Название денежных единиц США 

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Название денежных единиц США

обратите внимание, что цена называется в долларах ($) и центах. Если цена равна целому числу (без центов) слово "dollars" сохраняется.

Упражнение 1. Совместите соответствующие значения.

1) Nine dollars and ninety-five cents. 2) Ninety-five dollars and nine cents. 3) Fifty-three dollars and fifty cents. 4) One hundred and four dollars. 5) Four dollars and seventeen cents. 6) One thousand and ten dollars 7) One million dollars. 8) Ten dollars and ten cents. 9) Seventy-two dollars and twenty-seven cents. 10) Twenty-seven dollars and seventy-two cents. $27.72 $10.10 $104.00 $1 000 000 $95.09 $9.95 $4.17 $72.27 $1 010 00 $53.50

Упражнение 2. Вставьте соответствующее значение (tenth; fifth; fourth; hundredth; half)

A penny is one ____ of a dollar

A dime is one ____ of a dollar.

A quarter is one ____ of a dollar.

Fifty cents is ____ of a dollar.

A cent is one ____ of a nickel.

Глаголы восприятия (to taste, feel, smell) и употребление прилагательных и наречий

Вы, конечно же, знаете, что прилагательные употребляются с существительными, а наречия – с глаголами. Но для того, чтобы описать как что-то (кто-то) пахнет ("smell"), чувствует себя ("feel") или какой имеет вкус "to taste", вместо наречий употребляются соответствующие прилагательные:

These flowers smell good. (not "well")

I feel bad. (not "badly," хотя часто можно услышать и так)

My salad tastes good. (not "well")

В данном случае используются прилагательные, так как основное внимание уделяется качеству существительному, а не тому как это происходит. Если вы скажете "She smells well" вместо "She smells good," вы подчеркнете то, что от нее пахнет, а не то что от нее пахнет очень приятно.

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте предложение и вставьте good или well в соответствующие пропуски.

The School Concert

1) How ___ can the students at your school sing?

2) They sang very ____ in the school concert last week.

3) The director told them that the school concert was very ____.

4) My sister played the piano very ___ in the school concert too.

5) I never learned to play the piano. I'm not a ___ piano player!

6) My brother is a ___ guitar player, but he didn't play in the school concert.

7) My teacher knows how to sing ____, but she didn't sing because she had a cold.

8) It's not ___ to sing when you are sick.

9) Next month, we'll have another school concert, and my teacher will sing very___ then.

10) Our school concerts are always very ___. I hope you visit us sometime!

Глава 9


Вот список наиболее распространенных предлогов английского языка:

about, above, across, after, along, among, around, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, by, despite, down, during, for, from, in, into, like, near, of, off, on, out, over, since, through, throughout, till, to, toward, under, until, up, upon, with, within, without

Упражнение 1. Вставьте в пропуски предлоги Between или Among

Подсказка: употребите BETWEEN если речь идет о двух предметах и AMONG / AMONGST если о нескольких.

Например: My cat sleeps between my husband and me. The dog is playing among the flowers outside.

1) The three children fought        themselves.

2) The rabbit was standing ____       two trees.

3) Jack, this candy is to be shared ___         you and your sister.

4) Hey! Let's not fight ___     ourselves, ok?

5) My bed is ___      two windows.

6) My brother, sister and I used to argue____      ourselves.

7) Sylvia is standing ___       her mother and father in that picture.

8) I looked for a pencil ___     all the things on my desk.

9) There's my pencil! It's __          the lamp and the fan.

10) Here you go children, share these apples ___         yourselves.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте в пропуски предлоги AT / IN / ON

Не забывайте, что

предлог at употребляется, когда мы говорим о:


с существительными work, home, school;

адресе (с числами);

определенном месте

предлог in употребляется, когда мы говорим о:

месяце, годе;

стране, городе;

предлог on употребляется, когда мы говорим о:

определенном дне;

поверхности чего-либо;

улице (без чисел).

1: We eat lunch      noon.

2: The cat is          top of my car!

3: It gets cold              January.

4: Valentine's Day is               February

5: We always wash our car               Saturday.

6:            3:30, the students will take an exam.

