients must have profound knowledge of ….

A) art;

B) medicine;

C) music;

D) sport.

The … connects our arms with the chest.

A) elbow;

B) wrist;

C) shoulder;

D) ankle.

The registering clerk at the polyclinic finds the ….

A) patient’s card;

B) driving license;

C) diploma;

D) birth certificate.

The part of the body between the trunk and head is the ….

A) neck;

B) breastbone;

C) skull;

D) waist.

Hippocrates took belladonna, opium, mandragora as ….

A) cardio-vascular drugs;

B) narcotics;

C) antibiotics;

D) purgatives.

Histology is the science which deals with ….

A) origin of life;

B) producing medical equipment;

C) microscopic structure of tissues and cells;

D) prevention and treatment of diseases.

Each human being starts life as a single ….

A) eye;

B) nose;

C) organ;

D) cell.

In some days after the operation the patient is taken to ….

A) the reception ward;

B) the operating room;

C) the scrub-up room;

D) the dressing room.

Many students do the … work in the scientific societies.

A) research;

B) surgical;

C) operative;

D) therapeutic.

If a person falls ill he usually goes to the nearest ….

A) hospital;

B) maternity home;

C) local polyclinic;

D) health resort.

When the patient is fully cured he … the hospital.

A) is taken to;

B) attends;

C) is discharged from;

D) suffers from.

The upper jaw is a ….

A) mucous membrane;

B) hyoid muscle;

C) paired bone;

D)muscular plate.

… deals with eyes diseases.

A) a pediatrician;

B) an ophthalmologist;

C) an urologist;

D) a dermatologist.

At the therapeutic department we can see many ….

A) wards;

B) dining-rooms;

C) halls;

D) kitchens.

The skull is made of ….

A) thirty-two bones;

B) twenty-nine bones;

C) twenty-nine joints;

D) thirty-two joints.

Anesthetics are agents which act to relieve ….

A) allergy;

B) pain;

C) gastritis;

D) inflammation.

A cardiological clinic provides medical care to patients who have problems with their … or circulation.

A) heart;

B) head;

C) stomach;

D) spleen.

… of spring and mineral water refers to absence of toxins, pollunants and microbes.

A) Toxicity;

B) Purity;

C) Abnormality;

D) Polarity.

… is known to be the founder of modern atomic theory.

A) D.Mendeleev;

B) M.Pirogov;

C) J.Dalton;

D) M.Filatov.

The chemical study of the nervous system is called ….

A) physical chemistry;

B) analytical chemistry;

C) inorganic chemistry;

D) neurochemistry.

The ancient Greeks and Romans used … for many applications.

A) computers;

B) lazers;

C) herbs;

D) x-rays.

The Public Health Service in Ukraine … the entire population and is financed by the state budget.

A) embraces;

B) prevents;

C) combats;

D) constrains.

… department deals with immediate and urgent threats to health.

A) Surgical;

B) Ophthalmological;

C) Emergency;

D) Pediatric.

During the course of study medical students master all … of theoretical and clinical medicine.

A) thesis;

B) fundamentals;

C) diplomas;

D) faculties.

The use of mineral water has a … influence on the function of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder and urinary system.

A) negative;

B) toxic;

C) beneficial;

D) radioactive.

There are usually two departments at the chemist’s: the chemist’s department and the … department.

A) surgical;

B) therapeutic;

C) stomatological;

D) prescription.

The nervous system is composed of … cells.

A) nerve;

B) connective;

C) muscular;

D) epithelium.

Tumours are … diseases.

A) therapeutic;

B) phylosophical;

C) technical;

D) surgical.

At the prescription department medicines are sold or made up ….

A) according to doctor’s prescription;

B) without prescription;

C) according to the customer’s wish;

D) according to pharmacist’s prescription.

On admission to the surgical department the patient is taken to ….

A) the kitchen;

B) the operating room;

C) the scrub-up room;

D) the dressing room.

… the nurse gives special surgical instruments to the surgeon.

A) during the examination;

B) during the surgical operation;

C) after the surgical operation;

D) while taking the temperature.

Each hand has four fingers and the ….

A) knee;

B) thumb;

C) toe;

D) elbow.

… spend two years in clinical specialization.

A) doctors;

B) students;

C) interns;

D) post-graduates.

At 7 o’clock in the morning the nurses ….

A) dance;

B) sing;

C) give medicines;

D) wash up.

On the face we can see ….

A) the eyes, the nose, the cheeks, the neck;

B) the forehead, the chin, the heart, the mouth;

C) the eyes, the ears, the mouth, the chin;

D) the chin, the legs, the eyes, the mouth.

Histamine is liberated from …..

A) muscles;

B) bones;

C) cells;

D) teeth.

Connective tissue mediates … of material between the blood and the tissue cells.

A) the difference;

B) the exchange;

C) the importance;

D) the multiplicity.

The … canal is formed by the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine and rectum.

A) lymphatic;

B) alimentary;

C) nervous;

D) respiratory.

At the chemist’s department one may buy medicines ….

A) according to doctor’s prescription;

B) without prescription;

C) without visiting the chemist’s;

D) according to pharmacist’s prescription.

The surgeon is trimming his nails and scrubbing his hands in … now.

