Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим словосочетаниям на русском языке . 

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Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим словосочетаниям на русском языке .

1) дополнить или исправить

2) основа общего права

3) доктрины, созданные судьями

4) быть ограниченным в своих решениях

5) ученые-юристы

6) являться синонимом

7) приписывать создание кому-либо

8) бывшая Британская империя


7 Найдите в тексте слова, соответствующие следующим определениям.

a) ____________ the country which was running half of the world during several centuries.

b) _____________the religious book of Christians.

c) _____________group of people or military troops who attack foreign territories in order to join them to their lands.

d) _____________period of time when a King or a Queen is running the state.

e) _____________something (such as a judgment) which has happened earlier than the present and which can be a guide to what should be done in the present case.

Образуйте соответствующие однокоренные слова.


Noun Verb Adjective or Participle

Укажите, какие предложения содержат информацию из текста.

Common law was derived from customs of continental countries.

Common law is a synonym to precedent law.

Common law is widely spread in many countries.

English common law is influenced by the Bible.

Laws were administered universally all over England before the reign of Henry II.

The King’s court designed that laws were common for the whole country.

The source of English common law is the precedent.

Common law is stable and can’t be amended or changed.


Повторение грамматики. Причастие прошедшего времени пассивного залога (Participle II). V + ed or V 3 f

Переводятся на русский язык страдательными причастиями настоящего или прошедшего времени с суффиксами -вш, -ан, -ем или придаточными предложениями. В предложении чаще всего выполняют функцию определения.

Example: applied in various forms – применяемый (примененный) в разных формах, referred to – тот, на который была сделана ссылка written code – написанный кодекс, enacted by – примененный (применяемый).

Переведите на английский язык.

Методы, примененные к нему; кодексы, на которые ссылаются юристы; собранная ими информация; толкования, записанные во времена римского императора; преступления, совершенные во время войны; вопросы, рассмотренные в этом сообщении; подтвержденный судебным прецедентом; судебные решения, сыгравшие важную роль.

Замените слова в скобках формами причастий и переведите предложения.

1 When legislators create laws they use the system of courts (to back) by the power of the police to enforce these laws.

2 Common law is applied in approximately 80 countries which were a part of or greatly (to influence) by the former British Empire.

3 Until the time of King Henry II reign customary laws were (to administer) locally.

4 The order (to establish) in the country improved the situation.

5 The English common law reflects Biblical influences as well as systems (to impose) by early conquеrors including the Romans, Anglo-Saxons, and Normans.

6 Rules and doctrines (to develop) by the judges of earlier English courts were (to supplement) or (to amend) over time.

7 The new law (to establish) on the territory of entire England soon became common.

8 The letter (to write) by a junior lawyer should not be sent to the client because of its improper style.

9 The review on the UK Civil Procedure (to take) from the website was of great importance for his report.

10 Courses on Legal English (to offer) online have become very popular today.



1 Look through the text and make a list of personal traits which are necessary for all e ff ective lawyers.

If you want to be an effective lawyer, you should have certain traits and attributes in order to excel in this occupation. One important trait which lawyers should possess is that of articulation. A lawyer who can articulate effectively is the one who will be more likely to succeed not only against opposing parties in court but also to impress and put their client at ease as well. An
articulate lawyer is the one who will see results.
     Another trait which lawyers should have is intelligence. Having this pos-
itive attribute will ensure that the person representing the client is the one
who is smart enough to know what to do, when to do it and how to go about
getting the results which are necessary to win the case and/or abide by the
client’s wishes. Lawyers who use their brains are more likely to see the best
possible outcome from a case.
       It can arguably be said that those who become lawyers are individuals
who like to read. The legal profession is fi lled with volumes of laws, regula-
tions, cases and rules. If one does not favour reading, then becoming a lawyer
may not be the best bet, as the legal fi eld is the one which requires massive
amounts of reading.
        Good comprehension skills are a favourable trait which all lawyers should
have. Although the one who likes to read may be a candidate for the legal
profession, but reading means nothing if the person does not comprehend
what he has just read. Statutes and procedural rules are sometimes diffi cult
to understand and those who have good comprehension skills may prosper at
being a lawyer as they will have to read the pertinent documentation much
less than those without good comprehension skills.
         A good personality and willingness to work well with others are two addi-
tional positive traits which all lawyers should possess. Some people may think
that lawyers have to be tough as nails in order to excel in the legal profession
but this is not entirely true. Although steadfast determination is a good trait to
have, it does not mean a whole lot if the one does not have a good personality
and willingness to resolve matters. The saying that one can catch more fl ies
with honey than vinegar is also relevant with regard to being a lawyer. Nego-
tiations go much better when the lawyers put their best foot forward and are
willing to come to an amicable solution.
         Lastly, persuasiveness is an additional trait which all lawyers should pos-
sess. Since the legal profession is based around lawyers persuading individuals
to see their point of view lawyers must be persuasive in their speech and tactics.
A lawyer who can get his point across and persuade individuals to ac-
knowledge it is the one who will see many victories.



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