Study the advertisements and find the following. 

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Study the advertisements and find the following.

a) a house in Scotland

b) an 18th – century flat

c) a four-bedroomed house

d) a house with a big garden

e) a house with double glazing

f) the cheapest house

g) the most expensive house

3 bedroomed detached bungalow, quiet village cul-de-sac, large plot, double garage, conservatory, stone fireplace, luxury fitted kitchen, fitted bedroom, 5 miles Cambridge. Convenient shops, amenities. ₤ 87, 500 Traditional stone-built cottage in conservation village in the most beautiful glen in Scotland. ¼ acre garden, 2 receptions, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, Full Central Heating. ₤ 46, 000 Two bedroomed first floor flat. Gregorian about 1780, 30 seconds river, Central Heating. Close to tubes, buses, shopping. Garden, off-road parking. Not Docklands. ₤ 59, 950 1920’s 3 bedroomed house in quiet cal-de-sac. Well maintained throughout. 17 foot fully fitted kitchen, 2 receptions, double glazing replacement windows. Small sunny 30 foot garden. ₤ 102, 950 Spacious Edwardian 4 bedroomed semi-detached. Many original features, quiet road. Beautiful 29ft lounge, second reception, excellent decorative order. Sunny garden. Close BR (15min London Bridge). ₤ 142, 500

Now act as a real estate agent. Offer your client apartments and houses using the ads. Try to give more detailed description of the apartment or the house if your client is interested in. Answer his / her questions.


West village $ 370,000 256 West 10th Street 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,400 sq. ft. loft; elevator, dining area, terrace, fireplace, high ceilings, skylights; maintenance $ 1.326, 52% tax deductible, listed at $ 395,000, 4 weeks on market (Broker: Siverman Group) Wakefield $ 180,000 601 East 236th Street 2 family, 35-year old detached brick house; 3 bedroom, dining room in primary unit; 2 bedroom, eating kitchen in other; 1 bathroom in each; 3 car garage, taxes $ 2,100, listed at $ 240,000, 16 weeks on market (Brokers: Albert L.Bryan; Cazizoda Realty) Kensington $ 187,000 321 Albertmarle Road 7 bedroom, 1 bath, 79-year-old detached wood-frame house; dining room, parquet floors, rear deck, taxes $ 1,512, listed at $ 229,000, 26 weeks on market (Broker: Mary Kay Gallaher) Forest Hills $ 278,000 94, 68th Avenue 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 80-year-old attached brick house; dining room, fireplace, 1 car garage; taxes $ 1,600, listed at $ 299,400, 4 weeks on market (Broker: Kingdom Realty) Glenwood Landing $ 205,000 6 Woodland Avenue 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 71-year-old brick house; dining room, study, fireplace, 1 car attached garage; taxes $ 2,100, listed at $ 219,000, 7 weeks on market (Brokers: Richard B.Arnold, Coldwell Banker, Sammis)



Topics for discussion and essays.

  1. Describe a house of your dream.
  2. What do you think could be an ideal apartment for a family of four?
  3. If you were to redecorate your apartment / house and to rearrange furniture what would you do and why?
  4. Speak about advantages / disadvantages of living in a flat / private house.
  5. Speak about the problem among average Ukrainians of buying own dwelling in their country.
  6. Speak about the problem of nuisance neighborhood.
  7. Speak about the problem of homeless people.


Time and Dates

Time does not change us. It just unfolds us.

Time! The corrector when our judgments err.

Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations.

Time is the only thief we can’t get justice against.

Time is what we want most, but... what we use worst.

Men talk of killing time, while time quietly kills them.

Time is what prevents everything from happening at once.


Notes to the text:

to tell (told; told) the time – сказати, котра година

to point(ed) to a place – вказати кудись (на місце)

to tell the time by shadows – визначати час за тінню

trees and cliffs – дерева та кручі

to cast (cast; cast) shadows – кидати тінь

common practice – поширена практика, звичай

equal part – рівна частина

to invent(ed) – винаходити

to measure(d) the time – вимірювати час

striped candle – смугаста свічка

knotted rope – зв’язана мотузка

oil lamp – масляна лампа

ancient Babylon – стародавній Вавилон

dawn / daybreak – світанок, ранкова зоря

length of the day – довжина / тривалість дня

turning of the earth on its axis – обертання землі навколо осі

standard time – декретний (поясний) час

time zone – часовий пояс

Everything about Time

When people began living together they needed some way of telling the time. One of the ways was the sun. When a man planned to meet another he pointed to a place in the sky and said, “I’ll meet you when the sun is there”. It was also possible to tell the time by shadows. Many trees and cliffs casting shadows served as timepieces. At night one could tell the time by the stars. The first timepiece anyone made was a sundial. It tells the time by shadows. The first sundial was made in Egypt about 3,500 years ago. It was common practice to divide the time between sunrise and sunset into twelve equal parts or hours.