A) the scrub-up room;

B) the reception ward;

C) the operating room;

D) the patient’s ward.

… usually injects patients morphine to control the post-operative wound pain.

A) the anaesthetist;

B) the oculist;

C) the gynaecologist;

D) the dermatologist.

The shoulder connects our arm with the ….

A) leg;

B) neck;

C) chest;

D) hand.

Most establishments of higher education are financed from the state ….

A) pocket;

B) budget;

C) wallet;

D) purse.

Entering the ward, the doctor began ….

A) to dance;

B) to sing;

C) to clean;

D) his morning round.

Our head consists of ….

A) the heart and the liver;

B) the face and the skull;

C) the face and the abdominal cavity;

D) the skull and the feet.

Anticoagulants prevent ….

A) headache;

B) toothache;

C) fractures;

D) blood clotting.

The surfaces of the various cavities in the body are lined by ….

A) cartilages;

B) bones;

C) cells;

D) muscles.

The National Health … is based upon the principle of the best available treatment for everyone.

A) study;

B) physician;

C) service;

D) prescription.

At the chemist’s one may buy different things for medical care and medicinal plants …

A) at the prescription department;

B) at the chemist’s department;

C) at the analytical laboratory;

D) at the proper working room.

During the operation the doctors use special … for artificial respiration and blood circulation.

A) suturing material;

B) devices;

C) scalpels;

D) solutions.

I am glad that I … from the institute.

A) finished;

B) entered;

C) graduated;

D) visit.

The body is covered with the ….

A) skin;

B) sky;

C) type;

D) dry.

The students … examinations at the end of the academic year.

A) go;

B) take;

C) do;

D) spend.

A cardiologist treats the diseases of the ….

A) heart;

B) liver;

C) spleen;

D) kidneys.

Our head is connected with ….

A) the trunk;

B) the limbs;

C) the abdominal cavity;

D) the knees.

The main parts of the human body are ….

A) teeth, mouth, tongue;

B) nose, arms, gullet;

C) head, trunk, limbs;

D) legs, stomach, kidneys.

One of the most honoured names in … is the name of the Hippocrates.

A) Chemistry;

B) medicine;

C) Anatomy;

D) Biology.

When the patient is ill he usually goes to the ….

A) disco;

B) polyclinic;

C) railway station;

D) higher medical educational establishment.

At the chemist’s medicines are kept in drug cabinet marked with letters ….

A) D and M;

B) A and B;

C) A, B and C;

D) P and E.

During the surgical operation the nurse gives special surgical instruments to ….

A) the anaesthetist;

B) the patient;

C) the surgeon;

D) the physician.

Our academic year … in September.

A) is over;

B) finished;

C) begins;

D) continues.

The … is between the upper arm and the hand.

A) hip;

B) wrist;

C) toe;

D) hill.

After passing the annual examinations, students undergo practical ….

A) performance;

B) training;

C) lessons;

D) month.

Bronchitis and pneumonia are the … diseases.

A) heart;

B) lungs;

C) kidneys;

D) bladder.

Our head is connected with a trunk by ….

A) the upper limbs;

B) the chest;

C) the shoulders;

D) the neck.

The diaphragm divides the … into the thoracic and abdominal cavity.

A) trunk;

B) limbs;

C) head;

D) neck.

Hippocrates’ work is called ….

A) On Treatment;

B) On Medicinal Herbs;

C) On Diagnosis;

D) On Prognostics.

The brain, …, nerves and ganglia constitute the nervous system.

A) ear;

B) stomach;

C) spinal cord;

D) skeleton.

The drugs prepared at the chemist’s for immediate use should be kept ….

A) in the drug cabinet;

B) on the open shelf;

C) in the warm room;

D) in the refrigerator.

To avoid post-operative complications the surgeon usually pays much attention to the ….

A) patient’s diploma;

B) surgical nursing;

C) medical education;

D) patient’s financial state.

During the academic year we … lectures.

A) attend;

B) deliver;

C) translate;

D) compose.

… of the limbs is complex.

A) basis;

B) structure;

C) foundation;

D) form.

She … medical university two years ago.

A) finished;

B) ended;

C) was over;

D) graduated from.

Some patients are affected with … diseases, such as ulcer and gastritis.

A) heart;

B) lungs;

C) abdomen;

D) kidney.

A … is a period of time when students attend lectures and practical classes.

A) term;

B) year;

C) day;

D) month.

The vertebrae are … rings.

A) skin;

B) bony;

C) muscle;

D) blood.

There are … departments at a chemist’s.

A) one;

B) two;

C) five;

D) four.

In the stomach much process of … occurs by means of the gastric juices.

A) investigation;

B) formation;

C) digestion;

D) resection.

The doctor finds out the … complaints and makes a diagnosis.

A) nurses’;

B) registering clerk’s;

C) patient’s;

D) surgeon’s.

The … is the biggest part of the body.

A) head;

B) leg;

C) trunk;

D) arm.

Hippocrates was the … of the most flourishing medical school.

A) patient;

B) visitor;

C) head;

D) soldier.

… uses different physical exercises to treat specific health conditions.

A) aromatherapy;

B) climate-based therapy;

C) exercise-based therapy;

D) balneotherapy.


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