English for Master’s degree lawyers 

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English for Master’s degree lawyers



Учебно-методическое пособие





ББК Ш143.21(07)



Допущено к изданию методическим советом факультета лингвистики ВятГУ в качестве учебно-методического пособия для студентов направления 40.04.01 «Юриспруденция» всех профилей подготовки, всех форм обучения.



 доктор филологических наук,

профессор кафедры иностранных языков неязыковых направлений

факультета лингвистики института гуманитарных и социальных наук

ВятГУ Макаров А. Н.


Никулина, Е.Г., Рублева, О.С., Островский, И.В.

Е55 English for master’s degree lawyers: учебно-методическое пособие / Е.Г. Никулина, О.С. Рублева, И.В. Островский. – Киров: ВятГУ, 2021. - 167 с.


Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов-магистрантов направления подготовки 40.04.01 «Юриспруденция» юридического факультета. Цель пособия состоит в том, чтобы обобщить и систематизировать основную лексику по каждому профилю направления, совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию, необходимую для профессионального письменного и устного общения, перевода профессионально значимых текстов с английского языка на русский, реферативного изложения, аннотирования научных текстов.

 ББК Ш143.21(07)

 © ВятГУ, 2021




POSTGRADUATE STUIES?...................................................................................7

UNIT 2. LEGAL PROFESSION………………………………………………....15

UNIT 3. MODERN LEGAL SYSTEMS………………………………………….21


UNIT 5. AN EFFECTIVE LAWYER…………………………………………....30


UNIT 7. SELF-STUDY…………………………………………………………..42

UNIT 8. DESCRIBING STATISTICS………………………………………...…48


Материалы для профиля


Материалы для профиля



Материалы для профиля



Материалы для профиля


ANNOTATING AN ARTICLE………………………………………………....161




Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов-магистрантов, изучающих учебную дисциплину «Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции», (английский) (форма обучения: очная, очно-заочная, заочная). Учебное пособие подготовлено в соответствии с Рабочей программой по дисциплине и ФГОС ВО по направлению подготовки 40.04.01 «Юриспруденция» (квалификация (степень) «магистр»).

Цель данного учебно-методического пособия – совершенствовать у студентов-магистрантов коммуникативную компетенцию и навыки путем интенсивной работы с аутентичными научными текстами юридической тематики, а также формирования навыков устного и письменного общения на профессиональные темы, что позволяет студенту, при помощи данного пособия, совершенствовать свои знания, изучая современную иностранную литературу.

Учебное пособие состоит из 8 разделов и дополнительных материалов для каждого профиля, содержание которых охватывает основные аспекты профессиональной деятельности юриста.

Предлагаемый материал направлен на усвоение студентами юридической терминологии и стимулирует активизацию их информационно-коммуникативной автономной деятельности.

Предлагаемое учебно-методическое пособие позволяет:

1. дать будущим магистрам юриспруденции знания, соответствующие современному уровню развития юридической науки, обеспечивающие способность свободно пользоваться русским и иностранными языками как средством делового общения и владеть навыками перевода профессиональных текстов;

2. создать благоприятные условия для автономного обучения, формирования умений самостоятельной работы с юридическими материалами на иностранном языке для самосовершенствования;

3. дать знания, обеспечивающие овладение будущими магистрами юриспруденции устной и письменной речью в пределах пройденной профессионально-ориентированной лексики;

4. сформировать устойчивый навык работы с текстом юридического характера, развить умение выражать мысли на письме; развить и закрепить навыки чтения, перевода, устного и письменного изложения профессиональных материалов.





Task 4 Useful tips.

Plan your topic as follows:

My major interest is in the field of....

The title of my future thesis is....

My tutor is....

The research I am doing now is a part of a bigger work../ within the framework of the academic research conducted by professor.../a group of scientists...

This work is devoted to an important problem into which too few scientists have researched until now.

Earlier studies of this subject show that the problem has not been yet properly explored.

The main aims of your research work and the tasks to complete:

My study deals in the problems of.../is devoted to the investigation of...

It touches upon the problems of...

The main purpose/goal/aim of it is...to find out/to define/to characterize/explore/to investigate/to analyse/to gain/.....

It is aimed at.....

I set myself a task to/of... the tasks that face us /that we are faced with/are as follows....

