Exercise 1. Interpersonal Skills. 

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Exercise 1. Interpersonal Skills.

Module 1

Exercise 1. Interpersonal Skills.

1. A leader has the ability to influence others through qualities such as personal ........., expertise, command of language, and the creation of mutual respect – all of which require strong interpersonal skills.

a) Aura; b) charisma; c) élan; d) machismo.

2. Interpersonal skills include the ability to ......... and manage the emotions, motivations, and behaviors of oneself and others during social interactions or in a social-interactive context.

a) Feel; b) read; c) suss; d) view.

3. Those who have interpersonal skills are able to manage their behavior during social interactions and align their goals to the goals of others during ......... activities.

a) Cohesive; b) collaborative; c) collocational; d) concessive.

4. They are able to empathize and are sensitive to the needs of others and to the forces that ......... the way that others feel and behave.

a) Bend; b) mar; c) mend; d) shape.

5. They manage conflict effectively by devising win-win solutions, constructively influencing the behavior of others, and using effective communication and ......... strategies.

a) Enforcement; b) evasive; c) performance; d) persuasive.

6. Many have wondered how it happens that persons with high IQs don't always ......... the top jobs: the answer often lies in interpersonal skills.

a) Land; b) leave; c) sack; d) seize.

7. Modern teamwork often brings together individuals from diverse groups who may not share common norms, values, or ......... but who do offer unique expertise, insights, and perspectives.

a) Accommodations; b) cubicles; c) salaries; d) vocabularies.

8. E-mail, voice mail, audioconferencing and videoconferencing, and the myriad other technologies that enable individuals to communicate with each other not only increase the ways in which individuals can interact but also require a heightened sensitivity to the ......... of interpersonal interactions.

a) Innuendos; b) naivete; c) nuances; d) repartee.

9. This idea is particularly true in the worlds of virtual learning and virtual communication, where one cannot yet use hand gestures, facial expressions, or body ......... to fully express ideas.

a) Language; b) movement; c) poses; d) positions.

10. The challenge is to ......... interpersonal skills not only in face-to-face interactions but in virtual interactions as well.

a) Perfect; b) perform; c) produce; d) project.


Exercise 2. Verbal Communication Skills.

1. Remember that this happened first and was ......... to the episode that happened afterwards.

a) Before; b) since; c) prior; d) previous.

2. As the police saw the accident themselves, the driver avoided the ......... of having to give a detailed report.

a) Need; b) requirement; c) indictment; d) necessity.

3. It's a complete waste of time ......... over who was to blame, the main thing we have to do is decide what to do next.

a) Arguing; b) discussing; c) repeating; d) considering.

4. It was easy to realise why the machine had stopped working since it was a direct ......... of his failure to maintain it.

a) Complement; b) concern; c) consequence; d) conviction.

5. I am completely confused as to why she did it and so it's not ......... to imagine why other people are mystified, too.

a) Definite; b) difficult; c) debatable; d) decided.

6. If you want to try and influence that political party it's best to become a member yourself and then you can argue from the ..........

a) Entrance; b) beginning; c) side; d) inside.

7. I have great ......... for them at this time because I have had a similar experience.

a) Sincerity; b) sympathy; c) sorrow; d) sadness.

8. Feel free to visit anything of interest to you in the exhibition and also you can ......... of any of the refreshments available.

a) Retake; b) undertake; c) partake; d) intake.

9. Many of the people in the crowd were visibly crying because they all ......... with those who had lost relatives in the disaster.

a) Resented; b) regretted; c) rejoined; d) sympathized.

10. I assure you that you will have no problem with the task because it's as easy ......... can be.

a) As; b) than; c) and; d) it.


Exercise 3. Ways of commenting.

1. If you want my honest opinion, I thought the play was ..........

a) Litter; b) dust; c) waste; d) rubbish.

2. It was quite a good film but I thought the characters were a bit like ..........

a) Paper; b) cardboard; c) plastic; d) material.

3. It's quite a nice car but there was not very much ......... in the back.

a) Area; b) limit; c) room; d) fullness.

4. She's pleasant enough but not very pretty. In fact I'd say she was rather ..........

a) Plain; b) straight; c) simple; d) casual.

5. The first time you see the view you can't believe it. It almost takes your breath ..........

a) Out; b) over; c) under; d) away.

6. I sat through the concert feeling really bored and sleepy and had to stop myself from ......... several times.

a) Gaping; b) yawning; c) stretching; d) crying.

7. It was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life and I just wanted the ground to ......... up and swallow me.

a) Ease; b) throe; c) open; d) crack.

