Higher education in great Britain 

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Higher education in great Britain

Higher education in Great Britain is provided by a great number of universities and colleges. There are about 50 universities in the country. They are divided into three types: the old universities (Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh Universities), the 19th century universities such as London and Manchester universities, and the new universities. The new universities are divided into various faculties, e.g. the faculty of science, faculty of social and economic studies. In each faculty there may be a number of departments dealing with separate subjects. Some years ago there were also polytechnics (now universities). After graduating from a polytechnic a student got a degree, but it was not a university degree. 30 former polytechnics were given university status in 1992. There are not only universities in Britain but also 350 colleges and institutes of higher education (some of which train teachers or professions connected with medicine). There is a competition to get into the best universities. They accept students mainly on the basis of their A level results.

The rules of teaching process differ from university to university. The teaching is based on the tutorial system as well as lectures. Each student has a tutor. He decides what lectures the students must attend, recommends books for reading, discusses and criticizes their written works. All lectures and examinations for all students are organized by the University authorities.

The academic year in Britain is divided into three terms, which usually run from October to December, from January to March and from April to June. Undergraduate courses normally take three years of full-time study, although a number of subjects take longer, including foreign languages (where courses include a year abroad). Medicine and dentistry courses are 5-7 years. After these years of studies and successful final examinations the students get their first degree B.A. – Bachelor of Arts or B.Sc. – Bachelor of Science. There are various postgraduate degrees, including Master and Doctor of Philosophy. The last two are awarded for research in arts and sciences.

At present, students who have been accepted by universities or other institutions of higher education receive a grant from their Local Education Authority, which covers the cost of the course, and may cover living expenses (accommodation, transport and food). This grant depends on the income of parents. Parents with higher incomes are expected to make a contribution. Until 1990 the grant did not have to be paid back, but now a system of loans has been introduced. That is why most students have to work. But students don’t usually have a job during term time because lectures and tutorials (a period of tuition given by a university or college tutor to an individual or very small group) are full time. However, many students now have to work in the evenings or during their vacation.

Most students live away from home, in flats or halls of residence.

Упражнение 2 7. Определите, являются ли данные утверждения

а) истинными; б) ложными; в) в тексте нет информации.

Процитируйте текст в подтверждение или опровержение.

1. All types of higher educational institutions can be divided into three types.

2. Students have to take advanced level exams to enter a university.

3. The task of a tutor is to help the student in his or her studies.

4. Engineering courses are usually longer than a usual course.

5. Bachelor’s degree is the lowest degree which a British student can get.

6. The grant paid by the Local Education Authority must cover the cost of the course.

7. The grant doesn’t have to be paid back.



Упражнение 2 8. Расскажите об образовании в Великобритании, используя слова и выражения из данного модуля и вопросы, данные ниже.

1. What types of higher educational institutions are there in the UK?

2. What types are universities in Britain divided into?

3. What do the applicants have to do to be accepted into a university?

4. What is the teaching usually based on?

5. What does the tutor have to do?

6. How many terms is the academic year in Britain divided into?

7. How many years does the undergraduate course usually take?

8. What postgraduate degrees are there in Britain? What are they awarded for?

9. What is the grant paid for?

10. What does the size of the grant which a student receives depend on?

11. Why do many students have to work?

12. Do most British students live at home?

Упражнение 29. Сравните высшее образование в Великобритании и России по плану.

1) types of higher educational institutions,

2) enrolment / entry requirements,

3) characteristic feature of teaching process,

4) academic year,

5) length of courses,

6) degrees,

7) grants.



Упражнение 30. Прочитайте данное ниже письмо и ответьте на вопросы.

1. Who is the addressee? Who is the addresser?

2. What is the subject of the letter?

3. What three things does the addresser want to know?

4. What kind of letter is it (informal/formal)?


Упражнение 31. Назовите основные компоненты письма. Обратите внимание на расположение адреса отправителя и получателя.




Упражнение 32. Посмотрите на данные ниже фразы. К какой части письма они могут относиться?

1 I recently saw your advertisement in The Times.

2 Could you tell me how long the course lasts?

3 I'd like to know more about the job.

4 I'd be grateful if you could send me some information about your courses.

5 Could you send me a brochure about the courses your college offers?

Упражнение 33. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.


1) Dear Mr Sawyer,
2) 6 Pine Estate, Bedford Road, Bristol, UB28 12BP Telephone 9036 174369 Fax 9036 36924 6 August 2005
3) Thank you for your letter. I am afraid that we have a problem with your order. Unfortunately, the manufacturers of the part you wish to order have advised us that they cannot supply it until November. Would you prefer us to supply a substitute, or would you rather wait until the original parts are again available?
4) James Sawyer, Sales Manager, Electro Ltd, Perry Road Estate, Oxbridge UN54 42KF.
5) I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Simon Tramp Sales Manager


Упражнение 34. Посмотрите на рекламное объявление, данное ниже. Напишите официальное письмо в университет с целью получения дополнительной информации.






1. Grammar:         English tenses review; Present Continuous, Present Perfect

2. Vocabulary:     Science and Technology

3. Reading:          Science and Technology in Modern Society

4. Speaking:         Giving opinion, discussion

5. Writing:           Writing an essay


Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, выпишите сказуемые и определите их видо-временную форму.


I’m writing a test now. – Я пишу сейчас тест.