Useful words and words combination

analysis n (pl -ses) анализ, исследование, подробное рассмотрение

critical analysis - критический анализ

advanced research - перспективные исследования

basic research - фундаментальные исследования

to be engaged in research - заниматься научно-исследовательской работой

This researches cover a wide field - исследования охватывают широкую область

pilot study - предварительное, экспериментальное исследование

desk study - чисто теоретическое исследование

thorough examination - а) всестороннее исследование;

б) тщательное изучение (материала)

to carry on an investigation - проводить исследовательскую работу

the scientific method of inquiry - научный метод исследования

comparative [experimental] method of investigation - сравнительный

[экспериментальный] метод исследования

convenient method - подходящий метод

data for study - материал исследования

laboratory data - данные лабораторных исследований

adequacy of data - достоверность данных

the backbone of a theory - основа теории

to back up a theory with facts - подкрепить теорию фактами

to approximate to a solution of the problem - подходить к решению задачи

interdisciplinary approach - подход с точки зрения различных наук



~ document – правовой документ

~ obligation – правовое обязательство

~ system – система права


~ action –судебный иск

~ costs – судебные издержки

~ decision –решение суда

~ procedure – судопроизводство

~ remedy – средство судебной защиты


~ government – законное правительство

~ foundation – законное основание

~ owner – законный владелец


~ person – юридическое лицо

~ profession – профессия юриста

~ advisor - юрисконсульт

~ ethics - профессиональная этика юриста

~ department – юридический отдел

~ language – юридический язык, язык юристов

~ aid - юридическая помощь


Legal Profession


1 a person learned in law – специалист в области права

2 an individual licensed by the state to engage in the practice of l aw – человек, получивший государственную лицензию на ведение юридической практики

3 to do all the legal work – заниматься всеми видами юридической работы

4 solicitors and barristers – солиситоры и барристеры

5 preparing cases to be tried in the civil or criminal courts – подготовка дел, которые должны слушаться в судах гражданской и уголовной юрисдикции

6 to have rights of audience – иметь право выступать в суде

7 to pursue a Bachelor (LLB) or a Master (LLM) of Laws degree – добиваться получения степени бакалавра или магистра права

8 a series of advanced examinations – ряд экзаменов повышенной сложности

9 to require extensive clinical training in a form of apprenticeships - требуют прохождение юридической практики широкого профиля в форме ученичества

10 legal education around their chosen specialty – юридическое образование смежное с выбранным направлением




1 Прочитайте определения существительного “system” и выберите то, которое соответствует понятию «правовая система».

a. System is a group of parts, facts, ideas, etc., that together form a whole.

b. System is a number of things arranged to work well together.

c. System is a number of things dependent on each other and working as the unique complex.


                                    Legal Systems of the World


1 structure of law – структура права

2 Russian scholars – российские ученые

3 implementation – применение

4 consistency of all norms of law – последовательность всех правовых норм

5 division into – деление на части

6 additional type – дополнительный вид (тип)

7 supranational legal law – наднациональная правовая система



 Причастие настоящего времени активного залога (Participle I)

Infinitive + ing (V + ing)


Причастия переводятся на русский язык действительными причастиями настоящего времени с суффиксами – ущ, – ющ, деепричастиями настоящего времени, отвечающими на вопрос “что делая?”, или соответствующими придаточными предложениями. В предложении чаще всего выполняют роль определения.

Example: including the French law – включая законодательство Франции,

speaking about the additional type – говоря о дополнительном виде,

existing legal systems – существующие правовые системы.



Civil Law

Common Law

Common Law (Anglo-Saxon legal family) is a type of legal system, often synonymous with “English common law”, which is the system of England and Wales in the UK. It is also in force in approximately 80 countries which were a part of or greatly influenced by the former British Empire. The English common law reflects Biblical influences as well as systems imposed by early conquerors including the Romans, Anglo-Saxons, and Normans.

Some legal scholars attribute the formation of the English common law system to King Henry II (r. 1154-1189). Until the time of his reign, laws customary were administered locally. Henry II, having established the King’s court, designated that laws were “common” to the entire England.

The foundation of English common law is “legal precedent” – referred to as stare decisis (Lat), meaning “to stand by things decided”. In the English common law system, court judges are bound in their decisions in large part by the rules and other doctrines developed by the judges of earlier English courts. These rules were supplemented or amended over time.



