Higher medical establishment 

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Higher medical establishment

A) it is the establishment where people get secondary education;

B) it is the establishment where people get technical education;

C) it is the establishment where people get higher education;

D) it is the establishment where people get higher medical education.


A) pain in a nerve;

B) a doctor specializing in nerve disorders;

C) surgical incision into the nerve;

D) pertaining to the nerve.


A) a person whose job is to clean an operation room;

B) a person whose job is to teach students;

C) a person whose job is to treat infectious diseases;

D) a person whose job is to prepare medicines.


A) gallbladder cancer;

B) gallbladder torsion;

C) gallbladder inflammation;

D) gallbladder dyskinesia.


A) a science that studies microscopic structure of tissues;

B) the science that studies cell structure;

C) the science that studies the development of life;

D) the science that studies functions of the human body systems.

To prevent

A) keep from happening;

B) prescribed medical treatment;

C) restore to health;

D) become healthy after injury.


A)tooth breaking through the gum line

B)removing of the tooth by the dentist;

C)loss of a tooth;

D)development of caries.


A) a part of the hand;

B) a part of the leg;

C) a part of the oral cavity;

D) a part of the abdomen.

Mustard plasters

A) are used for measuring body temperature;

B) are used for vacuum therapy;

C) are applied to the chest or abdomen to stimulate heating;

D) are taken orally usually in powder form.


A) existing or occuring between or among atoms;

B) occuring within a molecule or molecules;

C) existing or occuring within an atom or atoms;

D) ocuring inside a cell or cells.


A) a vertical column in the periodic table;

B) a horizontal row in the periodic table;

C) a tabular display of the chemical elements;

D) a building block of ordinary matter.


A) containing two or more hydroxyl groups per molecule;

B) containing two hydroxyl groups per molecule;

C) containing more than two atoms;

D) an acid that contains acidic hydrogen atoms.

A herb

A) any plant with leaves, seeds or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine;

B) extraction of pancreas glands of pigs, cattles and other farm animals;

C) creation of transgenic mammals to produce biopharmaceuticals;

D) production and separation of medicine, chemicals.


A) food for weight loss;

B) drugs for toothache;

C) gastrointestinal disorders;

D) medicines prepared according to the formulas of Galen; standard preparations containing one or several organic ingredients.


A) a highly viscous or semisolid substance used on the skin as a cosmetic, emollient or medicament;

B) state of matter consisting of particles that have neither a definite volume nor a definite shape;

C) a chemical comopund that donates protons or hydrogen ions;

D) red fluid in the body that contains white and red blood cells, platelets, proteins and other elements.

Strong-effective drugs

A) fast-acting drugs producing a strong impression or response, very effective, hard and powerful;

B) medicines used for cardiac patients;

C) vitamins that the body needs to grow and develop normally;

D) tranquilizer that induces sedation by reducing irritability or exitement.


A) institution for the instruction of children under college age;

B) public building used for the confinement of people convicted of serious crimes;

C) institution for higher learning with teaching and research facilities, a body of teachers and students;

D) preschool educational institution for children.

Drugs for cough

A) make the bowels move;

B) soothe or relieve pain;

C) supplement deficiencies in the nutritional value of food;

D) suppress coughing by reducing the irritation of throat.


A) causing nausea, vomiting, allergic reaction;

B) action selectively on an organ, on body tissues or on disease causing organism and the restoration of normal body function;

C) killing the bacteria inside or outside the body;

D) application to the skin or mucous membrane.

Mortality rate

A) the number of death in the population;

B) the number of years an individual is expected to live;

C) the incidence of a particular disease in a population;

D) care delivered by physicians, hospitals, dentists.

Drug store

A) a village shop which sell milk, bread and various household goods;

B) bookselling in the commercial trading of books;

C) a store where prescriptions are filled and drugs and other articles are sold;

D) selling products, which include: jewellery, electronics, food.

Medical journal

A) a dictionary with pronunciation;

B) a professional journal in which articles or papers deal with medicine;

C) a periodical containing TV program;

D) a newspaper containing current news, feature articles, advertising.

