The medical education in the United Kingdom and the USA 

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The medical education in the United Kingdom and the USA

Physicians in Great Britain are trained either in medical schools or faculties of Universities. To enter a high medical school candidates must pass entrance examinations on chemistry, physics and biology or mathematics. In Great Britain all students pay for training, but most of them receive grants, which cover their expenses or a part of them.

In Great Britain the academic year is divided into three terms. Each term lasts for 10-11 weeks. The terms run from October to December, from January to March and from April to June. At the end of each term students take final exams (sessional).

In Great Britain the undergraduate education takes 5 years (two years of basic sciences and three years of clinical work). During the first two pre-clinical years students study human anatomy and biology, physics, organic and biological chemistry, physiology and histology, statistics and genetics. They attend lectures and do practical work in labs.

From the third year the students learn the methods of chemical examinations and history taking, general pathology, microbiology, pharmacology and community medicine, therapy, surgery, gynecology, obstetrics, ophthalmology and others. Senior students have a lot of practical work with patients in clinics, hospitals and out-patient departments. After the three years of clinical practice the students obtain degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. These degrees give the right to register as a medical practitioner.

After the finals graduates work in hospitals for a year. This period is called internship. After this period a young doctor obtains a «Certificate of Experience» and he or she may work as a medical practitioner.

In Great Britain only medical practitioners may obtain further specialization, training in residency. It takes for 2 years of working in a hospital in some field. Residency trains highly qualified specialists in a definite field: gynecologists, urologists, neurologists and others.

Higher medical education in the USA has its own peculiarities. Today, the future doctor must pass successfully through eight to thirteen or more years of the most intensive study before setting up his practice. First, he must spend three to four years of premedical training at a university. Here he learns the basic sciences. Only top level students in premedical studies can become candidates for medical school. The medical curriculum is difficult and the cost of studies is very expensive amounting to one thousand dollars each year. During the first two years of the four-year medical school curriculum, the student must master the laboratory sciences.

After graduation from medical school, the student has the title of Doctor of Medicine. Then he has a year or two of internship in a hospital. During this period, the intern usually lives at the hospital and receives pay.

While caring for the hospital’s patients, he should develop more skills and knowledge. After internship is completed the intern passes a thorough examination and he is allowed to practice medicine within the state. The new physician may continue his studies in his chosen specialty which last for three to five years under the guidance of capable and experienced doctor. On completion of his training he may take an examination, thus he improves his skill in the chosen field.

I. Vocabulary

To train [trein] (v) – 1. To study – обучаться;

2. воспитывать, приучать

Entrance [‘entrǝns] (n) – 1. Prelim – вступление, вступительный;

2. вход, выход

To cover [‘kʌvǝ] (v) – 1. Покрывать, накрывать, закрывать;

2. прикрывать, ограждать, защищать

Expense [ik’spens] (n) – 1. Consumption – трата, расход;

2. расходы, издержки

Undergraduate [‘ʌndǝgrædʒʋit] (n) – студент университета

To attend [ǝ’tend] (v) – 1. Посещать, присутствовать;

2. заботиться, следить за чем-либо

To obtain [ǝb’tein] (v) – 1. To achieve – достигать, добиваться;

2. получать, добывать

Degree [di’gri:] (n) – 1. Степень, ступень;

2. положение, ранг

Bachelor [‘bætʃǝlǝ] (n) – 1. Бакалавр;

2. холостяк

To register [‘redʒistǝ] (v) – 1. Регистрировать(ся); заносить в список;

2. журнал, официальный список

Practitioner [præk’tiʃǝnǝ] (n) - Practician – практикующий врач

Internship [intǝnʃip] (n) – интернатура

Experience [ik’spiǝriǝns] (n) – 1. Skilled – квалифицированный, опытный;

2. опыт

Residency [‘rezidǝnsi] (n) – Traineeship – ординатура

Peculiarity [pikju:li’æriti] (n) – 1. Специфичность;

2. особенность

Curriculum [kǝ’rikjʋlǝm] (n) – курс обучения, учебный план

To master [‘mɑ:stǝ] (v) – 1. To study – изучить, овладеть;

2. одолевать, справляться

To allow [ǝ’laʋ] (v) – 1. To permit – позволять, разрешать;

2. допускать, признавать

Guidance [‘gaidǝns] (n) – 1. Guide – руководство;

2. помощь, совет, указания

Completion [kǝm’pli:ʃǝn] (n) – 1. End – завершение, окончание;

2. комплект, полный состав

II. Comprehension

Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

1. What exams must pass the candidates to enter the high medical school in Great Britain?

2. Is the training free in Great Britain?

3. How many years does the undergraduate education last?

4. When do the students obtain degrees of Bachelor of Medicine?

5. What is internship?

6. What do the graduates obtain after internship?

7. How many years does the medical education last in the USA?

8. How much does it cost to study in the medical school?

9. What title has the student after graduating from medical school?

10. Where do the students continue the education after the medical school?

11. Do you want to enter the university? What specialization?

Ex. 2. Translate the next words and word combinations.