No one knows why 12 was chosen as the number or hours for the day. Later the night was divided into 12 hours, too.

The water clock was invented as long as the sundial. It was used in Greece more than 2,000 years ago. Before true clocks were inventedfire was also used to measure the time. Striped candles, knotted ropes and oil lamps could all measure the time by burning.

The first true clocks were made nearly 1,000 years ago. The first watches were made about 500 years ago.

There are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. We probably have 60 because 60 was a very important number to the people who lived in ancient Babylon, a land from which many of our ideas came.

There are seven days in a week. The seven days of the week are named in honor of the sun, the moon and five of the planets. Sunday is the sun’s day, Monday is the moon’s day, Tuesday is Mars’ day, Wednesday is Mercury’s day, Thursday is Jupiter’s day, Friday is Venus’ day and Saturday is Saturn’s day.

The planets were named after Roman gods and goddesses. The beginning of the day is dawn or daybreak, then comes morning, noon, afternoon, evening and night. We can’t change the length of the day. It is made for us by turning of the earth on its axis. The sun rises in the east in the morning and sets in the west in the evening.

We know that the time is not the same all over the world. For this reason, the world has been divided into time zones. All the places in each zone have the same time. It is called standard time.

Comprehension questions.

  1. What was the ancient way of telling the time?
  2. How could one tell the time by nature?
  3. What was the first timepiece?
  4. When were the first true watches / clocks made?
  5. What is specific about number 60?
  6. Who are seven days of the week named after?
  7. How is the day made for us?
  8. What is standard time?


Choose the correct answer.

  1. At night one can tell the time by…

a) stars b) shadows c) moon

  1. The first timepiece anyone made was a…

a) watch b) sundial c) bell

  1. The first sundial known was made in...

a) Babylon b) Egypt c) Britain

  1. The first true clocks were probably made…years ago.

a) 2,000 b) 3,500 c) 1,000

  1. The world has been divided into…zones.

a) clock b) time c) standard


1. Time means 1. Часові засоби
timepiece (timekeeper) / clock / alarm-clock digital clock / mechanical clock / tower clock / watch (wrist watch) / sundial / sandglass (hourglass) / pendulum (balance, ticker) хронометр / годинник настінний / будильник / цифровий / механічний / баштовий / наручний годинник / сонячний / пісочний / маятник
face / dial of a watch (clock) / hand of a watch (clock) / hour hand / minute hand / second hand (also used things) / figures on the face of a watch циферблат годинника / стрілка годинника / годинна / хвилинна / секундна / цифри на циферблаті годинника
2. Periods of time 2. Часові проміжки
today / yesterday / tomorrow сьогодні / вчора / завтра
the day before yesterday / the day after tomorrow / two days ago / in two days позавчора / післязавтра / два дні тому / через два дні
second (60 seconds in a minute) секунда (60 секунд у хвилині)
minute (60 minutes in an hour) хвилина (60 хвилин у годині)
hour (24 hours in a day) година (24 години в добі)
day (7 days in a week) день (7 днів у тижні)
24 hours доба
week / fortnight (2 weeks in a fortnight) тиждень / два тижні
month (12 months in a year) місяць (12 місяців у році)
year (52 weeks in a year) рік (52 тижні в році)
leap year (366 days) високосний рік (366 днів)
decade (10 years in a decade) десятиріччя (10 років у десятиріччі)
century (100 years in century) вік (100 років у віці)
age (historical / geological period) / the Ice age / the Stone Age / the Middle Age / the age of the computer вік (історичний / геологічний період) / льодовиковий період / кам’яний період / середні віки / комп’ютерний вік
era (long period, several decades) ера (тривалий період, декілька десятиріч)
spell (indefinite but short) короткий проміжок часу (невизначений, проте короткий)
for a while (indefinite but not too long) на якийсь час, ненадовго
dawn / daybreak світанок, ранкова зоря
sunrise / sunset схід сонця / захід сонця
a.m.=ante meridiem 0.00-12.00 p.m.=post meridiem 12.00-24.00 midday / noon=12.00 midnight=24.00 до опівдня після опівдня полудень північ
date / What’s the date? / What date is it today? дата / Яка сьогодні дата?
days of the week: Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday дні тижня: неділя / понеділок / вівторок / середа / четвер / п’ятниця / субота
months of the year: spring months: March / April / May summer months: June / July / August autumn months: September / October / November winter months: December / January / February місяці року: весняні місяці: березень / квітень / травень літні місяці: червень / липень / серпень осінні місяці: вересень / жовтень / листопад зимові місяці: грудень / січень / лютий
3. Time passing (duration) 3. Тривалість часу
to last(ed) for / to run (ran; run) тривати
to take / It takes me…to do smth. займати / Це забирає (Мені потрібно) …
two hours ride дві години їзди
ten minutes walk десять хвилин ходу (пішки)
to pass(ed) / to elapse(ed) проходити / минати
temporary (provisional) / permanent тимчасовий / постійний
timeless / eternal вічний
4. Time phrases to tell the time to measure the time local time to count years to wind (wound; wound) the watch to set the watch by the radio / by TV channel to go (went; gone) right / wrong to be fast / slow to gain(ed) / to lose (lost; lost) 5 minutes to come (to be) in time / to come exactly (sharp) 4. Часові вислови сказати, котра година вимірювати час місцевий час вести літочислення завести годинник заводити годинник за радіо / за ТБ йти правильно / неправильно поспішати / відставати поспішати / відставати на 5 хвилин прийти вчасно / прийти точно (рівно)
just in time як раз вчасно
to be late (for) запізнюватися
to be short of time / to lack time / to have no time бути обмеженим у часі
It’s high time Давно прийшов час
What time is it? / What’s the time, please? / Excuse me. Have you got the time, please? Котра година?
It’s getting late / it is late Уже пізно
It’s still early Ще рано
Could you spare me a minute? Чи не могли б Ви приділити мені хвилину уваги?
Wait a moment, please. / Just a minute, please. Зачекайте хвилинку, будь ласка.
5. Approximate time for ages recently / lately a long time ago the other day (=a few days ago) for the time being (=for now / until) some other time 5. Приблизний час сто років / довго нещодавно / останнім часом давно нещодавно, на днях нині, на деякий час іншим разом
6. Prepositions of time 6. Прийменники часу
at (at a certain time) at 8 o’clock / at 3.30 / at midnight о … о восьмій / о пів на четверту / о півночі
on (on a day) on Monday / on July 14 / on the second day у … у понеділок / 14 липня / наступного дня
in (in a period) in the morning / in April / in 2010 / in a week в, у, через … уранці / у квітні / у 2010 / через тиждень
Important exceptions: at Christmas (X-mas) / at Easter / at the weekend / at night Важливі винятки: на Різдво / на Пасху / на вихідних / уночі
by (not later than) / until до (не пізніше ніж) / доти, поки
between між
from…to (till) із … до
during (when) / throughout (for the whole period without a stop) / for (how long) протягом (коли) / певний час без зупинки / як (довго)