1 Look through the text and make a list of personal traits which are necessary for all e ff ective lawyers.

If you want to be an effective lawyer, you should have certain traits and attributes in order to excel in this occupation. One important trait which lawyers should possess is that of articulation. A lawyer who can articulate effectively is the one who will be more likely to succeed not only against opposing parties in court but also to impress and put their client at ease as well. An
articulate lawyer is the one who will see results.
     Another trait which lawyers should have is intelligence. Having this pos-
itive attribute will ensure that the person representing the client is the one
who is smart enough to know what to do, when to do it and how to go about
getting the results which are necessary to win the case and/or abide by the
client’s wishes. Lawyers who use their brains are more likely to see the best
possible outcome from a case.
       It can arguably be said that those who become lawyers are individuals
who like to read. The legal profession is fi lled with volumes of laws, regula-
tions, cases and rules. If one does not favour reading, then becoming a lawyer
may not be the best bet, as the legal fi eld is the one which requires massive
amounts of reading.
        Good comprehension skills are a favourable trait which all lawyers should
have. Although the one who likes to read may be a candidate for the legal
profession, but reading means nothing if the person does not comprehend
what he has just read. Statutes and procedural rules are sometimes diffi cult
to understand and those who have good comprehension skills may prosper at
being a lawyer as they will have to read the pertinent documentation much
less than those without good comprehension skills.
         A good personality and willingness to work well with others are two addi-
tional positive traits which all lawyers should possess. Some people may think
that lawyers have to be tough as nails in order to excel in the legal profession
but this is not entirely true. Although steadfast determination is a good trait to
have, it does not mean a whole lot if the one does not have a good personality
and willingness to resolve matters. The saying that one can catch more fl ies
with honey than vinegar is also relevant with regard to being a lawyer. Nego-
tiations go much better when the lawyers put their best foot forward and are
willing to come to an amicable solution.
         Lastly, persuasiveness is an additional trait which all lawyers should pos-
sess. Since the legal profession is based around lawyers persuading individuals
to see their point of view lawyers must be persuasive in their speech and tactics.
A lawyer who can get his point across and persuade individuals to ac-
knowledge it is the one who will see many victories.


Lawyer vacancy.


June 8, 2014

From: Susan Banks                                              To: Hannah Jones

House No12B                                                              Manager-HR

Main Street                                                                 XYZ Company

Queens                                                                    Manhattan

New Jersey                                                                  New York

Dear Ms. Jones,

I wish to be considered for the post of In-house Lawyer in your company, the advertisement of which appeared in the “Law News Journal”, dated 7th June.

I am a qualifi ed lawyer from the International School of Law and have specialized in Civil Law. I am currently working with ABC Law Firm. My hard-

work, sincerity and dedication have earned me a letter of appreciation from my seniors.

I am currently looking for an opening in a company which specializes in Civil Cases, as that is not only my area of specialization but also my passion.

I am sure my qualifi cations, experience and enthusiasm would be an asset and prove to be mutually benefi cial.

I look forward to hearing from you at the earliest to discuss more in person.

My telephone number is (444) 444-4444 or email susan@ somedomain.com.

I am herewith enclosing my Resume for your kind consideration.

Thanking you,

Sincerely, Susan Banks

Susan Banks

Enclosure: Resume


2. Work in pairs. Act as an employer and discuss with the partner the question: “Which of the above letters will interest the employer more? Why?”
Give your reasons. Analyze strengths and weaknesses of both applicants.
Put them into the table, evaluate their chances and decide on the candi-
date for the vacancy.

APPLICANT A                                                  APPLICANT B
Strengths Weaknesses                                 Strengths Weaknesses
1. _______ 1. _______                                1. ______  1._______
2. _______ 2. _______                                2. ______  2._______
3. _______ 3. _______                                3. ______  3._______
4. _______ 4. _______                                4. ______  4. _______


3. Basing on your mutual decision fi ll in the Resume form with his or her personal data taken from Cover letters No 1 or 2 according to the tips given below.

Tips for Lawyer’s Resume

The resume should show the applicant’s strong communication and in-
terpersonal skills and abilities so that he or she can create good relationship
with the clients. The lawyer’s resume should be very specifi c and based on
facts concerning your achievements. The lawyer’s resume should also portray
that you can take valuable decisions while working under pressure.

Information about Name and Contact
It includes the basic information like name, mailing address, telephone number and E-mail address.