7: Jane lives                       42 Baker Avenue.

Вставьте AT / IN / ON

1: Kaye lives ___ California. at in on

2: Sebastian is sleeping ___ the sofa.at in on

3: Jack is ___ work. at in on

4: Neko, my cat, is sleeping ___ my leg. at in on

5: May Lee lives ___ China. at in on

6: ___ Monday, I must work. at in on

7: Jay lives ___ Baker Street. at in on

Правильно или неправильно? Подчеркните верный вариант.

1: My birthday is on April.    Correct     Wrong

2: Kaye's birthday is in April.    Correct Wrong

3: Eric is in work.       Correct         Wrong

4: Elaine is at home.       Correct         Wrong

5: Sam works on McDonald's.      Correct        Wrong

Фразовые глаголы

Термин “фразовый глагол” относится к такому сочетанию глагола с предлогом, при котором меняется смысл глагола. Фразовые глаголы очень распространены в разговорном английском. Вот список некоторых из них (уточните их значения по словарю):

bring up

call up

clean up

do over

drop off

fill out

get on

give back

go over

hand in

hang up

look over

look up

pick up 

put away

put on

put out

show up

take off

take out

think over

try on

turn in

turn off

turn on

turn out

turn up

Различают два вида фразовых глаголов:

1.) Разделяемые:

I handed my paper in.

В таких сочетаниях существительное или местоимение могут стоять между глаголом и предлогом.

2.) Неотделяемые:

She gets off the train. 

В таких сочетаниях существительное или местоимение должно стоять после предлога.

Упражнение 1. Употребите после глагола break нужный послелог

A) down B) up C) off D) into

1) Susan and Jack were talking about something when I came into the room, but when I entered, they broke __ their conversation.

2) Cory broke ___ somebody's house and stole a TV. Now, he's in jail!

3) It takes many years for garbage and trash to break __ and decompose. That's why we must recycle and be careful of the environment.

4) The police came when my house was broken ___.

5) My friends had a terrible argument. It was so bad that the police came to their house to break the argument __. My friends shouldn't shout like that!

6) Mark can't find his suticase key, so he is going to break ___ the suitcase with a hair pin!

7) Break some crackers __ and put them in your soup to make the flavor better!

8) Jack's motorcycle broke ___ yesterday. He will have to repair it this weekend.

9) When will the meeting break __ tomorrow? I have a class at 4:00.

10) It's rude to interrupt people and make them cut their conversation ___ in midsentence.

Упражнение 2. Употребите после глагола "CALL" нужный послелог

Не забывайте, что глагол call с послелогом имеет следующие значения:

to call back = to return a telephone call

to call off = to postpone, delay or cancel something

to call up = to telephone someone

to call on = to ask a student to speak in class/visit somebody at their home

to call out = to shout aloud

Melanie's Trip to the Doctor

1. Melanie didn't feel very well, so she called the doctor __ to make an appointment.

2. The doctor examined Melanie and ran a few tests on her. He told her that he would call her ___ later with the test results.

3. Melanie wasn't at home when the doctor called her __, so the doctor left a message.

4. Melanie had to call the doctor ___ when she came home.

5. The doctor told Melanie that she would need to go to the hospital on Wednesday for more tests. Melanie was planning to have lunch with her friend on Wednesday, but now she must talk to her friend and call __ their lunch.

6. After Melanie canceled her lunch date, she walked next door to call ___ her neighbor. Melanie and her neighbor, Sara, are good friends.

7. Melanie knocked on Sara's door, and loudly called ___, "It's me, Melanie! Are you home?"

8. Sara called ___, "Hi Mel, come on in!" So, Melanie went into Sara's house to tell her about her day.

9. While Melanie was telling Sara about the doctor's visit, Mel's husband called ___, "Melanie, come home quickly! The doctor is on the phone for you!" Melanie rushed home to talk to the doctor.

10. After Melanie hung up the phone, she turned to her husband and smiled. "Honey, the doctor called me ___ to tell me some good news. I don't need any tests at the hospital. And....we are going to have a baby! Melanie and her husband hugged each other happily.

Упражнение 3. Употребите после глагола "CUT" нужный послелог.