  1. Telling the time. Learn how to do it correctly.
past 3.00 – it’s three o’clock sharp 3.05 – it’s five minutes past three 3.10 – it’s ten minutes past three 3.15 – it’s a quarter past three 3.20 – it’s twenty minutes past three 3.25 – it’s ….. 3.30 – it’s half past three to 3.35 – it’s twenty-five minutes to four 3.40 – it’s twenty minutes to four 3.45 – it’s a quarter to four 3.50 – it’s ten minutes to four 3.55 – it’s five minutes to four 4.00 – it’s four o’clock sharp


  • We can say quarter past / to six or a quarter past / to six. We don’t say fifteen past six. For other times, we say minutes: nineteen minutes past six not nineteen past six.
  • We can also say the time like this: six fifteen, two thirty, ten forty, six nineteen, etc. but for 6.05 we say: six oh five not six five.
  • In American English: 10.05 – five after ten.


2. Tell what’s the time:

a) in words

9.30, 7.10, 5.00, 10.20, 4.05, 5.45, 11.15, 2.34, 3.52, 8.02 a.m. / p.m.

b) write the time in figures

a quarter past three, half past five, a quarter to six, twenty-five to nine, twenty to eleven, ten to four, five to nine, twenty-three minutes to six, twenty-five to two.

Put these words in order.

a minute a year a day a week

an hour a second a month


Read the following dates.

9.05.1945 24.08.1991 28.06.2010

22.01.2001 4.07.1776 31.12.1805


5. Complete the text with at, on, in.

There’s one bus from London which gets here … ten o’clock … the morning and then another which gets in … four o’clock … the afternoon. That’s … weekdays, but … the weekend the timetable is a bit different. … Sunday there are still two buses but the second one arrives … five thirty; … Sunday there is just the one bus … two o’clock. And … the winter, the service doesn’t run at all … Sundays.

6. Fill in the gaps with age, era, spell, time.

  1. The Minister said that before the new law came into force there would be a ….. of six months when people could hand in firearms without being prosecuted.
  2. The twenty first century will be seen by historians as the …. of electric cars.
  3. These factories mark the beginning of a new …. of industrial development of the country.
  4. For a ….. I thought I would never find a job, but then I was lucky.
  5. We had a very cold …… in February when all the pipes froze up.


1. Replace the underlined time expressions with the more ‘approximate’ time expressions.

1. I went to the library three days ago.

2. This dictionary isn’t great but it’ll be OK until I’m more advanced.

3. I haven’t been to the cinema for the last three months.

4. And I haven’t been to a concert for three or four years.

5. I went to Egypt with my parents but that was ten years ago.



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