Translate the words given in brackets. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Translate the words given in brackets.

1. There are several ways of (пошуку роботи). 2. He studied the ads of (вакансії) being published. 3. There is a need (представити себе) as well as possible at the interview. 4. The (персонал) is expanding rapidly. They now have over 5.000 (працівників). 5. At least 50% of our (штату) has been with the company over 10 years. 6. Sheila and Tom work under my authority. I am their (начальник) and they are my (підлеглі). 7. Reading ads you may (отримати інформацію) on the (діяльність) of the company. 8. Having carefully studied the (вимоги й обов’язки) being offered, you may extract information on the company and the (перспективи її розвитку). 9. (Старше керівництво) in the organization generally have more (пільги) than lower-level managers.


Read the text. Use the word given in brackets changing its form as in the example.

Many people, perhaps even the majority (major), are not particularly happy in their job. They go to work, get paid, and ________ (employ) for them is just a way of paying the bills. This leads to _______ (lazy) at work and unhappy workers often don’t show enough _______ (polite) to customers or ________ (kind) to their fellow workers. Many people feel that they have no chance of ________ (promote) and they are unhappy with the _______ (work) conditions.

If you want to get _______ (enjoy) from your work, make sure that it involves doing an _______ (active) that you like. Ask yourself whether the job will have the same ________ (attract) after five years. A careful choice now can save you a lot of _______ (happy) in the future.

Choose the correct word in each sentence.

1. I want a job I enjoy and I don’t mind how much money earn / win.

2. Never mind! Let’s hope we earn / win some money next time we buy a lottery ticket!

3. The salary / wage for this position is 30,000 euro a year.

4. I have to go to the manager every Friday to pick up my salary / wage.


Choose the correct option.

1. All the ________ for the job seem to have a lot of experience.

A expenses B applicants C staff D applications

2. Why don’t you send in an application _________ for the job? You might get it!

A paper B form C report D list

3. Diane’s really successful! She’s just been _________ to Senior Manager.

A employed B placed C promoted D applied

4. Imagine how exciting it must be to be a _________ and to interview famous people!

A sales rep B journalist C miner D accountant

5. Have you ever thought of doing __________ work, maybe for a charity?

A expensive B worthless C voluntary D priceless

6. My grandfather used to be a teacher but he __________ years ago.

A afforded B promoted C balanced D retired

7. Don’t rush! ________ your time and you’ll do a much better job.

A take B give C find D enjoy

8. Is there an application form to fill in or should I just send you a _________?

A invitation B letter C resume D document

9. Many people __________ that working overtime is a good way of making more money.

A hear B earn C ask D think

10. You need to _________ a degree in Architecture to become an architect.

A find B buy C get D claim


Translate the following sentences.

1. Коли я зайшла в офіс агентства, секретар запитав мене, чи призначено мені зустріч.

2. Анкета претендента на роботу заповнюється друкованими літерами.

3. Ви будете змушені почати роботу з незначної посади, щоб набути необхідного досвіду.

4. Йому запропонували дві різні посади, але він не міг вирішити, яку обрати.

5. Агентство із працевлаштування допоможе вам підібрати роботу згідно вашої спеціалізації.

6. Зараз багато країн зіткнулися з проблемою безробіття.

7. Роджер, який пропрацював у цій компанії 30 років, потрапив під скорочення кадрів.

8. Резюме має бути складене правильно, оскільки це перша інформація про вас, що буде отримана компанією.

9. Хоча мій син чудово володіє англійською мовою, у нього немає досвіду практичної роботи.

10. У мого друга завтра співбесіда, тому він такий знервований.



There are two essential steps in job-hunting process: research and planning. Research means examining your skills and finding out where you can apply them. Planning means deciding how you will present your skills to a prospective employer. You should go through these steps carefully whether you are looking for your first job or you are interested in changing to a better job. Look at the following examples of skills / responsibilities and personality traits and find the ones that apply to you.

Skills / Responsibilities Personality Traits
acting analyzing assembling (putting things together) building things cooking dancing decorating designing driving filing growing things helping people interviewing listening making crafts making decisions meeting people negotiating operating machines organizing persuading people repairing machines selling sewing singing solving problems speaking sports supervising typing Use: I am very…   accurate adaptable cooperative creative dependable flexible mature organized persuasive punctual responsible tactful …is one of my strong points accuracy adaptability cooperation creativity dependability flexibility maturity organization persuasiveness punctuality responsibility tact


Study the list of Job Titles. Fill out the table matching corresponding personality traits, skills / responsibilities and work.

accountant baby sitter baker barber / hair stylist bartender building superintendent bus driver carpenter cashier computer programmer construction worker cook dental assistant doctor electrician employment counselor engineer file clerk fire fighter florist gardener housepainter housekeeper interpreter librarian live-in-companion manager messenger nurse pharmacist plumber police officer printer railroad conductor receptionist salesperson secretary security guard social worker stock clerk tailor taxi driver teacher translator travel agent typist waiter


Trait Skill / Responsibility Application to work


Match the jobs from the box with the definitions.

accountant, journalist, electrician, plumber, sales rap, civil servant, civil engineer, laborer, architect, miner

This person…

1. does hard physical work, such as repairing roads.

2. designs houses and other buildings.

3. deals with the income and the expenses of a business.

4. writes articles and reports for a newspaper

5. works in a government office, for example in a tax office.

6. digs coal or gold, etc from underground.

7. deals with the water system in buildings.

8. designs and builds roads and bridges, etc.

9. deals with the electrical system in buildings.

10. sells products to businesses.


Read the dialogues.

– My brother has an awful lot of work. He’s so booked up these days.

– Why? Isn’t he going to take a leave?

– Oh, no: most of his colleagues are on their vacation and the chief keeps him at work day and night.

– Nothing doing. The coming of the holiday-making season is in the air.


– What are your wages, Bill?

– It depends, you know. I’m on piece-work.

– And what did you earn last month?

– Well, 150 dollars let alone the bonus.


– Nick will be dismissed if he keeps working like that. Mark my words.

– But he is so out of practice, you know.

– I don’t mean that. The foreman says he shirks work and does things by halves.

– Maybe the chief is simply trying to find fault with him.

– By no means. Nick is very lazy. When at school he often stayed away from classes and never worked hard.


– I’m told you want people at your plant. Is that so?

– Yes, we need skilled workers of different trades.

– Any vacancies of welder?

– Yes, there are some. Please apply to the personnel department at the plant.


– You look very smart today, David. Are you going out?

– Yes, I’ve got an appointment with Professor Roberts.

– Is it Roberts, the famous polar explorer?

– Yes, I’m going to be his assistant.

– You’ll have an interesting job. You are lucky, David. You’ll travel all over the world.



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