8. In my opinion no one in their right mind would ever go and pay to see a play ......... that.

a) As; b) same; c) more; d) like.

9. The room was good, the bed was comfortable and the service was excellent but the hotel food left a lot to be ..........

a) Required; b) desired; c) demanded; d) included.

10. To be perfectly honest with you I think that this is the best test I've ever taken in my entire ..........

a) Life; b) days; c) duration; d) stay.

Exercise 4. Ways of disapproving.

1. There is no way that I can agree to you ......... early today.

a) Submitting; b) renouncing; c) leaving; d) departing.

2. I must object and make it clear that I am totally ......... any measures that suggest changes to the original scheme.

a) Up; b) without; c) against; d) off.

3. He has the ......... of always rejecting any idea that will change the current arrangements.

a) Habit; b) custom; c) task; d) job.

4. I cannot condone that sort of ......... in my establishment and would ask you to remember that in future.

a) Routine; b) manners; c) going; d) behaviour.

5. I have no choice really but to turn ......... your recent proposal because it is completely unworkable.

a) Off; b) over; c) down; d) across.

6. They can't possibly go ......... with your suggestions because it will involve too much expenditure.

a) Over; b) along; c) in; d) above.

7. Quite honestly I'd have to be out of my ......... to sanction what is a crazy proposition.

a) Sense; b) balance; c) thought; d) mind.

8. When her father discovered that his daughter wanted to marry a pop singer, he decided to put every ......... in their way to prevent the marriage.

a) Obstacle; b) burden; c) impediment; d) problem.

9. He told me there was definitely no ......... that I would pass my examination until I did some work.

a) Occasion; b) chance; c) opportunity; d) time.

10. You could tell by the ......... he refused to smile that he didn't like the story.

a) Method; b) plan; c) way; d) path.


Exercise 5. Ways of greeting.

1. Great to see you again. I haven't seen you ......... ages.

a) By; b) from; c) of; d) for.

2. Welcome to our house. Come in and make yourself ..........

a) Comfortable; b) easy; c) relaxing; d) comforting.

3. How do you do? I don't think we've met ..........

a) After; b) since; c) then; d) before.

4. Hi, Mary. Where have you been ......... yourself all this time?

a) Discovering; b) hiding; c) finding; d) looking.

5. Good morning, sir. I hope you will have an enjoyable ......... in our hotel.

a) Stay; b) halt; c) stop; d) sojourn.

6. Good evening to you all. Let me find you a(n) ......... near the window.

a) Corner; b) angle; c) table; d) part.

7. How are you, David? I must ......... you're looking very well.

a) Declare; b) recite; c) state; d) admit.

8. Hello there. I just don't believe it. You haven't changed a ......... since we last met.

a) Bit; b) piece; c) little; d) section.

9. Ah, you must be Mary's husband. Do come in and ......... everyone.

a) See; b) look; c) find; d) meet.

10. Here you are at last! I hope your ......... here wasn't too horrible.

a) Travel; b) journey; c) trip; d) voyage.


Exercise 6. Ways of saying goodbye.

1. I'm afraid it's ......... we left.

a) Occasion; b) time; c) opportunity; d) hour.

2. If you don't ........., I think we'll be cutting along.

a) Care; b) think; c) believe; d) mind.

3. I'll be seeing you then in due ..........

a) Path; b) direction; c) course; d) route.

4. Well, as they say all good things come to an ..........

a) End; b) conclusion; c) finale; d) finality.

5. Thank you so much for ......... us you must come to us next time.

a) Taking; b) getting; c) making; d) having.

6. Good bye then and ......... me to all your family.

a) Remind; b) remember; c) recall; d) repeat.

7. If we don't leave now I'm afraid we'll ......... the last train.

a) Forget; b) fail; c) miss; d) turn.

8. It's been great meeting up again and we mustn't ......... it so long next time.

a) Leave; b) take; c) wait; d) lose.

9. Looks ......... we ought to be going really as it's got so late.

a) As; b) like; c) when; d) for.

10. Well, there's ......... for it but simply to wish you well and say goodbye.

a) Something; b) everything; c) anything; d) nothing.


Module 2

Exercise 2. Advertising.

1. In order to make a sensible ......... among the different vacuum cleaners available, it is important to do some research.

a) Comparing; b) comparison; c) compares; d) comparative.

2. The local department store has to make a sustained effort at this time of the year to ......... customer demand for summer clothing.

a) Satisfy; b) satisfaction; c) satisfies; d) satisfying.

