State whether the verb will/would is a modal verb or an auxiliary verb. 

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State whether the verb will/would is a modal verb or an auxiliary verb.

1. “Would you do that for me?” – Yes, I will.

2. I never thought the day would come when I’d be a hotel keeper.

3. I know it is such a blow to you. I will not add further news.

4. I was informed that he had gone out early and they didn’t know when he would be back.

5. There can also have been no positive evidence, or the police would have got hold of it.

6. If you do I will never forgive you. I will never speak to you again.

7. I wouldn’t make a scene if I were you.

8. He decided he would speak to her in the train coming home.

9. She would have been a star if she had not given up the stage to marry me.

10. She felt she would give a good deal to overhear what was going on.


5. Complete the sentences with “will”/”would” + verbs form them box.

Be drive fall keep listen make play ring take tell

  1. “Dad, I have broken my watch.” “Will you ____ playing with it”.
  2. On Sundays when we were kind, Mother ____ us pancakes for breakfast.
  3. He’s no trouble – he ____ by himself for hours.
  4. She’s nice but she ____ about people behind their backs.
  5. People ____ to you if you listen to them.
  6. We lived by a lake, and sometimes Dad ___ us fishing.
  7. I’m not surprised you had an accident – you ____ too fast.
  8. If you drop toast, it ____ butter side down every time.
  9. If you’re heaving a bath, the phone ____. And if you answer it, it ____ a wrong number.
  10. He ____ you one thing one minute and the opposite the next – he’s crazy.

Translate the given parts of the sentences into English and complete the sentences.

1. Я охотно сделаю эту работу, если…

2. Я обязательно зайду…

3. Мы с удовольствием пойдём…

4. Не дадите ли вы мне…?

5. Не хотите ли прогуляться по…?

6. Я обязательно сообщу вам…

7. Мы ни за что не остановимся здесь, так как…

8. Тогда я сам скажу…

9. Я попрошу вас…

10. Не стану отрицать, что…

11. Он ни за что не захочет…

12. Я помогу вам…


Translate into English.

1. Я ни за что не буду делать это ещё раз.

2. Не принесёте ли вы стакан воды?

3. Я обязательно зайду к вам завтра.

4. Он попытался объяснить, но я не стал слушать.

5. Хотя работа сложная и трудная, я охотно выполню её.

6. Помогите мне открыть шкаф. Он не открывается.

7.Он погасил свет, но сон никак не шел к нему.

8. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, ручку. Моя не пишет.

9. Обычно он по вечерам садился перед камином и выкуривал сигарету.

10. Предпочитаете остаться в гостиной?

11. Не понимаю, почему окно не открывается.

12. Денни обычно сидит и часами смотрит на море.



Meaning Forms of the modal verb Ways of rendering in Russian Forms of the Infinitive Kinds of sentences Some other ways of expressing the same meaning Sentence patterns
1. Asking for instructions. ShallI? Shallhe (she, they)?     By emphatic intonation   Indefinite Infinitive interrogative   Must I do it? Do you want me to do it? Am I to do it? Shall I read the article again?. Shall he (she, they) start speaking on the topic?
2.Compulsion or strict order. You he sheshall it shan’t they affirmative negative I shall make him do it. I shall get you to do it. You shall stop reading fiction books at your lectures. He shan’t prevent us from working at the problem.
3. Threat or waiting. You he sheshall it shan’t they affirmative negative     Tell him he shall be punished for his behaviour. You shall fail at the exam if you don’t work nard.
4. Promise. You he sheshall it shan’t they affirmative negative You are sure to get… I promise that they won’t punish you Don’t worry, youshall havea minute’s rest before the meeting begins.

State the meaning of the verb “shall”. Translate into Russian.

1. Don’t go. Iconsent. The report shall be withdrawn.

2. And now I must go, dear. Shall I call for you tomorrow?

3. Give me back that letter I’ll take it from you by force. You shall not leave my room till I have got it.

4. You shall not tell her – I forbid you.

5. But he had better prepare himself. He shall have a scandal. He shall have the worst scandal there has been in London for years.

6. Before showing my empty hand, I dropped what it contained into my other hand. You shall see what that was.

7. They both eagerly and resolutely declined her invitation. “But indeed, you must and shall come. I’m sure you will like if of all things.”

8. “Do come now,” he said, “pray – come – you must come – I desire you shall come?”