Resume Objective
It is a specifi c statement that includes your career goals and aims.

This section contains information in reverse chronological order such as
major degree, date of graduation, universities you have attended, location of
universities and any certifi cates achieved concerning the job you have applied

In this section you can mention your legal strengths and positive points to make your resume excellent.

This section contains your previous work experience. You should mention the full legal name of your previous company, your job title and job description. Always use action verbs and law related terms while constructing the lawyer’s resume.

Contact Information:
Name: __________________________________
Permanent Address: ________________________
Telephone No: ____________________________
Email address: ____________________________
To be able to secure a position as an In-house Lawyer and work towards
reaching the organization’s goal
Education: _______________________________________________________
A ffi liations: _______________________________________________________
Experience: ______________________________________________________
Key Areas of Expertise (Skills): ________________________________________
Will provide them on request

4. There is a huge competition in the legal market. The employers receive countless resumes and hardly spend two minutes to look into each of them. Therefore a lawyer’s resume should be so good that it leaves a positive impression on employer’s mind at fi rst glance. That is why many applicants put “summary” into the resume. Read two sample summaries and write down a summary for your resume.

1) Career Summary (Sample 1):
• A dynamic & competent professional with over 9 years of experience as a lawyer.
• Proven ability to represent the clients in complex and challenging environment.

• An accomplished professional who has successfully managed case preparation and court proceedings.
• Solid interpersonal and communication skills in building key alliances and partnerships, having dealt with a diversity of clients and individuals.
• Highly organized & dedicated with a positive attitude, able to set effective priorities and handle multiple assignments under high pressure within tight deadlines.
      2) Summary (Sample 2):
• Worked for fi ve years at senior level and gained corporate legal expertise.
• Specializing in litigations for corporate fi rms and human resource laws that include labor laws, termination and retrenchment.
• Completed major legal projects.
• Great communication and team-building skills.
• Experience in all kinds of legal domains.
      3) Your summary to the resume.

Skim the text and title it.


The employment interview is the most important event in the entire job search process. Your resume sets forth the facts about you; the interview presents you with the opportunity to bring your resume to life and to demonstrate your intelligence, competence, ambition and personality. Despite the fact that everyone is familiar with the traditional interviewing experience:
(1) you apply for a job; (2) the employer reviews your paper credentials and
chooses you to come to an interview; (3) at the interview, the employer asks
you questions about your background and experience, and you discuss them;
and (4) after the interview, the employer makes a decision about whether to
hire you. Interviewing is stressful! But the more you learn about the process, the easier it will become, and the more eff ective you will be in your inter-
views. Always remember that a job interview is a dialogue: an opportunity to
ask as well as answer questions. To be sure you should practice your inter-
viewing techniques before you go to the real interview.

6. Read possible job interview questions and some recommendations how to
answer them. Give your answers to these questions bearing in mind the
recommendations given.



1. Write down a job advertisement on behalf of the company where you would like to work after completing your Master’s course. Design your ad according to the plan:

1. A short introduction to the company (name, industry, place of work)

and its logo (if possible).

2. A short description of the open position (title, mission, function, type of contract, duration of the contract…).

3. The required technical and behavioral skills.

4. The application deadline (and possibly the starting date).

5. The job‘s specifications.

6. The person in charge of the application process.

7. The mailing / e-mail address.


Organizing Your Portfolio

• You should keep your portfolio in a professional three-ring binder.

• Come up with an organizational system of categories to put your items together. Sample categories are as follows: Work Experience, Education, Awards and Certifi cates, Special Skills, Personal Accomplishments, Background. Use tabs or dividers to separate various categories.

• Your portfolio should be no more than 25 pages. The shorter it is the better because an employer will only really absorb 6–10 samples.

• Every page should have a title, a concise caption, and artifact. Captions should explain the process you went through and the resulting benefits. Use the same type of action verbs as you use in a résumé.

• Photocopy full-page samples to a smaller size, if needed.

• Make the layout and design consistent, and don’t get overly decorative — keep it clean and use lots of white space.

• You may also consider including CD with samples of your work. An on-line portfolio is another option.

• Once you have put together your portfolio, you should create a title page, table of contents, and introduction. The introduction is your opportunity to tie together your portfolio contents and summarize your qualifications.


