QUIZ. Take this quiz and see how you can tackle with the following situations. 

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QUIZ. Take this quiz and see how you can tackle with the following situations.


1. What should you include in the Subject line of any e-mail you send?

A. Nothing. The subject line is optional.

B. A sentence describing why you are sending the e-mail

C. A short phrase (3-5 words) describing the reason for your e-mail

D. Only your name

E. No more than one word, like "Help" or "Hello"


2. When should you pay attention to spelling and grammar in an e-mail message?

A. When sending a message to friends and family

B. When sending a message to a teacher

C. When sending a message to an employer or a potential employer

D. Never. E-mail recipients do not expect you to use correct grammar or spelling.

E. Always, regardless of who will receive your message or how they are related to you.


3. Which of the following may happen if you send a message in ALL CAPS? (Select two or more answers)

A. The person receiving the message may believe that you are are angry and shouting at them.

B. The recipient may believe that you cannot use the SHIFT key correctly on the keyboard.

C. The recipient may believe that you do not know how to use capitalization correctly in English.

D. The recipient will see and reply to your message faster than if you key using appropriate letter case.


4. What should you do with a chain letter that promises you will receive lots of money if you forward it to at least ten people?

A. Forward the message to your ten best friends, asking them to do the same because of all the money you received.

B. Make up ten e-mail addresses to forward it to, so that you can forward the message without bothering anyone you know.

C. Forward the message to 20 people in your e-mail list at random, just to be sure that ten of them read it.

D. Delete the message as junk mail.


5. How long should you wait before replying to an e-mail?

A. You should reply to all e-mail immediately after you receive it, even if you don't have a good reply.

B. You should reply to e-mail within 24-48 hours, taking time to formulate an appropriate reply when necessary.

C. You should wait at least a week. The person sending the e-mail may find the answer on their own if you wait long enough.

D. You should find time to talk to the person face-to-face or in person before replying to the e-mail.


6. If you send an e-mail asking for information, how should you expect to receive a reply to that e-mail?

A. When you see the person again face-to-face.

B. When the person calls you using the phone number you provided in the e-mail message.

C. Through the same e-mail account you used to send the original message.


7. What should you do if you do not receive a reply to an e-mail message within a reasonable time after sending the message? (Select two or more answers)


A. Check your Sent Items folder to make sure that you sent the message to the correct e-mail address.

B. Resend your original message to the same person, noting that you are resending it because you are afraid they did not receive it.

C. Send a short, new message that simply asks the person why they haven't replied to your earlier message.

D. Complain to anyone you feel ought to know that the person you sent the message to never replies to e-mail messages.


8. When it is acceptable to forward a message to someone else or to another group of people?


A. It is always acceptable to forward an e-mail message, as long as the contents are important to the people who will receive the forwarded message.

B. Because the content of any e-mail message is automatically copyrighted by US Copyright law, you should never forward an e-mail without the original author's permission.

C. You should never forward e-mail messages for any reason. This is considered spam.

D. You should forward e-mail only after you have removed all text that identifies the original sender of the message.


9. When is it appropriate to add an attachment to an e-mail message?

A. Only if the attached file includes information that cannot be included in the e-mail message itself, such as an Excel file or a screen shot of an error message.

B. You should always attach a photo of yourself to every e-mail message you send.

C. It is never appropriate to attach a file to an e-mail message.

D. If you have keyed the text you want to send in a Wordpad file, and you don't want to have to re-key the text in the e-mail body.


10. When you do choose that an e-mail attachment is appropriate, what should you do before sending the message? (Select two or more answers)

A. Verify that the recipient will receive your attachment.

B. Include an appropriate subject line and text in the body of the message, so that the recipient knows what the attachment is.

C. Compress the file (or compress a folder if there are multiple files).

D. Verify that you are attaching the correct version of the file(s).


11. Under which circumstances is it appropriate to use the SAVE button instead of the SEND button? (Select two or more answers)


A. If you have written the message in anger, you should save the message instead of sending it. You can re-open the message later when you are in better control of your emotions, and consider sending it after revising it.

B. You do not have time to finish an e-mail that you have started.

C. You should use SAVE for every e-mail you send so that you can keep a copy of the message for your records.

D. You need to print a hard copy of a message you are about to send.


12. What information should be included in any e-mail you send? (Select two or more answers)


A. Your reason for sending the e-mail.

B. Your name at the bottom of the message.

C. Your phone number.

D. An alternate e-mail address.

E. It is acceptable to send a message with the body empty if you use a subject line with enough detail.


13. It is acceptable to post negative content (text, pictures, or videos) on a friend's wall in Facebook, especially if you are just joking.

A. True

B. False


14. What kind of information should NOT be included in an e-mail message?

A. Confidential information, like your Social Security number or bank account numbers.

B. Statements that could be interpreted as illegal or offensive.

C. Text or pictures from a copyrighted web site.


15. You can control Privacy settings in Facebook and other social networking websites, so that your information is immediately available only to people you give permission to.

A. True

B. False


16. Everything posted to Facebook or other social networking websites remains in control of the person who posts it.

A. True

B. False


17. The content of social networking websites is automatically deleted after a set period of time, as determined by the account owner.

A. True

B. False


18. If a user deletes content from their social networking site (like Facebook or MySpace), no one else has access to that content.

A. True

B. False


19. When replying to an e-mail message, you should... (Select two or more responses)


A. Change the subject line, if appropriate.

B. Remove extra text or content not relevant to your reply.

C. Include quoted text from the original message to give your reply a context (or include that context in your reply).

D. Delete everything from the original e-mail except your short reply, assuming that the recipient will remember the message you are replying to.


20. When it is appropriate to use the Reply to All button when replying to an e-mail message?

A. Any time the original e-mail is sent to multiple people.

B. When everyone who received the original message needs to know your reply.

C. So that everyone who receives the message knows that you sent a reply.

D. It is never appropriate to use the Reply to All button to reply to an e-mail message.


4. PAIR & SHARE. You are going to read the information about chat slang. Work in pairs and comment upon it. Enumerate appropriate and inappropriate uses of chat slang.

Chat slang has many uses. Acronyms, abbreviations, and other slang terms can help you save time and space when communicating with others. However, some situations are more appropriate than others for using chat slang.

Since chat slang is considered informal, acronyms and abbreviations should not be used for school assignments or in formal correspondence. For example, if you are writing a paper for a class, using chat acronyms will detract from the impact of the paper and may not be understood by the reader. Therefore, chat slang does not belong in assignments. Similarly, if you are writing a work-related e-mail, using abbreviations will make your message seem less professional and may detract from your credibility.

It is important to remember that people may not know what your acronyms and abbreviations mean. After all, that's why ChatSlang.com was created. Therefore, it is best to write out important phrases in case the other person does not know what your acronyms or abbreviations mean. This can help avoid miscommunication, which is especially important with people you don't know very well.

To summarize, chat slang can be a great time-saver when used correctly. It is a useful tool in the fast-paced information age we live in. Just make sure to think about who your audience is before incorporating any acronyms or abbreviations. After all, your teacher or employer may not be able to decipher your slang terms as easily as your friends can.



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