B. Make the following sentences negative. 

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B. Make the following sentences negative.

1. It should not be unclear whose job it is.

2. After a short certain period of employment the employee cannot qualify for a pension.

3. She’s a good people person who cannot motivate a team.

4. He can’t have known some of the interns.

5. He cannot be very tired.

6. You should not work more less energetically.

7. You should not take into account everything he says.

8. You must not apologise for the absence.

9. The applicant cannot speak French very well.

10. It may not be true.

11. You may not be late for the interview.

12. You must not go there to see the senior manager.

13. We ought not to hire this man. His qualifications are undisputable.

P. 195

Exercise 1

Complete the sentences using can, could or be able to in the affirmative or negative form.

1. In the mid-1980s only 80% of all teenagers who wanted to work were able____ find a job.

2. Governments will be able_________ take legal actions to restrict or halt business activities of monopolies through anti-trust laws.

3. Though he was a good engineer he _could not/ was not able __ find a job.

4. I _cannot________ understand why you want to meet the manager face-to-face.

5. How long have you __been able to_______ control the collective bargaining process?

6. The manager wasn’t in the office for very long, but we _were able___ speak to him for a few minutes.

7. Be careful when you fill out an application, because this step ___can______ be critical.

8. He always bought a lot of newspapers and thus ____was able to_____ read all ads. It didn’t take him long to find a job.

9. As public job agencies __ could not/ were not able _______ help you, try a private firm.

10. John cannot cope with the increasing public relations work. He needs somebody to help him.

11. The company were looking for a people person who __was able to/could____ join their team.

Exercise 2

If the word or words in bold type are used incorrectly, write the correction in the space.

1. Newspaper ads were able to become a good source of openings, but there were no newspapers in that area. __could have become____

2. He could have got the job, but he didn’t even try to. _____+____

3. The employer wasn’t able to look through all the applications at once._____+____

4. We could have known all about prices for that commodity in the market as we studied the problem closely. __were able to know_______

5. They could have contacted him, but he didn’t leave his name and address. __+_______

6. You were able to read the instructions if your wife didn’t throw them away. ____could have read_____

7. Peter couldn’t have believed that the managing director had really appointed the female applicant advertising manager. ___couldn’t believe______

8. She didn’t speak very frankly, but I could understand that I was quite high on her list. ____+_____

9. He could only brief the agency on the kind of advertising campaign we want because the new advertising manager turned out to be quite efficient. ___+______

10. She could have become a facilitator a year ago, but decided to join a training scheme for a year. _____+____

11. A lot of people thought the manager could resolve issues, but he didn’t. ___(was able to)______

12. The firm could have negotiated salaries and raises, but they didn’t plan to do so. ___+______


P. 197-198

Exercise 1

Complete the sentences using one of the words or word combinations.

1. If things are faulty when you first use them, you… go back to the shop

and ask for complete refund. (A) can

2. … I ask you to show me that shredding machine in operation?  (B) Could

3. All troubles arose from the fact that Fox & Co…. import their produce. (B) were allowed to 

4. Could I look through your magazine? – Of course, you…. (A) may

5. Now everybody… use these copiers in the hall but for some fee.(A) is allowed to 

6. Until the 19th century people… travel freely between most countries without a passport.

 (C) could

7. After talking to the director we… make a special bulletin board for ads.  (B) were allowed to 

8. Applicants… to present details of referees who could attest to the quality of their work.

 (C) were allowed

9. The firm… hire their own expert in PR as it was much too expensive. (B) couldn’t

P. 200-201

Exercise 1

Choose the correct form.

1. You mustn’t/needn’t present the documents in person.

2. Your decision mustn’t/haven’t to depend on your tastes, but of the necessity.

3. You mustn’t/don’t need to look through all these advertisements. Here is a letter from Mr. B., he is hiring you.

4. You mustn’t/don’t have to write to Bell & Co., they have just phoned.

 But we must (have to) send our agent there as they insist on it.

5. You mustn’t/don’t need to negotiate with the supplier, he must (has to) provide a replacement by law.

6. Robert didn’t need to sell/needn’t have sold his car when he didn’t have any money, because a few days later he won a lot of money in a competition.

7. – What sort of advertising campaign are you planning? Television? – Well, it mustn’t/needn’t be television – it’s too expensive. But it must/need to be efficient.

9. This is very important. You must (have to) study it carefully and mustn’t/needn’t ignore it

10. You needn’t have sold/didn’t need to sell your house to the first bidder. I know several people who would have paid more for it.

11. Customs needn’t have checked/didn’t need to check all the boxes as they found what they were looking for in the first one.

12. You needn’t have made/didn’t need to make any changes in your office, you wasted your money.

Exercise 2


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