1. Acumen (e xtensive experience in dealing with commercial matters that yields a prompt and appropriate response to issues that typically have a favorable outcome. One of the best characteristics to look for in a senior executive is well developed business acumen that typically comes from the combination of experience and having the innate mental agility needed to deal quickly with business situations as they arise )
проницательность, сообразительность; острота ума
business acumen — деловая хватка demonstrate / display acumen — проявить смекалку, сообразительность legal acumen — юридическая проницательность political acumen — политический инстинкт

2. Articulation ( the way in which you express your feelings and ideas) — словесное выражение, формулировка
articulate lawyer — юрист, умеющий хорошо излагать свои мысли, красноречивый articulate one’s ideas — ясно изложить свои мысли

3. Credentials ( documents that state the abilities and experience of a person and show that the person is quali fi ed for a particular job or activity)
— документальное подтверждение, дающее человеку право заниматься тем или иным родом деятельности
academic credentials — успехи в учебе; успеваемость; успехи, достижения в научно-исследовательской деятельности, научные степени, академические регалии professional credentials — профессиональные достижения; профессиональная репутация

5. In-house lawyer ( a lawyer employed by a business to work in house on its legal matters) — коммерческий юрист, штатный юрист компании
in-house counsel (син.) — корпоративный юрист

6. Interview (a formal discussion between a hirer and an applicant or candidate, typically in person, in which information is exchanged, with the intention of estalishing the applicant’s suitability for a position) — собеседование
an interviewer — человек, ведущий собеседование an interviewee — человек, который проходит собеседование conduct (hold) an interview — проводить собеседование pass an interview — успешно пройти собеседование

7. Occupation (a person’s job or a regular activity or hobby) — занятие, род или вид деятельности, профессия
profitable / rewarding occupation — доходная профессия gainful occupation — прибыльное дело, доходное занятие

9. Persuasiveness (the power to induce the taking of a course of action or the embracing of a point of view by means of argument or entreaty) убедительность
persuasive arguments — убедительные аргументы persuasive speech — убедительная речь persuasive advocate — защитник, обладающий даром убеждения 10. Р ortfolio — 1. (a collection of investments all owned by the same individual or organization)портфель, папка, дело; 2. In educational process — a compilation of student work assembled for the purpose of (1) evaluating coursework quality and academic achievement, (2) creating a lasting archive of academic work products, and (3) determining whether students have met learning standards or academic requirements for courses, grade-level promotion, and graduation — метод - портфолио.

11. Resume /rezju:mei/ (formal presentation of the job applicant’s education, work and experience; syn.; CV, curriculum vitae) — краткие анкетные данные, резюме
12. Skill (an ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained eff ort to smoothly and adaptively carry out complex activities or job functions involving ideas (cognitive skills), things (technical skills), and/or people (interpersonal skills) — умение, мастерство.


1. Give a good account of oneself — хорошо себя проявить.

2. Take something into account — принимать в расчет, учитывать.

3. Turn something to good account — извлечь пользу.

4. An apple of discord — яблоко раздора.

5. Foot the bill — заплатить по счету, ответить за все.

6. Monkey business — нечистое дело.

7. Carry the can — отдуваться за что-то или кого-то.

8. Play one’s cards right — использовать все свои преимущества.

9. Save the day — спасти положение.

10. Double dutch — китайская грамота, тарабарщина.

11. Feather one’s nest — набить себе карман.

12. A golden opportunity — редчайшая возможность.

13. Give up as a bad job — махнуть на все рукой.

14. The long arm of the law — карающая рука закона.

15. Give someone a bad name — приобрести дурную славу.


1. — d. “Let the decision stand”.

     2. — b. an area of study focusing on the philosophy of law and the legal system.

3. — c. city ordinance.

4. — c. failing to honour the requirements in a contract.

5. — b. changing expectations.

6. — b. a treaty among three or more nations.

7. — b. is a tariff -free group of European countries and has its own currency.

8. — d. keeps the relationship and communications between lawyer and client confidential.

9. — a. information from lawyer-client conversations regarding a lawsuit.

10. — b. arbitration.

11. — a. motion for judgment on the pleadings.


