The Problem of Free Time Activities 

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The Problem of Free Time Activities

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    Schoolc h ildren usually do not have much free time, because they have to go to school and do their homework. Still, you have to relax sometime. To my mind, it is possible to divide all teenagers into two groups: formal and informal. Teenagers from formal groups generally spend their leisure time doing sports, shopping or going out with friends, sightseeing and travelling, watching TV or listening to music. They may have parties sometimes or navigate the internet.

  In big cities some teenagers from informal groups (e.g. skinheads) gather in gangs. They drink alcohol, fight, break everything they see, and write on walls. They practice vandalism. I think, they have problems with free time activities and usually get into trouble. I find their behavior absolutely provocative and terribly disgraceful.

Some other teens prefer to spend a lot of time indoors because they are TV addicts or fond of computer games. Some of them like to be alone because they are keen on reading or watching videos. I do not like this kind of pastime. It makes you passive. I prefer outdoor activities. I enjoy being with other people. There are lots of interesting things for us to do.     

   Most teenagers in Belarus like going out with their friends or just talking. There are lots of topics for discussion. For instance, my friend likes Tolkien’s novels. He often tells us about the adventures of the characters from his novels.

Plenty of teens are fond of listening to music. They often find information about music bands or their favourite singers on different websites, it can be pictures and lyrics as well.

There are lots of sport fans as well. My friend and I like to play basketball and volleyball. In summer we play beach volleyball, badminton, and table-tennis. But I wouldn’t like to join a sport team. I want to play just for fun, not to become a champion. Some teens spend a lot of time with their pets. One of my friend trains a puppy in his free time.

I know that in Britain and in USA many teenagers earn money after school or during vacations. They work for their pocket money or to support their families. They can work in local pubs, shops, supermarkets. If I could, I would work too, though we can find fewer job opportunities in Belarus. I could be a babysitter or deliver letters. It is great to acquire some working experience while you are still at school. I believe, I could even work abroad.


Belarusian traditions

Throughout many centuries of history, the Belarusian people created its unique and original culture. Traditional folk customs and rites are closely connected with Christian traditions. According to them  Christmas and Easter are the main religious holidays, annually celebrated by millions of believers all over the country. In Belarus, all the Christian holidays are celebrated twice: by the Catholic and Orthodox religious calendars.

   Along with Christian holidays, such folk festivities of pagan origin as Kupalle and Maslenitsa are widely celebrated in Belarus. Folk games and traditional ceremonies are part of them. One of the main traditions of Kupalle is search for the mythic paparats-kvetka (fern flower). Those, who find it, will enjoy good luck for the whole year; all their wishes will come true. Maslenitsa is a ceremony of meeting of two seasons; it sees off winter and meets spring. Popular festivals of folk music, dancing and national costumes are organized at the time of Maslenitsa.

New Year is widely celebrated all over the country. Preparations to this holiday start a couple of weeks before. The towns and cities of Belarus put on holiday decorations and illumination, New Year trees in the squares add to the holiday mood. The culmination of the holiday is the December 31— January 1 night, when various concerts and open-air celebrations take place. January 1 is an official holiday.

The Belarusian people are proud of the country's past and its traditional culture. The medieval festival "The White Castle" is arranged every spring in Minsk. The spectators can admire performances in costume, combats of knights and ancient music. Every summer, in Belarusian castles (in Lida, Mir, Novogrudok, Nesvizh, etc.) knights' tournaments and international medieval festivals take place. They attract spectators and participants from many countries of the world. During several days, you will have a chance to plunge into romantic atmosphere of the Middle Ages, to watch a reconstruction of historic events, to become an apprentice of a craftsman, enjoy medieval music and try on knights' armor or ladies' magnificent dresses.


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