Врачи; обучаться; поступить; сдавать вступительные экзамены; получать гранты; трата; делиться на; университетское образование; химическое исследование; старшие студенты; амбулаторные отделения; получить степень Бакалавра; практикующий врач; интернатура; свидетельство опыта; ординатура; высоко квалифицированный специалист; особенности; подготовительное обучение; основные науки; дорогое обучение; изучать лабораторные науки; развивать навыки и умения; под руководством; опытный врач; улучшать навыки.

III. Word study

Ex. 3. Translate the words in brackets.

1) (Чтобы поступить) a high medical school (кандидаты) must pass (вступительные экзамены).

2) In Great Britain al (студенты платят) for training.

3) The undergraduate (обучение длится) 5 years.

4) During the first two years students (изучают анатомию, биологию, физику, органическую химию, генетику).

5) Senior students work in (поликлиниках и амбулаторных отделениях).

6) After three years of clinical (практика) the students (получают степень Бакалавра).

7) (Высшее медицинское образование) in the USA is very (дорогое).

8) During the first two years of the medical school curriculum, the students must (изучить лабораторные науки).

9) After (окончания медицинской школы) the student has a year or two of (интернатуры в больнице).

10) While (ухода) for the hospital’s patients, he must (развивать навыки и умения).

11) The new (врач) may (продолжить) his studies in his chosen (специальность) which (длится) for three to five years (под руководством) an experienced doctor.

  Ex. 4. Complete the table.

The name of the country The type of the education The subjects to learn The documents received after graduating


Ex. 5. Finish the sentences.

1. In Great Britain the academic year __________________.

2. At the end of each term _________________.

3. In Great Britain the undergraduate education __________.

4. From the third year the students learn ________________.

5. After the three years of clinical practice the students obtain ____________.

6. In the USA the future doctor must pass successfully __________________.

7. During the first two years of medical school curriculum, students ________.

8. After graduation from medical school_________________.

9. The new physician may continue his studies_____________.

10. On completion of his training he may take _____________.

IV. Speech practice

Ex. 6. Retell the text according to the following plan using the words and expressions given below.

Physicians; to be trained; to enter; to pass; undergraduate education; to last; anatomy; genetics; the third year; chemical examination; degrees of Bachelor; internship; residency; the USA; premedical training; medical school; to master the laboratory sciences; to develop skills; under guidance of experienced doctor.

V. Grammar review


Запомните следующие глаголы и выражения, требующие после себя герундия с определёнными предлогами:

To accuse of – обвинить в чём-либо To insist on – настаивать на
To apologize for – извиняться за To look forward to – ждать с нетерпением
To approve of – утвердить To object to - возражать
To be afraid of – бояться To persist in – упорствовать
To congratulate on – поздравлять To prevent from – предотвратить от
To depend on – зависеть от To succeed in – преуспевать в
To dream of – мечтать о To suspect of – подозревать
To feel like - чувствовать To thank for – благодарить
To give up the idea of – отказаться от To think of – думать о.

Ex. 7. Open the brackets, using gerund in the active and passive form.

1) Why do you avoid (to speak) to me?

2) She tried to avoid (to speak) to.

3) The doctor insisted on (to send) the sick man to the hospital.

4) He was very sorry for (to come) like this, without (to invite).

5) He has always dreamt of (to visit) other countries.

6) He was afraid of (to wake) her.

7) I am looking forward of (to go) on holiday.

8) All the happiness of my life depends on (to love) me.

9) I object to he (to borrow) money from you.

10) My friend succeeded in (to translate) this difficult text.

Ex. 8. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the gerund.

1. Я подумываю о том, чтобы летом поехать в Швейцарию.

2. Маленький мальчик отрицал, что его постоянно ругают.

3. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы поговорить с ним.

4. Благодарю вас, что вы мне прислали такие красивые цветы.

5. Он настаивал на том, что невиновен.

6. Я боюсь сдавать экзамены.

7. Мы ждём с нетерпением получение дипломов.

8. Он извинился за то, что сказал это.

9. Я подумываю купить машину.

10. Маша мечтала о том, чтобы стать доктором.

Приложение А

English Tenses (Active)

Времена английского глагола


  Simple Continuous Perfect Prefect Continuous
Present ask(s) - Регулярное повторяющееся действие: often, usually, always, sometimes. - Выражает факт  am is asking are - Длительное действие (процесс), протекающее в данный момент: now, at the moment/ - Будущее запланированное действие. have asked has - Действие закончилось к определённому моменту в настоящем - Результат: already/yet ever/never lately/recently this week/today have been asking has Длительное действие, которое началось в прошлом и всё ещё протекает в данный момент: for a month since 5 o’clock how long/since when
Past asked took Действие в прошлом: Yesterday, last week, 3 days ago was asking were Длительное действие (процесс), совершавшееся в момент или период в прошлом: at 5 o’clock from 5 to 6 yesterday all day long when we came had asked Действие закончилось к определённому моменту в прошлом: by 5 o’clock yesterday before he came by the end of the last year.     had been asked Длительное прошедшее действие, которое началось до определённого момента в прошлом и ещё продолжалось в данный момент: He had been working for two hours when my brother came.
Future will ask Действие в будущем: Tomorrow Next week In 3 days will be asking Длительное действие (процесс), которое будет совершаться в определённый момент или период в будущем: at 5 tomorrow from 5 to 6 tomorrow all day long tomorrow when he comes will have asked Действие закончится к определённому моменту в будущем: by 5 o’clock tomorrow when he comes by next summer. will have been working Длительное будущее действие, которое начнётся ранее момента в будущем и будет ещё совершаться в данный момент: When you come I will have been working for two hours.