1. What ways of applying for a job do you know?

2. What way of applying for a job is the most effective in the modern world in your opinion?

3. What are the common duties of the in-house lawyer in the company?

4. What skills and abilities are “a must” for the in-house lawyer?

5. What is the format of the resume?

6. What is “a summary” in the resume?

7. How is the strategy of interviewing built up?

8. What questions are commonly asked by interviewers?

9. What is portfolio?

10. What is the main purpose of the portfolio in applying for a job?



TEXT 1. Work trends

The type of work which people do is constantly changing as man develops and modifies his way of living. One hundred years ago, the vast majority of people worked in agriculture, but now less than half the world’s population do so. In fact, in only ten years major changes have been seen in the percentage of the workforce employed in various sectors.

Figure 1 shows the overall distribution of jobs in the three major sectors in 2005: agriculture, industry, and services. It can be seen that almost the same percentage of people worked in services as in agriculture, whereas only around 20% were employed in industry. In the ten years leading up to 2005, substantial changes in employment took place, reflecting changes in technology and lifestyle.

As Figure 2 illustrates, a significant change took place in the agricultural sector. In 1995 43% of the world’s workforce was employed in agriculture; by 2005 this number had fallen to 40%. The largest decline was in South-East Asia and the Pacific, where the figures dropped by 12%.

Similarly, in industry the workforce fell by two per cent globally. Manufacturing was the largest sub-sector of industry to be affected. However, these figures represent only an overall picture as some countries saw industrial employment actually rise by one per cent. This was particularly noticeable in certain South-East Asian countries, where low wages and fast industrialization have enabled countries like China to become world leaders in manufacturing. In other sub-sectors of industry such as textiles, the global workforce dropped from 14.5 million in 1990 to 13 million in 2000, as increasing automation reduced the number of employees needed.

However, one sector saw an increase. The service sector employed 34% of the workforce in 1995, but by 2005 this had risen to 39%.

This extremely varied sector includes the retail trade, tourist-related services such as hotels and restaurants, as well as transport, communications, finance, property, research and development, education, and health care. The largest developments were seen in the new Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), which have grown rapidly since the 1990s. The developments in Ids have had a huge impact on jobs in all sectors, as computer technology has radically affected the way in which work is done. The means of production, distribution, and communication have all been transformed. The number of jobs in IT as a percentage of all jobs in the service sector is Represented in Figure 3.

Although there was a slight drop in the numbers of jobs in IT in the mid-1990s due to a recession, the overall trend was upward. As technology spreads across the world, this rise in jobs will continue. It is estimated that one in twenty new jobs will be in ICTs in the future. Economists predict that these overall tendencies will continue. There will be a further increase in service-sector employment, and in particular in Ids, but health care and education will also benefit from more jobs. At the same time, fewer people will be employed in industry and agriculture.



Ex. 1 Skim TABLE 1. What was the most popular subject for women and the least popular subject for men in both years?

TEXT 2. Changing trends

 There has been an overall rise in the numbers of students enrolling in higher education in the last twenty years. The subjects chosen by students reflect trends in the job market as well as changes in the students' fields of interest and research.

Figure 4 shows the numbers of students enrolled at Coral University for the years 2000-2001 and 2006-2007, according to subjects studied. For the academic year 2000-2001, the most popular subjects for both men and women were in the arts, with __________ 500 men and approximately __________ women studying these subjects. In economics and commerce the numbers of men and women were almost __________. However, engineering and technology were more popular with male students, with only 119 women, compared with 245 men choosing these subjects. Information technology was also more popular with men, with 108 male and 72 female students, and in law just under __________ of the total number were men.

The academic year 2006-2007 saw a general increase in student numbers, as most faculties registered a rise in enrolments. For example, the number of men studying IT rose from 108 in 2000 to  __________ 140 in 2006, and numbers studying law rose to over 350 men and __________ 200 women. There were some decreases. The number of men studying medicine and dentistry dropped to 130, and the number of women studying economics and commerce also fell by 60, to 406.

It is predicted that this increase in student numbers and changing trends in subject choice will continue over the coming years. Universities will expand to receive these growing numbers, and new faculties will open.





