The European economic Community 

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The European economic Community

     The European Economic Community, or the Common Market, or the EEC was established in 1957. The original six member countries of the Community were France, West Germany, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Then a few other countries joined the Community. Britain, together with the Irish Republic and Denmark, joined the E.E.C. on 1st January, 1973.

     Now the Community forms an enormous trading area of almost 250 million people, and accounts for two fifths of the world's trade. Today's Community (it's usually called the EC now, not the EEC) works hard to promote European business, industry and free trade. It's not just an economic organization. These days, EC decisions and laws affect almost every aspect of life in the member countries, including education, employment, energy, environment, foreign aid, human rights, the law, medical and scientific research, transport.

     The membership allows imports to enter member countries either free of duty or at lower customs duties.

All member countries contribute to a common budget for certain purposes, based on relative total output of goods and services, or gross national product.

      Under the Community regulations, people of member countries may freely enter another member state to travel or to work there.

    The Community has the following institutions:

• The European Parliament embers of the European Parliament (MEPs) are directly elected every five years by voters in their own countries. There are 518 of them. France, Britain, Germany and Italy have 81 each, Spain has 60

• The Council of Ministers consists of government ministers from all member countries who meet regularly to talk about Community business.

• The Court of Justice

     The headquarters of the European Economic Community are located in Brussels, Belgium.


1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. When was the E.E.C. established?

2. What countries established the E.E.C.?

3. How many people live in the E.E.C.?

4. What privileges do E.E.C. citizens have, coming to those countries?

5. Where are the E.E.C. headquarters?

2. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты слов и выражений профессионально-ориентированной лексики:

Европейское экономическое сообщество, "Общий рынок", страны-члены, вступить в ЕЕС, продвигать Европейский бизнес, затрагивать почти каждый аспект жизни, образование, энергетика, окружающая среда, права человека, научные исследования, без пошлины, по более низким таможенным пошлинам, суммарный выпуск товаров и услуг, валовой национальный продукт.

3. Расскажите, используя профессионально-орентированную лексику, что говорится в тексте о:

- Member countries of the Community;

- Trading area of the Community;

- EC decisions;

- EC institutions.

Text 31.

Прочтите T екст 31  и напишите 8 вопросов к тексту.


World Trade Organization (Всемирная торговая организация) is the successor of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). It was established on 1 January, 1995, and is the legal (законодательный) and institutional (институционный) basis of the world trading system.

The essential functions of the WTO are:

· execution of trade agreements;

· acting as a forum for multilateral trade negotiations;

· seeking to resolve trade disputes;

· overseeing (осуществлять надзор) national trade policies;

· cooperating with other international institutions involved in global economic policy-making.

Members are to grant to the products of other members no less favourable treatment (не менее благоприятный режим) than to the products of any other country. Tariffs or customs duties are legal in the WTO.

The WTO Agreement on agriculture is designed to provide increased fairness (справедливость) in farm trade. The WTO Agreement on intellectual property will improve conditions of competition. WTO encourages industrialized countries to assist trade of developing nations. 


The WTO authorities are:

· the Ministerial Conference (министерская конференция) (было проведено 7 конференций)

· the General Council (Генеральный Совет)

There are three Councils in WTO:

· for Trade in Goods (Cовет по товарной торговле)

· for Trade in Services (Cовет по торговле услугами)

· for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (Cовет по вопросам торговых аспектов прав интеллектуальной собственности)

There are four Committees in WTO:

· on Trade and Development

· on Balance of Payments

· on Trade and Environment

· on Budget, Finance and Administration

The Secretariat is located in Geneva.


* General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) (Генеральное соглашение по тарифам и торговле, заключено в 1947 году, после войны, с целью восстановления экономики. Основная цель – снижение тарифов в торговле)


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