3. A good team leader must be able to ......... his colleagues to face the challenge of a downturn in business.

a) Inspiring; b) inspiration; c) inspires; d) inspire.

4. The ......... trend in children's desire to wear designer label clothes should be exploited.

a) Currant; b) current; c) occurring; d) occurred.

5. You have to ......... the public that it is in their own interest to read the instructions on all our medicines.

a) Convict; b) conviction; c) convince; d) convincing.

6. In order to survive in this business you must adopt a ......... stance.

a) Competition; b) competing; c) competitor; d) competitive.

7. The ......... of alcohol is not allowed in any of the company's premises in order to present a clean image.

a) Consumer; b) consumption; c) consuming; d) consumes.

8. When you are setting out to ......... new customers in an advertisement, choose the right words.

a) Attraction; b) attractive; c) attract; d) attracts.

9. The really effective television commercial is the one that ......... you of its authenticity.

a) Persuades; b) persuasion; c) persuasive; d) persuading.

10. I can strongly recommend this ......... as the best available on the market today.

a) Producer; b) product; c) production; d) produce.


Module 3

Exercise 1. Business.

1. I was pleased to receive your response to my proposal but there are one or two points that need ..........

a) Notification; b) certification; c) clarification; d) signification.

2. A report has just been ......... that gives details of the causes of this trend towards informality in the business sector.

a) Published; b) directed; c) opened; d) held.

3. According to the ......... in the report it is clear that employees under the age of 35 prefer to dress casually at work.

a) Seeking; b) searching; c) findings; d) probing.

4. Thirty years ago this kind of informality would not have been..........

a) Withheld; b) endured; c) suffered; d) tolerated.

5. All employees are kindly requested to ......... from smoking in the presence of customers.

a) Stop; b) restrain; c) refrain; d) restrict.

6. The meeting went on for three hours and as a result there was no time left to discuss all the topics on the ..........

a) List; b) index; c) contents; d) agenda.

7. There's really no point in hoping to add important topics right at the end of the meeting under the heading of any other ..........

a) Business; b) work; c) activity; d) tasks.

8. The chairman was obliged to bring the meeting to a ......... because a fire broke out in the adjoining room.

a) Cessation; b) standstill; c) stopping; d) halt.

9. It is absolutely essential that the clerk takes care to ......... any decisions that have been reached during the meeting.

a) Time; b) minute; c) detail; d) measure.

10. As so few members had turned up at the meeting, it was decided to ......... it until further notice.

a) Delay; b) wait; c) postpone; d) hold.


Module 4

Module 1

Exercise 1. Interpersonal Skills.

1. A leader has the ability to influence others through qualities such as personal ........., expertise, command of language, and the creation of mutual respect – all of which require strong interpersonal skills.

a) Aura; b) charisma; c) élan; d) machismo.

2. Interpersonal skills include the ability to ......... and manage the emotions, motivations, and behaviors of oneself and others during social interactions or in a social-interactive context.

a) Feel; b) read; c) suss; d) view.

3. Those who have interpersonal skills are able to manage their behavior during social interactions and align their goals to the goals of others during ......... activities.

a) Cohesive; b) collaborative; c) collocational; d) concessive.

4. They are able to empathize and are sensitive to the needs of others and to the forces that ......... the way that others feel and behave.

a) Bend; b) mar; c) mend; d) shape.

5. They manage conflict effectively by devising win-win solutions, constructively influencing the behavior of others, and using effective communication and ......... strategies.

a) Enforcement; b) evasive; c) performance; d) persuasive.

6. Many have wondered how it happens that persons with high IQs don't always ......... the top jobs: the answer often lies in interpersonal skills.

a) Land; b) leave; c) sack; d) seize.

7. Modern teamwork often brings together individuals from diverse groups who may not share common norms, values, or ......... but who do offer unique expertise, insights, and perspectives.

a) Accommodations; b) cubicles; c) salaries; d) vocabularies.

8. E-mail, voice mail, audioconferencing and videoconferencing, and the myriad other technologies that enable individuals to communicate with each other not only increase the ways in which individuals can interact but also require a heightened sensitivity to the ......... of interpersonal interactions.

a) Innuendos; b) naivete; c) nuances; d) repartee.

9. This idea is particularly true in the worlds of virtual learning and virtual communication, where one cannot yet use hand gestures, facial expressions, or body ......... to fully express ideas.

a) Language; b) movement; c) poses; d) positions.

10. The challenge is to ......... interpersonal skills not only in face-to-face interactions but in virtual interactions as well.

a) Perfect; b) perform; c) produce; d) project.



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