Причастие I

Причастие I (Participle I) – неличная форма глагола, обладающая свойствами глагола, прилагательного и наречия. Причастие I переходных глаголов имеет четыре формы, а непереходных –только две:

examining – non-perfect, active (допрашивающий, который допрашивает; допрашивая)

being examined – non-perfect, passive (допрашиваемый, которого допрашивают; будучи допрашиваемым)

having examined – perfect, active (допросив, после того как допросил)

having been examined – perfect, passive (после того, как был допрошен)

complaining– non-perfect, active (жалующийся, который жалуется; жалуясь)

Формы герундия

Переходный глагол transitive verb
asking – non-perfect, active
being asked – non-perfect, passive
having asked – perfect, active
having been asked – perfect, passive


Непереходный глагол intransitive verb
rising – non-perfect, active
having risen – perfect, active

The lawyer went on asking questions.
Адвокат продолжал задавать вопросы.
The student insists on being asked some morequestions.
Студент настаивает на том, чтобы ему задали еще несколько вопросов.
I am sorry for having asked her about this letter.
Я сожалею, что спросил ее об этом письме.
He told me of having been asked about the letter.
Он сказал мне, что его спрашивали о письме.


После глаголов to need, to require, to want и прилагательного worth страдательная форма герундия не употребляется.Ее значение передается герундием в действительной форме.

The equipment wants upgrading.
Оборудование нужно модернизировать.
Those fingerprints are worth taking.
Те отпечатки пальцев стоит снять.


Неперфектный герундий может передавать действие, предшествующее действию, выраженному глаголом -сказуемым, если он употребляется после глаголов to excuse, to forget, to remember, to thank и др.
и после предлогов after, before, on, without и др.
I remember seeing him once.
Я помню, что видел его однажды.
After arriving in the city they went to the police station.
После того как они прибыли в город, они отправились в полицейский участок.


Обладая свойствами существительного и глагола, герундий может употреляться в функциях всех членов предложения, кроме простого сказуемого.
Таким образом, герундий в предложении может быть:
1) подлежащим:
Collecting unpaid debts requires a mix of tact and persistence.
Сбор неоплаченных долгов требует такта и настойчивости.
It is no use asking for help.
Просить помощи бесполезно.
There is no denying the guilt.
Нельзя отрицать вину;


2) частью сказуемого:
а) составного именного
The responsibility of state is protecting life and property.
Обязанность государства –это защита жизни и собственности;
б) составного глагольного (после глаголов to begin, to continue, to finish, to go on, to keep (on), to start, to stop и др.; после can’t help и to be worth)

They started shouting.
Они начали кричать;


3) дополнением:
а) прямым (после глаголов to avoid, to deny, to forget, to forgive, to hate, to remember и др.)
He denied having been there.
Он отрицал, что был там;
б) косвенным (после глаголов to accuse of, to complain of, to depend on, to object to, to prevent from и др. и после выражений to be afraid of, to be angry  with, to be sorry for и др.)
He was charged with breaking a shop window.
Его обвинили в том, что он разбил витрину в магазине.
The child was afraid of being bitten by the dog.
Ребенок боялся, что его укусит собака;


4) определением (после предлогов of, for и др.):
She had the feeling of being deceived.
У нее было чувство, что ее обманывают;


5) обстоятельством (после предлогов after, before, by, in, on, upon, without
и др.):
He left without paying the bill.
Он ушел, не заплатив по счету.


В юридических документах герундий в функции обстоятельства часто встречается после словосочетаний in case of, in the event of (в случае); subject to (при условии).
Our offer is kept subject to receiving your confirmation within ten days.
Наше предложение остается в силе при условии получения вашего подтверждения в течение десяти дней.


Как видно из приведенных примеров, герундий может переводиться на русский язык существительным, неопределенной формой глагола, деепричастием или глаголом - сказуемым в придаточном предложении.
Герундий с предшествующим ему существительным или притяжательным местоимением образует независимый герундиальный оборот, который может выполнять в предложении функции подлежащего, дополнения, определения и обстоятельства.
Независимый герундиальный оборот переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением, а герундий –глаголом -сказуемым в этом предложении.
The parents objected to their son giving evidence in court.
Родители возражали против того, чтобы их сын давал показания в суде.

Упражнение 7.
Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на форму и функцию герундия и на независимый герундиальный оборот.

1. The role of this world organization is regulating international trade.
2. Promoting the rule of law at the national and international levels is at the heart of the United Nations’ mission.
3. The rules became binding on the members of the association.
4. There are some circumstances when being treated differently due to
race is lawful.
5. The students whose first language is not English have difficulty in using American legal terminology.
6. The officer is suspected of being involved in commission of terrorist acts.
7. The International Civil Service Commissionaims at promoting and maintaining high standards in the international civil service.
8. Helping students become human rights advocates has many challenges.
9. International students are advised to take out health insurance before their coming to the country.
10. The process of establishing rules of customary international law is lengthy and impeded by today's fast-changing world.

