Customs and Traditions of Great Britain. Holidays. 

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Customs and Traditions of Great Britain. Holidays.

So many countries so many customs, an English proverb says.

The English are a nation of stay-at-homes. 'There is no place like home' an Englishman says ' My house is my castle'. It is true that English people prefer small houses, built for one family. The fireplace is the focus of the English home. They like to sit round the fire exchanging the day's experience.

The love of gardens is deep-rooted in British people. The British like growing plants in a window-box outside the kitchen or in the garden near the house. They love roses very much.

English are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up as I know all English people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December.  It is the time when all the family gets together round the Christmas tree decorated with toys and sweets. Little children believe that when they are asleep Santa Claus comes with a big bag of toys. They often hang up large stockings for the presents.

 Another best-loved holiday is St. Valentine's Day. It is celebrated on the 14th of February. It is the day of sending and giving presents to those you love.

Easter is a church holiday. Despite of it people widely celebrate it. One tradition is very popular on this holiday. Decorated eggs and candies are hidden in the yards and little children believe that the Easter rabbit comes and leaves eggs for them.

Halloween is another national holiday. It is celebrated on the 31 of November. Children usually dress up in Halloween costumes and masks over their faces. They go out into the streets to beg. People give them sweets, cookies and apples.

There are some more bank holidays: Easter Monday, Boxing Day. There is also a Pancake Day, April's Fool Day, Mother's Day.

As I have already said so many countries so many customs.



So many countries so many customs, an English proverb says. English are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up.

 English people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December.  It is the time when all the family gets together round the Christmas tree decorated with toys and sweets.

 St. Valentine's Day is celebrated on the 14th of February. It is the day of sending and giving presents to those you love.

They celebrate Easter, Halloween, April's Fool Day, Mother's Day and others.

As I have already said so many countries so many customs.


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Keeping Fit

Our health depends on our life.

Most people are busy working, pupils are busy studying, but they always find time to relax and enjoy themselves. Usually we spend our spare time in many different ways. Everyone has his own way of relaxing. But the most popular way is going in for sports.

Sport helps people to maintain good health and enjoy life, to stay in good shape, keep them fit and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily life.

Physical culture and sports in our country are part of our cultural and public life. It is very popular with young people, they are particularly keen on soccer, volleyball, track and field in summer, skiing and ice-hockey in winter, among some of them weightlifting, boxing, every kind shooting are favourite.

Sport is also paid great attention to in our schools, colleges, and universities. You can hardly find a school without a gym or a sports ground. Every city and town has a few stadiums, swimming pools, amateur club and keep-fit centres where people go in for aerobics, yoga, body-building, swimming, skating, jogging.

Not everyone who enjoys sporting events like to participate in them. Thousands of people prefer to be spectator attending the games and supporting their favourite team at the stadiums or watch the competitions on TV.

From time to time competitions in volleyball are held at our school, but some boys and girls don’t want to take an active part in them. They don’t believe that sport is very necessary. They think that sport may stand in the way of other important things. They are of course, wrong, because team games develop character and mind and quick thinking. And English proverb says, «In sports and journeys men are known».

Everyone knows that getting fit is good for you – but why is it good and what are the ways to be fit?

Getting in shape has never been more popular. For millions of people around the world, regular exercises is now part of their daily lives. Some jog, cycle and swim, while others prefer to workout (exercise) in gyms, do aerobics or play team sports. They are part of the worldwide fitness revolution, which has taken place over the last 20 years. And there are several reasons for it. Fit people live longer, than unfit people, especially those who smoke and drink. People now accept that taking regular exercise is a great way to become and stay healthy. 

Another reason for the fitness boom is youth and beauty. Men and women try their best to look as young and attractive as possible. And fit people not only feel good they look good too.



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