Retell the text “Infectious Diseases” using words and word-collocations from Ex. 7. 

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Retell the text “Infectious Diseases” using words and word-collocations from Ex. 7.

Before reading the text, answer the following questions.

1. How often do you feel stressed? Why?

2. How does your mood and behavior change in stressful situations?

3. How do you usually cope with stress?

4. What is stress?

5. How does a person’s body response to stress?

6. Name the possible causes of stress.

7. Do you agree that sometimes stress can do good? Why/Why not?

8. What are the symptoms of stress?

9. What are the ways of managing stress?

Stress-signs, Symptoms and How to Manage Stress

Stress is a feeling we have when we react to events that don’t make us feel very good. Such events can happen at school, like a test or examination, at work, like getting a new boss or in your private life, like preparing for a divorce.

Stress response is what our body does to fight stress. It makes us cope with stress and do well during the situations. Stress response happens, for example, when we are in the car and step on the brakes to avoid an accident.

Stress can also be long term, like preparing for difficult exam or having private problems with our parents, teachers or friends.

Although the right amount of stress can be good, too much stress isn’t. A little stress can motivate us to study hard. But if stress lasts too long our body can’t cope with it any more. Some people overact to stress and even make small problems too difficult to solve. They feel worried, upset and anxious all the time.

Signs of stress. People who are experiencing long-term stress may have the following symptoms: panic attacks, smoking, depression, the feeling of constant pressure on them, they change mood quickly, they have stomach problems, sleeping problems, headaches and also may drink too much alcohol.

How to keep stress under control. Managing stress is not an easy thing to do. Knowing how to de-stress can keep it under control. Here are some advice offered:

· Don’t think you can do everything. Concentrate on the things that are important.

· Be realistic – don’t try to be perfect.

· Get enough sleep! It helps your body relax.

· Learn simple breathing exercises and use them in stressful situations.

· Read a book or take a relaxing bath.

· Treat your body well. Get enough exercise, go for long walks or run.

· Give your body the right food and enough vitamins.

· Think positively. Many people who endure long-term stress are pessimistic.

· Solve small problems. This gives you a feeling that you are in a control. It gives you confidence and you can manage bigger problems better.

Now answer the questions given before the text once again.

Medical Assistance on Board

Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

First Aid

First aid is the help that you give someone quickly after they have hurt themselves or have had an accident. It can stop a person from becoming more ill. In some cases, it can even save a person’s life.

Only someone who knows first aid well should try to treat an injured or sick person. Usually, you give first aid until a doctor or an ambulance arrives. Never try to give someone first aid unless you know what to do. The wrong actions can do more harm than good.

But sometimes you cannot wait until help arrives. You must begin helping a person at once, especially if the victim is bleeding strongly, has been poisoned or if breathing has stopped. Even if you wait for a short time it can be fatal. Here are some important rules for immediate help:

· Do not move a person who may have a broken bone, internal injuries or an injured spine unless you really have to.

· If the victim is lying down, keep the person in that position. Do not allow them to walk or stand up.

· Never give food or liquid to a person who may need an operation.

· If the victim is unconscious turn the head to one side to keep the person from choking. But do not move the head of a person who may have a spinal injury.

· Never give water to a person who is unconscious.

· Make sure that the victim has an open airway. The nose, mouth and throat should be clear in order for them to breathe.

· Remain calm and talk to the injured person. Explain what is being done and say that help is on its way.

The airlines of many countries provide flight attendants with an individual kit for first aid. It typically contains: mild pain killers, splints, heart stimulants, a wide range of dressings / bandages, an inhaler, a defibrillator, etc.

Medical training is given to flight crews by an airline, but for reasons of communication they need to be familiar with English terminology. Diagnosing an illness or assessing an injury is based on the signs and symptoms of a patient. Signs are things which can be seen, such as external bleeding, etc. Symptoms are things which the patient can feel but which can’t be seen: e.g. headache, pain. Symptoms can only be established by the use of language. Language is also essential for giving instructions to a patient.

1. What is first aid?

2. What kind of information should you give when you call for help?

3. Which organs should be cleaned in order for a person to breathe properly?

4. When can the first aid be especially vital?

5. What mustn’t you do if an injured person has bone injures?

6. What is the difference between signs and symptoms?

7. Why is it important that you can communicate in English about illnesses?

8. Speak about the main rules while giving first aid. Try to mention as many of them as you can.

9. Describe the sorts of things you would expect to find in a typical first aid kit.


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