Приложение В

Слова и выражения, полезные в процессе общения

For statements:

To add - добавлять
To admit smth - признавать
To agree - соглашаться
To announce smth to smb - объявлять (кому-либо о чём-либо)
To approve of smth - одобрять что-либо
To argue - спорить
To assure - уверять
To claim - заявлять
To come to a decision - решать
To come to a conclusion - прийти к выводу
To complain - жаловаться
To convince smb - убеждать
To decide - решать
To declare - заявлять
To deny smth - отрицать что-либо
To determine - решать
To exclaim - воскликнуть
To explain smth to smb - объяснять что-либо кому-либо
To inform - информировать
To insist - настаивать
To mention - упоминать
To object - возражать
To observe - замечать
To persuade smb - убеждать кого-либо
To refuse - отказываться
To remark - замечать
To remind - напоминать
To reply - отвечать
To warn - предупреждать

For questions:

To ask smb’s permission - просить разрешения
To be interested to know - интересоваться
To inquire - осведомляться
To want to know   - хотеть знать, интересоваться
For Orders and Commands    
To advise - советовать
To allow - разрешать, позволять
To command - приказывать
To forbid - запрещать
To implore - умолять
To invite - приглашать
To offer - предлагать
To order - приказывать
To permit - разрешать, позволять
To request - просить вежливо
To suggest - предлагать
To tell to do smth - приказывать сделать что-либо.


Приложение С


Cardinals and Ordinals

Cardinal Ordinal Cardinal Ordinal
1 one 1st  first 16 sixteen 16th sixteenth
2 two 2nd second             17 seventeen 17th seventeenth
3 three 3rd third 18 eighteen 18th eighteenth
4 four 4th fourth           19 nineteen 19th nineteenth
5 five 5th fifth                   20 twenty 20th twentieth
6 six 6th sixth                  21 twenty-one 21st twenty-first
7 seven 7th seventh 22 twenty-two 22nd twenty-second
8 eight 8th eighth                30 thirty 30th thirtieth
9 nine 9th ninth                  40 forty 40th fortieth
10 ten 10th tenth                50 fifty 50th fiftieth
11 eleven 11th eleventh 60 sixty 60th sixtieth
12 twelve 12th twelfth             70 seventy 70th seventieth
13 thirteen 13th thirteenth  80 eighty 80th eightieth
14 fourteen 14th fourteenth        90 ninety 90th ninetieth
15 fifteen 15th fifteenth 100 a hundred 100th hundredth

Large Numbers

1000 – a thousand

1000000 – a million

1000000000 – a billion



0,5 – nought point five

0,25 – nought point two five

10.06 – ten point oh six

27.27 – twenty-seven point two seven

0,05 – nought point oh five

0.05 – point zero five (American English)



            Days                                           Months                              Seasons

Monday     Friday          January      July                Spring

Tuesday           Saturday      February    August           Summer

Wednesday      Sunday        March         September     Autumn

Thursday                                   April          October         Winter

                                                  May            November

                                                  June            December



Written English – 16th September; 16/9/98

Spoken English – The sixteenth of September; September the sixteenth


Telling the time

A simple way to tell the time is to say the numbers.


10.20 ten twenty 11.15 eleven fifteen 4.45 four forty-five


You can also tell the time this way:

One o’clock (1. 00)    ten past three (3.10)       a quarter past four (4.15)

Half past five (5.30)   twenty-five to six (5.35) a quarter to seven (6.45)



Список использованных источников

1. Баранова Л.Г., Шадская Т.В. Английский язык для медицинских училищ и колледжей: Учебник. – М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и Ко», 2007. – 336 с.

2. Брюсова Н.Г. Английский язык: 2770 упражнений и тестов для школьников и поступающих в вузы. – М.: Дрофа, 1999. – 432с.

3. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений. – СПб.:КАРО, 2011. – 576с.

4. Дроздова Т.Ю. Read and Speak English: учебное пособие для студентов неязыковых ВУЗов и учащихся старших классов. – СПб.: «Химера», 1999. – 336с.

5. Качалова К.Н. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами. – ТОО «Юнвес», 1998. – 717с.

6. Мухина В.В. Английский язык для медицинских училищ: Учеб. пособие. – М.: Высш. шк., 2003. – 141 с.

7. Murphy Raymond English Grammar in Use: a self study reference and practice book for intermediate students. Cambridge University Press




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