Match the story with the correct words. 

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Match the story with the correct words.

Bride, civil, engaged, reception, bridegroom, honeymoon, consent, propose, wedding, toast.

One evening, though being nervous, Joe decided to _____ to his girlfriend Linda. She accepted his proposal, they became _____ and he gave her a ring. After a year they have saved enough money to get married (they were both over 18 and didn’t need their parents’ _____). Some people have a religious ceremony with a priest, but Joe and Linda decided on a ______ ceremony in a registry office. On the day of ______ Linda, the ______ was very calm, but Joe, the ______, was nervous. Afterwards, at the ______, speeches were made and guests drank a ______ to the happy couple, who finally left for a ______ in Spain.


Translate into English.

1. Мій батько на три роки старший за мою матір. 2. Вона заміжня? – Ні, вона овдовіла, бо втратила чоловіка на війні. 3. Ми з двоюрідним братом тезки та схожі, як дві краплини води. 4. Вона стара, як світ, але має добрий вигляд на свій вік. 5. Завжди приємно зустріти співвітчизника за кордоном. 6. Він успадкував від прадідуся талант гри на скрипці. 7. Вона одразу погодилася вийти за нього, оскільки обручка була з діамантом. 8. У весільну подорож вони поїхали на Гавайї на власній яхті. 9. Мої друзі всиновили дитину за кордоном. 10. Я інколи сварюся зі своїм літнім сусідом, бо ми з різних поколінь.



Read the following dialogues.

- So my daughter has consented to become your wife. Have you fixed the day of the wedding?

- I’ll leave that to my fiancée.

- Will you have a church or private wedding?

- Her mother will decide that, sir.

- What will you live on?

- I’ll leave that entirely to you, sir.


Bush and Clinton are remote relatives

- Did you happen to know that George Bush and Bill Clinton are distant cousins?

- Well, I’ve never heard of it! Where on earth did you find that out?

- I’ve just read it in “The Japan Times”, in the October 23, 2010 issue.

- What information agency does the paper refer to?

- Reutor-Kyoto from London.

- Oh, that’s a reliable source. What does the article say?

- Both presidents share royal ancestors traced back to the 13th century in England.

- Any relationship to Queen Elisabeth of Britain?

- Exactly. Bush is her 13th cousin. It’s a matter of common knowledge now.

- How very interesting! And who is the common ancestor Bush and Clinton descend from?

- Both descend from King John of England, Bush through John’s son Henry III and Clinton through his daughter Eleanor.

- Fancy that! Both have connections to ancient noble families and even to the royal ones!


Find the logical order of the following dialogue parts.

- Any relations to Dr. Breed, the director of the Laboratory?

- The fourth generation in this location.

- And you are a Breed?

- It’s a small world, I would say.

- His brother. My name is Marvin Breed.


- My dear, I had accepted him a night before.

- What made you quarrel with Conrad?

- What was the harm in that?

- Well, he proposed to me again last night.



- Why do you say “will be”? He actually is and we’ve already got the first quarrel as close relations.

- I hear your sister Helen and Harry have got married lately.

- Now Harry will be your brother-in-law, won’t he?

- Oh, yes. They registered the other day and became husband and wife.

Translate the anecdotes into English.

“Що вона сказала, коли ти їй освідчився?” – “Я їй не освідчився. Перш ніж я встиг розтулити рота, вона сказала мені, що любить Шекспіра, Кіплінга та По. У мене не було жодного шансу. Чи можу я отримати згоду дівчини, яка вже закохана в трьох молодих людей?”


“Чому ти розірвала заручини з Томом?” – “Він мене обдурив. Сказав, що він –спеціаліст із нирок та печінки, а потім я дізналася, що він працює в м’ясному магазині”.


Дружина: “Любий, ти пам’ятаєш, що в цей день 25 років тому ми були заручені?” – “Двадцять п’ять років тому, – крикнув розсіяний професор, – господи, чому ж ти мені не нагадала раніше. Звичайно, нам уже давно час одружитися”.


  1. Look at the family tree and complete the sentences below.









1. John is Jill’s ……………………………………………...

  1. Timothy is Jill’s …………………………………………
  2. Eve and Ana are Timothy’s ……………………………...
  3. Eve is Sheila’s ……………………………………………
  4. Albert Dodds is Tom’s …………………………………...
  5. Barry is Eve’s …………………………………………….
  6. Susan is Timothy’s ……………………………………….
  7. As Paul died in 1995, Jill is a …………………………….
  8. Tom is Mary’s ……………………………………………
  9. The only two people who are not related are …………….


  1. Draw your own family tree and write a short summary of your family background (family history).


  1. Read the information and answer the questions about yourself and your country:

Family background (=family history).

My grandfather was a market gardener in Ireland. He grew flowers, fruit and vegetables, and sold them in the market every day. He worked hard all his life and when he died, his son (now my uncle) and daughter (my mother) inherited a large house and a garden (received this house and garden from my grandfather when he died). They carried on business together until my mother met my father. They got married, moved to England, and I was born two years later. They didn’t have any more children, so I’m the only child.


Family names

When you are born, your family gives you a first name, e.g. James, Kate, Sarah and Alex are common first names in Britain. Your family name (also called your surname) is the one that the entire family share e.g. Smith, Brown, Jones, and O’Neill are common surnames in Britain. Some parents give their children a middle name, but you do not usually say this name in Britain unlike in Ukraine. Your full name is all the names you have, e.g. Sarah Jane Smith.


Changing times

Society changes and so do families. In small places, people may decide to live together but do not get married. They are not husband and wife but call each other their partner. There are also many families in some parts of the world where the child or children live(s) with just their mother or father; those are sometimes called single-parent families.



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