Practical work

A) trained by theory;

B) trained by practice;

C) being such for all useless, inefficient, unskilled;

D) an imaginative creation that doesn’t represent actuality.


A) loss or deficiency of water in body tissues;

B) existing or occuring incide a cell or cells;

C) the absence of moisture;

D) deficiency of calcium in body tissues.


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To be seen by a doctor one must make an appointment in the ….

A) chemistry;

B) university;

C) hospital;

D) registry.

After receiving a course of hospital treatment and becoming perfectly healthy the patients … from the hospital.

A) are taken;

B) are asked to come;

C) are discharged;

D) are brought.

The main parts of the … are the head, the trunk and the limbs.

A) human body;

B) gastro-intestinal tract;

C) cardio-vascular system;

D) digestive disturbances.

… is connected with the trunk by the neck.

A) head;

B) shoulders;

C) arms;

D) ribs.

The development of … begins while a fetus is in the womb.

A) primary teeth;

B) malocclusion;

C) permanent teeth;

D) caries.

The pulp contains ….

A) blood vessel, nerves and connective tissue;

B) blood vessels, dentin and fibers;

C) cementum;

D) mucus.

Each limb has a … which connects it to the trunk.

A) head;

B) girdle;

C) finger;

D) leg.

Junior students study the so-called … subjects.

A) pre-medical;

B) clinical;

C) medical;

D) special.

District doctors cater for ….

A) workers at some plants or factories;

B) drivers of cars and lorries;

C) patients living in a definite district;

D) nurses working at a policlinic or a hospital.

Professional hygiene consists of regular dental … and cleansing.

A) removing;

B) whitening;

C) filling;

D) examination.

After receiving a course of treatment a patient is ….

A) sent to the hospital;

B) discharged from the hospital;

C) asked to leave the hospital;

D) sent to the polyclinic.

In our country there are … providing qualified medical assistance.

A) one hospital;

B) two hospitals;

C) five hospitals;

D) many hospitals.

Hippocrates taught that healing comes through … of the human organism.

A) magic power;

B) the power of natural forces;

C) secretions;

D) gastric juice.

The principal organ of the human body is ….

A) the spleen;

B) the appendix;

C) the gallbladder;

D) the heart.

Plaque consists mostly of ….

A) fibres;




To make a diagnosis the physician performs ….

A) the physical examination;

B) the surgical operation;

C) the blood transfusion;

D) the injection of morphine.

Fauces is the … part of the mouth.




… and histologist deal with microscopic structure of the tissue.

A) biology;

B) histology;

C) anatomy;

D) physiology.

District doctors undertake regular ….

A) preventive measures;

B) surgical operations;

C) auscultation;

D) palpation.

In the mouth there are ….

A) the palate, the teeth, the forehead;

B) the tongue, the palate, the ears;

C) the tongue, the palate, the teeth;

D) the gums, the neck, the teeth.

Drugs are chemical substances used in ….

A) art;

B) music;

C) agriculture;

D) medicine.

When a person is ill he uses different drugs prescribed by a ….

A) nurse;

B) physician;

C) registering clerk;

D) pharmacist.

… deals with diseases of women.

A) pediatrics;

B) dermatology;

C) gynecology;

D) neurology.

Medicines are prescribed by ….

A) a pharmacist;

B) a nurse;

C) a doctor;

D) a manager.

The most prevalent disease of mankind is ….

A) stomatitis;

B) gingivitis;

C) dental caries;

D) pulpitis.

When the wounds are completely healed and the patients’ condition is satisfactory, they are ….

A) taken to the operating room;

B) given a shower;

C) discharged from the hospital;

D) prepared for the operation.

Between the ages of about six and seven …start to shed.

A) the stained teeth;

B) the primary teeth;

C) the spoiled teeth;

D) the permanent teeth.

Most British students belong to medical ….

A) institutions;

B) societies;

C) libraries;

D) staff.