’m (am) writing – Present Continuous Active

1. This airplane crosses the Atlantic in about 10 hours.

2. At last he returned to the little town where his childhood had been spent.

3. The new engine is being tested in the laboratory.

4. When I come home the family will be watching TV.

5. By that time we had already changed our plans.

6. He decided to become a writer when his first story had been published.

7. No one came here since we have been here.

8. This information was received last week.

9. Our regular customers are given a discount.

10.If you listen to the teacher more attentively you’ll understand better.

11.We have been working together only for two months but I have known him for a long time.


Упражнение 2. А. Переведите предложения, найдите в них сказуемое, определите его видо-временную форму. Б. Исправьте фактические ошибки в предложениях и дайте правильный ответ.


    The sun rises in the west. (Present Simple Active)

              It doesn’t rise in the west.

              It rises in the east.

1. The Pope comes from Australia.

2. The teacher’s wearing a swimming costume.

3. People drive on the right in Britain.

4. My mother has got ten sisters and brothers.

5. We went to Iceland on holiday last summer.

6. I had a huge breakfast.

7. It’ll snow tomorrow.

8. We’re learning Chinese.

9. I live in a palace.

10.Champagne is made in Scotland.

11.Cats and dogs can swim.

Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски в вопросе, обращая внимание на требуемую видо-временную форму сказуемого.


How many books did you read on holiday? – Four. (Past Simple Active)

1. What ________ last night.

I stayed in and watched television.

2. What sort of books _______ reading?

I like horror stories and science fiction.

3. _______ been to America?

Yes, I have. I went there last year. I really enjoyed it.

4. What ____ the teacher _______?

She is helping Mary with this exercise.

5. _____ your father do?

He works in a bank.

6. How long _____ it take you to come to school?

It takes me about twenty minutes. I come by bus.

7. What _______ doing next weekend?

I don’t know. I haven’t got any plans yet.

8. ____ you ____ a CD player at home?

No, just a tape recorder.


Упражнение 4. Составьте вопросы к данным предложениям так, чтобы подчеркнутое слово/ словосочетание было ответом на ваш вопрос. В какой видо-временной форме стоит сказуемое в вашем вопросе?


1. He left for Moscow.

2. These houses were built last year.

3. Exporting brings foreign currency into the country, so governments encourage export trade by giving assistance and incentives to exporters.

4. He will be invited to take part in the conference.

5. The bicycle is being repaired now.

6. She will be sent for at once.

7. The experiment was being watched by many students.

8. This picture is always looked at.

9. He can help you after classes.


Упражнение 5. Прочитайте текст,поставьте глагол в скобках в форму Present Simple, Past Simple или Present Continuous действительного залога.

Manuel Gonzalez 1) ___________ (come) from Spain. He usually 2) ___________ (live) in Madrid and 3) ___________ (work) as a journalist for a Spanish newspaper, but two years ago he 4) ___________ (decide) to take a year off work to live in different countries in Europe and write a book about Europeans. He 5) ___________ (spend) the first two months in Scandinavia and then 6) ___________ (move) to Germany for a month. At present he 7) ___________ (stay) in Paris, where he 8) ___________ (rent) a flat for five weeks. Four years ago he 9) ___________ (write) a best-selling travel guide to Spain and now he 10) ___________ (work) hard to have the same success with his book about Europeans.


Упражнение 6. Прочитайте текст,выберите форму Present Perfect или Past Simple. Объясните ваш выбор.


I 1) knew/ have known Teresa for ages, almost since we 2) were/ havebeen born. We 3) met/ have met at the same nursery school when we 4) were/ have been only four years old and we 5) were/ have been friends since then. We 6) went/ have been to the same primary school, we 7) were/ have been in the same class at the secondary school, and now we are at the same university.

At least we don’t study the same subjects. She’s doing Geography and I 8) chose/ have chosen History. But I’ve always wanted to be a teacher and yesterday Teresa 9) told/ has told me that she wants to do the same thing.

We 10) were/ have been together for a long time and we 11) shared/ have shared a lot of great experiences – maybe teaching together will be next.


Упражнение 7. Заполните пропуски в тексте подходящим по смыслу глаголом. Определите форму сказуемого.


has created has been doing builds can order
has built repairs was founded has included

Kongo Gumi

The oldest company in the world is a Japanese company called Kongo Gumi that 1) __________ in 578. Kongo Gumi 2) __________ and 3) __________ temples and it 4) __________ this for more than 1,400 years. For its 21st-century customers it 5) __________ a website and 6) __________ on its home page photos of the different styles of temples it 7) __________ and which customers 8) __________ today.


grew was has been producing has made made
wanted cost has been extending has established  


Kodak 9) __________ cameras since 1888. Its founder, the American George Eastman, 10) __________ to make photography available to the greatest number of people at the lowest cost. His business 11) __________ rapidly in the early years and large-scale production 12) __________ this possible. In 1990 the first Brownie camera 13) __________ only $1 and there 14) __________ a huge expansion in the market. In the last 100 years Kodak 15) __________ its operation worldwide and 16) __________ manufacturing facilities in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, the UK, France, and Australia. This growth 17) __________ Kodak one the 25 largest companies in the United States.


Упражнение 8. Прочитайте тексто британской газете The Times. Поставьте глагол в скобках в соответствующую видо-временную форму действительного или страдательного залога.


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