9. My dear for 20 years you’ve refused the most eligible aspirants. Shall we tell Polly about the last one?

10. “If anything happens to her …” – “Nothing shall happen to her!”

11. If you leave this house without an umbrella you shall not come into it again. You shall not cross this threshold so long as I am alive.


State whether “shall” is an auxiliary or modal verb.

1. I shall pack up my things and leave today.

2. Shall I tell you something!

3. Do you want anything better this year, dear? Shall he come here next year?

4. When shall I have it? There must be no delay.

5. I rather think I shall be invited to take part in it.

6. I’ll take the letter from you by force You shall not leave my room till I have got it.

7. Oh, I shall be careful anyway, I shall be all right.

8. “I shall do nothing of the soft”, he said.

9. I shall look forward to seeing you.

10. “Shall we go out for a moment?” She asked me.

11. If I have found him, Miss, who shall I say is calling, please.

12. I shall have to be looking about for some ground somewhere.

13. “All is over between us,” answered Miss Ley, “and shall I return your letters and photographs?”

14. I shall be glad to commiserate with you.

15. We shall live within a few miles of each other, and shall meet every day.


Complete the following sentences using “shall”.

1. I’ve promised Mr. Hardman that …

2. If you ever want me, come to see for my assistant, and you…

3. If you choose, to agree, …

4. It’s very true, however, in a few days you …

5. I give you a chance to escape. Sign this paper and …

6. I’m determined that something …

7. I’ve made up my mind. He …

8. If you leave this house without an umbrella …

9. He must be off now. He …

10. Oh, don’t worry. Nothing …


Translate into English

1. Приготовить ли вам кофе?

2. Вы сделаете так, как я скажу.

3. Вы ответите за свои поступки.

4. Не ешь так много мороженого. У тебя заболит горло.

5. Вы останетесь здесь, иначе он будет вне себя от гнева.

6. Вы поступаете так, как вам сказали.

7. Сейчас ты выпьешь этот горячий чай.

8. Она пожалеет об этом, я уверена.

9. Если он не будет слушаться, он будет наказан.

10. Открыть окно? По-моему, здесь душно.

11. Мне позвонить или ты сама зайдёшь ко мне?

12. Дать ли ответ сегодня или можно подождать несколько дней?

13. Приготовить ли вам свежий чай?

14. Если он не будет слушаться, он будет наказан.

15. Вы сделаете так, как вам сказали.

16. Вы закажете это лекарство немедленно.

17. Что вы мне посоветуете: поехать в турлагерь или на море?

18. Не ходи без головного убора в такую холодную погоду. Ты простудишься и заболеешь.

19. Как вы думаете, записаться мне на приём к врачу или нет.

20. Зря она отказалась от поездки на северный Кавказ. Она пожалеет об этом, но будет поздно.

21. Открыть окно? По-моему, здесь душно.

22. Ты себя плохо ведешь. Ты будешь наказан и не пойдешь на прогулку.




Translate the following sentences paying attention to the verb “dare”.

1. “You, impudent boy, how dare you speak to me like that!” cried she.

2. How dare you address my friend and I in such a fashion? How dare you!

3. She laughed shocked. How dare he tease her, right in the tease her, right in the teeth of disaster.

4. For a full ten minutes he dared not look at Ann.

5. How dare you? How dare you interfere? I won’t stand it.

6. “Don’t you dare touch him?” said Mary.

7. How dare you say that of me! Get out!

8. The girl handling ticket was so young. She had dared bleach her hair white.

9. I dare say you can guess the reason of all these questions.

10. She was crying, tears welled in her eyes and she pressed her hands against her checks.” How dare you upset me like this!”

11. I dare say we were a couple of young fools to take on such a job.


Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb “dare”.

1. How can you be so impudent as to speak to your mother in such a tone?

2. He felt that he was wrong but had no courage to admit it.

3. The little girl had no courage to stroke the dog.

4. How can you be so interfere to their conversation?

5. I suppose you are right.

6. Look at your little sister, she is crying. Were you impudent enough to tease her?

7. It was impudent of you to insult that woman.

8. He had no courage to tell them the truth.

9. He had no courage to speak and he kept silent.

10. The boy had no courage to climb the tree.

11. It’s impudent of you to try to deceive me!

12. How can you venture to reproach her for it? It was all your fault.

13. I suppose you can help me a bit.

14. I suppose this task is too difficult.

15. He had no courage to open that letter.



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