Не забывайте, что глагол cut с послелогом имеет следующие значения:

to cut off = to sever something - The doctor cut off the infected finger.

to cut off = to eliminate from contact - He was cut off by the storm.

to cut down on = to reduce the amount of something - You should cut down on smoking.

to cut down = to chop something down - They cut the tree down.

to cut out = to remove something - I cut the picture out of the magazine.

to cut out = to stop something - She cut out smoking.

1) Stanley went to the doctor. The doctor told him to cut __ on salt and sugar. A little bit is OK, but too much is unhealthy.

2) I like to cut pretty photographs ___ of magazines and paste them on my wall.

3) Stop that! You are making me angry! Cut it __!

4) Don't play with those scissors, Timmy! You might cut your finger___!

5) Every year I cut my rose bushes __, so they will grow again the next year.

6) There was a terrible snowstorm. Many people were cut ___ from their friends and family. They couldn't talk to them, or call them on the phone, or see them for two weeks.

7) If you don't cut ___ smoking, you will get cancer. I can help you stop.

8) Before the next storm, we should cut that old tree ___. We don't want it to fall on the house.

9) Vincent VanGogh, the famous painter, cut his ear__. That was a crazy thing to do!

10) When Filipe had an accident, the doctors had to cut his little finger ___. He is lucky that he didn't lose his whole hand. Filipe will be more careful next time!

Упражнение 4. Употребите после глагола "LOOK" нужный послелог.

Не забывайте, что глагол look с послелогом имеет следующие значения:

to look after = to take care of something or someone - Please look after your sister.

to look back = to think about the past - On birthdays, we often look back on the past year.

to look around = to explore an area - Sam looked around downtown.

to look up = to find information - He looked the word up in the dictionary.

1) I enjoy looking ___ at all the beautiful flowers in the flower shop.

2) Looking __ on your childhood memories can be sad sometimes.

3) Elizabeth is hungry. She's looking ___ in the kitchen to find something good to eat.

4) Please look ___ Mary's phone number in the telephone book. I need to call her.

5) The old woman likes to talk about life when she was a young girl. She enjoys looking ___ at life in simpler times.

6) We must look ___ people who are less fortunate than we are. If we don't help them, who will?

7) After you finish the questions, you may look ___ the answers to see if you were correct. You will find the answers in the back of your book.

8) Amy is a helpful girl. She looks ___ her younger brother every day after school.

9) Jessica wanted to learn about butterflies, so she looked them __ in the encyclopedia.

10) Good pet owners look ___ their pets. Pets need food, water and love every day.

Объектные местоимения

Помните, что местоимение часто используется вместо существительного. Личные местоимения употребляются перед глаголом, а объектные – после него:

I me
he him
she her
it it
we us
you you
they them


We see our friends. - We see them. ("them" употребляется вместо "our friends")

Call the waiter. - Call him. (т. е., "the waiter")

They like coffee. - They like it. (т. е., "coffee")

Упражнение 1. Употребите соответствующее объектное местоимение.

1. I've got a tortoise. I feed                on vegetables.

2. We feel so lonly, stay with                    .

3. Who is speaking? – It's                  , Ann.

4. May I give             a good piece of advice? Spend more time with your son. You can help              much.

5. Where are my glasses? Has anybody seen                      ?

6. Is Jane at home? Can I speak to                        ?

7. The hole on your pullover is getting bigger. You should mend              .

Упражнение 2. Выберите подходящее личное или объектное местоимение.

1. Do you know Mary's brother? - Yes, I do. ___ like him. He's nice. (I,You)

2) My English book is interesting. I like  ____. (them, it)

3) They're my friends. I know ____  well. (they, them)

4) You're my sister! Of course I like ____! (you, your)

5) Lee and Susan are good students. ____ study every day. (They, Them)

6) Lee and Susan are good students. Do you know ____  ? (they, them)

7) Of course I know Lee and Susan. I sit next to ____ in class. (they, them)

8) Lee has a brother. ___ play tennis with him after school every day. (I, He)

9) Tennis is a fun game. I like to play ____ often. (them, it)

10) I have a new car. It's red, and ___ goes very fast! (it, I)

Глава 10


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