11. Recognising a judgment given in one EU country in another means agreeing that it may have effect there.
12. The employee was treated badly for his having made a complaint about racial discrimination against his colleague.
13. In creating UN Women, UN Member States took an historic step in accelerating the Organization’s goals on gender equality and the empowerment of women.
14. Establishing respect for the rule of law is fundamental to achieving a durable peace in the aftermath of conflict, to the effective protection of human rights, and to sustained economic progress and development.
15. The prosecutor’s office is responsible for bringing criminal charges against individuals who are suspected of having committed a crime.

Упражнение 8.
Заполните пропуски данными ниже предлогами. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
after at by for (2) in of (3) to (2) without

1. The monograph stimulates comparative studies … providing the necessary basic materials on family and succession law.
2. The head of that international fund was found guilty … embezzling a large sum of money.
3. The International Law Association is aimed … proposing Guidelines to address the private international law issues.
4. The General Assembly is highly active … making and developing international law.
5. In some cases, the Security Council fails to exercise its responsibility … maintaining international peace and security.
6. The Department of Justice is committed … developing and maintaining a fair, relevant and accessible Canadian justice system.
7. The practice … recording the court judgments is of ancient origin.
8. The Human Rights Act 1998 applies to everyone in the UK, regardless of their reasons … being here.
9. Law schools need to do a better job … creating practice-ready lawyers.

10. … hearing an appeal the judges will reach a decision in the case by a simple majority.
11. A very large number of states voluntarily adhere to treaties and accept their provisions as law, even … becoming parties to them.
12. The international community has recognized that women’s participation is vital … achieving and sustaining peace.

Инфинитив (Infinitive)


является неличной формой глагола, которая сочетает в себе свойства глагола и существительного.
Как и глагол, он имеет категорию залога, вида, относительного времени, может иметь после себя дополнение и определяться наречием.
Свойства существительного проявляются в синтаксических функциях инфинитива.

                                             Формы инфинитива

Переходный глагол transitive verb      Непереходный глагол intransitive verb
to discuss –non-perfect, active                 to go – non-perfect, active
to be discussing                                 to be going – progressive, active
progressive, active                                 to have gone – perfect, active
to have discussed –                        to have been going –perfect progressive, active perfect, active
to have been discussing
perfect progressive, active
to be discussed
non-perfect, passive
to have been discussed
perfect, passive

The main aim of this course is to convey core knowledge about the application of international law.
Главная цель этого курса – передать основные знания о применении международного права.

The police appeared to be watching them. Оказалось,что полиция наблюдает за ними.
The lawyer was glad to have spoken to the defendant. Адвокат был рад, что поговорил с подзащитным.
The court must have been considering this case for a month.

Суд, должно быть, рассматривает это дело уже в течение месяца.
The judge determines the kind of penalty to be imposed.

Судья определяет вид наказания, которое будет применено.
The expert says that both crimes might have been committed by the same person.
Эксперт говорит, что оба преступления, возможно, были совершены одним и тем же человеком.


После модальных глаголов используются неперфектные и перфектные формы инфинитива.
Перфектный инфинитив после модальных глаголов must и may употребляется для выражения предположения о том, что действие уже совершилось, а после should, ought to, would, could, might, be to, have to – для обозначения действия, которое должно было или могло совершиться, но в действительности не совершилось.


The trial must have started at ten.

Судебный процесс, должно быть, начался в 10 часов.
The detective should have collected more evidence.

Детектив должен был бы собрать больше доказательств.
The students were to have submitted completed application forms on Friday.
Студенты должны были бы сдать заполненные заявления в пятницу.


Инфинитив может быть в предложении:


1) подлежащим:
To act on the lawyer’s advice is very important.
Следовать совету юриста – очень важно.

В этой функции инфинитив чаще встречается в предложениях с вводным it.
It is very important to act on the lawyer’s advice.
Очень важно следовать совету юриста;


2) частью сказуемого:
а) именной частью составного сказуемого The role of the judge is to advise the jury on points of law.
Функция судьи – информировать присяжных по правовым вопросам;
б) частью составного глагольного сказуемого:
The law must be obeyed.
Закон надо соблюдать.
The officer began to ask questions again.
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