Exercise 1. Find the English equivalents for the words and word combinations given below. 

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Exercise 1. Find the English equivalents for the words and word combinations given below.

Прокуратура, имперский Сенат, Совет народных комиссаров, подозреваемый, улика (основание), предварительное расследование, судебное разбирательство, законодательство, сохранять, местные законодательные и исполнительные органы, законность, утверждается.

Exercise 2. Match the English words and word-combinations given below with their Russian equivalents.

1) Ведение дел

2) Развязать излияние критики со стороны общественности и печати                                                                                         

3) Правоохранительные органы


4) Наблюдение за исполнением законов                                                                  

5) Устранение прокурорского надзора

6) Уголовное расследование

7) Специальный следственный орган

8) Законность действий

9) Преследование диссидентов


a) law enforcement agencies

b) special investigatory body

c) elimination of procuratorial supervision

d) legality of activities

e) prosecution of cases

f) prosecuting dissidents

g) criminal investigation

h) to unleash an outpouring of public and press criticism

i) supervising the implementation of laws

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions.

1.How old is the Procuracy?

2.Who created the post of procurator-general?

3.When was the Procuracy abolished?

4.Who reestablished the Procuracy and when?

5.When was the new legislation adopted?

6.What is the Procuracy charged with?

7.What was the most important change in the new legislation?

8.Who conducts criminal investigations?

9.Who is the head of the Procuracy?

10.Who appoints the Prosecutor-General and who confirms?

Exercise 4. What are the endings of the phrases?

1. Peter the Great created the post of procurator-general, subordinate to …

2.The Procuracy’s central position in administration of justice after 1992 derived not only from its hierarchical and centralized organizational structure, but…

3.Throughout the post-Stalin period, the Procuracy also maintained …

4.The new legislation preserved the Procuracy as …

5.The Law on the Procuracy of the Russian Federation retained the Procuracy’s powers of …

Grammar focus.

Переведите предложения с причастием на русский язык.

1) The lawyer received a brief written by his assistant.

2) The defendant heard his sentence pronounced by the judge.

3) The defendant felt the victim watching him.

4) Trying the case this judge was very attentive.

5) Military courts consider disputes involving military personnel.


2 Переведите предложения с самостоятельным причастным оборотом на русский язык.

1) Russia being composed of over eighty subjects, the system of courts is divided into two levels.

2) The qualifying judicial board receiving complaint about a judge's activity, the judge could be subject a disciplinary penalty.

3) The Constitutional court has jurisdiction to decide whether a federal law is consistent with the country’s Constitution, Constitutional Courts of the Subjects of the Russian Federation interpreting Regional Constitutions and Charters.

4) Appeals against decisions of justices of the peace are referred to district courts, the decisions of which being final.

5) The court being the mechanism of justice, any citizen should have free access to the justice.



6) With the judicial reform having been carried out, the RF judicial system changed.

7) The system of trial courts has four-tiered structure, with the Supreme Court being on top.

8) The Supreme Court has jurisdiction to supervise over the lower courts, courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation supervising over subordinate district courts.

9) The Regulation of the Supreme Court being passed, all courts become legally binding to follow it.

10) Ten Federal District Arbitration Courts act as court of cassation only, the Appellate Courts considering appeals as a re-hearing with new evidence.



Civil Legislation


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