Vocabulary: The solutions of the environmental problems 

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Vocabulary: The solutions of the environmental problems



Exercise1. Look at the pictures and match them with the sources of energy:


a. 1. Oil 2. Wind power 3. Solar power 4. Nuclear power 5. Water power

d. e.

b. c.


Exercise2. Read the text about different sources of energy and complete the table:


Source of energy advantages disadvantages


At the moment our main source of energy is oil, which comes from under the ground. We use it for heating, transport, farming and industry. Modern civilizations rely on it. But burning oil causes many problems for the environment, like air pollution from dangerous fumes. Some specialists believe that oil will soon run out, perhaps even in the next 40 years. This means will be using other sources of energy in the future. But what else can we use? Can we find a source which is both reliable and harmless?

Solar power and wind power may be very popular in the future. Many households have solar panels which heat water. Some countries already use the sun and wind to make electricity. These methods don’t harm the environment, but there are other problems with these sources of energy. Solar power stations are very expensive to build and many people complain about wind turbines because they think they are ugly. In addition, we can’t use these methods when there’s no sunshine or wind!

Nuclear power is another option. It’s quite cheap and doesn’t create much environmental contamination. However, it can be very dangerous when things go wrong. For example, there was a serious accident at the nuclear power station in Chernobyl, Russia, in the 1980s, which killed lots of people and polluted Earth’s atmosphere. Another method of creating power is to burn rubbish, but this causes air pollution.

The best idea for the creation of power may be to use water. Water is safe, it doesn’t cause pollution and it can provide a lot of power. In fact, hydroelectric power already provides about 20% of the world’s electricity. Many people think we will be using it even more in the future because we can also use waves and tides as constant sources of energy.

So, what will we be using as power sources in the future? Will we discover new sources, or go on using the ones we’ve already got? Only one thing is certain – we won’t be relying on oil any more!


Exercise3. Answer the questions:


1. What is the expensive source of energy?

2. What source of energy is ugly for people?

3. What source of energy is dangerous?

4. Why is using of water can be the best way of getting energy?

5. What source of energy will you prefer?


Exercise4. How can we protect our planet from environmental problems? For example, using renewable sources of energy, …


Exercise5. Let’s compare life now and in the past. Think about: life, people, dwelling, transportation, work, cities, and streets.

Use the words: hard/easy; work short/long hours; noisy/quiet; healthy/unhealthy; slow/fast; exciting/boring; inconvenient/convenient; safe/dangerous.

Use the phrases: People used to …..; These days …..; most people in the past/Nowadays; (The) ….. used to be …. but now …

Example: Life used to be harder in the past than it is now.


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