Careful examination helps the doctor to make a ….

A) report;

B) correct diagnosis;

C) question;

D) morning round.

Our skull is covered with ….

A) the skin;

B) the mucous membrane;

C) the teeth;

D) the gums.

The … separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity.

A) fauces;

B) vestibule;

C) hard palate;

D) soft palate.

The function of the nervous system is to ….

A) digest the food;

B) bring oxygen to the tissues of the body;

C) coordinate activities of the body;

D) produce pepsin and acid.

An ophthalmologist … eye diseases.

A) practices;

B) causes;

C) hurts;

D) treats.

There are … at the chemist’s shop.

A) one department;

B) two departments;

C) three departments;

D) five departments.

M.Pirogov created a new medical science, …, and suggested new, rational principles for the grouping, distribution and evacuation of the wounded.

A) field surgery;

B) microbiology;

C) bacteriology;

D) field urology.

In order to make the diagnosis, the physician must first learn about ….

A) the patient’s house;

B) the patient’s symptoms;

C) the patient’s hobby;

D) the patient’s education.

In the lower limb the terminal segment is the ….

A) hand;

B) head;

C) neck;

D) foot.

When the patient is …, he is discharged from the hospital.

A) operated on;

B) hospitalized;

C) fully cured;

D) administered treatment.

The therapeutic department is in the ….

A) shop;

B) chemist;

C) hospital;

D) academy.

The cranial cavity contains ….

A) the membranes and the spinal cord;

B) the brain and the spinal cord;

C) the spinal cord and the membranes;

D) the brain and the membranes.

When a person is ill he uses different … prescribed by a doctor.

A) prescriptions;

B) desinfectants;

C) drugs;

D) glassware.

There are … surfaces of the body of the maxilla.

A) one;

B) three;

C) seven;

D) four.

A specialist who treats children is ….

A) a hematologist;

B) an oculist;

C) a cardiologist;

D) a pediatrician.

The two departments of the chemist’s shop are called ….

A) medical care department and drug department;

B) working department and rest department;

C) chemist’s department and prescription department;

D) analytical department and dispensing department.

Pirogov’s work, …, became a reference book for field surgeons in all countries.

A) “Fundamentals of Ophthalmology”;

B) “Fundamentals of Field Surgery”;

C) “Fundamentals of Urology”;

D) “Fundamentals of Microbiology”.

The doctor who examines the patients must have profound knowledge of ….

A) art;

B) medicine;

C) music;

D) sport.

The secretion of the … is called saliva.

A) salivary glands;

B) lingual glands;

C) buccal glands;

D) labial glands.

The tongue is the ….

A) paired organ;

B) vascular organ;

C) muscular organ;

D) bony organ.

At the surgical department we can see many ….

A) wards;

B) dining-rooms;

C) halls;

D) kitchens.

The skull is made of ….

A) thirty-two bones;

B) twenty-six bones;

C) twenty-six joints;

D) thirty-two joints.

Anesthetics are agents which act to relieve ….

A) allergy;

B) pain;

C) gastritis;

D) inflammation.

The nervous system is composed of … cells.

A) nerve;

B) connective;

C) muscular;

D) epithelium.

Tumours are … diseases.

A) therapeutic;

B) phylosophical;

C) technical;

D) surgical.

At the prescription department medicines are sold or made up ….

A) according to doctor’s prescription;

B) without prescription;

C) according to the customer’s wish;

D) according to pharmacist’s prescription.

On admission to the surgical department the patient is taken to ….

A) the kitchen;

B) the operating room;

C) the scrub-up room;

D) the dressing room.

… the nurse gives special surgical instruments to the surgeon.

A) during the examination;

B) during the surgical operation;

C) after the surgical operation;

D) while taking the temperature.

Each hand has four fingers and the ….

A) knee;

B) thumb;

C) toe;

D) elbow.

The clinical intern’s job is to improve his qualification in some … field of medicine.

A) narrow;

B) wide;

C) common;

D) unknown.


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