Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets. These sentences refer to the past 

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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets. These sentences refer to the past


1 Alan wished he … (know) Paul better when they were at university.

2 I wish I … (buy) that sweater I saw last week; now it’s been sold.

3 Mary's mother wished she... (not marry) Tom.

4 Do you wish we … (spend) more time at Madame Tussaud's when were in London?

5 I wish you … (not give away) my secret.

6 If only I … (not work) all day yesterday.

7 Tom now wishes he … (work) harder when he was at school.

8 Mike wishes he … (go) to see his grandfather when he was in hospital.

9 I wish it … (not rain) so much when we were in England.

10 Gary wished you … (not tell) everyone where he lived.


Exercise 3

Choose the correct answer


1 If only you … me earlier.

a. would tell b. told c. had told

2 Joanne wishes she … to Italy with her brother.

a. went b. could have gone c. would go

3 Andrew wishes he … to Japan with his sister.

a. would go b. were going c. went

4 I wish you … talk so much!

a. wouldn’t b. would c. couldn’t

5 I wish I … tall, dark and handsome!

a. would be b. were c. am

6 Don't you ever wish we … in a bigger house?

a. would live b. live c. lived

7 I wish my children … so much money!

a. don't spend b. spent c. wouldn't spend

8 Ann often wishes she … a famous TV personality.

a. would have been b. have been c. could have been

9 Do you ever wish you … someone else?

a. have been b. were c. was

10 I wish I … a lot more money than I do.

a. earned b. earn c. would earn


Exercise 4

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Express regrets about present or past situations


1 He wish we … (see) Jane more often.

2 Do you ever wish you … (be) a famous film star?

3 I wish I … (won) the first prize instead of Jim.

4 I'm sure Mary's mother wishes she … (study) more when she was younger.

5 I wish we … (go) to Eilat for once. I'm tired of going to the Galilee.

6 Do you wish you … (play) football for England last season?

7 If only I … (have) a pet dog when I was a child.

8 His parents wished he … (read) more and … (not watch) so much

9 Mary wishes she … (buy) that necklace she saw, but it was much too expensive.

10 Ann wishes she … (not always be) late for work in the morning.


Exercise 5

Here are some situations. Make suitable wish sentences for each one


1 Tommy would love to have a baby sister. Tommy wishes …

2 Bill is not looking forward to going to the dentist tomorrow. Bill wishes …

3 I'm really sorry I can't come with you to the theatre tonight. I …

4 I was really sorry I couldn't go with the rest of the family when they went to France. …

5 I'd like to have a Rolls-Royce like the Browns have got! …

6 The neighbour was upset about the loud noise Bob was making. …

7 What a shame we were unable to meet your brother when we were in England. …

8 Jim is upset that he quarrelled with his girlfriend. …

9 I bet Julia was sorry she didn't work harder when she was at school. …

10 It really is a pity that you live so far away from us. …


Exercise 6

Continue the following using wish and conditionals

Example: He failed his driving test.

I wish he hadn't failed because if he hadn't failed / had passed, he could have driven his father's new car.

1 You missed a good game on Sunday.

2 I don't like my job very much

3 I'm sorry you're not here with us now.

4 Dana lost her passport.

5 Richard had to leave very early.

6 She's upset because he cancelled their holiday plans.

7 I have to get up at the crack of dawn.

8 I'm too young to vote.

9 Peter talks too fast and we can't understand him.

10 I'm sorry that we don't know each other better.


Exercise 7

Fill in the blanks. Use one word in each space


The holidays are over and we are all looking back on what we did. My elder son has just got back from Japan. He had a wonderful time, but he wishes he (1) … seen more of the country. He spent most of the time in Tokyo learning the language, but even so, he wishes he (2) … speak it more fluently.

My younger son went to Spain by himself. He wished someone had (3) … with him, because he got rather lonely. He also wished that, while he was there, he could (4) … bought more souvenirs, but he didn't have enough money. He says he wishes he had (5) … more with him. My daughter worked in a children's home, but wishes she (6) … have found a summer camp to employ her.

As for my wife and I, we wish we had (7) … at home because nothing went right. I only wish I (8) … say why I ever agreed to go away. The hotel we were booked into was full up when we arrived there, so we had to go to another one. It wasn't too bad, but then my wife fell ill and we weren't able to go anywhere or do anything at all. We were soon wishing that we (9) … at home. Now that we are home, we wish we (10) … never gone away at all.


Exercise 8

Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning of the original sentence


1 What a pity Ella missed the film last night. Ella wishes …

2 I don't really want to go to the dentist. I wish …

3 Dana has a low grade in history. Dana wishes …

4 John is too short to be a basketball player. John wishes …

5 The Smiths regret cancelling their holiday in Turkey. The Smiths wish …

6 Dad really wants you to stop smoking. Dad wishes …

7 It's a pity we don't have money for a pizza now. I wish …

8 If only he didn’t talk so much. I wish …

9 What a shame you missed the school trip. I wish …

10 I hope it snows at the weekend. I wish …


Spot The Error!

Can you correct the mistakes?

I wish that you'll be with us soon.

I wish she didn't come last night.

The Subjunctive

Focus 1

Verbs Followed By A Subjunctive

The subjunctive refers to a special group of verb forms which we use to talk about wishes, hopes, doubts, desires or actions which we want to happen. Such sentences often stress how important something is.

The boss insists that we be here early tomorrow. (change of subject from the boss to we)

His doctor suggested that he remain in bed for a week. (change of subject from his doctor to he)

Below is a list of common verbs which are followed by a subjunctive:

advise (that) demand (that) recommend (that)

ask (that) insist (that) request (that)

command (that) propose (that) suggest (that)


We use the subjunctive form with these verbs only when they are followed by a new sentence (shown by a change of subject). When these verbs are used in the subjunctive, the base verb follows all subjects.

I recommended that she not go to the concert.

In the negative, not + base is used.

He requested that the child be named after his grandfather.

In the passive, be + V3 is used.

Note: Another way of expressing the subjunctive is by using should + base.

He insists that the children should leave immediately.

This is a less common and even more formal use.


Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct positive or negative form of the verb in brackets


1 Our teacher insists that we … (check) all our homework.

2 The neighbours requested that we … (play) loud music late at night.

3 It was such a hot day that Veronica suggested we … (go) swimming at the pool.

4 The director proposed that he … (use) only British actors in his film.

5 My mother recommended that we … (be) careful in our choice of a nanny for the children.

6 The police demanded that the suspect … (leave) the area without notifying them.

7 The manager insisted that his secretary … (award) a special prize for 25 years of loyal service to the company.

8 The Education Department proposes that pupils … (borrow) their textbooks from schools for a minimal fee and … (return) them at the end of the school year.

9 Parents have asked that this proposal … (carefully consider) by the Minister of Education.

10 I'm afraid that Stella insists you … (be) at her wedding, so you won't receive an invitation.


Focus 2

Phrases Followed By A Subjunctive

It is important that he sign the will in front of a witness.

It is essential that our soldiers receive the support and encouragement of their families and friends.

Certain phrases containing adjectives can also be followed by a sentence with the subjunctive. The phrases generally stress the importance of something, and are used for emphasis. The subjunctive which follows may also be negative or passive, as with the verbs in Focus 1. Below is a list of common phrases with that followed by a subjunctive:


It is desirable (that) It is important (that)

It is essential (that) It is necessary (that)

It is imperative (that) It is vital (that)


Note: The subjunctive form is used only if these phrases are followed by a sentence. In all other cases, they are followed by regular structures. Look at this example:

It's essential to give our soldiers support and encouragement.


Exercise 2


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